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Differences between Talent Points and Training Points?Follow

#1 Mar 24 2009 at 5:39 PM Rating: Default
I'm a level 18 hunter with a cat as a pet (blood elf).
Now I got 25 training points for my cat and 9 talent points for my character.
When I use my talent points, I get something new.
Where do I spend my training points? I cant find a trainer who gives me new pet attacks.
The only things that are there are Growl, Great Stamina etc..

Edited, Mar 24th 2009 9:47pm by Rickiej
#2 Mar 24 2009 at 5:54 PM Rating: Default
902 posts
I wonder what responses this guy is going to get.
#3 Mar 24 2009 at 8:29 PM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
These can be answered in the FAQ:

Talents are used in your talent tree tab (located on the bottom toolbar)



Where can I find what all the hunter talents are?

What’s the best hunter tree?

There is never any one distinct "best." Right now, many players will tell you Survival. Before Burning Crusade, players would argue between Marksmanship and Survival. During the Burning Crusade people would Say BM, with one SV hunter per raid. In another few months it may(will) change again. Each tree is simply different and has its own purposes.

Which one does the most damage?

Again, this is something that changes, but right now the best answer is Survival

What are the best talents?; Is <xxx> any good?

Beast Mastery

Tier 1
Improved Aspect of the Hawk (B)
Used by many non-beast masters, as it gives a decent DPS boost if you are not haste capped.
This does stack with Rapid Fire. Good burst DPS, great talent since DragonHawk will probably be your most-used Aspect. In the late levels, though, Viper may replace Hawk now and then.
Endurance Training (C)
This is a nice talent, but as it does not really contribute damage, it is very seldom taken as more then a filler point for a raiding build. It is nice for leveling and you could take it over Hawk if you are still leveling.

Tier 2
Focused Fire (B)
Despite it's location low in the tree, this may be one of the later talents you pick up as a Beast Master. It's definitely worth the investment, however, especially after you get Kill Command at 66. It's also the only dps talent for other specs at that level, if they are trying to get Aspect mastery lower in the tree.
Improved Aspect of the Monkey (D)
This is at best a mediocre leveling talent.
Thick Hide (C)
20% extra armor is great for tanking, and a little extra for yourself is also nice. Recommended for leveling, In a raiding scenario getting revive pet is probably better.
Improved Revive Pet (B)
If your pet ever dies in the middle of a tough boss battle, being able to call him back can turn the tide. Your Revive Pet will take just 4 seconds, cost about a third of your total mana, and brings your pet to life with 45% of his total health. Very good for 2 talent points.

Tier 3
Pathfinding (E)
This will increase your speed while mounted and when using Aspect of the Pack, but is pretty useless from a fighting perspective as you will never be in pack while fighting due to the daze. The extra mounted speed is kind of nice, but worth 2 points? no.
Aspect Mastery (A+)
Excellent talent that you have to get if you go this far in the tree.
Unleashed Fury (A)
15% extra pet damage? Definitely.

Tier 4
Improved Mend Pet (B)
Excellent talent if you have the points. Although it takes three times as long to remove debuffs as in the past, the 20% lower mana cost is worth the talent points on its own.
Ferocity (A)
10% extra crit chance is deadly, especially when combined with the tier 6 talent Frenzy.

Tier 5
Spirit Bond (B)
Fairly minor regen, it can help while questing but is not significant. The extra healing is very nice though, and so this is quite a decent non dps talent.
Intimidation (B)
Great ability for protecting casters, catching runaways, extra aggro, and interrupting casting. The stun is not broken by damage, either. Short cooldown. If all that weren't enough, you need it to get Bestial Wrath.
Bestial Discipline (A)
More focus equals more damage or better aggro. A must-have talent if you're this high in the tree.

