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Do my eyes deceive me?Follow

#1 Mar 29 2009 at 4:39 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

Or am I seeing so many Prot Pallies with spell power on their weapons? I'm not talking undergeared and no idea tanks either (seen respected tanks with full T7.5 sporting SP enchants on their weapons).

I subscribe to the gear does not maketh the player philosophy but am I missing something here?

I found this in the EJ Pally tanking thread:

Cathela wrote:

Sustained threat

If you're interested in maximizing your raw threat generation over a long period of time, the best stat to focus on is Strength. With a normal tanking talent build, each point of strength on gear yields 2.3 attack power and approximately 0.75 shield block value, making Strength a better threat value then either attack power or block value alone.

After Strength, the next best stats for overall threat are hit and expertise (until you reach the cap for both), followed by block value, followed by attack power. Spell power is the weakest, because threat abilities that scale with spell power also scale with attack power at the same rate, and attack power is far cheaper from an itemization standpoint.

#2 Mar 30 2009 at 12:52 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
It's not just you. I have a habit of inspecting most any Prot Paly I see and checking their gear/talents. Some of the stuff I see absolutely boggles my mind, lol. And yes, many people I have inspected are sporting a spell power enchant to their weapon (if not other gear as well o.O).

As far as I'm concerned, and to my knowledge, Potency is still pretty much the best tanking enchant for us (not the Greater, the +20 strength one). Why people are still running around with spell power is beyond me >.< Either it's what they had mats for or they just have not fully come to grips with the "new" Prot Paladin yet.
#3 Mar 30 2009 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
A 20 Str weapon enchant is 50 AP, and 16-17 BV. 63 SP is 63 SP. All attacks and spells a prot pally will do scale equally from AP and SP except two. All but Hammer of the Righteous and Shield of Righteousness will get more of a bonus from 63 SP than 20 STR. I'd say it comes out close enough between those two.

But when the new enchants come out, we shouldn't see too many people with either of those.

Enchant Weapon - Blade Ward *New Enchant* - Permanently enchants a weapon to sometimes grant Blade Warding when striking an enemy. Blade Warding increases your parry rating by 200 and inflicts 600 to 800 damage on your next parry. Effect can stack up to 5 times and lasts 10 sec. This enchantment requires the wielder is at least level 75.

Enchant Weapon - Blood Draining *New* - Permanently enchants your weapon to sometimes grant Blood Reserve when striking an enemy or inflicting damage with bleed attacks. When you fall below 35% health, Blood Reserve restores 1750 to 2250 health. This enchantment requires the wielder is at least level 75.
#4 Mar 30 2009 at 8:01 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Potency isn't just threat though, it's also mitigation. This is why I believe there is no comparing the 2.

You are right though. Those new enchants should take the place of Potency/SP/whathaveyou as "the" tanking enchants, so it is a rather moot point.
#5 Mar 30 2009 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
970 posts
Maulgak wrote:
It's not just you. I have a habit of inspecting most any Prot Paly I see and checking their gear/talents. Some of the stuff I see absolutely boggles my mind, lol. And yes, many people I have inspected are sporting a spell power enchant to their weapon (if not other gear as well o.O).

As far as I'm concerned, and to my knowledge, Potency is still pretty much the best tanking enchant for us (not the Greater, the +20 strength one). Why people are still running around with spell power is beyond me >.< Either it's what they had mats for or they just have not fully come to grips with the "new" Prot Paladin yet.

I'd say it's more the latter. While it's sometimes humbling to participate in a quality forum (i.e. not the o-boards), we tend to forget that everyone reading stuff here is, just by virtue of reading stuff here, among the best-informed people in the world (of warcraft), even if not an elite theorycrafter.

A lot of players, even raiders, are still going by what they "know" is the best way - i.e. what used to be the best way - stack SP/MP5 and use FoL, or use a caster sword with SP enchant for tanking. They see that the gear being thrown their way is a little different in WotLK, but they have never had the underlying design changes emphasized to them, so they're still grasping toward the new mechanics.

