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dk aggro, death strike, healaggro?Follow

#1 Mar 21 2009 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent

if i use the death strike as dk. will i get more aggro through the extra healing?
will i get damage aggro and heal aggro?
or ist the aggro from death strike and for example obliterate the same?

#2 Mar 21 2009 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
With the exception of rune strike and DnD, all DK aggro is purely from damage done.
(there is no bonus aggro on any ability).

2nd I'm not positive, but i'm pretty sure the self healing done (blood aura/death strike) does not give aggro, and if it did it would only be 1/2 aggro.
To kind of push this logic, if you do damage and heal with death strike, it is like "double dipping" to get damage aggro AND healing aggro from the same ability.

I believe when you play you have to make a choice, do i want more aggro, or more healing. On some fights (like hateful tanking on patchwork, or tanking adds on KT), I choose death strike because aggro isnt an issue. Generally the healing is good enough, and the heals come in fast enough (and strong enough) that death strike in a tanking situation is a bit wasteful because the next heal would overheal me anyways).

Edited, Mar 21st 2009 1:47pm by EnthalpyTheBurninator
#3 Mar 21 2009 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Self-healing does generate threat at the standard 0.5 per point actual healed rate as far as I recall. Paladin tanks often judge Light to help generate additional threat even though it's not a ton (and Pallys get massive multipliers for Holy damage/healing). Remember though that it's global threat and divided among all mobs involved in the encounter.

This would need to be tested to be 100% though. Regardless, it's a very small amount of threat generated and I doubt it's much of a factor. Even with the changes to DS coming in 3.1 I wouldn't bother concerning myself too much with healing threat factors.
#4 Mar 21 2009 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
I thought they were removing the aggro via. JoL because it was making it too hard to balance pally tanks threat wise....on that note....i thought they already did it. maybe its for a future patch?
#5 Mar 21 2009 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent

thx for the answers... i have to say something.... i don´t ask for the current speccs. i specially ask for the upcoming 3.1 build.
i want to use it for a blood tanking build.
in the normal rotation, on the liveserver, i use heart strike and obliterate to get death runes.
with 3.1 the blood tree gets improved death strike. also the sigil of awareness increases the damage of death strike. and with the glyph of death strike, death strike will make more damge.

in the blood tank rotation, i can use death strike or obliterate to get death runes.
with the new damge of death strike i tested the rotation with death strike in place of obliterate on the level 83 boss dummys. the damage of obliterate was a little bit higher than the damage ob death strike. approximately 200-300 damge normal and 300-500 crit damge. but death strike has the advantage that i get self healing. the dps were the all about the same.

therefore the question is, will i get more aggro through the healing? what will make more aggro? obliterate with a litlle bit more damage or death strike through the healing?

deathstrike will have the advantage that i get extra healing. i think this will be nice for tanking. but the disadvantage, i think, is the runic power. with the glyph of death strike, the death strike will get more powerfull the more runic power i have. but i also have to use the runic power for rune strike. so i think that i will use the most runic power for rune strike, so i won´t have enough runic power to the the max. out of my death strike. and if i always have to get the max. on runic power to get the death strike more powerful, i won´t have runic power for the death coil. and if i don´t use the death coil, will i get enough dps and aggro?
will i geht more aggro with obliterate or with death strike. even if i have the "problems" with the runic power...

i heard from different people that death strike will replace obliterate in the blood tanking rotation. what do you think?

#6 Mar 21 2009 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
If you're at full health, DS doesn't give you additional threat.
#7 Mar 22 2009 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
sure, but if a have 100% heals i get 5% more damage from blood gorges.

if i want to use ob, i have to set 13 points in frost. and so i lose points in my blood tree.... the question is... what is better?

i tested it again on the level 83 boss dummy.

i took the points out of blood gorges and set them into annihilation. so i lose 5% damge if i am over 75% heals but don´t lose my diseases.
( the 5% more damage will be nice to get morge aggro in the beginn )

i had 100 dps more with the ob rotation. but this could bacause my hs damge was higher... this could be because of the 3% more crit from annihilation, or crit luck....
on the other hand, my basic damage of ob was 100 higher than ds. but the crit damge of ds was much higher...
i got healing from ds up to 7500 crit. normal round about 2700... if this healing will also get aggro, ds will make realy more aggro than ob.

