Xenexia wrote:
Well, I switched my bear to full tank spec and went out into the world to tank some heroics. Did fine, had a few different dps in and out and ended in H VH with 4 plate wearers and me.
Long story short, the warrior was riding my tail in threat the whole time and at one point had aggro on the boss. Which gave me the idea for Nith's Rule #2 for tanking - If a plate wearing class pulls a mob, he gets to tank it cause my mom taught me to share.
Warriors and their lack of proper threat reduction is annoying the hell out of me, especially when paired with an Arms Warrior. Those guys just love Bladestorm, especially as an opening move after building up rage through Charge. Swipe can only do so much.
The most frustrating part is that you can't just tell them to watch their threat, because they'll counter it by telling you to increase your TPS.
Seriously hate some people.