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Bored Druid ThreadFollow

#2377 May 31 2010 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
I got hit for so little that I had rage issues at a few points.
#2378 May 31 2010 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
Try this: you tank both of the dudes and let the other tank get keleseth. Having that much more hp really does make a lot of difference, if only in terms of healers having breathing room. Also whoever your kel tank is needs to basically never stop chasing orbs, they can drop one instant on kel once in a while to stay ahead of healer aggro but if there's another orb up anywhere in the room they should be chasing it. You can go from 4 to 2 in a hurry if you're not careful, and even 4 can be deadly if you catch two empowered casts back to back without a heal. Have hunters/rogues save tricks/md cooldowns (or at least organize them so that they're up in time) for Keleseth phase to prevent dps aggro, and just go easy on him otherwise. Mildly competent DPS aren't going to hit the enrage timer by going slow on him when they can go all out on the other two.

All 4 tanks have capable ways of grabbing orbs; Warrior can use assorted charge/heroic throw/stop and shoot gun, DK can IT or DC, Druid can charge or FFF, Paladin can reckoning, shield, judgment, etc etc. In terms of ease it goes like Paladin-DK-Warrior-Druid but they all work. The important thing is that whatever attack you use causes damage to the orb, or it doesn't fixate properly and will usually chase a healer down shortly after.

Just don't forget to low-rank your attacks so they're not doing a ******* of damage.

Edited, May 31st 2010 1:40pm by Norellicus
#2379 May 31 2010 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Yeah, we'll probably try that tomorrow if we can continue.

