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dps as afflictionFollow

#1 Mar 29 2009 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
i started raiding recently and have replaced some of my gear but my dps is low this is in 10 man. I am an afflic lock and my rotation is Shadowbolt>haunt>UA>immolate>COA>siphon life. i am doing about 1700 dps. Can anyone help me as to what i am doing wrong or what i need to do to improve my dps. Is afflic the best spec for raiding?
here is my character on armory

Edited, Mar 29th 2009 5:13pm by taibam
#2 Mar 30 2009 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
660 posts
Well if that rotation is correct then you are missing corruption which will be a big chunk of your DPS.

Make sure you have your imp out DPSing as well. I would remove the 1 point you have in grim reach. Not really worth it since you would have to move in for Immolate anyways.

You Hit rating is below the cap as well, it needs to be 367. Capping you hit will make a difference in your DPS.

Replace the patch on your legs with the Brilliant Spellthread or Sanctified Spellthread. Mostly though i would work on your gear. Replace the chest and gloves with T7 (traded for badges).

What Glyphs are you using?

Also be sure to replace SBolt with Drain Soul when the boss hits 25%

#3 Mar 31 2009 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
thankyou for the reponse and the help i will make the changes you suggest and hopefully dps will be more. the glyphs i am using are immolate , siphon life and Shadow bolt. Thinking of replacing the shadow bolt with COA.
#4 Mar 31 2009 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
you should start readin the elitistjerks forums. They always have up to date information and countless people number crunching away to get the highest DPS. Not to take anything away from this forum as it is the one I visit regularly (mainly cause the people are cool), but I was a little disappointed when I came back to my lock after a long time away and I see the stickies are just about the same as they were in TBC.
#5 Mar 31 2009 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
taibam wrote:
Shadowbolt>haunt>UA>immolate>COA>siphon life.


Really bad rotation. If you are using this rotation, Why did you spec Empowered corruption, Pandemic, and Everlasting Affliction? Have you even tried reading your talents? Shadowbolt is a finisher, not a beginner. Immolate should be used late in your cycle, rather than early. Put corruption in, keep your haunt up, and you'll never have to cast it again.
#6 Mar 31 2009 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
423 posts
Shadowbolt is a finisher, not a beginner

haunt -> sb to get 2 stacks of shadow embrace at start.
#7 Apr 01 2009 at 12:50 AM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
mike you're wrong
SB > Haunt gives 2x shadow embrace

then you want to cast Corruption > UA > Immolate > Siphon Life > CoA

after that, just keep your dots up, start to cast haunt about 3 seconds before it wears off the target (it flies slow) and use shadowbolt inbetween. come 24% (bugs at 25% so wait till 24%) you want to swap shadowbolt for drain soul, but keep on keeping all your dots up and just imagine each tick of drain soul as an individual cast, cancel it to renew dots after you've finished the current tick (but always early enough to many sure you renew haunt intime to keep 2 stacks of SE up.)
#8 Apr 01 2009 at 5:39 AM Rating: Decent
Jenovaomega wrote:
mike you're wrong
SB > Haunt gives 2x shadow embrace

OK. I'm not too old to learn something. This info will change my rotation, but only a little bit. SB comes from back to front.
#9 Apr 01 2009 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
'tis only a small dps upgrade.. but it's all about optimising :)
#10REDACTED, Posted: Apr 01 2009 at 7:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) omg .. 1.7k dps for your gear is really bad but dont worry im here to help out
#11 Apr 02 2009 at 7:21 PM Rating: Good
546 posts
teamilk wrote:
omg .. 1.7k dps for your gear is really bad but dont worry im here to help out

i have tested 2 kinds of rotation for 1 whole day .

first to note your gear shld give u ard 2.8k dps on a boss at least
your hit is fine u have ard 16% with talents -- as locks hit cap at 17% -- with other raid buffs u shld hit cap
so here it is