Tier 6
Animal Handler (B)
A good talent, less attacks dodged (or parried when the pet is tanking) is more damage. Decreasing masters call CD is excellent in PvP.
Frenzy (A)
Simply amazing. This talent (along with Ferocity) is essential to Beast Masters. Frenzy can reproc multiple times, and can proc off of special attack crits, effectively increasing the pet's damage by ~30% while active. It usually stays active once it is active and due to the high critrates pets have 4 points are enough, some people even argue for as little as 3 points.

Tier 7
Ferocious Inspiration (A)
A great little buff, for groups or for solo. Applies to all classes, melee, ranged, and spell. The added Arcane damage is a neat bonus.
Bestial Wrath (A)
Incredible DPS talent, cancels out any crowd control on your pet and makes it immune for the duration. Can be used frequently with just a 2 minute cooldown.
Catlike Reflexes (C)
Another great tanking talent. The opposite of Animal Handler, 9% fewer hits is basically 9% less damage to heal.

Tier 8
Invigoration (C)
A half decent talent to boost your mana regen. This will keep you out of viper for a longer period of time and so increase your dps. In most raid there is a lot of mana regen so it loses it's usefulness there.
Serpent's Swiftness (A)
An incredible dps talent, and not one to pass up if you're going all the way.

Tier 9
Longevity (A)
This will shorten all your pet CD's which will increase it's dps by quite a bit. It will also shorten the CD on TBW which is excellent. More Big Red Pet Time!
The Beast Within (A)
Short version: Bestial Wrath affects you, too. The damage bonus is actually rather slight, in the long term, but the CC immunity and mana cost reduction more than make up for it.
Cobra Strikes (C)
This will up your pet's critical strike rating, by linking it (somewhat) with yours. Pets already crit a lot, so a lot of people don't max this talent, but it can still be strong depending on gear.

Tier 10
Kindred Sprits (A)
And excellent talent. The damage is a good boost, and the speed increase is useful.

Tier 11
Beast Mastery(C)
This will let you get some exotic pets, that are quite good, but are matched by several non exotic pets. the extra talent points are fairly useless for a dps pet, Although that's apparently going to change soon(TM). For a soloing tanking pet, they can actually be quite effective. A lot of people will skip this talent in order to get other ones though.


Tier 1
Improved Concussive Shot (E)
It lengthens the duration of your concussive shot by 2 seconds, making the daze last 6 seconds.
All in all fairly useless for both PvE and PvP
Focused Aim (C)
Potentially a great talent, however it's not that hard to get hit from gear, and it is currently bugged as it does not give hit to your pet.
Lethal Shots (A)
adds 5% to ranged crit rate. Hard to beat this for a tier 1 talent.

Tier 2
Careful Aim (A)
Fully maxed this will increase your Attack power by quite a lot. Seeing as we need mana, making intellect more valuable is a good thing.
Improved Hunters Mark (C)
This is a decent talent, although only one hunter in a raid should be getting it. If you do get this, pair it with the Glyph that has a similar effect. Not really worth it most of the time unless there are quite a few hunters in the raid.
Mortal Shots (B)
A nice talent that gives a decent dps boost, although it does not affect your autoshots anymore.
The value of this talent also depends on what spec you are.

Tier 3
Go For the Throat (A)
Ironically, this talent is least useful for marksmen, but it's an excellent talent for anyone. Your pet will seldom run out of focus. Effectively, this raises your pets DPS potential. At high enough levels of crit you can drop to one talent point without losing a lot of dps.
Improved Arcane (C)
A Decent talent, useful for Beastmasters and Marksmen who will be using arcane shot where they can.
Survivalists won't have any use for this, as their main shot (Explosive Shot) shares the cooldown with Arcane Shot.
Aimed Shot (B)
Once a must-have talent, Aimed shot has gone through a lot of changes. It is quite effective as a filler shot, since it does more damage then steady and doesn't share a CD with your major abilities like Explosive Shot and Chimera Shot.
Rapid Killing (C)
Not a great talent when you do the math, but it sure looks neat when grinding and your Aimed Shot does 20% more damage. It is nice for a MM build as it syncs rapid fire up with readiness. Not good for other builds.

