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WotLK Feral DPS DiscussionFollow

#1 Mar 20 2009 at 7:07 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
I decided to start this thread due to DPS related questions that I had while reading the tanking thread WotLK Tanking Essentials? . I didn't what to hijack the other thread. In that thread Galenmoon posted a Feral DPS build

My DPS Build Galenmoon

Here is the build he linked Galenmoon

My question to Galenmoon is this: How much benefit do you see from the four points in Feral Aggression? As I am called on to OT in the middle of raids I prefer putting the points in talents that improve my dodge.

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 10:09am by Lastar
#2 Mar 20 2009 at 8:07 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Honestly, I ran all the way to 80 with a tank build, so I never really ran cat until I hit 80 and we had too many tanks for 25's. I had a pretty good DPS set, so I ended up volunteering to go kitty for it.

I average around 4k overall during Naxx 25, reaching up to 12-15k on trash pulls and averaging between 3.8-4.2k on bosses depending on crit streaks.

I know that I get some really monstrous FB's with those extra 4 points, but I never tested out taking them away from there. The biggest thing I found was that when making my DPS build, I had to put 2 points into it anyway because it was the only talent that gave me a dps increase on the top half of the tier to allow me to go lower into the tree.

You could take the other 2 points and place them in Natural Reaction to increase your dodge percent, but other than using another point in Feral Charge (which does nothing for your dps except maybe getting you there a little quicker. (Why were you out of place? :P )), you still have to put a point in FA to get lower in the tree.

Off the top of my head, I average 12-14k FB crits on normal fights, with upwards of 28k Crits on Thaddius with the boost to dps from people stacking. These numbers are guesstimates, you'd have to let me run Naxx 25 again this weekend for solid numbers. I keep meaning to turn on my WWS for my 25's run, but keep forgetting >.<

If nothing more substantial than my "Cause I said so!!!" post comes through before this weekend ends, I'll post some good numbers Monday.

EDIT: 333 posts...Half Evil?

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 12:08pm by Galenmoon
#3 Mar 20 2009 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
Ferocious bites are ferocious.

I'm a feral specced and gemmed tank and more often than not on bosses that require just one tank I'm in cat form dps'ing. In a 25m raid I average about 2100-2400 dps which sadly, is better than a couple of our full-time dps but whatever. I was wondering what's the best rotation for someone like me who does not have a lot of the cat talents and only glyphs for Rip. I do have the tier set bonus and 3/5 Furor.

Currently I use something like:

Tiger's Fury, Rake, Roar, Mangle to 4 (or 5 depending on crits), Rip, Rake, Shift out, Shift Cat Mangle to 5, FB then repeat.

Under berserking I can usually keep a full stack of Roar,Rip and get 2 or 3 full ferocious bites off, but that's only once every three minutes.

Is there a better way? Or am I kinda stuck without actually gearing/gemming cat.
#4 Mar 20 2009 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
First off you need a better Idol for tanking, any of these are better. For DPS you can use most of these ones or preferably the emblem one with the shred bonus.

Your spec is ok but when 3.1 hits you're going to de-facto lose Master Shapeshifter on account of needing two points to finish RnT and get Primal Gore since it's important even for bear builds. I can hit 2100 raid buffed in mostly green dps gear with my spec right now, so MS isn't really a big deal unless you're min/maxing a cat build. Additionally, Shredding Attacks is a bear talent too and shouldn't be overlooked; Lacerate is still an important part of our rotations and this will have the side bonus of letting you use Shred more when kitty.

Don't use finishers until 5cp, sans maybe for an opening SR from stealth (Ravage-SR-continue as normal). Yes, you'll "waste" combo points on crits at 4 standing cp, but you're wasting more damage by using finishers one CP early. Should always shoot for 5cp, put up SR, and then continue obtaining CP ensuring Rake is always up and then using Mangle/Shred as appropriate until 5. Then you have to assess if SR is going to run out before your next 5cp; if so, refresh it. If not, Rip. If Rip and SR are both ticking with plenty of time, then you can FB.

Having a separate set of gear with DPS gems would no doubt help improve further, but these are some starting changes you can make that might make a difference for you.

Edit: And as I understand it, powershifting is pointless now, waste of GCDs. I suggest not doing it.

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 1:27pm by Norellicus
#5 Mar 20 2009 at 9:38 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Tiger's Fury, Rake, Roar, Mangle to 4 (or 5 depending on crits), Rip, Rake, Shift out, Shift Cat Mangle to 5, FB then repeat.

