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Bored Druid ThreadFollow

#877 Oct 11 2009 at 7:46 PM Rating: Excellent
145 posts
Just as an aside, today I dinged 70 on my druid and rounded up some druid friends and got myself swift flight form. Way way way cool.
#878 Oct 11 2009 at 7:53 PM Rating: Excellent
From what all our tanks say, taunt does nothing at all in 25 ToGC. All they can do is deathgrip them out from the casters etc. I hate the stupid fight on hard mode (easy is bearable). I don't PvP other than a little bit of stuffing around in BG's very rarely. The arena playing members of the raid grip are wanting me to go bear and bash heals and cyclone another target while still DPSing. I'm too old and slow for that crap - it's why I don't do arenas. I work hard on my PvE DPS and am good at it, arenas are a whole different playstyle and I don't want to go there. So why is that playstyle being forced down my throat?

#879 Oct 11 2009 at 8:05 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Taunt does work, but it only lasts for about 2-3 sec, and then the mob goes back to it's previous target or chooses a new target. Same with Challenging Shout/Roar.
#880 Oct 12 2009 at 3:46 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Oh, so it's not a real PvP encounter, more like a PvP-PvE encounter with NPCs that act like players?

Sounds easy enough then. Unless they do massive damage.
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#881 Oct 12 2009 at 5:12 AM Rating: Good
496 posts
Mazra wrote:
Oh, so it's not a real PvP encounter, more like a PvP-PvE encounter with NPCs that act like players?

Sounds easy enough then. Unless they do massive damage.

And I don't usually like PvP, so I know the moment that I have to start CC'ing stuff it will annoy me.

Though the thing I don't like about PvP is how it's so easy to just get focused on and destroyed in seconds, so hopefully having another healer or two will help with that...
#882 Oct 12 2009 at 5:39 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
ToC 25 it's not too bad, but on ToGC 25, any of the melee classes can blow up a clothie in just a couple seconds. You can't just tank any of the mobs, bcause taunt only lasts a coupe seconds, has an 8 sec CD, and has normal PvP DR. Also, the mobs will seemingly randomly switch targets. The holy pally will BoP someone that gets low (maybe the ret pally too), the shamans keep tremor totem up and use heroism, all of them use their CC pretty effectively, the hunter keeps frost traps down...
#883 Oct 12 2009 at 7:26 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
So went on some 25's last night, Ony gave me this...

And then into ToC where I finally upgraded my cloak with this

Dropped my 2pc T8 for the new headpiece, dps still jumped. Thinking about picking up tier gloves, and going back to the ToC 10 chest, but alas...I am so far over hit cap I want to cry... And the worst part is I can't find upgrades for it yet. I need to get those ToC a fat kid needs a donut. True story...
#884 Oct 12 2009 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
496 posts
Arex wrote:
You must not have raided in BC.

I didn't, and I understand what you are trying to say but there is still a difference between the all in, wtf style of the faction champs and regular CC in a dungeon...

Unless you are referring to a specific boss that was different?
#885 Oct 13 2009 at 3:52 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Slightlysober wrote:
Arex wrote:

You must not have raided in BC.

I didn't, and I understand what you are trying to say but there is still a difference between the all in, wtf style of the faction champs and regular CC in a dungeon...

Unless you are referring to a specific boss that was different?

I assume he is just referring to the fact that in BC you couldn't just steam roll through trash without a care in the world because ultimately you would get eaten alive. In WOTLK there is very little trash that are dangerous enough to do this. In fact the only trash that can be any prob is the mobs just after you port into the antechamber in Ulduar, the ones before the stairs (same mobs) on the way to Kologarn and the trash before The General and this is only really on 25 man.

Horse how are you getting on with the hard modes in Uld 10 man? I am four achievements away from my drake. Admittedly they are probably the four hardest ones to get.

Friar how have you set up feralbynight? I look at the timers for mangle, rake etc etc and I see rip dropping off a lot so I am assuming this is either the set up, or just my luck with timing/crits etc. I am also considering going back to agi like Galen has because I feel my DPS is getting worse rather than better and I now have (if I use my trophy) 3/4 T9 pieces and I just need to make my mind up as to which ones I should be using. I will get another trophy by the weekend because not everyone likes to spend their DKP on it and I'm not too bothered as you have to spend it some time and I usually get my other pieces on the cheap :-D
#886 Oct 13 2009 at 5:21 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Ahh, the good old days of CC.

Remember when you wanted to bring at least a Rogue and Mage in your group so you could Sap 'n' Sheep?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#887 Oct 13 2009 at 6:05 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Mazra wrote:
Ahh, the good old days of CC.

