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Arcane Vs. Fire BuildFollow

#1 Mar 24 2009 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
Long time reader first time poster. I was wondering at very end game content, IE 10 and 25 3d, Maly 25 etc, which is the ultimate DPS spec? I for a long time thought it was arcane in the typical 57/3/11 spec; however, I have started to notice that top geared mages have been switching back to a FFB or some fireball build. Is this due to the upcoming changes in the new patch or is fire the true king of DPS during end game content? My current character is speced like the above mentioned arcane

Current Armory info is: Here

I know this is a broad question and has many factors to consider; however I am simply trying to spec myself into the highest possible DPS spec for my raid runs.

Finally if in fact fire is king, what is the spell rotation for this? I hit 80 right when the Arcane buff occurred and have never had the pleasure of hurling huge balls of glowing fiery death at my enemies before.

If for some reason my Armory link didn't work, character name is Deden, server is Dragonblight. Remember first time poster still trying to get used to linking things in posts.

Thanks in advance.
#2 Mar 24 2009 at 6:20 AM Rating: Good
It truly depends on the length of the fights. Arcane and Arcane/Fire (18/53/0) are very close (1 or 2 % difference). In longer fights Fire or FFB may come out ahead, especially due to less mana usage and the longer the time they have in molten fury range the higher their dps is. On the other hand, in shorter fights arcane takes the cake with having a nice mana dump and fast cooldowns, that with a ton of burst (due to the aforementioned reasons) fights that are patchwerk-style in 3mins or less can sway from one to the other due to good 'ol RNG.

Come Ulduar, it will really depend on what we have going for us in term of if they fix evocation (so that it isn't easily interruptable by any breeze -- there is a LOT of raid damage in Ulduar that will easily interrupt it for us). If they do fix it, arcane should be fine as long as you can sustain a 2minute cycle (for the next evocation). If not FFB/Fireball will probably come ahead.

It is also important to note that Arcane/Fire requires a LOT of hit (you are not getting any hit benefits) so you will need around 14% hit (+ raid buffs of course) to be hit capped. So it really needs a specific set of gear as you should never really gem for hit.
#3 Mar 24 2009 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
Those were my thoughts exactly. Essentially during Patchwerk style fight I am doing just shy of 5K dps. While this isn't anything to shack the proverbial stick at, I have heard of mages cracking the 6k mark and wondered if that was due simply better equipment or a different spec. I always try to at least stay up to date with what other top mages are doing in WoW, not trying to be to much of a cookie cutter mage myself, but rather understanding that as gear is upgraded certain builds become more viable and destructive.

In the end I assume that its going to come down to blizzard fixing evoc like you mentioned and being able to get back mana during the longer fights. Not sure if this is true, but I read that the new bosses will be much longer in duration, around the 7-9 minute mark. If this is true and evoc isn't fixed, I fear that arcane may fall on the wayside once again...


#4 Mar 27 2009 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
Basically just to add to Anobix's post. I've only tried Arc/Fire for a week, but I can share my thoughts on it.

The cruising DPS rate of the Fireball spec (the rate at which you can comfortably maintain a Rotation without worrying about mana) is quite a bit nicer than Arcane, but is Heavily dependent on a 25-Man setting and great gear in terms of iLevel and stat-stacking options - aka you need to have nearly perfect gear choices available. Once you get to this place, though, with 4 Pieces of T7 and some perfect Hit accompaniment along with around 1800SP raw and Fire will dominate in fights like Loatheb, Sapphiron, Kel'Thuzad, and just about anything else with over 10 Million HP or a 4 minute engage time.

Arcane's "comfortable" rotation is lower DPS but works almost to full effect in any grouping situation. The beauty of Arcane is the throttle. From mana conservative to balls-out AB Spam with CDs popped, you can nearly double your DPS. For fights like OS+ and Malygos, as well as in situations where your Raid as a whole is pumping out so much DPS that bosses fall quickly (say if you're going for Patchwerk 3 Min), the ability to really throttle Arcane to afterburner IS a substantial benefit over Fire. The throttle helps for PVP, questing, Groups, and just about anything else too.