As Norellicus said, always Rip at 5 CP.
SR at 5 too ideally but it's best to refresh it at lower CP's then let it run out for too long.
FB only if you can afford to, at 5 CP also cause you don't wanna waste all that energy for crappy damage. :P

One thing I bolded: With the recent-ish changes to Furor, powershifting is dead. Shifting out and back in will not grant you additional energy.
#6 Mar 20 2009 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
I did the same thing a lot before I became overgeared for the heroics. Not an issue now that I tank them and OT Naxx 10 in my kitty spec.

Powershifting is definitely not usable anymore. It does nothing to regen your energy and actually makes you lose the white hits you would have gotten while waiting for energy to regen.

My rotation doesn't really change much when I'm in tank spec, just makes it harder to keep everything up because of lower crit chance and less energy back from Tiger's fury.

Rake, Savage Roar, Mangle(Shred if you have shredding attacks, which I always take in my tank build) to 5 CP's (Use Tiger's Fury in the middle if your SR will wear off before you get your rip up due to unlucky non crits), Rip, Rake, SR (it will have worn off at this point and you want it up till you can get a 5pt one up) Mangle/Shred to 5cp, SR, Mangle/Shred to 5cp, Rip, Mangle/Shred to 5cp, Here is where I decide if I have enough up time on Rip and SR to FB. If I do, then I do it.

The hard part about dpsing in a tank spec is that your much slower at CP generation due to lower crit chance and less energy back from TF.

I still don't gem for kitty dps even when I switch specs. That's ok though because Agility will be king again after the patch. I have a few items I switch to that are socketed with strength, but overall I use a lot of my Tank gear to DPS. I switch my necklace, rings, trinkets and belt. Everything else stays the same from the tank set I have on now.
#7 Mar 20 2009 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Lastar wrote:
I decided to start this thread due to DPS related questions that I had while reading the tanking thread WotLK Tanking Essentials? . I didn't what to hijack the other thread. In that thread Galenmoon posted a Feral DPS build

My DPS Build Galenmoon

Here is the build he linked Galenmoon

My question to Galenmoon is this: How much benefit do you see from the four points in Feral Aggression? As I am called on to OT in the middle of raids I prefer putting the points in talents that improve my dodge.

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 10:09am by Lastar

I mentioned it in the other thread, but if you are called to OT you'll have to make sacrifices no matter what. If you are doing okay for now with your spec, just wait for 3.1 and then make a pure DPS and a pure tanking spec.
#8 Mar 20 2009 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
Paracleets wrote:

Currently I use something like:

Tiger's Fury, Rake, Roar, Mangle to 4 (or 5 depending on crits), Rip, Rake, Shift out, Shift Cat Mangle to 5, FB then repeat.

This rotation is bad. Mangle should only be used to keep the debuff up. If you have a bear tank totally take it out of your rotation. Also Tiger's fury should be used at less than 30% energy (If you have the King of the Jungle talent).

1. Keep mangle debuff up
2. Keep Savage roar up
3. Keep rake up, be sure to let it fall of before reapplying to get last damage tick
4. Use shred to build combo points, NOT MANGLE! (Other than keeping the debuff up)
5. Use rip at 4 or 5 combo points with Savage roar up
6. Use Tiger's Fury whenever off cool down and below 30% energy
7. Only bite when you have 12+ seconds on Savage Roar and lots of time on rip
#9 Mar 20 2009 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
I didn't know they changed Furor, I can't find the mention of it on WoWhead and they even still mention powershifting, I just always assumed it worked. My bad.


I have all the idols, I had the crit rating one on for a Malygos run last night and never bothered switching it out - coincidentally its still one of the better idols around even though it's outdated.

Shred with my tanking spec is pointless, even with the idol for it. 60 energy for ( 225% dmg +742.5(+203)) or 34 energy for ( 200% damage +634).

Shredding attacks would definately make the above argument different in leu of a 42 energy Shred, however 2 less rage to use Lacerate is pointless. I'm almost never rage starved even though I have Maul Macroed in to all my abilities so it's always on.

That would by the build I'm looking at post 3.1 Has everything I want/need and less of what I really don't (improved Mangle). Or, if we had another feral in the guild I could switch out of Infected wounds into Improved Mangle.

Why is dumping a rip at 4 points so bad? Before now I assumed that waiting for extra energy would wane off other abilities like roar or waste time on your rake ticks, tiger's fury, berserk or whatever.
#10 Mar 20 2009 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
I never take Master Shapeshifter in my tanking build. I use those 5 points in Imp Mangle and Shredding attacks. I would rather have more utility in my build if I am an off tank. It is a 6 sec cool down on mangle. Reduce that by 1.5 seconds is 25% increase in the number of mangles that you throw out in a fight. For AOE tanking I can see Master Shapeshifter being better.

