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Proving your worthFollow

#1 Mar 31 2009 at 5:03 AM Rating: Good
191 posts
Hello all, this post has a dual purpose: one being a question, the other being a meaningless rambling rant.

I have the bad (or good) habit of only playing one toon at a time for months on end. The problem with this is, I'll get to endgame and realize I HATE the class. I have a level 80 rogue that was tons of fun leveling. I realized too late, I hate physical dpsing in instances. While my damage is fine because I always read up on any class I play, I always die to aoe because I'm so concentrated on keeping up HfB and SnD and rupture and.... oh crap, I died. Plus I just figured out I hate blood elves, And hope against hope I'll log on someday and he'll magically be a troll.

No one read that last paragraph, seriously. I have a level 70 hunter on my former main server that I have no interest in leveling, because he's alliance and I switched sides to horde when I rerolled. I got into a little bit of endgame with him in BC and remember having fun, but also having an extremely difficult time finding groups. On the off chance I did find a heroic PuG, I was always top or close to top dps (back in the day of steady shot clipping and 3:1 rotations) because I worked hard to ensure I was the best player I could be.

I only ever got two responses:

"lol huntards are ezmode face rollers, course you got top dps."

or if i screwed up just the slightest bit (once accidentally pulled a pat(which we lived through), after the tank had already wiped us twice doing the same thing)(parentheses WHEEEEEEEEEE!)

"omg fraking huntards suck *** kick this loser"

Do you all, as Hunters, find you have to work twice as hard to prove yourselves? Are all Hunters assumed to be window lickers until proven otherwise?
#2 Mar 31 2009 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
I've actually never had anything bad about me said to my virtual face, and believe me, I've screwed up plenty of times....its what I do. Regardless, everyone was always very cool and understanding. I've never had the horrible pug run I read about so many times on forums, sure some of them couldn't pull their weight and should have just /dance the whole time but I've never seen a ninja loot, or a know-it-all leetist or anything. No drama whatsoever.
#3 Mar 31 2009 at 5:16 AM Rating: Good
191 posts
Please tell me where this magical server full of candy and unicorns and understanding, kind PuGs is located. Please!
#4 Mar 31 2009 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
I never find I have to work hard to prove myself, I'm just insanely skilled Smiley: wink

No seriously though, if you're getting those reactions one of 2 things is happening.
1: The players you're playing with are morons and not worth paying attention to.
2: you actually suck playing a hunter.
#5 Mar 31 2009 at 5:34 AM Rating: Good
191 posts
Well they must have been morons because I am the best player who has ever lived (at my address).
Seriously though I doubt it was me because I cared enough to study up on my class. I've seen some hunters who just spammed steady and arcane shot. And Aethian, I absolutely appreciate all your contributions to the hunter forums and alla community as a whole, but one Theophany on the boards is enough.
#6 Mar 31 2009 at 5:48 AM Rating: Good
I have to say, if you're in a group with good peeps, even if you make a mistake like the occasional stray bullet that pulls more guys or your pet going haywire...they understand because they know everybody makes mistakes and stuff happens.
So far I have to say I haven't been looked down upon when going into dungeons and I'm usually one of the last ones standing if something goes wrong and a wipe occurs.
People who act the way you described are just retards and I wouldn't worry about them.
#7 Mar 31 2009 at 5:52 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
If you know you're at least decent, then why do you care about what other people say?
Especially if it's random people in PuGs.

But then again, if you get those comments in every single PuG you are either exaggerating or you really just suck.
#8 Mar 31 2009 at 6:30 AM Rating: Excellent
197 posts
Sometimes situations just get under your skin. I'm still annoyed about this time a fury warrior asked if I was going to pay his repair bill when I accidentally pulled an extra pack trying to trap a caster in H Mech. This was back in the pre 3.0 days when CC was actually helpful. So there I was pulling twice his DPS in my blues and I had to spend extra time trapping and he's calling me a noob because his shiny welfare epic PvP gear got a few scratches.

Still a sore spot? Maybe.