So, I'd say any time you really just need to bust out an enormous amount of DPS before being able to fall back, Arcane has the upper hand. Fire has the consistency and some really nice damage but lacks the critical thinking requirements and the fun that goes with it.
#5 Mar 27 2009 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
How bad is Frost?
I recognize Arcane and Fire are THE BEST for most, but I -enjoy- Frost and am not really willing to change that. With 3.1 I may dual-spec Fire but in the mean time, will I even be able to keep up with mediocre DPS as Frost?
#6 Mar 27 2009 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Tsuvati wrote:
How bad is Frost?
I recognize Arcane and Fire are THE BEST for most, but I -enjoy- Frost and am not really willing to change that. With 3.1 I may dual-spec Fire but in the mean time, will I even be able to keep up with mediocre DPS as Frost?

From what I have heard it's like 10-15% lower than Arcane or Fire. FFB is about 5% lower. VERY rough generalizations here. You could still be the highest DPSer in your guild as frost, but out of the theoretical max, you'll be lower than other mages. I seem to remember fire being 6k, arcane 5.9k, FF 5.5k, and frost around 4.8k. Again, very general. It was based on some pie chart from EJ comparing casters. Affliction warlocks using high DPS pets were in the mid 6ks. Kinda scary.

Unless you're progressive-driven, play what you like (but check TGMPE for ideas on why we take talents :-P)
#7 Mar 27 2009 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
Tsuvati wrote:
How bad is Frost?
I recognize Arcane and Fire are THE BEST for most, but I -enjoy- Frost and am not really willing to change that. With 3.1 I may dual-spec Fire but in the mean time, will I even be able to keep up with mediocre DPS as Frost?

I've raided for a while as frost and just recently switched to FFB. As far as I'm concerned, there's no looking back (sure I'll miss my water ele, ice barrier and cold snap). The rotation and watching scorch is slightly more demanding than just spamming frostbolt, but well worth the effort. I don't have any hard numbers for you as to precise DPS difference, but I can say that it was significant. My only complaint is that my cast time for FFB feels like forever.
#8 Mar 27 2009 at 7:46 PM Rating: Good
1,945 posts
Eventually, you won't have to watch Scorch either. I have been testing life without scorch. I changed my glyph and removed the spell from my hotbars. I still have Living Bomb to watch, but I feel good about leaving scorch behind.
#9 Mar 28 2009 at 5:20 AM Rating: Excellent
Tsuvati wrote:
How bad is Frost?
I recognize Arcane and Fire are THE BEST for most, but I -enjoy- Frost and am not really willing to change that. With 3.1 I may dual-spec Fire but in the mean time, will I even be able to keep up with mediocre DPS as Frost?

Frost is consistently about 1000dps or more behind the other viable raiding specs. As of 3.1 blizzard pretty much threw their hands in the air with frost raiding and left it as a pvp spec -- even with the icelance glyph and the dumb replenishment talent change.

You have to ask yourself, are you there to be in a pve spec and benefit the raid or be there in a more pvp-minded spec and do what you want? Frost can do dps in a raid, just not nearly as well as the other specs. Think about racing a corvette (fire) or a lambourghini (arcane) versus a mustang (frost). They will all get you to the same place, just others with more style or faster than the mustang.

Edited, Mar 28th 2009 9:20am by Anobix
#10 Mar 28 2009 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
But it could still be a good idea to spec frost if your guild does 10-man runs and you lack any other class providing Replenishment, right?
#11 Mar 28 2009 at 9:58 AM Rating: Excellent
I guess, but how many wouldn't have either a ret paladin/surv hunter/spriest? I thought they added another class too, but I could be wrong. At least none of the naxx fights are strenuous/long enough for replenishment to be required.
#12 Mar 28 2009 at 11:07 PM Rating: Excellent
IMHO the Replenishment argument of how Frost will become more viable than it is now is non-existent. If you look closely at the changes, they can be considered a downgrade to the Frost Mage's utility as opposed to some buff to the tree.

While the actually effect of the Improved Water Elemental is only half a strong (.12%TM as opposed to Replenishment's .25%TM), it does currently stack with other Replenishment effects - of which Anobix has stated many classes do grant. Furthermore, the IWE Talent can be strategically used to last 2 Straight minutes for intense fights, or in fights lasting 5 Minutes can be busted immediately, then again for 2 straight minutes at the end. The control and reliability of this current effect is powerful in its own right.