A lot of fights in Naxx only require 1 tank and it is nice to have that kitty to DPS. Besides, this is a thread about Kitty DPS.....
#11 Mar 20 2009 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
yodale wrote:
1. Keep mangle debuff up
2. Keep Savage roar up
3. Keep rake up, be sure to let it fall of before reapplying to get last damage tick
4. Use shred to build combo points, NOT MANGLE! (Other than keeping the debuff up)
5. Use rip at 4 or 5 combo points with Savage roar up
6. Use Tiger's Fury whenever off cool down and below 30% energy
7. Only bite when you have 12+ seconds on Savage Roar and lots of time on rip

This mess of priorities is the rotation. I've been using this addon to help.

The Rip at 4 or 5 is always a choice. Can go either way. Depends on timers, energy and cooldowns. The DPS change as far as I remember isn't that huge.

Only other thing I can think of that I haven't seen mentioned is to always Berserk when at a high energy level. You get more benefit from it, it is like doubling the speed of a vehicle. If you are low on energy you are a Nova, high energy and you are a dump truck.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#12 Mar 20 2009 at 10:56 AM Rating: Good
Oh, it's still decent sure, but it's only worth just under 1% crit; the Idol of Terror/Plainstalker will give you ~.7% crit and an equivalent amount of AP in Cat, and a huge chunk of Dodge in Bear.
#13 Mar 20 2009 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
Keep rake up, be sure to let it fall of before reapplying to get last damage tick

I've seen this before but couldn't understand how much of a difference it would make not to clip Rake. I can understand not clipping Rip though.

My problem with trying to use FB is that I never seem to be able to fit it into my rotation. Maybe it just slow reaction time on my part but I some times have problems just keeping SR and Rip up as well as Mangle and Rake. I guess I could try and increase my crit, which generally is around 48% when 25 man buffed.

Powershifting is definitely dead. The only time I use it is to break anytime I'm snared. Some times not even then.

LockeColeMA said
I mentioned it in the other thread, but if you are called to OT you'll have to make sacrifices no matter what. If you are doing okay for now with your spec, just wait for 3.1 and then make a pure DPS and a pure tanking spec.

I'm still undecided what I plan to do when Patch 3.1 comes out. My original thought was to go Feral(DPS)/Resto. I made see what changing my spec to "pure" DPS does to my dodge when I'm in my tank gear. If the lost isn't too bad I go that route, modifing the gems in the tank set to boost the dodge more. Right now, in bear form and my tank set unbuffed, I'm looking at aroung 32k HP, 31k armor, and 33% dodge. Not sure what my experise and hit are at but they could use a little tweeking it think. When I OT in Naxx it is typically to OT Patchwerk (42k HP fully buffed) and as one of the tanks on the back four horsemen.
#14 Mar 20 2009 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
There are only 2 ways that powershifting still works: -

1) Shifting to bear for an attack or two then back to cat - with furor, you are in bear while your energy builds up then you shift back to spend your energy. No real evidence showing a DPS increase that I have seen, but it might work (although you lose some white damage with the shifts) - way to much effort for me to bother trying.

2) Using the [wowitem=8345]Wolfshead Helm[/wowitem]. Still works like the old powershifting and someone at EJ had done some testing to show it worked quite well soon and may be a DPS increase at the moment. You gain a lot of DPS from the extra energy, but you use a lot from wearing a level 40 helm with no meta-gem.

Overall, I feel that our rotation is complicated enough without worrying about trying to powershift for a possible slight gain. For us mere mortals, we are better off concentrating on perfecting our rotations and maximising the up-time of our buffs/debuffs.

#15 Mar 21 2009 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
Ok makes more sense now thanks for the info guys
#16 Mar 23 2009 at 5:25 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Oh oh, just wanted to add a few things. I meant to post last Friday but I got busy at work and ended up going home without thinking about it.

The Rip at 4 or 5 is always a choice.

It is only a choice as much as Ripping at 3 CP would be a choice. (i.e. you can do it, but you will gimp your DPS) We used to Rip at 4CP, or 5CP if the previous attack was a crit, because we gained no visible benefit from Ripping at 5CP. The base damage was a bit higher, but it did not scale with AP any more than a 4CP Rip did. Now that it does, it's much better to wait and Rip at 5CP.