Not to mention that it's a tough interpersonal communications problem to try to explain to a successful, veteran tank - as someone with a different spec who has never tanked in a raid, much less someone of a different class - that, based on what I read on the internet, I can give him advice that contradicts what his experience tells him is true.
#6 Mar 30 2009 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
I agree with that as well. While you would like to think that every decent Paladin Tank out there is reading Maintankadin, Elitist Jerks, Allakhazam, and any other up-to-date tanking info they can get their hands on, there are some out there that just say, "hey this is the way I did it in TBC, and it worked, and I am still doing fine holding threat, so whatever".

I suppose in theory a Titansteel Guardian with a +50 spellpower enchant for a whopping 507 spellpower plus 58 stamina on it (for another 17 spellpower or so from Touched by the Light) would not technically be a totally crappy tanking weapon for threat purposes, but it certainly does NOTHING for your avoidance/mitigation. I would have about 1250 spellpower if I used that as a tanking weapon... but WHY?

EDIT: Since I can make that for myself and my wife has the +50 Spellpower enchant that she could give me very cheaply, I might try that out as a tanking weapon on some easier heroics just for the giggles. Having 1250 spellpower on easier heroics might actually be fun!

Edited, Mar 30th 2009 2:13pm by jeromesimina
#7 Mar 30 2009 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
I haven't seen any prot pallys with sp enchants on their tanking wpns, but I do have an AoE set that includes a sp wpn with a sp enchant along with the libram that increases consecration dam as that is our only tool for picking up grps larger than 4. Like a lot of the gear we acquire it can be very situational, I basically only use that set for add tanking on Sarth and trash tanking in spider wing. But if that's all your guild has you doing, trash/add tanking, sp wpn+sp enchant has its advantages.

There's a really nice thread on Maintankadin that compares the dps/tps of the current enchants if you want to try and point these prot pallys to some info.
#8 Mar 30 2009 at 9:32 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
ElMuneco wrote:

Not to mention that it's a tough interpersonal communications problem to try to explain to a successful, veteran tank - as someone with a different spec who has never tanked in a raid, much less someone of a different class - that, based on what I read on the internet, I can give him advice that contradicts what his experience tells him is true.

Yeah I asked this player about some of his enchants yesterday just to see what his reasoning was behind some of the enchants and gemming he had. He said the Spell power enchant was purely for tps. He hadn't heard of Maintankadin (knew of EJs but never checked it out himself), the 969 rotation or the Titanium Plating (40 BV shield enchant) even though he was a Blacksmith himself. I think by the end of our conversation I had opened his eyes a fair bit though. It required a fair bit of tip toeing around though so that it didnt end up like I was saying "thats wrong this is right." He whispered me later on to say thanks for the info.
#9 Mar 31 2009 at 2:34 AM Rating: Decent
76 posts
It is my current belief - though PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong - that Consecration, Excorcism, Holy Wrath, (and possibly seal of vengeance)scale with spell-power, not attack power. This seems to me to suggest that spell-power is not an altogether wasted stat, and is one that a tankadin would want a little bit of. Not much, just a little bit.

As an aside, if I really am mistake and SP is a wasted stat... does this make Touched By The Light (sp equal to 30% of stamina) a wasted talent?
#10 Mar 31 2009 at 2:38 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
The 30% SP from stam is why we no longer look for SP on gear.

Does SP help still? Yes. Is it ideal? No.

As for your question, I have no idea which spells scale with what >.< Sorry. I've never been able to keep that sort of thing straight. Hopefully someone will post that info though, cause you got me curious now :)

EDIT: few typos.

Edited, Mar 31st 2009 3:42am by Maulgak
#11 Mar 31 2009 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
161 posts
Kinda off-topic, but the other day I saw a level 76 death knight with three pieces of blue +intellect gear.

Just because the runic power bar is blue, doesn't mean it's related to mana...Smiley: rolleyes
#12 Mar 31 2009 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
It is my current belief - though PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong - that Consecration, Excorcism, Holy Wrath, (and possibly seal of vengeance)scale with spell-power, not attack power. This seems to me to suggest that spell-power is not an altogether wasted stat, and is one that a tankadin would want a little bit of. Not much, just a little bit.