Tier 4
Improved Stings (B)
With the changes to serpent sting, every spec will be keeping it up 100% of the time, so this is a good talent. For an MM hunter it increases the damage of your chimera shot making this a must have.
Efficiency (C)
This is a decent talent if you regularly find yourself short on mana. Otherwise it's not as useful, It used to be an "always get" talent when it was lower in the tree, but these days a lot of hunters skip it.

Tier 5
Concussive Barrage (F)
Trash. Complete and utter trash.
Readiness (B)
A great talent for one point, A slight increase in dps, and a great tool for trapping or any emergency where your skills are on CD
Barrage (C)
A good talent if you're using Multi Shot or Aimed Shot every time it's up, but you might not be.

Tier 6
Combat Experience (B)
4% to agility, and it adds 4% to your intellect as well, Solid talent.
Ranged Weapon Spec (A)
5% damage for 5 points is an excellent gain to your DPS. This is the standard other talents are usually compared against.

Tier 7
Piercing Shots (C)
A meh talent. Ignore armor is really easy to get, and 6% isn't that much especially if it's not for all your shots.
Trueshot Aura (A)
A excellent talent, especially for one point. It will carry over to your raid. Of course it doesn't stack with the other equivalent talents, but for one point you'll always take it.
Improved Barrage (C)
If you picked up Barrage, chances are you'll grab this as well. The extra crit on multi and aimed is nice, and so is being able to use Volley uninterrupted.

Tier 8
Master Marksman (A)
Another 5% crit? Yes please. The mana reduction on steady is great. Even though steady is weak, you'll still be using it a lot.
Rapid Recuperation (C)
This is a nice talent for leveling as you get mana whenever you kill something. However for group pve it is underwhelming.

Tier 9
Wild Quiver (C)
This will add dps, but not that much. You'll probably end up taking it due to lack of great talents to spend points in.
Silencing Shot (B)
A very nice talent that is fantastic for pvp but does not see that much use in end game. A raiding spec would probably not take it.
improved Steady Shot (A)
This is a solid talent that will increase the damage of Chimera, and so is well worth it. Every hunter will be using steady.

Tier 10
Marked For Death (A)
A great talent, 5% more damage and extra damage on crits for your most important shots, what's not to like?

Tier 11
Chimera Shot (A)
Your main damage shot, you'll be using this every time it's up. It does a lot of damage and syncs nicely with a glyph and quite a few other talents.


Tier 1
Improved Tracking (A)
A solid talent. It's essentially a 1% damage boost per rank which is the standard by which talents are judged
Hawkeye (B)
A talent that doesn't really *do* much, but is very handy. Essential for anyone who has points to spare, but not a requirement. There aren't many other places to put points though, so most SV hunters will grab this.
Savage Strikes (C)
is the only melee damage boost in any tree, and mainly serves as extra damage on the "drive-by" strike-and-clip maneuver.

Tier 2
Surefooted (B)
An excellent pvp talent, this will keep you more mobile and allow you to last longer. This is not a very good choice for pve though, for that I would give it an E.
Entrapment (B)
Another good pvp talent that has no significant impact in pve situations. You could come up with a theoretical one, but there are better talents to spend points in.
Improved Wing Clip (C)
Almost strictly a PvP talent, the usefulness of Wing Clip in general is diminished noticeably by the fact that anyone you would want to snare can snare you, too.

Tier 3
Survivalist (C)
Extra HP is neat, and it's a prerequisite for Hunter vs Wild later in the tree.
Scatter Shot (A)
An amazing pvp talent, and also quite handy for emergency situations in 5 man dungeons. In raid builds this will be skipped.
Deflection (E)
It's an insignificant talent for pvp, and useless in pve. It does unlock counterattack, which is also a mediocre ability, given that you have to be in melee range and being beaten on to get a chance to use it.
Survival Tactics (C)
With Misdirect on a 30 second CD as well as FD we really don't need the extra feigns. It is decent for pvp, as disengage is awesome, and feign death drops targets.

