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Just call me Twilight Vanquisher ArexFollow

#1 Mar 25 2009 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Oh yeah, finally was able to hit up the 3drake raid. Got me the title!
#2 Mar 26 2009 at 2:40 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Congo-rats! My guild is way too casual to ever do this, but I'm hoping to get my Champion title soon (darn you, Malygos!)
#3 Mar 26 2009 at 3:53 AM Rating: Good
199 posts

I haven't had the chance to do OS with any drake up yet. My guild has been concentrating on Naxx too much. Now that we have 25 man on farm maybe that will change.
#4 Mar 26 2009 at 7:36 AM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
Locke, I don't even have my champs title yet. I've yet to do Drak'Theron Keep and finish Occulus.

Last time I was in Occulus we were trying some drake combos that were pretty insane.
#5 Mar 26 2009 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
I'm a "Twilight Vanquisher" too since yesterday!!!!

YES... it really feels nice!! :-)
#6 Mar 27 2009 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good

I can't see me getting the title anytime soon. We attempted 1 drake up with 17-18 people the other night. We had 3-4 attempts and each attempt had 10+ voidzone 10+ flame wall failures. Then we downed the boss with no drakes on the 2nd try (a 2% wipe the first try) also with 10+ flame wall failures.

My name did not appear on the failure list at all in any of the attempts (I was healing). I cannot understand how people can repeatedly fail on this. Particularly after a few attempts with deadly boss mods announcing the failures. Surely people would start concentrating more on not failing and less on maximising DPS!

#7 Mar 27 2009 at 9:14 PM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
Congrats Arex! ^^ and Congrats Locke on Guru.
#8 Mar 28 2009 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, Congrats to both!
#9 Mar 29 2009 at 5:32 AM Rating: Good
253 posts
Congratulations on that accomplishment Arex! Prepare to be even more bored than you already were ;)

My guild has succesfully done Sath10+2 and Sath25+2, and we're now putting together two really-well geared and well-experienced 10man groups to go for Sath10+3. One is a strictly melee dps group, and one is a strictly caster dps group, for optimal buffs. It's the way a couple of the top-guilds on my server (Stormrage-EU) did it. I'm curious how it will work out.

Regarding the titles and having the difficult ones and not the "easy" ones, I kind of know how that happens. While I do have the Champion of the Frozen Wastes title, I never actually downed Kelthuzad on 10-man. After having geared up in 10 man naxx for a while, but due to circumstances never downing Kelthuzad, I passed my raider application within the guild, and have been doing Naxx25 and Maly25 only since then :)

Edited, Mar 29th 2009 3:36pm by Curois
#10 Mar 29 2009 at 7:18 AM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
I don't think I've been in a ten man on Arex in a long long time. Einziger my Dk though is a different story.
#11 Mar 29 2009 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
253 posts
Yeah, the sad fact is that, for my main, a boomkin, there's nothing to be had in 10-man raids. There's even not too much to be had from 25-mans too anymore. I'm only hoping for the T75 helmet, and that's it.
#12 Mar 29 2009 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Gratz, man. We did 2 drakes up this Friday night with only 2 wipes and our first try on it. Will attempt to do 3 drakes next week.
#13 Mar 30 2009 at 4:01 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
We'll be trying for the title tonight. I was in the 10 man OS +1 Friday and we down it with ease. Hopefully, if everyone stay focused I can come on tomorrow with a new title. :)
#14 Mar 31 2009 at 3:43 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Gratz everyone on your new titles!

My guild from BC broke up 2 weeks after WotLK came out. The split brought about 2/5ths of the guild over to my bank alt's guild, from there we have slowly grown up to 80 members, over 180 toons and over 60 level 80's.

We didn't even start raiding Naxx 10 till 2 months ago and since then we've cleared all of Naxx 10, Naxx 25, OS + 1 drake for 10 and 25, Arch 10/25, and as of Sunday, Maly 10. (Maly 25 to 38% *shakes fist*)

The funny thing was that we have been clearing Naxx 25 up to Kel for the last 3 weeks. We finally downed him on Sunday, went immediately into Maly and gave it 6-8 tries before dropping down to 10 man and dropping him on 2nd try. I even had to respec heals from tanking Kel and Maly on the 25 man version because all but 1 of our healers had to go for the night. So we rocked Maly with just 2 healers, me and a Disc Priest in pvp spec.(Ichs, on my server) You can check my resto set in my sig. (Offsets ftw!)

So it was a good day for progression for the guild. I finally got my "Champion of the Frozen Wastes" title, and we're working on Sarth + 2 drakes on both 10 and 25 this week. I am still hoping to get OS3D done before Ulduar, but we're getting down to the wire, so I guess we'll see.