From WoWWiki:
After version 1.12, Attack Power started being factored in for Rip, at a rate of 6% AP per combo point, from 1 to 4 combo points, and then 24% AP again for 5 combo points.
After version 3.0.2, 30% of AP is included in 5-combo Rips, instead of the previous 24%

've seen this before but couldn't understand how much of a difference it would make not to clip Rake

This is the same as clipping any DoT, really. The difference with Rip is that it takes time to build up while Rake can be reapplied at any time. If you reapply Rake before it's gone, you can cheat yourself out of one, or more, tick (may not seem big but if you do it every time it'll hurt your DPS).

If anyone is unfamiliar with the mechanics, this is a summary of how it works:
Rake deals damage on use, and then ticks every 2 seconds.
Let's say the tick timer is at 1.5s, only 0.5s away from ticking, and you reapply Rake. What happens is that the timer is reset and you have to wait another 2.0s before it ticks, effectively giving that tick a 3.5s timer, lowering its efficiency, blah blah yadda yadda.

But like any DoT or debuff, the longer you wait before you reapply it, the more energy-efficient it will be and your damage:energy ratio will be better. Same as Mangling 1-2s before it fades rather than 5s before gives you more "bang for your energy" (36 energy every 17-18 seconds versus 36 energy every 12-13 seconds). Also, with DoT's, the very last tick always occurs when the DoT fades, that's why you let it fall off.

My problem with trying to use FB is that I never seem to be able to fit it into my rotation.

I personally don't use FB much either, especially since I modified my spec/glyphs a bit more toward tanking. I dropped the Mangle glyph to pick up Growl, so when I DPS I need to refresh Mangle that much more often and it leaves me with very little energy to spare on FB. It's likely a problem you'll encounter unless you have a cat-oriented build.

My advice would be to not worry about it for now and just focus on keeping your DoT's/debuffs up as much as you can. You might be able to FB during Berserk only, but that's fine. In 3.1 it'll be easier to FB anyway.
#17 Mar 24 2009 at 12:04 PM Rating: Good
355 posts
I believe rake ticks every 3 seconds, actually.
#18 Mar 24 2009 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
So if you check my armory right now, you'll see my tanking gear.

From that gear, the pieces I change when I go to DPS spec are the cloak, idol, belt, rings and trinkets. Everything else I keep the same.

Obviously this hurts my dps a little since my headpiece glyph and some of my enchants are geared towards tanking.

Last week I got Infectious Skitterer Leggings. To these I put on the DPS Armor Patch

Keep in mind that when I wear my 7.5 pants, I leave the Tanking Armor Patch on. Obviously with 4 piece Tier bonus I get 3 seconds off my Tiger's Fury cd.

If I replace my 7.5 legs with the Skitterer Leggings and lose the 4 piece bonus, because Skitterer Leggings are better dps pieces, does it make up for the loss of the 3 seconds from my Tiger's Fury cd?

I will run some numbers myself and do some tests, but in case any of you are bored. Lemme know what you think.
#19 Mar 24 2009 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
Double Post FTL....

EDIT: Saw the thing about rake after I posted this. Yes, rake ticks every 3 seconds. I think the message stays the same though (source)

Edited, Mar 24th 2009 4:17pm by Galenmoon
#20 Mar 24 2009 at 12:52 PM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Indeed, 2s ticks don't even make sense with a 9s duration... O_o
Must've been thinking about something else, sorry.

If I replace my 7.5 legs with the Skitterer Leggings and lose the 4 piece bonus, because Skitterer Leggings are better dps pieces, does it make up for the loss of the 3 seconds from my Tiger's Fury cd?

It somewhat depends how you socket the 7.5 legs, but overall I think it would be a DPS loss.
What bothers me the most about the TF CD reduction bonus is that right now it perfectly fits in fights where you can use Berserk twice. On the other hand, with reduced CD, you'll be significantly off and when Berserk gets off CD, you might have to wait for your energy to go back up a bit. Kinda defeats the point of the TF energy reserve, in my eyes.

Edited, Mar 24th 2009 3:59pm by Selverein
#21 Mar 24 2009 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
Right now, based off my current stats level, Toskks is still showing the skitterer leggings being a dps gain, even after losing the 4piece T4 bonus.

BTW, my 7.5 legs I have on now on my armory, but they have a +16 Agility and a +16 Hit rating in them.

I have to wait till I get home to use Rawr because my work computer hates me and if I break it my boss will crush my soul.

EDIT: I read Toskks wrong. It still is a gain, but very small. Basically the difference is between the armor patches. Because right now the 7.5 legs with 4 piece bonus are showing as 1 dps lower than the skitterer leggings.