1st rotation:
[intial start of boss]
shadow bolt -> Haunt-> UA -> Immolate -> CoA -> corruption -> siphon life -> Haunt

shadow bolt as filler -- you shld be able to fill in ard 2 shadow bolt

[keeping dots up on boss]
haunt-> UA -> Immolate -> CoA -> Siphon life -> shadow bolt -> Haunt

2nd Rotation:
[intial start of boss]
shadow bolt -> Haunt-> CoA -> Corruption -> siphon life -> UA -> immolate -> Haunt

shadow bolt as filler -- you shld be able to fill in ard 2 shadow bolt

[keeping dots up on boss]
haunt-> CoA -> siphon life -> UA -> immolate -> Shadow bolt -> Haunt

when the boss reaches 25% -- replace your filler shadow bolts with Drain soul -- this is very impt and a great stpe to pawn every other dps in raid !!

Take Note your haunt will be able to refresh your corruption so when refreshing your dots i replace with shadowbolts.
This method is pretty simple, the main concern is to keep shadow embrace at 2 stacks at all times and haunt has to be up at all times !!! .. to do this just refresh the cycle every time haunt cooldown is over. Take not that you do not need to cast the first intial rotation with corruption unless the boss has no corruption on him.

If u need refrence in gears and stats -- this is my amoury link --

Edited, Apr 1st 2009 11:45pm by teamilk

Edited, Apr 1st 2009 11:46pm by teamilk

Why are you specced 2 points into destro hit talent when you already have 16% hit. Also if you ever raid with a spriest or balance druid you could drop the talents all together and also regear to lose 2% of hit. Also the way you put it is either horribly worded or stupid. You don't restart the rotation since your dots have different durations so won't fall of at the same time. Given this you prioritize spells and cast based on such priority. The priority being always keep up haunt and shadow embrace. Then you make sure UA is always on then worry about other dots.

Plus you basically just rehashed what Jenova said without really adding anything and making it more complicated to understand. Overall this post fails.
#12REDACTED, Posted: Apr 02 2009 at 8:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I spec 2 points into cataclysm becoz it reduces my mana spent into shadowbolts. It allows me to reduce to amount of times i need to lifetap. Putting 2 points in anywhere else are useless in the destro spec.
#13 Apr 02 2009 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
546 posts
teamilk wrote:
I spec 2 points into cataclysm becoz it reduces my mana spent into shadowbolts. It allows me to reduce to amount of times i need to lifetap. Putting 2 points in anywhere else are useless in the destro spec.

correct me if im wrong .. show me wad is your affliction spec.

anyway im just breaking down what he is saying and posting my rotation. If u dont like it dun read. Fail post so be it.

with my current rotation i do 7k min on patch ... i mean its just out of goodwill i am sharing the rotation.

If you want a better place to spend it go to the talent right next to it, molten core.
#14 Apr 02 2009 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
3 points in molten core is a waste too --

Molten Core:
1. point : 31.70 dps (68.02% uptime) -> good take
2. point : 10.43 dps (90.41% uptime) -> bad take
3. point : 3.21 dps (97.31% uptime) -> ridiculous
This assumes casting Immolate in the <25% zone, otherwise reduce it by 1/4.

As you can easily see, only the first point in Molten Core is a must.

this is from part of their post.
i feel cataclysm is better compared to 2nd and 3rd rank in molten core.
#15 Apr 02 2009 at 11:29 PM Rating: Good
546 posts
teamilk wrote:
3 points in molten core is a waste too --

Molten Core:
1. point : 31.70 dps (68.02% uptime) -> good take
2. point : 10.43 dps (90.41% uptime) -> bad take
3. point : 3.21 dps (97.31% uptime) -> ridiculous
This assumes casting Immolate in the <25% zone, otherwise reduce it by 1/4.

As you can easily see, only the first point in Molten Core is a must.

this is from part of their post.
i feel cataclysm is better compared to 2nd and 3rd rank in molten core.

