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Back on the Saddle.Follow

#1 Mar 21 2009 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
So I took a one year leave from WoW, but a few of my friends went and got the game a few months ago so I decided to get back on the saddle and start playing again. Trouble is, so much has changed that even though I'm a 70, I feel like I just started the game. So, if anyone could help, I really need the standard 70 resto spec tree. Thanks in advance!
#2 Mar 21 2009 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,094 posts For level 70

Building up to this.

That's how I would do it anyway, after the essential stuff the last eight or so points of speccing a Resto Shaman these days are preference and opinion.

Nice to see you back.

Also don't forget glyphs.
#3 Mar 23 2009 at 8:10 AM Rating: Good
Draenei! We missed you!!! Hope everything's all right =).

The two builds that Cestin put up are close to what I use. Personally, I pick up Imp. Rein instead of Tidal Force (I don't have issues with crit or healing, so I'd rather have the ability to pop back up sooner instead... of course, other people have their preference).

But other than that one point there and the one point in Ancestral healing being put into Rein, the rest are the same for me.

You'll start getting into the hang of things again. I've just recently started to pick my rogue back up and it's slowly coming back to me.

Good luck and Welcome back!
#4 Mar 24 2009 at 6:29 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
There is actually one fairly significant flaw in the build(s) that Cestin linked, IMO, and that would be Ancestral Healing vs. Ancestral Awakening.

There is some small room for personal flavor in Resto builds nowadays, but I've done my time with Awakening and found it to be pure garbage for PvE. You shouldn't won't be casting Healing Wave or Lesser Healing Wave often enough in a raid for it to be of any use (unless you're tank-healing, which, again, you shouldn't won't be). Ancestral Healing, meanwhile, is a substantial mitigation boost and procs off of any of your healing spells.
#5 Mar 24 2009 at 7:08 AM Rating: Good
1,162 posts
Awakening procs off Riptide also.
#6 Mar 24 2009 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
feelz wrote:
Awakening procs off Riptide also.

And... 30% of Riptide's initial heal applied elsewhere is supposed to be significant? As opposed to, say, an instant 25% armor increase, since Ancestral Healing also procs off of Riptide?
#7 Mar 24 2009 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,162 posts
And... 30% of Riptide's initial heal applied elsewhere is supposed to be significant? As opposed to, say, an instant 25% armor increase, since Ancestral Healing also procs off of Riptide?

Not that much (around 1.2k) but in most case still better then the armor increase. I usually heal the raid, most of the damage comes from aoe spell damage which is not mitigated by armor. sure the mage in my party now got 25% more armor but it's not gonna change anything when he gets hit by the next frost bolt on KT.

If I heal the main tank then I guess the armor increase is a pretty good buff but you'll be using your healing wave a lot more making awakening that much more useful also.

In the end, you can take both or either one. It shouldn't stop you from doing your job efficiently either way.

Personally I would get both and drop the points in elemental weapons. The bonus to earthliving weapon doesn't really scale well with higher SP.
#8 Mar 24 2009 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
feelz wrote:
And... 30% of Riptide's initial heal applied elsewhere is supposed to be significant? As opposed to, say, an instant 25% armor increase, since Ancestral Healing also procs off of Riptide?

Not that much (around 1.2k) but in most case still better then the armor increase. I usually heal the raid, most of the damage comes from aoe spell damage which is not mitigated by armor. sure the mage in my party now got 25% more armor but it's not gonna change anything when he gets hit by the next frost bolt on KT.

If I heal the main tank then I guess the armor increase is a pretty good buff but you'll be using your healing wave a lot more making awakening that much more useful also.

In the end, you can take both or either one. It shouldn't stop you from doing your job efficiently either way.

I suppose not, but I still don't really follow. I mean, if the raid is taking damage you're not even going to be casting Riptide, you're just going to be Chain Healing everyone. In fact, whenever I do cast Riptide in a raid, I'd say that it's on a tank at least a good 75% of the time. And that's not even mentioning five-mans where the vast majority of pulls consist simply of ~4 mobs meleeing the tank.

