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Bored Druid ThreadFollow

#627 Sep 06 2009 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
222 posts
The conquest belt. I fail at linking and remembering names cause I just woke up but its cheap.
#628 Sep 07 2009 at 7:38 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Ghostcrawler to someone concerning the ArP nerf coming in 3.2.2.

Q u o t e:
You're an idiot.

That's the last thing you'll be able to post. Hope it was worth it.

Plenty of players are able to disagree with us while still communicating like adults. If that's not something you can manage, these probably aren't the forums for you.

[Not tracked]
Lead Systems Designer

Fecking Hilarious
#629 Sep 07 2009 at 10:06 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Makes me curious about the original post GC was responding to.
#630 Sep 07 2009 at 1:17 PM Rating: Good
4,512 posts
Got my 2PT9! And I bought myself the EoC caster belt, so I'm sitting directly on 402 haste! Hit a max of about 4.2k DPS on Phase 1 of Mimiron last night with only ten man raid buffs too (and this was before the upgrades).

I also think Mimi may be the best fight ever. I have never been so nervous at the end just hoping we down it, and I almost shouted "YES!" at 2 AM with everyone else in my house asleep. That's what raiding should be about.

I kinda wish I had the schedule to apply to a more progression oriented guild, but oh well.
#631 Sep 07 2009 at 1:51 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
that reminds me of when caydiem posted the "leaked" patch notes after she was moved from CM into something more internal to the company. my favorite three notes from that are still:

female dwarf warriors are now permanently at 100 rage, always.
warlock pets will now be much less likely to attack the warlock if the warlock uses friendly emotes on them, such as /hug, /kiss, /love, and /welcome.
/hug, /kiss, /love, /welcome, and other friendly emotes have been removed from the warlock class.

Edited, Sep 7th 2009 2:51pm by Quor
#632 Sep 07 2009 at 6:33 PM Rating: Excellent
676 posts

Armor of Shifting Shadows

Fordragon Blades

Dexterous Brightstone Ring

up to 553 Armor Pen now lololol

#633 Sep 07 2009 at 8:24 PM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
I'll be getting a brand spanking new ilvl 245 set of tier 9 gloves tomorrow, first trophy will be mine.

Sidenote, hunter dinged 58 so no more old world for him!
#634 Sep 08 2009 at 4:56 AM Rating: Good
496 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
I used to use FaceMauler, I like BadKitty better.

Guild running an alt gear-up/badge run last night, wanted me to tank.

Those fights that need only need 1 tank my cat dps went from 1.5-2k to 2.5-3k just thanks to Facemauler.

#635 Sep 08 2009 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
4,512 posts
slightlysober wrote:
Those fights that need only need 1 tank my cat dps went from 1.5-2k to 2.5-3k just thanks to Facemauler.


Spend a good hour behind a target dummy doing your rotation with FaceMauler and BadKitty, trying to rely more on on your own decisions with BadKitty instead of FaceMauler. Eventually phase FaceMauler out entirely. You'll probably see another DPS boost of about 500 or so by eliminating that extra decision making step.
#636 Sep 08 2009 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
CBD wrote:
slightlysober wrote:
Those fights that need only need 1 tank my cat dps went from 1.5-2k to 2.5-3k just thanks to Facemauler.


Spend a good hour behind a target dummy doing your rotation with FaceMauler and BadKitty, trying to rely more on on your own decisions with BadKitty instead of FaceMauler. Eventually phase FaceMauler out entirely. You'll probably see another DPS boost of about 500 or so by eliminating that extra decision making step.

FaceMauler doesn't tell you what to do though. It is just a clean interface to see all your timers. Using both is redundant. Plus I don't like an add on telling me what to do as it can't predict movement, phase changes and other weird situations.

I suppose your could use Power Auras and or Ice HUD to get the same affect as Face Mauler. But not using a debuff tracker is annoying as they are to small and impossible to track if another feral is on the same target using the default UI.

Practicing is always a good idea. I will usually do it in segments of over 3 minutes long to as that is the Berserk cycle. If you do it for less time don't use Berserk as it will skew the numbers up wards. Or just one hour long test with no resets.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#637 Sep 08 2009 at 1:03 PM Rating: Good
222 posts
Or just one hour long test with no resets

An hour on a test dummy? I'd end my life shortly there after
#638 Sep 08 2009 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
WTB being able to not have 5-10 people dc/lag for the first 30-60 secs of the heroic Gorehowl fight so my guild can actually start doing the heroic Coliseum. We've had Yogg 25 on farm for months and should be able progress through some of the bosses at least.

There are many posts on the support forums about this issue. Whole guilds have turned off all their mods, their sound, turned graphics right down and still it'll happen to a random 5+ people (different people each fight). Blizzards only response is a canned reply saying it must be caused by a mod etc.. Smiley: mad

#639 Sep 08 2009 at 3:23 PM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
I have never used any of the feral addons, instead using classtimers and relying on practice to perfect the rotation.

I typically use a 5 minute test when doing my heroic dummy testing. It's easy to keep track of because the first thing you put up is FFF and it lasts for 5 minutes.

This gives you the chance to use berserk twice, giving you the opportunity to ensure you are using it correctly mid-fight and gives you a slightly longer amount of time to compile the test numbers.

My last self-buffed test run on the heroic test dummy (at work so slightly frame-lagged) was 4230dps.

You do get stuck watching it drop slightly as you clear out of combat due to bleeds still running on the dummy, but it's pretty close.