Remember when you wanted to bring at least a Rogue and Mage in your group so you could Sap 'n' Sheep?

Priests were also good for cc in Kara. My hunter was my main for the majority of BC so I was often asked to trap things but that wasn't as reliable as the Sap 'n' Sheep. I kind of miss the days when you had to think about what you were doing when fighting trash but in other ways I don't.
#888 Oct 13 2009 at 6:59 AM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
Yeah, BC was all about CC.

I remember in Slave Pens, that pull after the giant lobster dude, after you of course skipped part of it by jumping off the bridge, was the nastiest pull in all the heroics.

CC going everywhere, CC failing, a mage running for dear life screaming at the top of his lungs as a naga lodges his weapon into his skull. Tanks blowing taunts left and right, and then dps dying because they were out of taunts for the CC targets.

Or in SSC in the first couple pulls where a missed cc meant some people met their untimely deaths.

I remember wiping in the first few pull of TK because of a missed cc, or someone breaking a sheep.

This is why for my guild who has been raiding since BC together, got to faction champs el oh el'd our way through it cause our mages and hunters knew what they were doing. We didn't have rogues back then and we still hardly have rogues :(

Oh, and you couldn't entangling roots things indoors. Yeah.... That was a blast. (BTW when that changed I was so happy I almost started crying because druids finally got a cc that was reliable, cause cyclone sucked as cc back then, and still does in pve)

Edit: Oh and I forgot, I can still hear my gm saying "Alright, shackle star."

Edited, Oct 13th 2009 7:59am by ArexLovesPie
#889 Oct 13 2009 at 8:40 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I hate Ingis trash myself, but *shrugs* that's just me :)

btw, my feral off-spec is finally getting some love. Yay for hunters not wanting something for a change!
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#890 Oct 13 2009 at 9:07 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
Yay for hunters not wanting something for a change!

The usual argument is "But they are good for hunters..." On thottbot it is quite funny seeing the reaction from people when they see something written along the same lines as that about an item :)
#891 Oct 13 2009 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
229 posts
What happened to the days of CCing? why don't we ever use that **** any more? it's not like we don't know that other classes have them and I pretty sure that they still train that s@#$ these days. have we become so spoiled on how easy heroics are that we have forgotten to use CC to train our DPS?

Maybe I'm just some crazy dumb fool but, I see a 5 man (and a raid of any size) and a living being (not litteraly).

The tank is the back bone the skeleton that holds the group together leading, training, and, controlling the chaos around him.

The healer is like the beating heart with out him the Tank cannot protect the team as a whole.

The DPS are sturdy legs and arms moving forth to entangle and destroy enemies.

The problem with too many DPS in WotLK is that the ether don't care or don't know how to complete both aspects of their job. They keep their eyes glued to the meters. That kind of playing would have gotten a player killed and or Kicked in BC or, at least would have gotten a strong warning to change or be replaced.

I think that it falls to us to remind rouges that they have sap, mages that they have sheep, hunters to trap, pallies to repent, and dps priests to shackle. If we don't teach them then who will? they haven't learned on their own clearly.

We clearly don't Need the CC abilities of our DPS to be razor sharp right now but what about next patch? or next expansion? What will we do when we NEED them to do something OTHER than blast holes in the main target?
#892 Oct 13 2009 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
honestly, i blame a combination of paladins and blizzards desire to "even the playing field" between all classes.

first, the paladins...they made life in late BC easy mode. the old joke of the pallytank who marks the boss with a skull as soon as he enters the instance and says "ok, go" isnt too far off the mark. people begged for pally tanks later on in BC because they could waltz into an instance regardless of class composition (just needed a healer) and tank everything effortlessly. for dps classes that lacked CC, such as dps warriors, druids, other paladins, and sucky warlocks, this was a godsend! no longer did you need to choose your instance group dps based on the CC they added. no longer did a clueless dps who couldnt CC bring a group down. you grabbed mr. pallytank, a good healer, two other dps of any class and off you go.

so, naturally, when wrath came out, blizz abandoned their idea of "niche" tanking (pallys as aoe, wars as single target, druids as a mix with pure hp/armor) in order to "normalize" raid encounters. they did this with raid buffs too. the problem is, it required each tank being elevated to the level of the pally tank when it came to aoe...or at least being passable when specced correctly and played right. thats great from a raid perspective, but for 5-mans the fallout meant you had four tank classes all capable of holding aoe threat off of healers without an issue, and, when given a few seconds (something even stupid trigger happy dps somehow manage to be able to do) are capable of keeping aggro from a whole group in time for it to be aoe'd down.

this also, again, has the side effect of increasing the relative value of "non-cc" dps classes. bringing a shadow priest over a mage is no longer a liability because the priest has no reliable CC. and so on and so forth.

incidentally, this also means when you *do* find a dps class that knows how to life gets much better. we have a mage in our guild who's a former grand marshal, great at pvp, and i know, on a gut, instinctual level, that if we are in pvp and i see a healer off in the corner with glowy hands, that said healer is going to be a sheep in approximately 1.25s (said mage stacks haste). said healer will then stay a sheep for as long as DR allows, followed by a deep freeze and a counterspell to another sheep cycle. its a thing of beauty.
#893 Oct 13 2009 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I got laid at work.