KT is also an extremely poor example of how the armor increase is ill-served. On KT? Gothik? Sure. But Patchwerk, Sapphiron (still the hardest boss in Naxx), and almost every other boss out there, heroic or raid, with very few exceptions, is most dangerous to a tank because of their physical damage. A 25% armor increase is very substantial no matter how you try to trivialize it, while what little bonus healing you get out of Awakening is just that: a bonus. I guarantee you'll never miss it.
#9 Mar 24 2009 at 2:46 PM Rating: Default
1,094 posts
Gaudion wrote:
feelz wrote:
And... 30% of Riptide's initial heal applied elsewhere is supposed to be significant? As opposed to, say, an instant 25% armor increase, since Ancestral Healing also procs off of Riptide?

Not that much (around 1.2k) but in most case still better then the armor increase. I usually heal the raid, most of the damage comes from aoe spell damage which is not mitigated by armor. sure the mage in my party now got 25% more armor but it's not gonna change anything when he gets hit by the next frost bolt on KT.

If I heal the main tank then I guess the armor increase is a pretty good buff but you'll be using your healing wave a lot more making awakening that much more useful also.

In the end, you can take both or either one. It shouldn't stop you from doing your job efficiently either way.

I suppose not, but I still don't really follow. I mean, if the raid is taking damage you're not even going to be casting Riptide, you're just going to be Chain Healing everyone. In fact, whenever I do cast Riptide in a raid, I'd say that it's on a tank at least a good 75% of the time. And that's not even mentioning five-mans where the vast majority of pulls consist simply of ~4 mobs meleeing the tank.

KT is also an extremely poor example of how the armor increase is ill-served. On KT? Gothik? Sure. But Patchwerk, Sapphiron (still the hardest boss in Naxx), and almost every other boss out there, heroic or raid, with very few exceptions, is most dangerous to a tank because of their physical damage. A 25% armor increase is very substantial no matter how you try to trivialize it, while what little bonus healing you get out of Awakening is just that: a bonus. I guarantee you'll never miss it.

Do you just ignore Tidal Waves altogether? We have that nifty new Haste buff thingy, seen it ever? Plus 20% more on HW and 10% on LHW.

We're not just Brain Heal spam-bots anymore Gaudion. If you want to do that use an Unrelenting Storm spec.
#10 Mar 24 2009 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,162 posts

I suppose not, but I still don't really follow. I mean, if the raid is taking damage you're not even going to be casting Riptide, you're just going to be Chain Healing everyone. In fact, whenever I do cast Riptide in a raid, I'd say that it's on a tank at least a good 75% of the time. And that's not even mentioning five-mans where the vast majority of pulls consist simply of ~4 mobs meleeing the tank.

KT is also an extremely poor example of how the armor increase is ill-served. On KT? Gothik? Sure. But Patchwerk, Sapphiron (still the hardest boss in Naxx), and almost every other boss out there, heroic or raid, with very few exceptions, is most dangerous to a tank because of their physical damage. A 25% armor increase is very substantial no matter how you try to trivialize it, while what little bonus healing you get out of Awakening is just that: a bonus. I guarantee you'll never miss it

Let me clarify. I'm not saying that you shouldn't take ancestral healing. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't drop the points from Awakening.
The points in Elemental weapons are more of a waste for anybody at Naxx level than the 3 points in Awakening which, like you said yourself, are a little bonus.

As for Sapphiron, my duty on that particular fight is to decurse and heal the raid. If I have to heal the main tank, there's something going wrong with the other healers. So in that particular fight, Ancestral healing brings absolutely no benefit(frost aura, drain life and chill are not mitigated by armor) while Awakening gives me an extra 1200 healing on 2 raid members on occasion.

You also mentioned that 75% of the time you cast riptide, it's on the tank. I respect your knowledge of the class and I guess our mileage and playstyle are different but i do use Riptide a lot more than on the tank. Riptide increases your chain heal by 25% so casting it on the lowest target before the chain heal is a nice extra chunk of healing right there.