Gotta love 10.5k shred crits and 12.5k FB's. Can't wait to see how high I can get them on the next raid run with full buffs.
#640 Sep 08 2009 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
222 posts
I had a 30k shred crit followed by a 26k FB crit last Sunday on XT in 25, followed shortly thereafter by me getting pounded to the ground XD
#641 Sep 08 2009 at 4:32 PM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Is it just me, or are the Twins in ToC like sweet sex to dps?

It's like permanent XT heart phase
#642 Sep 08 2009 at 4:34 PM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
And because I like to reply to myself.....

Sometimes I like to click on my armory link just to look at ArP working on it now and how close I'm getting to the cap :P
#643 Sep 08 2009 at 8:56 PM Rating: Good
So like if I can tank Koralon alongside a pally and not have healers going AUGH MANA PLZ does that mean I'm cool for T9?
#644 Sep 08 2009 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
496 posts
I dps at most once a month, so pure laziness means that I don't practice the feral rotation.

In other news my guilds organisation is sucking worse than normal at the moment, and we had 4 healers turn up for ToC 10 man this afternoon.

Since I'm an officer I stepped back and let the others heal, proceeding to watch the other resto druid pick up these two.

Someone think of a good excuse with which to kick the resto druid from the guild before next weeks reset.
#645 Sep 08 2009 at 10:14 PM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
I don't like reasons or excuses.

I typically go with. I don't like you. I hope you die in a fire. Here...this is what's called a gkick, eat ***** and die..

too much? they smell funny?
#646 Sep 08 2009 at 11:15 PM Rating: Good
Is it just me, or are the Twins in ToC like sweet sex to dps?

It's like permanent XT heart phase

Definitely! I hit over 8k on it last week and was pipped by 0.1k dps by our other feral for #1 spot. Looking forward to it again tonight :)

#647 Sep 09 2009 at 12:38 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Rarebeast wrote:

Is it just me, or are the Twins in ToC like sweet sex to dps?

It's like permanent XT heart phase

Definitely! I hit over 8k on it last week and was pipped by 0.1k dps by our other feral for #1 spot. Looking forward to it again tonight :)

With the added twist that people have to think about what they are doing :) Funny how simple things like change to light when light vortex is being cast is a hard concept or DPS down the shield that one of the twins have cast on themselves. *Gets off his soapbox* ahhh much better :)

I had to tank this fight last week but hopefully our other tank is around to join the raid this week and I can go nuts :)

edit: still learning how to do quotes within quotes.....looked like Rarebeast had said everything at first

Edited, Sep 9th 2009 4:43am by KevMc
#648 Sep 09 2009 at 4:55 AM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
I cannot raid tonight,
But I can raid tomorrow.
I hope that some gear will drop,
That will end my gear up sorrows :(

I got completely hosed last night on drops. We have two boomkins in our guild, we normally run our tier loot by an attendance dkp system. This system works amazingly well. Because of the new way you get tier they can't really apply this system to the loot. I've been in more toc raids than the other boomkin and he recieved the tier pieces, along with 4 others over me.

I was less than "overjoyed" last night with the officers.

Lets ***** the boomkin who doesnt suck, who was in the top 3 in dps/damage done in 4 out of 5 fights. Who finished the whole instance at 5300 dps and second on damage done overall, losing only by a mere 8000 damage to our hunter who sadly cannot go marks and has to stay SV for replenishment.

On a complete side note.

Archon's Glaive dropped. We had this huge dc problem on factions, and the only person who couldn't get back on was our feral druid. He's still rocking a naxx stick. It was supposed to be his and he couldn't get it. Justicebringer also dropped and we've now for the third week in a row had a Death's Verdict drop. One hunter, one shaman and one dk now have it.
#649 Sep 09 2009 at 10:28 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
KevMc wrote:
Rarebeast wrote:
Galenmoon wrote:

Is it just me, or are the Twins in ToC like sweet sex to dps?

It's like permanent XT heart phase

Definitely! I hit over 8k on it last week and was pipped by 0.1k dps by our other feral for #1 spot. Looking forward to it again tonight :)

With the added twist that people have to think about what they are doing :) Funny how simple things like change to light when light vortex is being cast is a hard concept or DPS down the shield that one of the twins have cast on themselves. *Gets off his soapbox* ahhh much better :)

I had to tank this fight last week but hopefully our other tank is around to join the raid this week and I can go nuts :)

edit: still learning how to do quotes within quotes.....looked like Rarebeast had said everything at first

Like that?

We start ToC on Sunday, well I got into one on Jaxx last night as DPS but I was drunk. Still managed to outdo a bunch of the sober people but was overall a fail effort.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#650 Sep 09 2009 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Tossed some information up to hopefully kinda round out the resto-tree portion of the sticky. If someone would like to take a look, and check for accuracy and grammar kinda thing it'd be great. :) Not sure I can really add much to the professions segment, so this may be the limit of my ability to contribute atm.

Side note: went back and did Oculus last night for fun. It's amazing how much easier it is now that the drakes health scales with gear level. That and finally knowing what you are doing makes things go fast too. Mage-Lord Urom still sucks with an all melee group though...
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#651 Sep 09 2009 at 10:57 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
Tossed some information up to hopefully kinda round out the resto-tree portion of the sticky. If someone would like to take a look, and check for accuracy and grammar kinda thing it'd be great. :) Not sure I can really add much to the professions segment, so this may be the limit of my ability to contribute atm.

Ya, been slacking on incorporating the last bit of stuffs you put up. I'll try and finish the last bit up and at least cutnpaste the new stuff where it should be at lunch today.

edit: the system doesn't like the word cuntpaste apparently.

Edited, Sep 9th 2009 2:59pm by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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