#8 Mar 22 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Read it, love it, take it with a grain of salt.

But, about this specific ability:

Death Strike _______________________ damage
Death Strike healing _______________ healing × 0.5 × presence, split between all

So, DS threat should NOT be pulling aggro unless your tank is slacking in his AoE threat duty.

And, no offense, but I refuse to read that comment unless you clean it up...
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#9 Mar 22 2009 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
bottom line is oblit will offer more damage and threat, and most healers will keep you topped off so it wont matter. it has special uses.
#10 Mar 22 2009 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
EnthalpyTheBurninator wrote:
bottom line is oblit will offer more damage and threat, and most healers will keep you topped off so it wont matter. it has special uses.

The main issue is that in 3.1 with the DS talent and glyph, DS will probably pull ahead of Oblit for Blood, in which case you need to be aware of healing threat as well.
#11 Mar 22 2009 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I'm seriously expecting a DS nerf, and I approve of it.

I use DS to heal myself--the damage is a bonus. Oblit, on the other hand, was supposed to be a very damaging ability that consumed diseases as a result.

If it was me balancing the trees, I would design Blood to be more of a constant damage spec than a burst spec like Frost and, to a smaller extent, Unholy.

Instead of letting them get Annihilation, I would make it more point-intensive in Frost. To make up that damage difference, they would get a slightly more powerful Heart Strike (already more damaging than Blood Strike), a slightly more powerful Icy Touch/Plague Strike and then a more powerful Death Strike or an Oblit that consumes diseases.

I imagine the rotation would use Death Strike one round then Oblit the next, to reapply diseases right after. Each standard ability would do more damage, without the kind of spike you get in Frost from using 1-3 Oblits in a rotation, or Scourge Strike in Unholy.

Seems logical to me, though possibly making it less powerful in PvP. But, on the other hand, they still get DRW for burst damage...

Either way, I firmly believe Death Strike damage should be < Oblit damage. Oblit naturally has a negative side effect. Death Strike, on the other hand, naturally has a positive one. To let talents make DS do more damage, making its positive side-effect better is nonsensical to me.

Personally, I just want them to change Vampiric Blood to something mitigation-based. Blood is already < the other two specs for tanking because of AoE threat issues and lack of mitigation. Hopefully, the changes to BB will resolve the first. Now we just need to change the latter.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#12 Mar 22 2009 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
I like the DS change; as it is, you never need to use it at 80.

Blood should use HS/DS. Frost should use BS/Oblit. Unholy should use BS/SS. It takes the builds further from eachother in terms of similarity.

Blood is also the self-healing tree, remember.

Edit: and I can definitely see a healing nerf coming to DS, but I doubt they'll change the damage.

Edited, Mar 22nd 2009 5:38pm by Theophany
#13 Mar 23 2009 at 7:00 AM Rating: Default
Blood is already < the other two specs for tanking because of AoE threat issues and lack of mitigation

i think with 3.1 blood will be very stong. for example frost, lichborne nerf, ua is also not as strong as before. unholy, bone shild dc up to 2 min, and with the changing of blade barrier you will faste loose the shields.
ok, blood got the cd on wotn. but 15 sek is ok... it is still strong. and you got extra str and sta.
i thing with patch 3.1. blood < the other specs

on the other hand, i am not interessting in aoe builds. i want high aggro and a chance of surviving.
i want to tank the big boss^^
#14 Mar 23 2009 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts

i think with 3.1 blood will be very stong. for example frost, lichborne nerf, ua is also not as strong as before. unholy, bone shild dc up to 2 min, and with the changing of blade barrier you will faste loose the shields.
ok, blood got the cd on wotn. but 15 sek is ok... it is still strong. and you got extra str and sta.
i thing with patch 3.1. blood < the other specs

on the other hand, i am not interessting in aoe builds. i want high aggro and a chance of surviving.
i want to tank the big boss^^

No offense, but this post is ridiculous. Try coherency--it works.

