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Which DPS Idol?Follow

#1 Mar 28 2009 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
So for many weeks I've been using the lv 200 heroism badge idol, Ravenous Beast I believe it's called, the one that ups Shred damage by 203. Tonight I finally got the lv 213 idol off Grand Widow Faerlina in heroic Naxx, Idol of Worship, which "increases periodic damage done by Rip by 21 per combo point".

My question is, as a feral DPS, which do you all think is better for more dps and damage output in the long run? I use both Shred and Rip very regularly in my rotation and I don't plan on getting rid of the lv 200 idol. Just wanted to hear everyone's opinions on this.
#2 Mar 28 2009 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
Rip idol, definitely. I don't remember where I saw it, but someone had a screenshot of their feral DPS breakdown in Recount, and Rip's damage came out a full order of magnitude higher than Shred.

Edited, Mar 29th 2009 2:59am by Norellicus
#3 Mar 28 2009 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
4,512 posts
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
Rip idol, definitely. I don't remember where I saw it, but someone had a screenshot of their feral DPS breakdown in Recount, and Rip's damage came out a full order of magnitude higher than Shred.

Edited, Mar 29th 2009 2:59am by Norellicus

I can confirm this.

In general, the DPS idol released with each tier should be an upgrade. We have no real reason (or ability) to get an idol that changes game play or gives a bonus to a spell in an effort to get us to use it more (Ulduar Resto idol, anyone?)
#4 Mar 29 2009 at 5:43 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Usually my damage% from rip and shred are close (20-22% each). However, rip is always a priority so shred damage is a bit more unreliable, I shred when I don't have anything else to do (mangle, rake, roar) and have the energy available for it.

I have done some testing on a target dummy and in my experience they are very close but the rip idol is slightly superior. In 3.1 when rip bleeds can crit, I expect it will be vastly superior.


Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#5 Mar 30 2009 at 6:11 AM Rating: Good
1,778 posts
I have done some testing on a target dummy and in my experience they are very close but the rip idol is slightly superior. In 3.1 when rip bleeds can crit, I expect it will be vastly superior

Wouldn't the changes to Savage Roar sort of balance things out as far as how the two idols work? The flat 30%/33% increased damage from Savage Roar changed from 40% increased AP would affect the 203 on the shred idol and wouldn't do anything for the rip idol no?
Torzak of Carbuncle(Moved To Asura)
#6 Mar 30 2009 at 7:00 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
I was under the impression that the +203 damage from the idol was already affected by your AP? I don't know for sure though, it was just my impression. Same for the rip idol.. is the +21 applied before the AP damage modifiers or after?


Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#7 Mar 30 2009 at 7:06 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Edit: Was thinking of something else, this is what the post should've looked like.

The idols, as far as I know, grant flat bonuses and are not affected by anything (buffs or otherwise). As such, the change to SR will have no impact on that level. The only thing that changes in that regard in 3.1 is Primal Gore, allowing the Idol of Worship bonus to get a multiplier (crit).

As it is, Worship is better during a long boss fight, but Ravenous is better on trash (all those 3 mobs too tough for Swipe-spam but not tough enough to last through a Rip). It is highly suggested not to swap idols during a fight, but I've seen somewhere that it might be worth it for a Berserk, where the Rip bonus will be minimal compared to the horrifying amounts of Shreds you'll be doing. It might be nice to test it out.

I don't remember the figures, but on paper the DPS increase from Ravenous is higher than Worship. The thing to remember is that you don't Shred on every given occasion because of all the debuffs you have to keep up, thus impacting that theoretical DPS increase. The DPS increase from Worship, on the other hand, will be up pretty much for the entirety of the fight.

Edited, Mar 30th 2009 10:25am by Selverein
#8 Mar 31 2009 at 4:11 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Again, agree on the Rip idol.

I wish I had it.

I love shredding.

But I love ripping too....

Only seen it drop once and lost roll.

#9 Mar 31 2009 at 5:09 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Yeah, same, I've had really really bad luck in the last runs we managed to do.
Now a lot of people in my guild are "burned out" (read: too lazy to help others now that they got their gear) and we can't run 25's anymore and we even struggle to run 10's, mostly cause people don't need upgrades in there anyway.