Also, I just needed to post this, courtesy of :
BadTranslation wrote:
ENGLISH : Druid tanks are the best tanks ever!
AFRIKAANS : Druid tenks is die beste tenks ooit!
Back to ENGLISH : Druid tanks are the best tanks ever!
ALBANIAN : Druid tanke janë tanket mirë ndonjëherë!
Back to ENGLISH : Druid tanks are good tanks ever!
ARABIC : خزانات وصهاريج الكاهن جيدة من أي وقت مضى!
Back to ENGLISH : Tanks and tanks better than any priest ever!
BELARUSIAN : Танкі і танкі лепш, чым любы святар заўсёды!
Back to ENGLISH : Tanks and tanks better than any priest ever!
BULGARIAN : Резервоарите и цистерните, по-добре от всеки свещеник всякога!
Back to ENGLISH : Tanks and tank better than any priest ever!
CATALAN : Els tancs i el tanc millor que qualsevol sacerdot mai!
Back to ENGLISH : The tanks and tank better than any priest ever!
CHINESE : 这些坦克和坦克比以往任何ç¥å¸æ›´å¥½ï¼
Back to ENGLISH : The tanks and tank better than any priest!
CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED : 这些坦克和坦克比任何ç¥å¸æ›´å¥½ï¼
Back to ENGLISH : The tanks and tank better than any priest!
Back to ENGLISH : These tanks and tanks than any priest!
CROATIAN : Ti tenkovi i cisterne od bilo svećenika!
Back to ENGLISH : These tanks and tanks of any priest!
CZECH : Tyto nádrže a tanky některého kněze!
Back to ENGLISH : These tanks and tanks of a priest!
DANISH : Disse tanke og tanke på en præst!
Back to ENGLISH : These tanks or tanks on a priest!
DUTCH : Deze tanks of tanks op een priester!
Back to ENGLISH : These tanks or tanks on a priest!
ENGLISH : These tanks or tanks on a priest!
Back to ENGLISH : These tanks or tanks on a priest!
ESTONIAN : Kõnealuseid paake või tsisternide preester!
Back to ENGLISH : These tanks or tanks on the priest!
FILIPINO : Ang mga tangke tangke o sa pari!
Back to ENGLISH : The tank or tanks of the priest!
FINNISH : Säiliön tai säiliöiden on pappi!
Back to ENGLISH : Tank or tanks shall be a priest!
FRENCH : Ou des réservoirs doit être un prêtre!
Back to ENGLISH : The tank must be a priest!
GALICIAN : O depósito debe ser un cura!
Back to ENGLISH : The deposit is to be a priest!
GERMAN : Das Pfand ist ein Priester zu sein!
Back to ENGLISH : The pledge is a priest to be!
GREEK : Η υπόσχεση είναι Îνας παπάς για να είναι!
Back to ENGLISH : The promise is a priest to be!
HEBREW : ההבטחה הוא כומר להיות!
Back to ENGLISH : The promise is a priest to be!
HINDI : वादा करने के लिए एक पुजारी हो रहा है!
Back to ENGLISH : Promises to be a priest is!
HUNGARIAN : Ígérkezik a pap!
Back to ENGLISH : Promises to be a priest!
ICELANDIC : Lofa að vera prestur!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe I'll be a priest!
INDONESIAN : Mungkin aku akan menjadi seorang pastor!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe I'll become a priest!
IRISH : B'fhéidir go mbainfidh mé le bheith ina shagart!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe I'll become a priest!
ITALIAN : Forse farò diventare prete!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe I'll become a priest!
JAPANESE : たぶん私は聖職者になるよ!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe I'll become a priest!
KOREAN : 어쩌면 난 신부가 될거야!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe I'll be the bride!
LATVIAN : Varbūt es būšu līgava!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe I'll be the bride!
LITHUANIAN : Maybe I'll būti nuotaka!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe I'll be the bride!
MACEDONIAN : Можеби ќе бидам невестата!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe I'll be the bride!
MALAY : Mungkin aku akan pengantin!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe I will be the bride!
MALTESE : Forsi se nkun l-gharusa!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe I will be the bride!
NORWEGIAN : Kanskje jeg skal bli bruden!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe I'll be the bride!
PERSIAN : شاید من باید عروس!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe I should be the bride!
POLISH : Może powinienem być panny młodej!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe I should be the bride!
PORTUGUESE : Talvez eu devesse ser a noiva!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe I should be the bride!
ROMANIAN : Poate că ar trebui să fie mireasa!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe that should be the bride!
RUSSIAN : Может быть, это должно быть невестой!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe this should be the bride!
SERBIAN : Можда би ово требало да буде млада!
Back to ENGLISH : Perhaps this should not be young!
SLOVAK : Snad by to nemalo byť mladý!
Back to ENGLISH : Perhaps this should not be young!
SLOVENIAN : Morda to ne bi smelo biti mlad!
Back to ENGLISH : Perhaps this should not be young!
SPANISH : Tal vez esto no deberÃa ser joven!
Back to ENGLISH : Perhaps this should not be young!
SWAHILI : Pengine hii haipaswi kuwa vijana!
Back to ENGLISH : Perhaps this should not be young!
SWEDISH : Kanske inte bör vara unga!
Back to ENGLISH : Perhaps it should not be young!
TAGALOG : Marahil hindi ito dapat na kabataan!
Back to ENGLISH : Perhaps it should be young!
THAI : บางทีมันà¸à¸²à¸ˆà¸ˆà¸°à¸ªà¸²à¸§!
Back to ENGLISH : Perhaps it might be young!
TURKISH : Belki de genç olabilir!
Back to ENGLISH : Perhaps may be young!
UKRAINIAN : Може бути, може бути молодим!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe, maybe young!
VIETNAMESE : Có lẽ, có thể trẻ!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe, maybe baby!
WELSH : Efallai, efallai babi!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe, maybe baby!
YIDDISH : אפֿשר, אפֿשר בעיבי!
Back to ENGLISH : Maybe, maybe Baby!
#2380 May 31 2010 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
So 'Druid tanks are the best tanks ever' turns into 'Maybe, maybe baby' if converted through all the languages on that list?

That's pretty epic - baby.

Overlord Norrelicus wrote:
How much health/armor do your tanks have for Blood Princes? Not the keleseth tank, the other two.

Aeth had 71k and Rio (Sgriob) 62k, if I remember correctly. With Kings, Fortitude, Feast and Commanding Shout. Definitely sicko numbers.

So Aeth would be tanking the two melee Princes and Rio (Warrior) would tank Keleseth? Can you Spell Reflect the lances? That would be win, but I bet not.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#2381 May 31 2010 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
71.9k if I remember correctly
So make that about 75k after the upgrades I got, and I'm at 68% or so mitigation from armor and 44.8% dodge before buffs.

Edit: just checked, 68.82% self buffed. So that'll get to 69% with raidbuffs. (lol)

Edited, Jun 1st 2010 12:54am by Aethien
#2382 May 31 2010 at 6:42 PM Rating: Good
Aeth tanks the two simply by virtue of having more base armor/health. Being a bear also means he's not as good at gathering orbs so that works in his favor too.