All that you listed scale equally with ap+sp except Seal of Veng/corruption scales better with ap(2.5%ap+1.3%sp). However, JoV scales better with sp(14%ap+22%sp). There was a great table compiled at EJ's prior to wrath release, but seems to have been archived. Basically only HS/judgements/Seal of Righteousness/ret aura reflective dam scale better or exclusively with sp. And only HotR and ShoR scale exclusively with ap(HotR) or Block Value(ShoR).

As an aside, if I really am mistake and SP is a wasted stat... does this make Touched By The Light (sp equal to 30% of stamina) a wasted talent?

TbtL is amazing, its part of the reason our threat scales so much better in raids.

Edited, Mar 31st 2009 1:26pm by mahlerite
#13 Mar 31 2009 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
76 posts
That's very helpful, thank you. I didn't realise Consecration scaled with AP too. Tbh, I'm still doubtful, but a few experiments on (unwilling) Deeprun Rats should sort that one out...

Meanwhile, I did think that Touched by the Light was worth it. It was merely one possible interpretation of our collective disdain for spell-power that I wished to clarify.
#14 Apr 01 2009 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Lansdowne wrote:
That's very helpful, thank you. I didn't realise Consecration scaled with AP too. Tbh, I'm still doubtful, but a few experiments on (unwilling) Deeprun Rats should sort that one out...

Meanwhile, I did think that Touched by the Light was worth it. It was merely one possible interpretation of our collective disdain for spell-power that I wished to clarify.

We DON'T have a disdain for spellpower! Prot Pallies LOVE spellpower. Without spellpower we would be incapable of holding threat against anything even resembling decent raid DPS.

This is why Touched by the Light is a MUST HAVE talent! I currently have 2100 Stamina, and because of Touched by the Light, I have 630 Spellpower. If I didn't, I would HAVE to go with a Titansteel Guardian with a +50 spellpower enchant (or something comparable).

Since I already have 630 Spellpower with absolutely no SP on any of my gear, I am free to gear using the same armor and weapons that a Prot Warrior would use, which is what Blizzard had in mind when WotLK came out.

No more tank plate with spellpower on it and no more need for a cotton-candy mace with a spellpower enchant??? YES PLEASE!

Edit: Also, our Stam scales with BoK, GotW, PWF, and other buffs, so our spellpower (and our threat) scale with buffs. Fully raid buffed, I have probably close to 900 spellpower, and this is again with no spellpower gear or enchants whatsoever.

Edited, Apr 1st 2009 3:33pm by jeromesimina

Edited, Apr 1st 2009 3:36pm by jeromesimina
#15 Apr 11 2009 at 1:48 PM Rating: Default
So, yeah... what was the final word on this? Is spell power bonus worth it or not? Its like a game of tennis in here... back and forth, back and forth.
#16 Apr 11 2009 at 5:34 PM Rating: Excellent
277 posts
No its not. By replacing a piece of tanking gear with spellpower gear you are effectivly gimping your survivability for a slight advantage is a very small range of encounters. By using proper tank gear you will have more than adequate spellpower from your stamina to have any need for spellpower equipment.
#17 Apr 11 2009 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
I think the arguement was left at unless your planning on tanking huge amounts of mobs, whereby consecration was the only thing holding some of those mobs to you then use a tanking weapon with either avoidance (agility/mongoose) or threat (BC-Potency strength enchant) is the way to go.

Until the new enchants come out with Ulduur its probably best to stick with those.

Edited for speeling =P

Edited, Apr 12th 2009 2:38am by arthoriuss
#18 Apr 12 2009 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Chamual wrote:
By replacing a piece of tanking gear with spellpower gear you are effectivly gimping your survivability for a slight advantage is a very small range of encounters. By using proper tank gear you will have more than adequate spellpower from your stamina to have any need for spellpower equipment.

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