I'll just hope the idol's upgrade drops in Ulduar 10. :/
#10 Mar 31 2009 at 6:02 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
We're still gearing from 25's luckily, and even those who don't need anything always volunteer to help. Ahhh the joys of being on a lovable carebear server :P

#11 Mar 31 2009 at 6:16 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Again, agree on the Rip idol.

I wish I had it.

What if I told you I had that idol on my druid and I never play feral...

If it makes you mad I can say this.

Every time I miss naxx my god damn SF idol drops, but when I'm there it doesnt drop. EVERY DRUID HAS THE GOD DAMN IDOL BUT ME AND IM ONE OF TWO BOOMKINS! We have 5-6 raiding druids. I hate this game sometimes. rng is too rng.

#12 Mar 31 2009 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
Re: Where Idol damage is applied/relationship to SR, it's actually more relevant now than it was with AP.

With SR modifying AP, Rip (Rank 9) looked like this, in effect:

(3204.3 + (AP * 1.4) * 0.3) / 6

If you add the Idol (21 per CP per tick, or 105/tick for a 5pt):

(3204.3 + (AP * 1.4) * 0.3) / 6 + 105

Now though, SR adds a flat damage without the Idol it looks something like this:

((3204.3 + AP * 0.3) * 1.3) / 6

With the Idol, it might go one of two ways...

((3204.3 + AP * 0.3 + 630) * 1.3) / 6 -OR- ((3204.3 + AP * 0.3) * 1.3) / 6 + 105

The 630 in the first figure is the total damage of the Idol over six ticks; the same math as dividing total Rip damage by six and adding 105, except now we're adjusting for the 30% SR increase (note where it truncates in the equation). If the Idol is affected by SR, along with other such damage adjustments, then SR just got a whole lot sexier.
#13 Apr 01 2009 at 6:37 AM Rating: Good
355 posts
As far as I know, the bonus from the shred idol is not affected by AP, but is affected by bonus multipliers to shred (mangle and bleeds w/ rend and tear). If you look at your shred tooltip before and after equipping the idol, you will notice a change in the base amount added to the % damage for the ability. I don't know the exact numbers, and don't feel like looking them up, but instead of being 225% weapon damage + 600, it will be 225% weapon damage + 803.
#14 Apr 03 2009 at 4:52 AM Rating: Good
1,778 posts
nightcrowler on Elitist Jerks wrote:
The pre-Ulduar BiS gear (with 3.1 rules) is: 
Slot 		Item 
Head 		Valorous Dreamwalker Headguard 
Neck 		Favor of the Dragon Queen 
Shoulders 	Valorous Dreamwalker Shoulderpads 
Chest 		Chestguard of the Recluse 
Waist 		Stalk-Skin Belt 
Legs 		Leggings of the Honored 
Feet 		Footwraps of Vile Deceit 
Wrist 		Wristwraps of the Cutthroat 
Hands 		Frosted Adroit Handguards 
Finger1 	Surge Needle Ring 
Finger2 	Greatring of Collision 
Trinket1 	Grim Toll 
Trinket2 	Darkmoon Card: Greatness (agility) 
Back 		Drape of the Deadly Foe 
MainHand 	Journey's End + berserking 
Idol 		Idol of the Ravenous Beast 
ExtraWaistSocket 	Fractured Scarlet Ruby 
Everything socketed with 16 Arpen + one 8 hit/12 stam and 21 agi +3% crit meta.


I don't know the exact numbers, and don't feel like looking them up, but instead of being 225% weapon damage + 600, it will be 225% weapon damage + 803.

Tool Tip = 225% + 743 without shred idol >>> increased to 225% + 945 with shred idol

OP wrote:
long run

So without knowing for sure, I think the combo of armor penetration's increased effectiveness and Savage Roar's 30/33% increased damage affecting shred as a whole is what would do it.


Edited, Apr 3rd 2009 7:15am by Torzak
Torzak of Carbuncle(Moved To Asura)
#15 Apr 03 2009 at 6:22 AM Rating: Good
Torzak wrote:
I don't know the exact numbers, and don't feel like looking them up, but instead of being 225% weapon damage + 600, it will be 225% weapon damage + 803.

Tool Tip = 225% + 743 without shred idol >>> increased to 225% + 945 with shred idol

Are you referring to your own tooltip? Because I believe those adjust for AP-based DPS. Anonymosity was referring to the base function.