For the most part I don't really see the huntard moniker coming up for anyone much anymore. If anything I'm harder on hunters than other people because their mistakes are glaringly obvious to me.

That reminds me, I'm new to posting in these forums, but I've been reading them for some time. Thanks everyone for the great advice you give on a regular basis!

Edited, Mar 31st 2009 11:06am by HunterJones

Edited, Mar 31st 2009 11:07am by HunterJones
#9 Mar 31 2009 at 7:05 AM Rating: Good
175 posts
Don't sweat it, haven't seen any huntards around lately, nor had I ever had to prove myself...

They (ze huntards) all migrated to DK and are now part of the WOTLK Zero Class
#10 Mar 31 2009 at 8:10 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
They (ze huntards) all migrated to DK and are now part of the WOTLK Zero Class


I've not seen a single EZ mode Hunter since WOTLK came out. Although I only ever saw one or two before that ... and mostly pre-BC (like level 40ish) in PUGs.
#11 Mar 31 2009 at 9:52 AM Rating: Excellent
278 posts
I hate physical dpsing in instances. While my damage is fine because I always read up on any class I play, I always die to aoe because I'm so concentrated on keeping up HfB and SnD and rupture and.... oh crap, I died

Not trying to provoke you or anything, but anyone can learn proper rotations/gearing options. All it really is is knowing which buttons to push, when.

It's the little things; however, that really show who knows how to play a Hunter extremely well. Rolling MDs on agro-sensitive fights, knowing when to taunt something, knowing when to trap, keeping one's pet alive, etc.

You give me a Hunter and I can tell him how to gear. I can tell him which buttons to press. But I can't magically make him get out of fire, avoid void zones, or ZOMGDON'TMOVEINFLAMEWREATH.
#12 Mar 31 2009 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
I am by no means a skilled hunter of any sort, I don't know if my shot rotation is any good, my dps at times seems good and bad, probably depending on how my crits fall. I've recently started looking into shot rotations more but some of them are quite confusing, I need to find some easier ones, but my guild for the most part has been very helpful and very understanding, and it makes it a lot less intimidating running an instance or raid with mostly them and a few pug people.
#13 Mar 31 2009 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
2,590 posts
If I cared that hard about what most people thought, I probably would have to work harder than if I were playing another class. I don't really make an effort to impress anyone, though--I know I'm good at what I do, and generally either they do too or they're the kind of morons who insist that SV is the best soloing spec, Aspect of the Wild should always be used, and our wipes are thanks to a DPS failure and not their own fault as a healer, despite evidence to the contrary. (Yes I had that happen last night, and I'm still a bit sore about it. Seriously, pal, when we have Gotta Go! and you don't, I'm thinking it's not a DPS problem.)

Stupid people are stupid, and if the only way they will like me is if I pretend they're not stupid and that I am...yeah, it's not worth my time.
#14 Mar 31 2009 at 10:51 AM Rating: Default
27,272 posts
Hunter shotrotations, even for survival, are stupidly simple.

For SV it's:
Explosive shot > 3 shots and repeat.
Fill those 3 shots with (black arrow,) Aimed/multi, Serpent sting and steadyshot.
#15 Mar 31 2009 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
191 posts
I must have just got hit in a sore spot. Some peeps in my guild were ragging on a Hunter one of my guildies was grouping with, and it hit home for some reason. As for sucking at physical dps, that's a combination of me focusing on rogue power bars, having spell detail turned to minimum, and playing on a 7 year old dinosaur of a computer that gets 15 fps in a raid if I'm lucky. I have never once died to the dance, or a fart cloud, or other stuff like that. It's when things get hectic and my fps nosedives down to 5 when I die.
#16 Mar 31 2009 at 11:37 PM Rating: Good
1,150 posts
I must be more enlightened than the majority of WoW then because, as a healer, Hunters are my favourite class to have in a raid. They dont compete with me for any loot, they almost always do good dps (except for that memorable CoS where the Hunter had just got his account from his brother and hadnt played since pre Lich King, 560dps for the lose), and the majority are very good at keeping themseles alive when things start to go pearshaped.