So in conclusion, I agree with you that Ancestral healing should be taken, I just disagree where you take the points to make it happen. It's true that you won't miss Ancestral awakening if you don't take it but you'll miss even less Elemental Weapons (unless you just turned 80 in quest green and normal 5-man gear)
#11 Mar 25 2009 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
CestinShaman wrote:
Do you just ignore Tidal Waves altogether? We have that nifty new Haste buff thingy, seen it ever? Plus 20% more on HW and 10% on LHW.

We're not just Brain Heal spam-bots anymore Gaudion. If you want to do that use an Unrelenting Storm spec.

I'm not exactly sure why Tidal Waves is now relative to this discussion.

feelz wrote:
Gaudion wrote:
I suppose not, but I still don't really follow. I mean, if the raid is taking damage you're not even going to be casting Riptide, you're just going to be Chain Healing everyone. In fact, whenever I do cast Riptide in a raid, I'd say that it's on a tank at least a good 75% of the time. And that's not even mentioning five-mans where the vast majority of pulls consist simply of ~4 mobs meleeing the tank.

Let me clarify. I'm not saying that you shouldn't take ancestral healing. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't drop the points from Awakening.
The points in Elemental weapons are more of a waste for anybody at Naxx level than the 3 points in Awakening which, like you said yourself, are a little bonus.

Whereas I personally would take Elemental Weapons and Ancestral Healing both before I would ever take Ancestral Awakening (unless it's a PvP build). That's all I'm saying. Dreinai's an intelligent enough girl, I'm sure she'll eventually arrive at a conclusion herself. But until then, I consider it somewhat of an obligation to advise against what I consider a very bad talent to someone who, by self-profession, doesn't know any better.

feelz wrote:
Gaudion wrote:
KT is also an extremely poor example of how the armor increase is ill-served. On KT? Gothik? Sure. But Patchwerk, Sapphiron (still the hardest boss in Naxx), and almost every other boss out there, heroic or raid, with very few exceptions, is most dangerous to a tank because of their physical damage. A 25% armor increase is very substantial no matter how you try to trivialize it, while what little bonus healing you get out of Awakening is just that: a bonus. I guarantee you'll never miss it

As for Sapphiron, my duty on that particular fight is to decurse and heal the raid. If I have to heal the main tank, there's something going wrong with the other healers. So in that particular fight, Ancestral healing brings absolutely no benefit(frost aura, drain life and chill are not mitigated by armor) while Awakening gives me an extra 1200 healing on 2 raid members on occasion.

I've cleared Sapphiron with the highest total healing done (not bragging here, anyone on raid-healing duty on that particular fight sure as hell should be on top), 87% of decurses done, and still managed to keep Earth Shield and Riptide active on the tank for the better part of all phase ones.

For that matter, you complain about being unable to throw out a Riptide, but then how and when exactly are you finding the time to cast Lesser Healing Wave or Healing Wave?

And one more thing as far as Saph is concerned: Frost Aura, Chill, and Drain Life are certainly dangerous mechanics, but so is his melee. He's got the most dangerous melee output in Naxx if you don't count Patchwerk's Hatefuls.

feelz wrote:
You also mentioned that 75% of the time you cast riptide, it's on the tank. I respect your knowledge of the class and I guess our mileage and playstyle are different but i do use Riptide a lot more than on the tank. Riptide increases your chain heal by 25% so casting it on the lowest target before the chain heal is a nice extra chunk of healing right there.

It's been pretty well established that Riptide-to-Chain Heal is almost a complete waste of... well, everything. You're generally better off just casting two Chain Heals back-to-back. The bonus from Riptide can be nice when you're catching the HoT on the tail end right before it disappears, but using it as a boost to Chain Heal is just not efficient healing.

In any case... this has gotten a little out of hand. I can appreciate the fact that we've obviously got different playstyles and I think we've both sufficiently voices our points on the matter, so I'll just leave it here and let Draenei take from it what she will.

Edited, Mar 25th 2009 7:30pm by Gaudion
#12 Mar 25 2009 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,162 posts
I'm not exactly sure why Tidal Waves is now relative to this discussion.