Given that a shadowbolt cost 656 mana you are saving roughly 16 mana per spell. That would equate to 427 mana/min given that on average a lifetap will give an average lifetap of 2800 it would take about 6.5 minutes to save even 1 GCD from lifetap. That would at most translate to 2k damage every 6.5 minutes or roughly 5.2 DPS worse then second rank molten core. Even if we reduce it to 5.5 minutes and increase it to 5k damage it is only 15.15 damage, a gain of 5 DPS over the alternative. So it is most likely worse off then taking the second point, now if we were talking the 3rd point I would have to agree with you but as we are talking second you are better of taking molten core.

This is also assuming you are only casting sbolts for the entire time something that you will not be doing. Given we had to use extremely high numbers for damage and weak life taps, so high spell damage and low spirit something unlikely found on a locks gear and buff choices and even then it only beat out molten core by a few DPS it is unlikely that it is better then molten core unless you are doing something horrible wrong as affliction.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2009 3:56am by Twirdman
#16 Apr 02 2009 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
So its 2 to molten core and 1 to catalysm .. kk will try it out
#17 Apr 03 2009 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
indeed for affliction 2/3 molton core is, currently, a requirement in my opinion seeing how high the dpsc of immolate is and how much of your damage it totals out as (at least equal to UA.. depending on crits possibly equal to CoA)
#18 Apr 04 2009 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
92 posts
Jenovaomega wrote:
mike you're wrong
SB > Haunt gives 2x shadow embrace

then you want to cast Corruption > UA > Immolate > Siphon Life > CoA

after that, just keep your dots up, start to cast haunt about 3 seconds before it wears off the target (it flies slow) and use shadowbolt inbetween. come 24% (bugs at 25% so wait till 24%) you want to swap shadowbolt for drain soul, but keep on keeping all your dots up and just imagine each tick of drain soul as an individual cast, cancel it to renew dots after you've finished the current tick (but always early enough to many sure you renew haunt intime to keep 2 stacks of SE up.)

Ah, so that's how the proper rotation is. I knew to start off with SB > Haunt, but I got a bit confused after that and ended up using my spells with cast times first (UA > Immo > CoA > Corr > SL). Good to know.

Is there an add-on that shows you the ticks for spells like Drain Life and Drain Soul? I just hit 80 with my Lock yesterday and up to this point I've only been raiding with my Paladin, so I don't have a lot of experience with casters so far. I'd hate to interrupt my Drain Soul right before a tick to reapply DoTs and end up losing DPS.
#19 Apr 04 2009 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
there must be.. and tbh I really should get one of those mods too.. but currently I've been happy without it... but if you find one / someone else has a good one, link please :)
#20 Apr 07 2009 at 8:06 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
I'm fairly certain I had read somewhere on The Warlock's Den how to make MSBT alert you when Drain Soul Ticks so that you don't evern cancel it to reffresh DoTs right before it's about to tick. I'll try to dig it it.

Ok, a few things to help with Drain Soul Execute.

First is an audible warning at 25% with MSBT:


Go to triggers and start new trigger button at top.
Name trigger -Drain Soul.
When named locate new trigger event and press 'Click to configure the trigger conditions'

Click 'Add Event'

Then change....
Main Event = Health change Event conditions
Unit ID - is equal to target
Threshhold - Is less than 25
Unit reaction - Is equal to - Hostile

And thats it. You can add a sound as I have done also by clicking the event settings button .

Now, to make it alert you at each tick:

Miks Scrolling battletext can be configured to show DS ticks with amount and sound.

That's how I've set it up:
New trigger:
Drain Soul
sourceAffiliation= You
isCrit = false
skillName = Drain Soul

message = Drain Soul %a
soundFile = "MSBT Cooldown" (that's a light ticking sound which goes off on each tick)

Place the message somewhere as 'Always Sticky' to the center of your screen, and you won't miss any ticks anymore

There is also an add-on that does this:

Edited, Apr 7th 2009 12:15pm by Lathais
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