Tier 4
T.N.T (B)
This is a solid talent in both pvp and pve. Stuns are always nice in pvp, and in pve the crit on explosive, which is an amazing shot is very nice.
Lock & Load (B)
This is a good talent that can contribute a significant dps boost if used properly There's also not much else to get at this point.

Tier 5
Hunter Vs. Wild (B)
A solid talent that boosts you and for once your pet. Pets aren't as important as for BM hunters, but they still do good dps.
Killer Instinct (A)
Talents deeper in the tree are based on your crit rate, and it is how Survival does a large part of its damage. 3% crit for 3 points is a good exchange.
Counterattack (D)
A fun talent, but generally relegated to PvP. Still, you parry more often than you might think.
It's made fairly useless because it requires you to have deflection, which is a poor talent.

Tier 6
Resourcefulness (C)
A good talent for the trap cooldown reduction that often gets overlooked due to competition this deep in the tree. It's more useful in pvp and 5 mans.
Lightning Reflexes (A)
Stockpiling considerable amounts of agility and then adding 15% more to that is a handsome gain.

Tier 7
Expose Weakness (A)
While this talent is active, agility becomes effectively 1.25 AP per point. It's a nice boost, but one or two points will usually keep it up so don't bother maxing it out. It was much more powerful in BC where it affected the entire raid.
Wyvern Sting (B)
A decent duration CC, but suffers from quite a few drawbacks such as leaving a poison DoT afterwards that makes it hard to put other CC on that target. To avoid the dot it is possible to put scorpid/Viper up as the CC is about to expire as that will overwrite the damage part of wyvern.
Thrill of the Hunt (B)
At a crit rate of 25%, you will conserve about 10% of your mana, the same as Efficiency. With more crit, and a survival hunter will often have more, this leads to greater savings. A solid talent that will be in almost every raid build.

Tier 8
Master Tactician (B)
This has been buffed to be quite a nice talent, however it remains to be a bit unreliable as it is a proc to enhance your chance to crit. With the amounts of crit survival can get, and SV's synergy with crit it's not bad.
Noxious Stings (A)
Since stings have been buffed and with the steady shot glyph every hunter should have a sting up at all times. This is a very nice boost while stings are active. It's also nice in pvp due to the dispell resist.

Tier 9
Point of no Escape (C)
This is fairly useless in pve, as all we care about is bosses, and they are largely immune. Nice in pvp for as you'll have a frost trap down a lot of the time.
Trap Mastery (B)
While not taken that often it is a nice return for only one point, and it is probably a good idea if you plan on trap dancing.
Sniper Training (C)
While on paper this looks amazing, it means you can't trap dance. While this might be a good thing it also has some issues with buff ranges. Still it's a solid dps increase when used, and the crit on kill shot is always nice. At this point you'll probably have no better place to put talents.

Tier 10
Hunting Party (A)
A nice talent that returns Mana to the entire raid. Every SV hunter at this point should take this. However due to our large amount of crit, and the fact that each point is worth a lot less, only 2, 3 or at most 4 points should be put in this talent.

Tier 11
Explosive Shot (A)
Since this has been buffed it is an amazing talent that is the core of SV dps. This will do massive damage and is useful in almost every situation. Yay crits!
And it has a cool animation to boost, something that (sadly) is very rare for hunters.

What are some good talent builds?
It all depends on what you want to do.
Builds change a lot depending on whether you want to raid, PvP or solo.
So you'll have to do some research and find out for yourself.
You'll find all the answers you're looking for when you check out the links posted under general questions.

What build should I use while leveling?

I dunno. Just pick something and stick to it. If you really want to focus on efficiency, go straight up the Beast Mastery tree to Bestial Wrath. Having Intimidate at 30 and Bestial Wrath at 40 is a huge benefit in that level range, and your pet will require less maintenance as well. Furthermore, BM remains a strong tree after bestial wrath, as serpent swiftness is another great damage boost.