Maybe once in a while that stray bullet will pull an extra mob or two, or the pet might aggro a patrol, but when you see a Hunter acidentally pull extra mobs then very quickly MD those mobs onto the tank making the whole thing a breeze to heal, you have got to have respect.

Edited, Apr 1st 2009 3:37am by EbanySalamonderiel
#17 Apr 01 2009 at 4:45 AM Rating: Good
Don't FOR THE LOVE OF GOD EVER go to the Aggramar EU realm.

I left that realm and took my Hunter elsewhere.

I could never get in groups. Recruiting guilds did'nt want Hunters. Group quests would invaribly kick me for a mage etc etc.

It got to me in the end and I was glad I quit Aggramar, as soon as I landed in Moonglade I found myself a great Raid Guild, rolling through instances and learning so fast it amazed me.

To the Hunter Haters on Aggramar, each one of you who popped his Flame cherry at my expense, each one of you who kicked me for a mage, to each and every one of you who shouted, "EZMODE HUNTER", well you can go stick it up your a*se. Bunch of Keyboard Face rolling Window Lickers. Get out of the basement and soak up some real life, jerks.

A little scarred? probably but I put up with it day in and day out.

Anyway, good luck OP, Hunters are awesome and when we get it right we absolutly murder the oposition and come out smelling of Roses. I frequently sit up on the top of DPS with my Hunter CA in the Guild and that makes me feel like I am at last acheiving what it is I am meant to do.

#18 Apr 01 2009 at 9:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Queen Morganne wrote:
To the Hunter Haters on Aggramar, each one of you who popped his Flame cherry at my expense, each one of you who kicked me for a mage, to each and every one of you who shouted, "EZMODE HUNTER", well you can go stick it up your a*se. Bunch of Keyboard Face rolling Window Lickers. Get out of the basement and soak up some real life, jerks.

Way to rise above and not stoop to their level Smiley: rolleyes

Edited, Apr 1st 2009 1:15pm by Norellicus
#19 Apr 03 2009 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
22 posts
Yes, I think we do have to prove ourselves far too often due to other classes believing themselves epic at EVERYTHING game related. I'm sorry, you playing a Warrior does not make you an expert at Hunters no matter how many O-boards or guides you've read.

I have yet to hear anyone go off on a rant about Warlocks (they have pets too) doing something that would be considered stupid if a Hunter did it. A Hunter pulls agro and he/she is called a noob or Huntard and told to "L2P". But if a Warlock were to pull agro, "OMFG, so l33t & op!"

Why is that? A squishy gets praised while the mail wearing Hunter gets ******* at?

I think other classes who belittle Hunters are those who have never played this class before and don't realize just how much we really can doa dn do very well. Or these are people who have grouped with a Hunter who had been carried to where he/she is now and really still does not know how to play.

How often have we heard about Hunters not knowing how to kite or not knowing how to use their pet bar? Too often.

So, yes, we are called to prove ourselves because the minority of our class on our servers are the idiots that drew up the stereotype that people don't know what they're doing if they're playing a Hunter. And there will always be some idiot, no matter the class, who thinks they know how to play every class better than everyone else.

These are the only 2 reasons we have to prove ourselves.

Now, whether or not you let those whiners get to you and you continuously scoure boards and game strategy sites to make yourself a little better and maybe get their praise, that's your perogative. Personally, I rather just add those haters to my ignore list and laugh as opportunities for them to advance in gear passes them by.

Smell the gunpowder and hear the bow chord sing. Our pets are hungry. We are Hunters!
#20 Apr 03 2009 at 8:56 AM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
I just think of it this way..

I have ran MANY MANY Pugs. There is normally 1 weak player in the group. IF it's the tank- I give them 3 wipes then I bow out. IF it's the healer I watch my aggro and SM or FD often. Never do I berate them or any other such nonsense. For some reason people think it's OK for them to do it to us. Let 'em be, move on and enjoy the game you are paying to play!
#21 Apr 11 2009 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
I've never really felt that I had to prove myself to anyone or anything. I always go in, do my thing and be respectful to my group members. The biggest hurdle I've ever had was explaining to a PuG group that "I know what I'm doing, I just haven't played in a few months, so I'm getting used to the new play style." I wasn't at the top of my game, but my group was still understanding and didn't say anything negative about my performance.