Edited, Mar 31st 2009 10:07am by Galenmoon
#15 Mar 31 2009 at 4:13 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
Well, we made the attempt at OS +3 (25 man) last night and it was a disaster. So no title for me :( Some times I wonder if people even listen when the raid leader is discribing the fights. The only time I had problems was on the first attempt when I void popped up on top of me just as the first wave was coming. I was looking to see which side the wave was coming from and didn't see the void. I died

After a lot of trys we finally downed two of the drakes and got the acheivement for OS +1. Next week we're going to go it with 2 drakes up. Hopefully now that people have seen how much stuff is going on at once they'll be more focused. Plus we should have our pally tank for the add's.

#16 Mar 31 2009 at 5:55 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
The biggest things we ran into while doing three drakes were these.

Tanking positions. Having your adds tank correctly learn to place the adds on the drakes when they become too much so you can aoe on the adds and drake at the same time.

Tunnel Vision. Basically this goes for everyone. Getting rid of the tunnel vision on things like voids and firewalls will really improve how well you do. This was by far the hardest thing my guild had to do. We started out with about 10 firewall fails and about 5 or 6 void zones and now when we do it we're down to about 1 firewall and 0 voidzones.

MT Cooldowns. All I can say is get a bear and gear that son of a ***** out with stam gems and stam enchants. Also getting the necessary fire resist really helps with breaths. Our MT has about 51k buffed and hasn't had a problem with it once we got the healers and tank to rotate cooldowns correctly.

One of the best things we found was this. We make one of our retadins respec so they get divine protection for the raid. When the third drake pops up and twilight torment comes down on you, your dps will utlimately kill themselves if they're not paying attention. This is why having both drakes down and managing portals becomes so important. So when twilight torment first hits having someone pop divine protection will really save the dps some time, and have a high chance of killing that retadin.

All dps, pending DK's, should have haste pots to burn on tenenbron the second he comes down. Depending on your raids dps the first drake generally needs to be dead before the 2nd one comes down. It took us awhile but we're now at the point where tenenbron is dead before the second drake even lands. After that we burn heroisom/bloodlust and kill the second drake as fast as humanly possible.

There is a lot to absorb here but these are the things my guild had to perfect before we were able to get three drakes down. Mind you, we wiped.... A LOT. But over time we figured out the right comp for our raid and had the dps to bring.

I used to top meters doing like 4500-5000 on patchwerk, now the mages, warlocks, shamans and warriors are pushing 5.5k+ and more. DPS is a HUGE thing in 3drakes.
#17 Mar 31 2009 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
Thanks for the advise. I'll pass it on to the raid leaders. After the second wipe I realized we didn't have enough DPS because when the second drake came down the first was still around half health. We have good DPS, I just think we need people to focus more. For positioning we watched the movie posted on Great source for info on the various fights in WotLK.

We were using a DK as the MT. Due to all their oh **** capabilities. I'm the only main spec'd Feral in the guild and with my tank set and full raid buffs I have only about 40k HP. So I don't think I will be selected to MT the fight. We were orignally going to have a pally tank the adds but he was saved. We should have him next week, so we'll see how that works.

I think we'll be able to do two drake next week and maybe a week or two after that get three drakes down.

#18 Apr 01 2009 at 12:46 PM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
No lies, dk tanks really dont work as well as you'd think. We tried and tried to have a dk tank it but it never worked.

The thing about sarth tanking for 3d is you basically take anything for stam, this means you use your polar set chest and you go lw/jc for monarch crab 63/41/41 stam and the 90 stam enchant for bracers. Come breath time Survival Instincts will push you over 65k health.

You won't put up that much threat, but by the time you eventually get to the point where the 3 drakes are down you'll have so much threat it will take roughly shy of a miracle for anyone to ever catch you.
#19 Apr 04 2009 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
253 posts
ArexLovesPie wrote:
No lies, dk tanks really dont work as well as you'd think. We tried and tried to have a dk tank it but it never worked.

The thing about sarth tanking for 3d is you basically take anything for stam, this means you use your polar set chest and you go lw/jc for monarch crab 63/41/41 stam and the 90 stam enchant for bracers. Come breath time Survival Instincts will push you over 65k health.

You won't put up that much threat, but by the time you eventually get to the point where the 3 drakes are down you'll have so much threat it will take roughly shy of a miracle for anyone to ever catch you.

Do you think using a stam-stacked bear tank for MT is also the way to go on 10-man Sath3D? If so, we made the right choice with the group I'm going to try this with. Also, can you give rough estimates as to what our individual dps numbers should be for having a chance to succeed?
#20 Apr 04 2009 at 5:22 PM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
Well, for 25 man we usually have everyone around 3.5k and up. Mind you this includes aoe and single target damage. I usually come out of 3d around 4k-4.2k dps. But for the 10 man version you're going to want to have some pretty ridiculous dps. Basically maximize buffs around certain dps styles like melee or caster. My guild has been trying 10man 3d a lot more lately and its definately helped to keep it to all melee or all caster.