And yeah, I forgot about the 20% buff...I was doing this back with just barely 60k health, you should have no problems with the buff Smiley: lol

Can't spell reflect lances, but it doesn't really matter. Rio needs to chase orbs with the occasional attack on kel right up until he gets empowered, then he holds still (ideally he'll have no less than 6 orbs on him and can stand for the duration) and generates his threat lead with any tricks/md available...get dps to stick to white attacks if needed, you can easily beat enrage just from dps on the other two bosses, don't get people killed just to maintain speed.

Edited, May 31st 2010 9:09pm by Norellicus
#2383 Jun 01 2010 at 12:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
More translation fail.

On topic: any of you tanks moving away from stamina stacking now that the ICC buff is getting kinda crazy?

That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#2384 Jun 01 2010 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
No way, I like my 72k hp :p

Gives healers more time to react, and their heals are 20% stronger too so it's not like it's causing excessive mana drain.
#2385 Jun 01 2010 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
How does one drain that which has no limit?

Edited, Jun 2nd 2010 1:50am by Aethien
#2386 Jun 01 2010 at 6:24 PM Rating: Good
That too, lulz Smiley: tongue
#2387 Jun 01 2010 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The 20% buff does not apply to damage, right? Right?! Smiley: bah

I don't get how I can do 6k in heroics, but 10m raid buffed and with a 20% damage bonus, I barely break 7k.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#2388 Jun 02 2010 at 2:34 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
It does Maz Smiley: tongue
That said, it's so easy to do mad dps in heroics with AoE and 25 second bossfights.
#2389 Jun 02 2010 at 10:18 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Our disco priest couldn't make it to the raid last night, so we had a shammy help heal. It didn't work as well. He didn't do a lot of healing, and we wiped a couple of times. We also had a hunter who isn't so good at target swapping. He did less than half of the damage of the other DPS on the slimes on PP.

tl:dr = I hate having to pug people. Smiley: frown
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#2390 Jun 02 2010 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I got me a second set of T10 for DPS the other day.

Its very lulz.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#2391 Jun 02 2010 at 8:02 PM Rating: Good
Horsemouth wrote:
I got me a second set of T10 for DPS the other day.

Its very lulz.

Getting my druid to 80 might keep me from staying all "let's get random rare mounts!" crazy on my priest. That takes so much time that there's not much left for the druid, though.

Speaking of random rare mounts: Why can I solo TFA, but can't even get to the first boss in MgT heroic on my own? I want that hawkstrider because I'm never gonna get the Anzu mount as a priest anyway. :(

I also want the phoenix, so I need to find people who want to run TK with me. MAZRA?

For that matter, I want all the TBC raid achievements. Doing Kara yesterday was fun. Oz was liek "whee, I'm not avoiding AoE, I'm being lifted up into the air! YAY!"
#2392 Jun 02 2010 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
You should use your female persuasion on Aeth and get the Raven Lord and the Ashes from him.

Your persuasive techniques are lost on m-- boobies!
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#2393 Jun 02 2010 at 9:22 PM Rating: Good
Yeah, Aeth pretty much said he'd do Sethekk with me once he's got his own Raven Lord.

No one knows when that will be.

He also said that KT is not doable with two people. Otherwise we'd do it. And I'm really not that interested in the rest of the instance, not beyond the first time anyway. I really want to do all the TBC raids again, or

He tried to solo SWP yesterday, weren't you there?

AND OMG, THERE JUST WAS A GIANT SPIDER CRAWLING OVER MY KEYBOARD! Either England has much larger spiders than the mainland, or it's the nukes underneath us causing mutations.
#2394 Jun 02 2010 at 10:40 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I need some calming meditation now.

*breathe in*

You live on the fourth floor of a concrete and steel building, Maz. No spiders here.

*breathe out*
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#2395 Jun 03 2010 at 1:26 AM Rating: Good
I'm getting used to the spiders here.

It's the snakes that bother me now. There was one in the leaf basket in the skimmer box of my pool. Went to pull the basket out and got a bit of a shock. It was only about 50cm long though. Then we had a 1m long Red-bellied Black Snake in our garage next to the internal door into the house (with a gap under it easily big enough for the snake to get through).

Apparently it is good to have the Red-bellies around though as they are territorial and keep the Brown Snakes and Tiger Snakes away (there was one of these dead on the road about 100m from our driveway a couple of months ago). That makes me feel soooo much better Smiley: rolleyes

#2396 Jun 03 2010 at 5:43 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Am I the only one who thinks that snakes and spiders are really ******* cool?
And while I agree that keeping some distance between snakes and you is preferable if you look at it objectively traveling to work or such by car each day is more likely to kill you than snakes are.