Edited, Mar 24th 2009 5:12pm by Galenmoon
#22 Mar 24 2009 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I'd keep the T7.5 legs.

You have a more bear oriented spec so the CD reduction will be a big help. Plus T7.5 has more agility which reduces the AP advantage of the new legs. Agility is yummy.

RAWR is telling me Infectious is better but that is mainly due to the DPS leg patch. As the T7.5 with the DPS patch beats the Infectious.

So the obvious answer is get a second T7.5 legs. Or an insane quantity of leg patches and switch them during fights or in between as the need arises.

Go with the new legs.

I changed my mind and don't feel like deleting stuff.

Plus the new legs are new and probably not as dirty.

edit: you posted while I was posting. I can only use RAWR at work.

Edited, Mar 24th 2009 5:20pm by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#23 Mar 24 2009 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
Well I typically respec to my kitty dps spec on the weekends during Naxx 25's, so I don't have to worry about that.

I do have a bunch of leatherworkers in the guild that can make both armor kits and my second profession is skinning.

My guild has 2 resto druids, 2 feral druids and 2 boomkin druids, all in the top 15 on the wow-heroes rankings. Usually at least 4 of us are on each run and that isn't counting the death knight and mages and such that can get our tier gear too.

/slightly concussed

BTW: The new pants are cleaner, just a few spots of blood on the cuff...

Edited, Mar 24th 2009 6:49pm by Galenmoon
#24 Mar 25 2009 at 3:24 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
So this is now Null and Void. I took some guildies on a Naxx 10 run last night. I decided that since I have 3 sets, I might as well get some use out of them. So I went resto and 2 healed it with a holy pally that had like ~1500 SP and no experience healing Naxx.

Two things happened. One I didn't realize till this morning.

First thing was that the T7 shoulders finally dropped and I actually won the roll with a 99. So it won't matter if I switch the pants now, because I won't lose the 4 piece T7 bonus. So now it's a definite DPS upgrade.

Second thing is that I went to gem my new boots that I got last weekend on our Naxx 25 run. Keep in mind that this is my resto offset, so it's pretty much all Naxx 10/25 items, since I didn't really go out of my way to build it. It just kinda happened as I tanked.

Well I go to my bank and scan through and realize I don't have a good blue/purple gem for the slot. I don't really care much for the socket bonus, but I figure, what the hell, might as well match it. They're nerfing my regrowth crit % (This is still in the ptr isn't it?) and increasing my nourish crit %, so I might as well get a little extra crit.

So I go to the AH, search purple gems with the Purified Twilight Opal in mind. I normally search the gems, click on the one I want to put it back up in the search box, re-search, scan the bottom line to find the cheapest deal and buy it. Apparently I clicked the wrong one, didn't even notice and ended up putting a Balanced Twilight Opal in the socket.

I just realized it this morning when I went to look at my toon on the armory for some stat comparing.

Damn noob L2Socket.

PS: Four Horseman is a ***** to heal with only 2 healers. :P

EDIT: For linkage failure

Edited, Mar 25th 2009 7:26am by Galenmoon
#25 Mar 25 2009 at 4:11 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
On the legs issue, I just wanted to comment. I have two complete sets, one for tanking the other for DPS. I use the addon Outfitter and can switch to the set I need during a run. For example I am typically DPS'ing but I OT on Patchwerk and I'm one of the tanks in the back on the Four Horsemen. I quit change and I'm ready for the next fight.

Happy days last night. I finally got the forth piece (legs) for my T7.5 DPS set. I now have four pieces of T7 in my tank set and four T7.5 in my DPS set. Still haven't won the roll on the either helm though :( I REALLY need to replace my tank Helm Shroud of Darkness

#26 Mar 25 2009 at 4:22 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Gratz on the new piece! I used Outfitter too. I have like 7 setups. Birthday Suit, Dancing Suit (cloak, belt, boots and my sexiness), Boomkin, Healer, Kitty, Bear and HP Set. Sucks carrying all that around in my bags. I don't carry the boomkin set anymore because I don't see myself going back to it, but I do carry all the rest around, just so I can compare upgrades for my offsets regardless of what spec I happen to be at the time.

I hate forgetting what piece I have sitting in the bank and rolling/not rolling on a piece I want/don't need.

I tend to run at around 3.8-4.5k dps on boss fights in 25 Naxx in my current gear setup. I'm sure the T7 shoulders will help. I currently have Head, Shoulders, Chest and Gloves from T7 and Legs from T7.5. Our overabundance of druids, not to mention DK's is hampering my acquiring of more T7.5 pieces.
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