I'm not the one who brought this up. CestinShaman did. Not that it matter but I wasn't sure at first why you were directing that comment at me.

In any case... this has gotten a little out of hand. I can appreciate the fact that we've obviously got different playstyles and I think we've both sufficiently voices our points on the matter, so I'll just leave it here and let Draenei take from it what she will.

You're right it won't really serve any purpose to argue that point even more. It is nice though that we can have some constructive discussion on this board unlike the o-board or even the general here sometimes.
#13 Mar 25 2009 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
feelz wrote:
I'm not exactly sure why Tidal Waves is now relative to this discussion.

I'm not the one who brought this up. CestinShaman did. Not that it matter but I wasn't sure at first why you were directing that comment at me.

Yes, my apologies about that. My quote boxes got lost when I was shuffling that post around, it seems.
#14 Mar 25 2009 at 7:56 PM Rating: Default
1,094 posts
Gaudion wrote:
but I've done my time with Awakening and found it to be pure garbage for PvE. You shouldn't won't be casting Healing Wave or Lesser Healing Wave often enough in a raid for it to be of any use.

This is how Tidal Waves became relevant.

I'm just saying, Tidal Waves, Ancestral Awakening, etc. were put in there for a reason. To be used. And to be used, a Shaman must use a LHW (And less often, HW) when the time is right.

I can see that you're, as I say, 'playing it old school' with our method of Brain Heal overuse, but you cannot ignore the fact that LHW should/could be used at the right times, making good use of those talents. (Or proving AA's worth since you seem to not like it.)
#15 Mar 25 2009 at 9:00 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
CestinShaman wrote:
Gaudion wrote:
but I've done my time with Awakening and found it to be pure garbage for PvE. You shouldn't won't be casting Healing Wave or Lesser Healing Wave often enough in a raid for it to be of any use.

This is how Tidal Waves became relevant.

I can see that you're, as I say, 'playing it old school' with our method of Brain Heal overuse, but you cannot ignore the fact that LHW should/could be used at the right times, making good use of those talents. (Or proving AA's worth since you seem to not like it.)

Ok, look junior... I think it's cute that you consider me to be an old, "Brain Heal" spamming relic. But you couldn't be further from the mark.

I'm just saying, Tidal Waves, Ancestral Awakening, etc. were put in there for a reason. To be used. And to be used, a Shaman must use a LHW (And less often, HW) when the time is right.

This is exactly the same kind of logic that makes Enhancement Shaman put Flametongue on a slow off-hand. They don't know any better but, hey! Lava Lash gets bonus damage from Flametongue, so let's slap it on our off-hand and go to town. Nevermind that it decreases their overall DPS.

The smart Shaman player will actually make reasoned judgements about his gear, talents, and spells, instead of just blindly fumbling around in the dark hitting every button Blizzard has given him to press.

So let's get right to it, shall we?

Tidal Waves is great. When you're tank healing or in a five-man instance. But in a raid? Shaman are poorer single-target healers than the other three healers in the game but a strong raid healer. So if you're going to have a Resto Shaman in the raid, efficient resource management should always have them raid healing.

Now, you tell me, sport. What good does Tidal Waves, Lesser Healing Wave, Healing Wave, and Riptide do you when you're responsible for healing the AoE damage taken by up to ten people? The correct answer is, "Close to none." You can squeeze some use out of Riptide by throwing it up on the tank or off-tank, and I do, constantly. But unless fewer then two people are hurt, there is simply no reason, old school, new school, or any other school, to cast anything other than Chain Heal. It's simply more efficient in terms of mana cost, time cost, and healing delivered.

So where does that leave Ancestral Awakening if you won't even be casting the spells it can proc off of if more than one person is hurt? And if only one target is getting hurt, what's the point of an Ancestral Awakening proc? Well, if you're looking to drive up your overhealing, this would be one surefire way to do it.

As I said... I did my time with Ancestral Awakening and just found it to be pure garbage. If you want to convince me or anyone else that Ancestral Awakening is a good talent, tiger, you're gonna have to do a lot better than, "Just because it's there."
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