Just be confident about what you're doing. Even if you ***** up, fess up to it to let your group know that you know you did it, and that you should be able to learn from it. If you're not pulling as much DPS as you think you could/should, there are dummies to help practice rotations now (I went from pulling 1500 DPS on a training dummy to pulling 2100 in less than 24 hours because I practiced. Use them!)

You'll eventually find a group that won't judge you either way (which is ideal, right?).
#22REDACTED, Posted: Apr 21 2009 at 11:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Generally, if you dont epic fail, PuGs tend to overlook some of your mistakes. (Not usually the ones that cause a wipe, so remember not to have yer pet on **** mode). Players have also matured a bit since BC, so you shouldnt have much to worry about, unless, as stated earlier, you epic fail on hunters (which i doubt, as you wouldnt be here if you did).
#23REDACTED, Posted: May 23 2009 at 1:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have never had to prove myself as a hunter. It is by far my favorite DPS class. In addition to bringing DPS to the group I think of myself as the last line of defense for the healers. Unfortunately I have sometimes found myself being the fist line of defense for the healer when running with a tankard. In those cases it never fails that the healer notices you, sometimes for the very first time, and whispers (so as to not offend the stupid tank) a "thank you" for being so good at being a hunter. I may not be at the top of the DPS charts but if I am saving a healer from going down then I am saving the party from a wipe which means I am doing my part. You will also come to the attention of the healers and quickly become their friend. Yes, we may not get the recognition we deserve but I would not pay any attention to the tanks or other DPS classes as it is the healers you want to be on the good side of as they are the ones that can get you into parties time and time again.
#24 May 26 2009 at 4:49 AM Rating: Default
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
Queen Morganne wrote:
To the Hunter Haters on Aggramar, each one of you who popped his Flame cherry at my expense, each one of you who kicked me for a mage, to each and every one of you who shouted, "EZMODE HUNTER", well you can go stick it up your a*se. Bunch of Keyboard Face rolling Window Lickers. Get out of the basement and soak up some real life, jerks.

Way to rise above and not stoop to their level Smiley: rolleyes

Edited, Apr 1st 2009 1:15pm by Norellicus

I know, it was a little uncalled for. It just amazed me the amount of anti-hunter people on that server. To be honest I stuck it out for as long sa I could and when it started to impact on my progression I just had to leave. The very last day on that server is what sparked it and it goes hand in hand with a post just after about Locks having pets and not getting nailed fro ******** up pulls etc.

As far as I can recall, (it has been a while), we were running through BF and the group was the usual collection of Puggers and for once I got in and was not booted for aforementioned mage etc. We walked in and started on trash and we were doing well. Right up to the point that a certain Voidwalker decided to go on the rampage and attack random mobs ahead of us. The Lock had decided that he would pull all the trash to us with his voidwalker, without telling anyone, with the healer oom and drinking round the corner and clearly had not noticed the tanks message of "BRB Bio". Needless to say we wiped. Was anything said? nope, not a ***** bird, just lol's at how funny that was and asking if he was related to L.Jenkis. Now about 10 mins later after re-buffs and getting underway we go for the first boss pull. With a nervous trigger finger and a desire to do well I jumped the gun a bit as the tank went towards the boss. He had not got aggro and I sent of my pet and then slewed a rotation into the boss and got aggro. It was one of those sods law moments where my feign death was resisted and I got stomped and then the healer followed by wipe. Now what do you think happened next?

Despite me apologising which the lock failed to do, despite me offering to pay the repair bill for it, which the lock did not do, I got kicked and whispered abuse from the tank and funnily enough the lock. What did we do different I ask? He knowingly caused a wipe by being an asshat, I caused one by being a wee bit nervy in one of the first runs I had been able to get in and had shot my load to early.

So yes us hunters do get it in the neck more than other classes.

MEH I say to that server, your all better of dead.
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