Vampiric Blood also had its cooldown changed.

Plus, Blood has very little mitigation of its own. Where the "tanking" talent in the other two trees is a mitigation ability, making it extremely useful for obvious reasons. Blood, on the other hand, only gets a +health and +healing, with the health disappearing after the duration. It is, essentially, equivalent to the Oh-sh*t ability other tanks get (well, at least Warriors, get), rather than one that is useful every time it comes up. Furthermore, for farmed content, this ability will likely never really be useful where the other two will.

Plus, any tank that doesn't care about AoE aggro sucks by default. AoE is a huge portion of this game, regardless of whether or not Blizz brings CC back. If you can't do it, you're going to let people die and put more stress on your healers. Yeah, boss threat is important as well, but Blood is already fine there (it has the highest single-target threat). Hell, all of our trees (though, perhaps not with DW) are fine with boss threat of people know what they are doing. The problem is that the best of the best Blood DKs are going to have a very, very hard time with AoE threat, with their only real AoE threat ability as DnD.

Equals, Blood sucking for tanking unless you have a really, really weird raid setup (so that your failure at AoE and lack of talent-based mitigation ability doesn't matter).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#15 Mar 23 2009 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,039 posts
the only time a DK should have single target aggro issues (boss issues) is when there's a damage buff that the tank doesnt get, such as sparks on maly. There have been times where our enh shaman will get in 2 sparks then all the sudden i'll be like "um can somebody BoSalv the shammy" but other than that it doesnt matter too much. (assuming you dont gear like an idiot).

on the flip side, frost and UH have great aoe while blood doesnt get a lot to make its aoe worthwhile in my opinion. on 1-2 mobs its great because of HS's cleave effect, and I think its a great OT spec, but for progression MT its not too hot
#16 Mar 24 2009 at 4:03 AM Rating: Default
ok. i understand your arguments and also see the weakness in aoe tanking.
but when i see the last raids. there was no need to be a perfekt aoe tank. we always had minumum 1 tank for aoe. paladin, frostdk and so on. and with 2 tanks, everybody can take for example 2 mobs.
i think in raids is the aoe argument not so importent, as longe there are other tanks that can do it.
in 5 man groeps, where i am the only tank, aoe is more important, and blood will be weaker than other builds. but with dnd, the increase of blood boil,a few seconds waiting and a target focus, it will be also successful.

i think
-unholy will be good for aoe tanking.
-frost will be good as a mix between single target and aoe
-blood will be good for sinlge target. bosstank

#17 Mar 24 2009 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
ok. i understand your arguments and also see the weakness in aoe tanking.
but when i see the last raids. there was no need to be a perfekt aoe tank. we always had minumum 1 tank for aoe. paladin, frostdk and so on. and with 2 tanks, everybody can take for example 2 mobs.
i think in raids is the aoe argument not so importent, as longe there are other tanks that can do it.
in 5 man groeps, where i am the only tank, aoe is more important, and blood will be weaker than other builds. but with dnd, the increase of blood boil,a few seconds waiting and a target focus, it will be also successful.

i think
-unholy will be good for aoe tanking.
-frost will be good as a mix between single target and aoe
-blood will be good for sinlge target. bosstank



IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#18 Mar 25 2009 at 4:05 AM Rating: Default

this was only a idea^^

i don´t want to say something wrong. or say that one build is bad or stupid....

i want to discuss the new builds with 3.1... sorry if i saw somewthin wrong... i only wnat to discuss and learn...

