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Tank - starting HeroicsFollow

#1 Mar 31 2009 at 5:38 PM Rating: Good
110 posts
Hi guys,

This isn't really an 'evaluate my gear/spec' thread, more it's just a question to find out how big a difference there is between the level 80 normal dungeons and the starter heroics.
I have tanked Culling of Strath without much of a problem, and since then I have had the Tempered Titansteel Helm made, and have levelled my JC enough to make the two trinkets and put in some epic gems.
At the moment my Def skill is 539 and my health unbuffed is a bit over 24k
Calculating my avoidance (from the sticky) comes to 83.66% w/ Holy Shield up.

Is this enough to bridge the difficulty gap from CoS to Heroic UK or Nexus? (i heard talk that these were the easiest 2)

My Armory in case you're curious:
#2 Mar 31 2009 at 6:43 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
Your stats are fine for either of those two instances although, it can really depend on how geared your healer is too. If you find yourself struggling you can always use CC (Yes its outdated now but its still there). Just make sure all the mobs are in front of you and you should be okay. Remember to use your Divine Protection cooldown if you get in trouble. 50% less damage is a godsend if something goes pearshaped. Its a nice way to counter the soft enrage that two of the bosses in heroic nexus have (tree shaper and the dragon).

I tend to pop wings at the start of boss fights for extra threat and then pop DP at around 10-5% on most end boss fights these days as standard procedure. It may not be needed but it makes life easier for the healer of the party.

Edited, Apr 1st 2009 4:09am by arthoriuss
#3 Mar 31 2009 at 6:49 PM Rating: Good
808 posts
I'm not a tankadin, but if I were pugging either of those Heroics, I'd heal for you (assuming average DPS contributors). You won't necessarily sail through them without a wipe, but your gear indicates that you are probably ready to make the leap.
#4 Mar 31 2009 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,419 posts
You look good. Try to get more defense rating on your gear so that you can gem for it less.

You're ready. Keep holy shield up, and keep using your dodge trinket. The CD is like, 1.5 minutes or maybe 2. Use it plenty. Keep Divine Protection within range as well, as was said. Use a 6/9/6 rotation to keep threat up most of the time, and you'll be sitting pretty.

#5 Apr 01 2009 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
You're defense capped, and have a respectable about of health. Go for it - but don't be surprised to rocket up in the gear stakes from here on in. :-)
#6 Apr 01 2009 at 5:52 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Your stats are fine.

My advice is to focus on doing UK, Nex, CoS, and VH. They are the easiest. I’m in mostly Naxx 10 with a handful of blues left and I refuse to run anything but those for with the only exceptions being certain dailies (HoL) and guild runs. I’ve MT’d KT, but I just can’t get a pug who knows how to get out of the snake boss in Gundrak…

So – my advice is to focus on the 4 easy ones to gear up via badges. Get all the Titansteel gear you can find. The Shield, Helm, Boots etc… Very good and very easy.

If you run all 4 each day you’ll get about 10 – 13 badges depending on if you finish them all… That means about 4 days to get the belt, and about 6 days to get the T7 pieces. (Each).

I’d advise you to go to other heroics after 25k unbuffed, but you certainly could do them now. I’d also advise you run other instances – but from a purely badge/gear perspective – going with the easy 4 are your best bet.
#7 Apr 01 2009 at 6:34 AM Rating: Excellent
1,131 posts
You can do pretty much any heroic that you want in your current gear, but I would tend to avoid AN, OK, Gun'Drak, Occulus, UP and Halls of Stone unless you have a really well-geared healer and very well geared DPS. You will want to get into H UP as soon as you feel comfortable though, only one boss is particularly difficult, and the best heroic-level tank weapon you can get drops from King Ymiron.

People seem to forget this, but as a Prot Pally, heroic CoS is not any harder than regular CoS, at least in my opinion.

UK is flat out easy, Nexus is pretty easy, especially if you use resist auras on the mage boss and the final boss, DTK is pretty laughable, but with relatively low avoidance, King Dred is going to hit you like a truck, so you would have to have a good healer and pop some cooldowns on that particular boss.

If you have a lot of ranged DPS including a hunter or ele shaman for the nature resistance, HoL would be ridiculously easy with a good healer. VH is generally easy, but a few of the potential bosses are tricky, so you may want to read up on fights like Xevozz, Ichoron, and the big voidwalker guy (whose name I forget). Ichoron is laughable if you use the 3 defense switches. You will get the Dehydration achievement automatically if you use 1 switch every time Ichoron "explodes"

Overall, I would say every day that you can, you should attempt to do UK, Nexus, DTK, CoS and VH on heroic and maybe even HoL if you can put the right type of group together for it. In no time at all you will be swimming in emblem gear and ready for absolutely every heroic.

