I enjoyed 7. Not in a fanboy way, but it was decently fun. I also went into it with absolutely no expectations, though. Was it the best gaming experience of my life? Hell no. But I liked the diverse cast of characters, the fact that many at least had unique personalities/back stories, and the general story. There were aspects I didn't like, of course, and f*ck any game that will kill of your main healer early on...
I also genuinely enjoyed 10 a lot. Quite a lot, actually. But it was the first FF I played, so it wasn't a "FF game" to me--it was just a solid RPG. I can see why people who loved certain aspects of the older games wouldn't like it. I still really enjoyed it though. And it was jaw dropping to see those visuals...
12 was fine. Not my favorite game by far, but not my least favorite either. I don't regret buying or playing it, but it's also a game where I never had any interest in doing anything but finishing it. Easily one of the more forgettable games.
I also really liked 13. I don't give a crap about having an open world system, or being able to control 3 party members. I think people would generally be WAY more accepting of the game if it didn't have "Final Fantasy" in the name. Overall, I thought it was well designed. And I really liked the fact that character stories were given so much emphasis. There are plenty of people that don't like that though. It's DEFINITELY not perfect, of course--I especially disliked the almost total lack of puzzles, and the upgrade system could have been way more interesting.
Haven't beaten IV, but I've generally liked it. Always ended up getting busy and having it put it down, though (DS). I DON'T like the fact that characters come and go at any moment, though. At least set it up so they auto-unequip everything when they do. >:(
I think that's all the main games I've played. I never got that far in Tactics, but I'd like to get War of the Lions eventually. The DS FFT games were a lot of fun, but the story was clearly written for children so I just focused on battles. Crystal Chronicles can burn in hell.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people
lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.