#19 Mar 25 2009 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Well, Blood and Frost are roughly equal in single target aggro. Blood is slightly higher, but not by enough it ever makes a difference. The fact that it has essentially no mitigation makes it inferior to Frost for single target tanking.

Unholy is higher than Frost, slightly. But, it has less spike threat and is inferior in single-target threat.

As far as mitigation goes, Unholy and Frost are roughly equal.

Frost has +3% dodge over Unholy, plus UA (which is getting better next patch, from what I understand). It also gets some nice magic mitigation through Acclimation and Frost Aura. Ironically, Frost has better AoE mitigation, because UA's duration doesn't lower from being hit.

Unholy gets Bone Shield, which rocks (and, with high mitigation, can last a nice long time). They also get to boost their AMS and get AMZ. If necessary, their perma ghoul can offtank one mob (though it isn't exactly efficient and you will probably never have to do it).

And one last problem with Blood is that it gets worse and worse the closer your raid gets to farming an instance. It is highly reaction based (abilities produce healing, your "tanking" talent is essentially a Warrior's Last Stand with lower health returned but a + to healing). Once your and your healer's gear gets better, you will be falling into low health numbers less frequently, and Vampiric Blood will become useless (and a Blood DpS can provide Mark of Blood). Furthermore, the bosses will go down faster, so that your abilities are even less needed because your healer will never go OOM, and should be able to keep you topped easier.

Three things are going to have to happen to make Blood a truly viable raid alternative (without being a really good, in which case you could probably still rock the other two better).

1. It needs to produce threat equal to a heal, even if the heal doesn't go off (mostly for the next point, but slightly for a risk in single target threat as other classes get better DpS).
2. It needs some kind of AoE threat--perhaps causing full heal threat to every target when in Frost Spec (with the above change). (As it is, heals count for Aggro in a formula like (Heal/2)/Number of targets, to each mob. Let it cause the Heal threat to each target, and you are in business. Hell, it may just be enough, if Death Strike stays at its current power, to let it cause half threat to each target.
3. Less important (not to say that it isn't), Vampiric Blood needs to change to something mitigation based. Instead of an addition to healing, it should be 15% health and 10% lower damage, or something. This way, it still has the functionality of giving the healers an extra second to save you, but it can still be used for the mitigation whenever the CD goes up.

Until then, Blood is going to be a spec that requires gear superior to Frost and Unholy, just to be as good as them. And, even then, it will require highly skilled healers and DK.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#20 Mar 26 2009 at 3:14 AM Rating: Default
thx for the answer. but one question. are you talking about 3.1. or the liveserver?

on the liveserver, i frost as the best tankingbuild what i still use. and i like it. but i think about to test blood with 3.1

#21 Mar 26 2009 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
thx for the answer. but one question. are you talking about 3.1. or the liveserver?

on the liveserver, i frost as the best tankingbuild what i still use. and i like it. but i think about to test blood with 3.1


The only thing changing with Blood in 3.1 is that Death Strike will do more damage, and thus produce more aggro. But, single target threat generation was never an issue with Blood, due to Obliterate and Heart Strike.

It isn't that it CANNOT be good. Blood is fine as a spec. It is just noticeably inferior to the other two. And, probably inferior to all other tanks except the Druid on AoE threat generation.

But, test away. That is an important part of learning your class (and the learning NEVER stops, so this isn't to say you are a bad player. The best of the best are still always learning). But, I suggest not getting your hopes up.

That way, you will either be pleasantly surprised or neutral, but not disappointed.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#22 Mar 26 2009 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
Does frost pressence affect the threat from healing?

Things I wish they would do for blood threat.
-Make a talent that increases healing threat and DRW threat included to you.
-Make Imp blood pressence healing affect threat.

FWIW, I love blood tanking and have very little threat issues. My healers prefer me in blood spec over frost (I switch constantly to compare).

Also with threat, I'm wondering if Frost is going to have a lot more issues now that HB will have a 10sec CD instead of 5sec.
#23 Mar 26 2009 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Gikkers wrote:
Does frost pressence affect the threat from healing?