Edited, Mar 25th 2009 12:34am by browningguns
#4 Mar 24 2009 at 8:33 PM Rating: Good
255 posts
And for pet talents.. in the FAQ (at least Ferocity is..)

Under the same page as your hunter talent tree, there is a pet tab when you have him out and active. This is where you spend those points..

Ferocity is the only tree I had anywhere near done, I went through and finished it up and marked the spots where I was unsure (mainly anything dealing with PvP, which I avoid). No letter grades for the talents right now since I'm not sure exactly the system used to decide on em for the hunter talents and would like to use the same one.

Be gentle?

Ferocity pets are designed primarily as damage-dealers but can be specced for more survivability if needed.

Cobra Reflexes
Increases your pet's attack speed by 15/30%.
Your pet will hit faster but each attack will do less damage.
Don't be fooled by the tooltip, this talent is actually a DPS increase and definitely worth picking up.

30 Focus, 32s cooldown
Increases your pet's movement speed by 80% for 16 sec.
Chasing down a mob faster is never a bad thing, but since Ferocity pets have access to Charge later in the tree, this talent isn't a necessity.

Great Stamina
Increases your pet's total Stamina by 4/8/12%.
Depending on what you are using your pet for, this may be a good talent to take. If you don't pick up Dash, one point here is nice, or if you are leveling and need your pet to have a bit more health you may want to forgo the other early talents altogether to fill this one out.

Natural Armor
Increases your pet's armor by 5/10%.
Another pet tanking talent, like Great Stamina, but since armor is only useful against physical attacks and Stamina is useful in all situations, there's not really any good reason to pick it up.

Improved Cower
Your pet's Cower also decreases damage taken by 10/20% for the next 10 seconds.
It's not a tanking talent (since a tanking pet will never use Cower), it's not a damage dealing talent, and it provides damage reduction only half the time. It's not horrible, but it's nowhere near good, and it just can't compete with the other talents in this tier. Ignore it. (*Possibly useful in PvP? No idea.*)

Your pet's attacks have a 10/20% chance to increase its happiness by 5% and heal 5% of its total health.
This is an amazing talent, in just about any situation. Your pet should be able to keep itself pretty much healed when not tanking, keeping it alive when tanking will be easier, and you save a lot of gold you would otherwise have spent on pet food. Spend at least one point here, two if you can.

Spiked Collar
Your pet does an additional 3/6/9% damage with all attacks.
A nice, simple, must-have talent. The only reason not to take all three points is if you are set on your Ferocity pet tanking and want to pick up Natural Armor--even then you should preobably spend at least one here.

Boar's Speed
Increases your pet's movement speed by 30%.
This talent doesn't seem too useful--it's not really worth spending a point in, since Dash or Charge would be more useful.

Reduces the damage your pet takes from area of effect attacks by an additional 25/50/75%,
75% less AoE damage makes a huge difference in instances (*and PvP?*), and Avoidance is a prerequisite for another must-have talent, Rabid. Do not skip this.

Reduces the duration of all Stun and Fear effects used against your pet by 15/30%/
(*This appears to be mainly a PvP talent. I suppose it could have minimal usefulness in pet tanking as well, but since if your pet is tanking you are probably BM and can already break fears on your pet, it just doesn't seem worth picking up.*)

35 Focus, 8-25yd range, 25s cooldown
Your pet charges a target, immobilizing the target for 1 sec, and increasing the pet's melee attack power by 25% for its next attack.
If you must have a speed-increasing talent, this is the one to go for. It will get your tanking ferocity pet off to a good start, help your DPS ferocity pet do a little more damage, and seems as if it would be pretty useful in PvP as well. In addition to the extra effects, it has a shorter cooldown than Dash. Definitely worth picking up if you can.

Heart of the Phoenix
Requires 2 points in Bloodthirsty, 10 minute cooldown
When your pet dies it will miraculously return to life with full health.
Like Bloodthristy, another amazing talent. It bugs out occasionally and shouldn't be left on autocast, and your pet will not keep any of its buffs when rezzed, but being able to instantly revive a pet and continue on can be very, very useful. For now, get it--you probably won't be able to spare the points for it when 3.1 comes out, however.