I'd have to see some hardcore math supporting the Shred idol being better, because again Rip is so much more damage over the course of a fight according to most Recount and WWS indicators.

And there's no evidence that supports SR affecting the Shred idol and not the Rip one.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2009 10:23am by Norellicus
#16 Apr 03 2009 at 6:34 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Well that would be kinda convenient for me, seeing as I've never seen the Rip idol drop. Still skeptical, though, but we'll see I guess.

But really, ArPen gemming all the way? They buffed it that much? O_o

The last time I saw stats charts it had gone up very significantly but it was still bested by Agi and perhaps another stat. Did they made more changes to ArPen?

Edited, Apr 3rd 2009 9:35am by Selverein
#17 Apr 03 2009 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
1,778 posts
Are you referring to your own tooltip? Because I believe those adjust for AP-based DPS.

That should be everyone's tool tip. The 225% is the part that scales with your AP. The other portion of shred is a static portion and as far as I thought, it's a combo of the 225% and the static portion that's being affected by the new Savage Roar's increased 30/33% damage and why people see much larger yellow attacks on the ptr. Early on with lower AP numbers it's a very large buff (30/33% increased damage off of shred's static part), but at insane high AP numbers, the static part matters less and less in the whole scheme of things and is why I thought blizzard made a comment that they weren't scaling us for the infinity but rather for right now and what is relevant.

The 225% part is being boosted by the new SR, and the static part is being boosted by the new SR... or at least that's what I thought was going on. With the old SR, the 40% increased AP would increase your base damage, and from there it would also be increasing the 225% portion of shred but not the static portion.

And there's no evidence that supports SR affecting the Shred idol and not the Rip one.

Going in line with what I thought was going on above, Rip benefits from AP which is what the old SR boosted. Since SR no longer boosts AP but Rip now crits, rip is still better, but not because of SR. I've yet to see anyone commenting on that as far as how that may ease the complexities for us, but if what I thought was going on is right, it would mean having to worry about putting rip up while savage roar is down for a whole 1 second isn't a big deal, just put SR up after your first next combo point as opposed to spending what was going to be a 5 point rip into a 5 point SR instead.

Edit: It should be noted I'm not saying which idol is better right now this moment. The OP said specifically in the long run which would be better.

Edit:2 The thing about armor penetration is that it gets better the more you have. So having a bit here or a bit there is silly because it's not a good stat like that. It gets better the more you have, so if you're going to stack it, you stack it large. The idea that they made it a better stat just means we can realize it's potential sooner, but it's still better the more you have. And I assume in the above quoted example (as the person that wrote the quote wrote a simulator), simulation was done with full armor penetration gemming vs agility gemming.

Really Late Edit:
The last time I saw stats charts it had gone up very significantly but it was still bested by Agi and perhaps another stat. Did they made more changes to ArPen?

When they removed Rake from Primal Gore's effect, the best stat ranking got switched around again.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2009 3:08pm by Torzak
Torzak of Carbuncle(Moved To Asura)
#18 Apr 03 2009 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
Torzak wrote:
Are you referring to your own tooltip? Because I believe those adjust for AP-based DPS.

That should be everyone's tool tip. The 225% is the part that scales with your AP. The other portion of shred is a static portion and as far as I thought, it's a combo of the 225% and the static portion that's being affected by the new Savage Roar's increased 30/33% damage and why people see much larger yellow attacks on the ptr. Early on with lower AP numbers it's a very large buff (30/33% increased damage off of shred's static part), but at insane high AP numbers, the static part matters less and less in the whole scheme of things and is why I thought blizzard made a comment that they weren't scaling us for the infinity but rather for right now and what is relevant.

The 225% part is being boosted by the new SR, and the static part is being boosted by the new SR... or at least that's what I thought was going on. With the old SR, the 40% increased AP would increase your base damage, and from there it would also be increasing the 225% portion of shred but not the static portion.

Ah, yes I agree with your conclusion, I just misunderstood your initial reply. :)

Torzak wrote:
And there's no evidence that supports SR affecting the Shred idol and not the Rip one.

Going in line with what I thought was going on above, Rip benefits from AP which is what the old SR boosted. Since SR no longer boosts AP but Rip now crits, rip is still better, but not because of SR. I've yet to see anyone commenting on that as far as how that may ease the complexities for us, but if what I thought was going on is right, it would mean having to worry about putting rip up while savage roar is down for a whole 1 second isn't a big deal, just put SR up after your first next combo point as opposed to spending what was going to be a 5 point rip into a 5 point SR instead.