As for the stam stacked bear, yes thats what you want but you also want that bear to have some form of fire resist incorporated into the set. I can't remember the website off hand but if you searched around google i think you could find the one where it talks about certain fire resist criteria that you can meet that will reduce the amount of damage taken per breath.
#21 Apr 04 2009 at 5:54 PM Rating: Good
253 posts
Ok, thanks a lot for the info! We're going to try Sath3D 10man starting tuesday with a dedicated caster group. This is the setup:

Bear - MT
Pally - OT


Elemental Shammy
Destro lock
Frost/Fire mage
Shadow Priest
Boomkin (yep thats me :P)

The players are the top in their class/spec in my guild, so Im hoping we'll be allright dps-wise.

Concerning my own dps: I was testing it tonight on the boss dummy. Without the use of CDs like Starfall and my treants, I'm hovering around 3K-3.2K dps. This includes the occasional miss, because I'm only hitcapped in the company of a shadow priest with misery (we always have on with us on 25man raids, that's why I didnt take improved FF). My only buff was MotW. You think this will cut it Arex?
#22 Apr 04 2009 at 7:44 PM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
It's possible you might want to consider dropping a dps for another adds tank, but that is going to be something you're gonna have to just figure out after trying it for awhile. The dps should work well together since all the buffs provided are very good.

You've got misery for cap, dal brilliance, wrath totem and the other 255 sp shammy totem (the name escapes me), elemental oath and that thing locks give out I also can't remember that name. Make sure you can get kings from one of the pallies and you'll be solid.

But like I said, you're going to have to play around with how things work with an adds tank. If you're dps is lacking enough for taking down tenebron as fast as possible it'll make things interesting when adds start coming out of the wood work.

All I can say is make damn sure that every dps is holding onto haste pots because those will make life a hell of a lot easier when you can get a 15 second mini hero/bloodlust for that extra umph you need.

The only thing that is going to be hard is the lack of mana returns from other classes, IE: Hunters and retadins. Everyone might have to alter their specs slightly just for the mana regeneration talents. But for boomkins it's pretty easy especially if you're not pulling 3/3 imp is or 3/3 imp ff.

Edit: Also you'll want to go over the MT's trinket and cd rotations with the main healer. As they're going to probabaly pose the biggest threat for wipes because of the breath.

And for your dps just make sure to not clip dots and for you w/o imp ff it shouldn't be an issue. You've got stellar aoe for taking down adds as fast as possible when they become too much to handle.

GL with it :D

Edited, Apr 4th 2009 10:46pm by ArexLovesPie
#23 Apr 04 2009 at 8:02 PM Rating: Good
253 posts
Thanks again for all the decent advice!

ArexLovesPie wrote:

The only thing that is going to be hard is the lack of mana returns from other classes, IE: Hunters and retadins. Everyone might have to alter their specs slightly just for the mana regeneration talents. But for boomkins it's pretty easy especially if you're not pulling 3/3 imp is or 3/3 imp ff.

The shadow priest brings replenishment with Vampiric Touch. So I'm hoping that between that and every individual's build tweaks we oughtta be allright.

As for the extra tank, it will probably be the pally healer putting up his righteous fury aura to pick up the adds and bringing them to the pally tank :)
#24 Apr 04 2009 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good
1,970 posts
The Aggro League is working on this fight right now. We've been at it for a few hours so far and tonight has been our best series of attempts ever. About a half hour ago we got all 3 drakes down and Sartharion down to 700k health but then we hit the enrage timer and wiped. It was a disastrous and demoralizing moment but we're not giving up. We know we can do it.

And we shall.

Edit: And we did! At 2:30 am server time we got it down :)

Edited, Apr 5th 2009 2:44am by Tavarde
#25 Apr 05 2009 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
253 posts
Tavarde wrote:
The Aggro League is working on this fight right now. We've been at it for a few hours so far and tonight has been our best series of attempts ever. About a half hour ago we got all 3 drakes down and Sartharion down to 700k health but then we hit the enrage timer and wiped. It was a disastrous and demoralizing moment but we're not giving up. We know we can do it.

And we shall.

Edit: And we did! At 2:30 am server time we got it down :)

Edited, Apr 5th 2009 2:44am by Tavarde

Grats, the title looks good on ya ;)
#26 Apr 05 2009 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
Thank you :) We worked our butts off on that fight since early February. A few personnel changes in the midst of it slowed our progress. But a big weight feels like it's been lifted.

And I fail! Because I didn't say this initially:

GRATS ArexLovesPie!!!
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