Yes. It increases all threat you cause; this includes healing threat.
#24 Mar 26 2009 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Does frost pressence affect the threat from healing?

Things I wish they would do for blood threat.
-Make a talent that increases healing threat and DRW threat included to you.
-Make Imp blood pressence healing affect threat.

FWIW, I love blood tanking and have very little threat issues. My healers prefer me in blood spec over frost (I switch constantly to compare).

Also with threat, I'm wondering if Frost is going to have a lot more issues now that HB will have a 10sec CD instead of 5sec.

Your healers seem stupid and lazy to me. 4% Healing to you, which causes no additional threat, does NOT make up for the MASSIVE loss of Threat from Frost Presence, additional health and additional mitigation it applies.

The DRW change is pointless, it doens't solve anything. We don't have any issues with single target threat, which is all the weapon could really add. Plus, tightening the talent tree for Blood would suck.

And, as far as I know, Frost Presence multiplies all threat YOU cause, so it does boost Healing threat. It DOES boost Death Strike threat according to the site I linked earlier (though that MAY have been another thread here). However, most DK heals don't produce ANY threat, such as Aura/Presence/Rune Tap/MoB/BW threat. It's all useless.

Death Strike Healing- healing × 0.5 × presence, split between all mobs

But, you have to understand how LOW that is. And it gets lower and lower the more mobs you encounter. At those levels, an accidental auto-attack crit from a 2-hander could turn a mob to a DpS, if that is all the threat you have on them so far.

On the other hand, UB causes a ton of threat to every mob in the radius (so, likely every mob in the group) every tic, and it can stay up all the time without too much fuss from the DK. Add in Wandering Plague, an additional disease and increased disease damage and an Unholy DK should have little difficulty controlling every mob in a group.

HB is more spike threat, but likely less overall. It is a pure damage threat builder but, like UB, it won't reduce with mob numbers. Furthermore, they sacrifice little single-target threat to use it, because it's damage is almost as high as Oblit with Frost Fever up (which SHOULD be on every mob). And, while the CD is being doubled, so is its damage. So, the threat should be tighter, but still miles ahead of Blood.

There really is no comparison. Blood needs a massive overhaul if they want it to tank effectively in this environment.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#25 Mar 26 2009 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
idiggory wrote:
Does frost pressence affect the threat from healing?

Things I wish they would do for blood threat.
-Make a talent that increases healing threat and DRW threat included to you.
-Make Imp blood pressence healing affect threat.

FWIW, I love blood tanking and have very little threat issues. My healers prefer me in blood spec over frost (I switch constantly to compare).

Also with threat, I'm wondering if Frost is going to have a lot more issues now that HB will have a 10sec CD instead of 5sec.

Your healers seem stupid and lazy to me. 4% Healing to you, which causes no additional threat, does NOT make up for the MASSIVE loss of Threat from Frost Presence, additional health and additional mitigation it applies.

Whoa there, sonny.

He never said he tanks in Blood Presence. He said his healers prefer Blood SPEC over Frost. "Imp Blood Presence" is obviously Blood Aura.
#26 Mar 26 2009 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Whoa there, sonny.

He never said he tanks in Blood Presence. He said his healers prefer Blood SPEC over Frost. "Imp Blood Presence" is obviously Blood Aura.

Thank God, I only misread it.

I was terrified for a second. O.o;;

I still don't see how a healer could prefer Blood Spec. Sure, it lets them be lazier, but it also increases the chance of a rogue mob 1-shotting them...


And, for the record, I would LOVE to see Blood become viable. It is my preferred soloing spec. If I was able to just tank in it, my life would be easier. :P

If I had better gear/a raiding guild designed with it in mind/more skill, maybe I'd consider it. Until then, I cannot justify a less-efficient, higher damage spec that has essentially no specific AoE tanking ability.

Edited, Mar 26th 2009 8:20pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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