As far as emblems of heroism go, UK = 3 Nexus = 5 DTK = 4 CoS = 4 VH = 3 so even if you can manage just those 4 in a day, that is 17 emblems, and HoL would make that go up to 21. If any of them happened to be the daily heroic, add another 2 freebies.

I would get the EoH belt as your first piece. It is just THAT good. If you decide to be a heroics MACHINE for 2-3 days, you can get the belt that fast. You won't replace it until 25-mans.

Edited, Apr 1st 2009 10:39am by jeromesimina
#8 Apr 01 2009 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
110 posts
Thanks for all the replies.

I jumped into a group for Heroic Nexus (since it was the daily today, heaps of people were doing it), but it didn't end so well.
We managed to take down the frozen ice-blocked boss, but we wiped out several times on Telestra and ended up calling it quits. I could not keep her under control when she split into 3. The priest couldn't keep up with all the damage everyone was taking. The rogue in the group was doing under 900dps (thats average over whole run, not just for Telestra, which I know is tough for melee when being thrown around the room). So probably a combination of factors led to failure.
So my Emblem of Heroism count at the moment is ONE. LOL.
Oh well. I'll keep trying.

Strange this is, I joined a group with my Priest (same deal. Similar iLevel gear, just starting heroics). The run went smooth as butter. Got the epic cloth gloves from the last boss. Couldn't have been more of a contrast.
#9 Apr 01 2009 at 6:42 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I could not keep her under control when she split into 3.

That is normal. Its a burn party at that point. All about heals and DPS. Kill the blue one first.

Also only need 535 defense for heroics.

H UK is easier but healers want the mace from H Nexus so ...

Good Luck.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#10 Apr 02 2009 at 6:40 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
For Telestra, make sure you as the tank put up a resistance Aura, usually fire. If you have a second Paladin in the group, have them put up frost resistance aura.

With one Paladin only with fire resistance up, kill the frost mage first, then the arcane, then the fire. Use consecrate, avengers shield, your single-target taunt, righteous defense, whatever tricks you have in your book in order to make sure you have aggro on all 3 mages. Make sure the DPS knows the kill order. Once you have aggro on all 3 during the split try to move around so that you can get all 3 of them in close proximity to each other; if you have strong AoE in your party (mage, boomkin, etc.) you can AoE them down as well, but make sure your DPS is focusing on them in the right order. They don't have a lot of HP, so once you get one of the 3 down, getting the other two down becomes fairly easy.

Try it again on your tank, you will get it.
#11 Apr 02 2009 at 6:48 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Jeromesimina wrote:
With one Paladin only with fire resistance up, kill the frost mage first, then the arcane, then the fire.

Interesting. On my warrior I always give a kill order of purple (arcane), then blue (frost), then red (fire), because I can interrupt the blizzard with Shield Bash, but hate dealing with time stop and poly. We've never had problems doing it this way. My guess though is that as long as you pick a reasonable kill order and everyone sticks to it you'll be ok.
#12 Apr 03 2009 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
You are more then ready... If you do all your tanking responsibilities, wiping would not be your fault I did almost all Heroics with 23k HP and 540def
#13 Apr 03 2009 at 5:34 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

tabstopper wrote:
Jeromesimina wrote:
With one Paladin only with fire resistance up, kill the frost mage first, then the arcane, then the fire.

Interesting. On my warrior I always give a kill order of purple (arcane), then blue (frost), then red (fire), because I can interrupt the blizzard with Shield Bash, but hate dealing with time stop and poly. We've never had problems doing it this way. My guess though is that as long as you pick a reasonable kill order and everyone sticks to it you'll be ok.

I'm the same. I find that being sheeped or having your healer sheeped is far worse than taking the aoe blizzard damage. I usually put frost resist up then go Arcane, Frost, with fire last. The dps can usually focus fire the Arcane down pretty quickly while I hammer the frost and taunt/judge the fire add. It doesnt matter though as long as you get them down in the end without trouble. Usually the longer it takes the worse off you are in that phase. If you can keep the adds controlled and realtively close to each other while maintaining threat on them its up to the dps to do the rest.
#14 Apr 05 2009 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
192 posts
I'll use this thread, rather than make a new one -
I'm wondering if I'm ready to clear the harder Heroics, like Utgarde Pinnacle and the Azjol Nerub:

So far I have done Nexus, UK and CoS without any issue, but I stepped into Azjol Nerub, and that was kind of a mess that led to us giving up on the last boss. I kept stuff on me, kept Holy Shield up, used stuns and kept the enemies in front of me, but there were still points where I felt I was dropping too fast. The healer and the rest of the group were definitely under-geared, but I still like to make sure I'm as ready as possible and do all I can on my part. Is my gear up to par for those harder heroics? And are there any stupid choices I'm making or easy upgrades I'm missing? I have a Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch I generally use as my second trinket over that Commendation of Kael'thas, so I don't know why that's in there.
#15 Apr 05 2009 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
Berdysh wrote:
I'll use this thread, rather than make a new one -
I'm wondering if I'm ready to clear the harder Heroics, like Utgarde Pinnacle and the Azjol Nerub:

So far I have done Nexus, UK and CoS without any issue, but I stepped into Azjol Nerub, and that was kind of a mess that led to us giving up on the last boss. I kept stuff on me, kept Holy Shield up, used stuns and kept the enemies in front of me, but there were still points where I felt I was dropping too fast. The healer and the rest of the group were definitely under-geared, but I still like to make sure I'm as ready as possible and do all I can on my part. Is my gear up to par for those harder heroics? And are there any stupid choices I'm making or easy upgrades I'm missing? I have a Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch I generally use as my second trinket over that Commendation of Kael'thas, so I don't know why that's in there.

This is what you have to remember for those higher/harder heroics. Its not as much gear as it is experience with a most of the fights. For example:

Heroic Azjol Nerub: First boss is easy as long as you focus fire the Skirmisher mobs before they get a chance to drop aggro and make a beeline for your healer (hand of Protection used at the right time here can be a savior for your healer and you as a result). The difficulty with the last boss in there is two fold. One Making sure you kill the adds that spray the poison first and two position Anub so that his Pound doesnt hit the rest of the group. Sometimes this fight will bug and he will target a dpser for some reason. You cant help this.

Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle is pretty straight forward but from what I have seen as a dpser and a tank most people will struggle on Skadi more than anywhere else. Make sure you have someone that knows what to do with the spear/bolt thingies and decide before it starts whether you will be all staying inside the little room or outside when you get to the end. The second boss is pretty straight forward just make sure you position the Jormunger so that it faces away from the group so that you can avoid everyone getting hit by his poison spray. On the final boss positioning is again important. If he has opened a few boats try and position the group near the opened boats so that when the orbs pop up there is more time to move away from them. Save your human ( same as pvp trinket) racial in case you are stunned and he opens up the orb boat near you.

If your looking to run Heroic Old Kingdom for the bracers off the last boss remember that after the second boss you can always head straight to the last boss and then come back to do the last two (I have done this quite a few times when I have pugged heroic OK because there hasnt been enough burst dps in the group). Avoid overgeared druid healers as killing the clones on the last boss can take forever =P

Your gear is fine for those heroics. Make friends with some good healers and you wont have any trouble in them. Good luck.

#16 Apr 06 2009 at 9:14 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

Berdysh wrote:
I kept stuff on me, kept Holy Shield up, used stuns and kept the enemies in front of me, but there were still points where I felt I was dropping too fast. The healer and the rest of the group were definitely under-geared, but I still like to make sure I'm as ready as possible and do all I can on my part.

That final boss in heroic AN requires IMO substantial dps (I'm thinking like 2k+ from your dpsers) to bring down the poison dealing adds. Problem is with PuGs you're never sure what the dps is capable of but I would advise only taking in dpsers that you feel confident with.
#17 Apr 06 2009 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Berdysh wrote:
I'll use this thread, rather than make a new one -
I'm wondering if I'm ready to clear the harder Heroics, like Utgarde Pinnacle and the Azjol Nerub:

So far I have done Nexus, UK and CoS without any issue, but I stepped into Azjol Nerub, and that was kind of a mess that led to us giving up on the last boss. I kept stuff on me, kept Holy Shield up, used stuns and kept the enemies in front of me, but there were still points where I felt I was dropping too fast. The healer and the rest of the group were definitely under-geared, but I still like to make sure I'm as ready as possible and do all I can on my part. Is my gear up to par for those harder heroics? And are there any stupid choices I'm making or easy upgrades I'm missing? I have a Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch I generally use as my second trinket over that Commendation of Kael'thas, so I don't know why that's in there.

You'll want to replace the belt. Icebane has lots of stamina, but it's not something you should wear outside of frost resistance fights.

You also might want to pick up the Titansteel Bonecrusher. It's much more threat, and you look like you can spare the +defence. It depends on if you're willing to spend the cash.
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