As for spiders, excepting the huge ones that are actually dangerous to humans... I don't see the problem.
Spiders are interesting and they look cool, plus they keep flies and mosquitoes away.
#2397 Jun 03 2010 at 7:04 AM Rating: Good
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks that snakes and spiders are really @#%^ing cool?

Yes. Though I don't mind snakes much either, spiders can go die.

His Excellency Aethien wrote:
As for spiders, excepting the huge ones that are actually dangerous to humans... I don't see the problem. [...] they keep flies and mosquitoes away.

That's fine, as long as they're doing it where I can't see them >_>

Edited, Jun 3rd 2010 9:04am by Norellicus
#2398 Jun 03 2010 at 7:15 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
What is it about spiders that make people all panicky and irrational?
#2399 Jun 03 2010 at 7:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
What is it about spiders that make people all panicky and irrational?

It's not the spiders, it's their little feet as they crawl up the back of your neck...

Plus when I was young I got bit by a spider and swelled all up and had to go to the doctor. That kind of thing leaves a lasting impression on you. Smiley: wink


Also to finish off my "why I hate pugs" rant from yesterday. We also got to PP with several puggies in the group, he was down to 4% before he went back up and we wiped. Now I don't know tons about hunters but Kren's shot mix for the fight darn near pissed me off.

Edited, Jun 3rd 2010 7:02am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#2400 Jun 03 2010 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good

No aimed shot, no serpent sting, no chimera...

How the @#%^ did he get all that gear at all?

Man, I think I'd boot someone from my guild if I saw that kind of performance. He can be carried by some other schmuck, until he can prove he's doing more than just staring at his screen and drooling on his keyboard there's no way he'd ever be in a raid with me again >.>;

Edit: Well, I see you're talking about pugs, at least I'd never raid with them again if I couldn't completely dissociate myself from that kind of waste of space Smiley: tongue

Edited, Jun 3rd 2010 10:49am by Norellicus
#2401 Jun 03 2010 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
What is it about spiders that make people all panicky and irrational?

Those with arachnophobia probably can't tell you exactly what it is, since the fear is irrational. I couldn't tell you why I get all panicky when I see one, I just do.

My arachnophobia has always been there, but to a lesser degree. It accelerated due to some incidents when I was younger, though. Woke up one night with a tingling sensation on my face, it was in the middle of the night so I just sleepily smacked a hand to my face to brush away what I thought was a strand of hair caught in my mouth. It was hairy and moved when I hit it, so I brushed it off and turned on the bed light, only to see a giant spider run down my bedsheets and another sitting right next to the bed lamp.

Later on I moved down into my parents' basement and it got worse (basement is partially below ground level). Came in one night and wanted to turn on the light so I instinctively put my hand on the wall to find the switch. Instead I got a good hold of a giant mother of those things. My arachnophobia had already kicked in something fierce by then, so this only made it worse.

Those are the two defining moments for me where I remember my fear of them growing. I've generally had bad luck running into the eight-legged buggers (take my loot luck and apply it to real life). I've run into spiderwebs with big spiders in them. I've accidentally hatched baby spiders all over myself. Once saw a spider move a cardboard box around and I've heard one scream at me.

Adding all of that to the various nightmares I've had including waking up in a bed full of spiders, having spiders hatch within me like some sick horror movie, etc., it's a miracle I'm not locked away somewhere.

When you live every day afraid of something, when you finally meet it, you tend to get a little panicky. It's not like I walk around and fear spiders constantly, but if I enter a dark room, the fear is there, tingling in the back of my mind. If I enter a room where I've encountered spiders before, my senses are on high alert. You should see me get the lawnmower from the shed (shallow and full of spiderwebs). Last time it took me 18 minutes to get it and I only need to take two steps in there and back out. Most of the time was spent convincing myself that I was perfectly fine and that I, for god's sake, shouldn't look up - which of course caused my fantasy to go ********

My mom's pretty supportive of it as she doesn't like spiders either (nor does my sister), but my dad thinks I'm a sissy. Mostly, though, I think he's annoyed because whenever a spider found its way inside, he was the one left to deal with it. And my mom's superstitious so she won't let him harm them (killing a spider means bad luck).

Me, I kill them without consideration. It's like the same reflex that gives you superhuman strength when you're trapped somewhere. I just grab whatever and smack the **** out of them. Assuming they're not too big and moving, in which case I depart from the room and avoid going in there ever again.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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