Laid off that is...

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#894 Oct 13 2009 at 2:34 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
that a good thing or a bad thing? like, are you happy that you no longer have to work with those ********* or is the lack of money going to hurt more than anything?

regardless, that just means you leave 3-4 of these in various places after you're gone:
#895 Oct 13 2009 at 4:26 PM Rating: Excellent
The big difference between the goood old CC days and the new PvP type encounter is diminishing returns. I can cope with CC'ing a mob using a focus macro etc. but having to try and pick a different target each time to sort out is not so good - I suppose I could set up different target macros and alternate between targets though. I personally think out biggest issue is dispels and interrupts for the heals, but most of the guild leaders are clothies (who get smashed by the melee mobs) or tanks (who are busy trying to CC the melee) so they have a different perspective on the fight.

Friar how have you set up feralbynight? I look at the timers for mangle, rake etc etc and I see rip dropping off a lot so I am assuming this is either the set up, or just my luck with timing/crits etc.

I notice rip dropping a little as well but try to keep in mind that as long as you don't have rip down for more than 2 ticks (6secs) then FB is supposed to be a DPS increase (going by the theorycrafting I have ready). 6 seconds is a long time in a fight. Having said that, I do think that FBN gets it wrong for me sometimes (perhaps just me getting a string of no-crits despite having 60% crit), but I know that the lost DPS there is less than when I stuff up and hit Savage Roar again by mistake instead of RIP. At the end of the day, I try not to worry too much about FBN being right or wrong - it'll be close to best DPS even if it isn't perfect - it is far more important that I am on my game and not hitting the wrong button and standing in the fire (especially with Aussie lag which usually = an extra tick of damage if I am slow).

#896 Oct 13 2009 at 5:24 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
It's not even so much that AoE threat is easier. In BC, heroic mobs hit HARD. You didn't need CC to keep mobs from aggroing the healer, you needed CC to keep the tank from getting wtfPWND. Once you were in t5+ gear, druids could AoE tank heroics almost as well as a pally. I only bothered with CC on pulls with more than 4 or 5 mobs. Now in WotLK, you can AoE tank any single heroic pull in i187 to 200 blues. When you're in t8 or t9, you can pull 4 or 5 groups at once with a decent healer.
#897 Oct 13 2009 at 8:27 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I remember running Scarlet Monastery with a Retribution Paladin and Mage back in the days. The Mage would sheep on every pull and the Paladin, gosh, backup healed - remember that term? Backup healer.

I also remember running Zul'farrak with a Rogue who would Sap every single pull. I recently ran Zul'farrak on my Shaman. As the tank.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#898 Oct 13 2009 at 11:02 PM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
9388 dps on twins tonight. It was our second toc 25 man run for the night and our main dk was on his priest, and our warrior was on our gm's priest and I was getting chain PI's.

Oh and I got another trophy, and ****** over on the blade of tarasque :( stupid ******* mage and his ******* 5 man toc ******* caster pokey dagger thing.
#899 Oct 14 2009 at 2:27 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Arex wrote:
Oh and I got another trophy, and @#%^ed over on the blade of tarasque :( stupid @#%^ing mage and his @#%^ing 5 man toc @#%^ing caster pokey dagger thing.

Ouch, bad day at the office hey Arex.....I am sure it will drop again! I have seen it drop quite a few times. I just want Death's Verdict to bloody drop.
#900 Oct 14 2009 at 2:37 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
So I logged in DPS gear.

I am mid way between ArP and Agi. I rarely get DPS stuff but when I do it tends to be the really good sh*t.

Should I plunk a ArP or Agi gem in the shoulders? By strict ArP standards it would be Agi but the way my DPS upgrades go it is big jumps as I get them after the DPS don't want them.

I'm very tempted top stay ArP. Shifting to all Agi would give me better DPS but for off-spec that is too expensive. So I am thinking of staying ArP.


edit: the spec doubles as my PvP spec.

Edited, Oct 14th 2009 4:38am by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#901 Oct 14 2009 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
496 posts
We all started out like this.

Except Arex, who was born with an encyclopedic knowledge of boomkins.

But I've yet to meet someone this bad.
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