I'm not sure I follow you here though. 30% damage is 30% damage. And activating SR after applying Rip won't suddenly make rip tick 30% harder. SR would have to be up at the time of application, since the calculation happens when you execute the ability and then the data is transferred to the mob to tick the bleed...there's no post-processing. Unless I'm grossly misunderstanding you again, the only reason you'd be able to put Rip up without keeping SR up first would be if SR didn't affect Rip at all...which would be an atrocious nerf. The matter in question here is whether the Idol effects themselves are multiplied by the SR bonus...the argument applies to both Shred and Rip idols, and it ultimately comes down to the order of events where the math is concerned.

Anyone should be able to reverse engineer the concept by doing some quick math on a dummy, testing first without and then with the idol to see what difference it makes. I have no interest in the PTR and rarely play wow as it is so I'm not a good person to test it...not to mention I don't have the Rip idol :P
#19 Apr 03 2009 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
1,778 posts
I've seen nothing to suggest that the new Savage Roar makes rip tick 30/33% harder. Point me to a link that says it does if one exists please.

Because as far as I've been able to follow along with these changes, Savage Roar doesn't affect Rip anymore, but with primal gore Rip can now crit on each dot tick which is still a net gain for Rip. The crit being for 200% damage, or twice the normal tick damage plus things like meta 3% increased crit damage and talents with a similar effect bumping it up from there. With easy 50% crit rate, half the ticks are doing 2x or more the damage. Rip would be ridiculous if it had both 30/33% increased damage and the ability to crit for double damage half the time. Add something like that on top of the way yellow attacks got changed with the new SR and it looks even more silly. I'm pretty sure that's not what's happening. We exchanged super high AP Savage Roars' effect on Rip for Primal Gore's effect on Rip (A Net DPS increase for Rip and a better scaling crit stat).

Edited, Apr 3rd 2009 2:18pm by Torzak
Torzak of Carbuncle(Moved To Asura)
#20 Apr 03 2009 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
I haven't seen anything to say Rip is or isn't affected by SR on PTR. I'm assuming it will be because to make it not would just be an egregious error in my opinion, but I could be overestimating the effect the 40% AP has on it now.

As for Primal Gore, I think that was invented more to make crit actually useful to us as a scaling stat instead of something that will occasionally get you a few more CP or Rage, not something to specifically balance out the loss to Rip. Same principle behind Warlocks and their Pandemic talent in Afflic tree.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2009 4:19pm by Norellicus
#21 Apr 03 2009 at 12:34 PM Rating: Good
1,778 posts
but I could be overestimating the effect the 40% AP has on it now.

AP is linear for Rip right?

40% more AP to affect Rip VS half the ticks of Rip doing more than twice their normal damage.

Average that out and @50% crit rate all of your Rip ticks are doing 150% or rather just over 150% damage after meta/talent.

1) 40% more AP for Rip VS 50%+ more damage averaged out for all ticks of Rip plus enhanced yellow attacks because of SR changes.

2) 40% more AP for Rip VS 30%/33% more damage for Rip plus 50%+ more damage averaged out for all ticks of Rip on top of that plus enhanced yellow attacks because of SR changes.

1 VS 2, and keep in mind crit rating is going to get higher with ulduar gear.

Maybe I'm wrong and Rip is affected by SR, but logically to me that seems silly. Things would scale very fast were that the case. 33% increased damage on Rips + 60% crit rate?


I found a post suggesting a dps increase after 3.1 for BiS feral of 1k DPS without relying on new gear. So from that I assume somewhere along the way Savage Roar would have to be affecting Rip.

I wasn't expecting this update to be worth aprox ~25% DPS increase so what seemed silly about SR I guess is probably more accurate than I had believed.

There's still a lot of theory talk about using shed idol as opposed to rip idol even with some talk of potentially getting rid of the use of Rake Post T8 in favor of just shredding. The T8 bonus doesn't really permit that, but it's theorized that beyond T8 it might be possible.

If anyone wants to follow up on more idol talk, you might catch something at this link

Edited, Apr 3rd 2009 3:53pm by Torzak
Torzak of Carbuncle(Moved To Asura)
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