Spider's Bite
Increases the critical strike chance of your pet by 3/6/9%.
Since crit rating does not transfer to pets, this is pretty much the only way of increasing your pet's crit chance, and since it's a prerequisite for Call of the Wild there's not much excuse for not spending full points here.

Great Resistance
Your pet takes 3/6/9% less damage from Arcane, Fire, Frost, Nature, and Shadow magic.
Not a bad talent, but the points are better spent elsewhere--most of the magic damage you'll have to worry about your pet taking is AoE damage, and Avoidance takes care of that. Just ignore this one.[/i]

Requires 3 points in avoidance, 45s cooldown
Your pet goes into a killing frenzy. Successful attacks have a 50% chance to increase attack power by 5%. This effect will stack up to 5 times. Lasts 20 seconds.
Up to 25% increased attack power for your pet is very nice, even if you're not Beast Mastery specced. Grab this one if you can.

Lick Your Wounds
Requires 1 point in Heart of the Phoenix, channeled, 3m cooldown
Your pet heals itself for 100% of its total health over 5 sec while channeling.
If you've already spent the points in Bloodthirsty and Heart of the Phoenix, this may be a worthwhile talent to pick up, otherwise don't bother. The channeling aspect of it makes it unwise to use in certain situations (you don't want your pet to sit down in the middle of an AoE spell to heal itself), and it's not worth missing damage increasing talents to take this one.

Call of the Wild
Requires 3 points in Spider's Bite, 5m cooldown
Your pet roars, increasing your pet's and your melee and ranged attack power by 10%. Lasts 20 sec.
More AP (and thus more damage) for both you and your pet--definitely a good thing. (*I can't actually remember if this stacks with Trueshot Aura or not--help?*)

Edited, Mar 25th 2009 12:35am by browningguns
#5 Mar 25 2009 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
I think you needed to ask your questions little differently .

As its all in the Top posts all i can say is you need to decide which tree is better for you , if you pick BM then any talent that either does more damage or helps your pet survive ( mend pet for example ) is the way to go.

For your pet depending on your choice of tree and depending on which pet you have you can either go for more damage or a little more survivability of your pet , going full on for damage can work well but means if your cat gets mobbed it can die fairly fast , as it is the way you set your talents and your pets talents does not make that much of a problem at low level and can always be re-done by a trainer visit for a price that rises each time you re-spec .

Your pet learns new things automatically ( claw bite ect. ) as it levels and every few levels gets an extra talent point i forget just how many levels 6 ? i think .

As i am not sure of what you were asking , if you go into your talent window you will see three trees , just pick the one you like the look of regarding the talents , if you have a pet with you there is an icon to switch over to your pets talents , each pet you have will need their tree filled out so you could have two cats with very different talents for example.

I hope this answers your questions a little .
#6 Mar 25 2009 at 4:43 AM Rating: Good
If you are seeing training point that means you are running a version before 3.02.

That probably means you are using a private server, go away.
#7 Mar 25 2009 at 8:17 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Good spot, Kelnoen.

So if he's on that version he'd want the pet trainer at the back of Deathholme right? Smiley: wink
Wherever I go - there I am.
#8 Mar 25 2009 at 8:30 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Cobra101 wrote:
Good spot, Kelnoen.

So if he's on that version he'd want the pet trainer at the back of Deathholme right? Smiley: wink

Oh, definitely.

He's also gotta remember that before he can train his pet with his racial trainer he has to turn in 20 Spinal Dusts and 15 Rotted Hearts, it's the racial quest for Belf pet training.
#9 Mar 29 2009 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
2,346 posts
If you are seeing training point that means you are running a version before 3.02.

That probably means you are using a private server, go away.

no wondering I didn't know what in the world he was talking about with training points. Being as I have only played since 3.0.9
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