A synergized 25-Man Raid currently does not go without a Retribution Paladin and a Shadow Priest anyways - it's too much benefit to DPS PAST the Replenishment effect. Really, this then should not be a problem. This means that every 8 seconds, 20 people are getting a 15-second replenishment effect. Theoretically, and of course never perfectly executed, this means that the entire raid should have Replenishment up almost all of the time while engaged with only *2* players. It only takes 1 of these to keep a 10-Man completely replenished the entirety of a fight. The beauty of this is that these classes are support DPS classes (aka not Warlock/Mage/Hunter/Rogue) and that, ontop of being notably strong damage dealers, are intended to bring something extra to the raid - which they do (in multiple ways.)

Now add in Survival Hunters, who not only bring pure DPS, but also bring multiple benefits to the raid. Very few a'raids amass 25 people and have 0 Hunters. So, tell me why we should have another pure DPS class choose fall way behind on his/her primary role and strength, in order to compete - nay make obsolete - these 3 sources of Replenishment. In addition, where Affliction is getting a dumbing-down and a slight Nerf, Destruction Warlocks have the ability to spec into Replenishment as well (similar to Survival's effect.)

It has become relatively obvious that Frost will continue to be neglected as a viable Raid DPS option - at least for 3.1 release - and the Utility she brings is the only plus side. So why, oh why, would changing a controlled Mana Regeneration effect that stacks with current effects into an effect that completely nullifies other classes' benefits (but in actuality provides 0 benefit because the effect will be up nearly 100% of the time anyways) be considered an upgrade to the spec??

(It's not... it's not at all.)
#13 Mar 28 2009 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
Frost as PvP? I can't stand PvP lol. I run Frost as it's the most viable PvE spec for me right now(currently only in my 50's). When do Fire and Arcane become possible to PvE? Or did you just mean for raids it's PvE?
#14 Mar 29 2009 at 4:21 AM Rating: Good
Tsuvati wrote:
Frost as PvP? I can't stand PvP lol. I run Frost as it's the most viable PvE spec for me right now(currently only in my 50's). When do Fire and Arcane become possible to PvE? Or did you just mean for raids it's PvE?

I was specfically referring to 10/25man raids as pve. All specs are viable for leveling, I actually prefer frost as I love the control. Although after the next xpac (god knows when) I may try my hand at leveling arcane.
#15 Mar 29 2009 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
That is why I love Frost too :) Thanks for the replies to my derail :D
#16 Mar 29 2009 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
I leveled from 70 to 80 as arcane and didn't have any problems. I think it works fine for pvp as well with all the fast casting spells.

I don't understand why a person should never gem for hit though? I mean if its not maxed whats wrong with it? I know I would be well below max if it wasn't for gems.
#17 Mar 31 2009 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,121 posts
I leveled my mage as frost and loved it, but as soon as I started seriously considering grouping/heroics/raiding I respecced to arcane. If you love what you're doing, resign yourself to the fact that your dps is not going to be fantastic. Not saying it can't be good, it just won't be as good as it could be. So, I'd ask yourself not only what's important to you, but what's important to your guild/raid, and what are you willing to give up to benefit them?
#18 Apr 01 2009 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
I like to say there two different ways to play PVE. I think frost still king if you just talking about solo pve play (questing)// I would agree that if doing group pve such as raid & instance to level then arcane or fire would be best.

#19 Apr 06 2009 at 8:20 AM Rating: Default
Ive heard here that certain gear is needed to maximize DPS as a spec. What would be a generalized idea of what spec to be when u ding 80, then what you do as your gear progresses
#20 Apr 06 2009 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
At 80 I would go either frostfire or arcane. both have decent gear leniency. Arcane/Fire (fireball spec) is very gear dependent.
#21 Apr 06 2009 at 6:51 PM Rating: Good
Tsuvati wrote:
How bad is Frost?
I recognize Arcane and Fire are THE BEST for most, but I -enjoy- Frost and am not really willing to change that. With 3.1 I may dual-spec Fire but in the mean time, will I even be able to keep up with mediocre DPS as Frost?

I know you've gotten quite a few replies to this already, but I figured I'd add in my two cents as well. What you stated above was exactly how I felt when I was looking down the end towards lvl 80. I had leveled frost from lvl 10, and I had no desire to change my spec when I hit 80. However, I'd read lots of posts here about different raid specs and figured I'd at least try arcane and see how I liked it. I freaking LOVE arcane now, and I've only been 80 for a little over a week. It's amazing, really. You do so much damage! The only two things I really miss are my water elemental (for added dps and tanking) and Ice Barrier (which mana shield does basically the same thing, just not quite as well). Give a different build a try, you may find that you really enjoy the other two trees just as much if not more so than you've enjoyed Frost thus far.
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