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#1 Mar 19 2009 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
117 posts
So Im just finishing installing WoTLK and then updates, and wanted some help deciding on my specc when I log in.

I levelled my priest from 0-70 as holy and stayed that way with a switch to shadow every once in a while.

Heres my question. Do you think I should stick with what I know best and level from 70-80 as holy, or take a new path down the disc tree and try that? Is healing as disc really as viable as everyone says? Can I start instanceing right away in outland purples? Id link an armory but its been so long since Ive logged in that the armory wont ping me.

Needless to say Ill do what feels right for me, but wanted perhaps a push in another direction from the community.

#2 Mar 19 2009 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Yes. Maybe. Yes. Yes.
#3 Mar 19 2009 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
First of all: yes. You can heal in OL purples, Holy or Disc. You'll do fine.

Second of all: Disc is now PvE viable. And fun. It is, however, a completely different playstyle. Holy is more based around healing once the damage is done, while Disc is more about preventing the damage completely. Or most of it, at least.

Third of all: I recommend you switch to Disc and give it a shot. If you don't like it, switch back. Simple as that. And on top of that, you can have your cake and eat it too come 3.1. They will introduce the Dual-Spec feature which will allow you to be both specs at the same time.

EDIT: After you decide, don't forget to pick up glyphs!

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 4:09am by IDrownFish
#4 Mar 20 2009 at 2:00 AM Rating: Good
Give disc a try. Since you haven't respec'd much, it won't even be very expensive.
#5 Mar 20 2009 at 4:44 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Echoing a lot of what's already been said, but, you know how I love to hear the sound of my own voice.

I leveled 70-80 mostly Holy (a couple levels of Shadow just for fun) and it's no problem at all. MUCH easier than it used to be. You're not going to be setting the world on fire, but dang you're hard to kill.

You're fine to start healing level-appropriate instances right away. I don't think I replaced my Primal Mooncloth (yeah, that was the best I had, I'm not much of a raider) til low-mid 70's.

IMO, any priest who wants to heal and doesn't try both Holy and Disc at least once is cheating themselves. Both are viable, both are fun. They're very different. It's kind of a Yoda thing: find out what you are, and be that.

Whatever spec you level with, please remember that a fairy explodes every time a priest neglects to put Spirit Tap in a leveling build.
#6 Mar 20 2009 at 4:47 AM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
Whatever spec you level with, please remember that a fairy explodes every time a priest neglects to put Spirit Tap in a leveling build.
Eh, leveled one of my Priests as Disc all the way to 80, and never went into Spirit Tap. The mana/spi talents in Disc was more than enough for leveling. Not that Spirit Tap is in any way less than Godly, but it's not required as such. Besides, exploding fairies are fun. Every time one pops, I look for the rainbows and sunshine to come pouring.
#7 Mar 20 2009 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Spirit Tap is overrated, imo. I've leveled a priest as holy and one as disc and never took up Spirit Tap on either of them.

The thing is that you shouldn't run OOM anymore thanks to our increased DPS - everytime I got so low on mana I would've needed to drink, I had just finished up the quest I was doing anyway so I could regenerate while riding to some other place. I guess it's something personal, but I've rarely had mana problems while leveling - and Spirit Tap only has use if you would go OOM without it.

That said, I'd still recommend it anyway. It's not like those 3 points make a HUGE difference if you put them somewhere else. I'm just argueing for the sake of argueing now ;)
#8 Mar 20 2009 at 5:52 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Fine, you fairy killers! I hope you feel good about yourselves!

I still highly recommend ST.
#9 Mar 20 2009 at 11:06 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
I never used spirit tap either in my mainly Disc spec as divine spirit is the dogs BUT I did include it in my mainly Holy build. I am "meh" about it, I like it but I can live without it.

I healed NR instances in Primal Mooncloth as well (I straight levelled to 80 so I have never raided at 70 on this toon) I got past Utguard Keep and Nexus for sure before it went, I think I also did the next one up (Azjol Nerub?? I forget the levels now)

I am Disc spec now but I have also been both as has the other priest in my guild. Now we heal together her as Holy me Disc and a Druid Resto as 3rd healer, it's an amazing combo. It all depends on your playstyle. I love my Disc spec I find it more challenging and fun than Holy although I do still occasionally curse for a lack of COH I cursed more when I lost Penance.

As for levelling since spellpower came in so you don't have issues with talents bumping just your healing levelling as any spec is far more viable. Shadow kills things faster but Disc/Holy live much longer. I have levelled all 3 specs along the way and all 3 are fine. Holy does provide some nice boosts to your smite/holy fire spells that I missed as Disc but Disc has other good talents such as increased stamina/spirit. The levelling balance may change a little when 3.1 hits but all specs are more than adequate to level.

WOTLK is such amazing content I for one didn't want to rush it, I was happy at my leisurely pace with my "lolsmite" esq spec as teacake calls it (I totally love that phrase btw) enjoy it for what it is and try the 3 different specs along the way, most of all have fun.
#10 Mar 20 2009 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
117 posts
So, unfortunately, something is wrong with my video card and my computer that I wow on needs to be fixed before I get to join the fun in WoTLK.

That being said, once it is working, and I log in I think I will take all of your advice and give Disc a shot. Ive been going over the tree with anticipation and am exited for the opportunity to learn a new Healing Technique. The Priest class is just AMAZING that way.

while Disc is more about preventing the damage completely. Or most of it, at least.

Idrown, do you prevent most of your tanks incoming damage with PW:S? Does that tend to mess up "aggro build up" for warriors, druids and Tankadins? Ive heard DK's are fine being PW:Sed.

Thanks everyone for giving me that push to try out something new once I'm able to log in. I'll update with my progress.

#11 Mar 20 2009 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Disc priests will be using this ability basically ‘all the time’. You have to keep an eye out though; since launch there have been all sorts of contradictive reports about if and how badly a shield messes with a warrior/druid’s rage generation. On DK tanks, you’re free to use this before any pull. On warriors, druids and paladins (who rely on you to heal them to regain mana trough Spiritual Attunement), don’t use it until you’re well in combat and you’re sure your tank isn’t out of rage or mana at the time.

Regardless, for disc priests the spell is too good not to be used. Tell the warriors and druids to suck it up for now - as of next patch PW:S will no longer affect their rage generation in any way.
#12 Mar 20 2009 at 5:06 PM Rating: Good
117 posts

so how does that look for my disc spec at 70? Ill fill up holy with my points from 70-80.
#13 Mar 20 2009 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
Idrown, do you prevent most of your tanks incoming damage with PW:S? Does that tend to mess up "aggro build up" for warriors, druids and Tankadins? Ive heard DK's are fine being PW:Sed.

Your shields will be cheaper and more potent as disc, but you won't be blocking most of the damage. What you will be doing instead is giving some nice padding so your tank will be taking less damage, and you can finish the job with your heals. You'll still want to have renew up constantly and ProM bouncing constantly, but you'll also want to shield as often as possible and Penance when necessary (Penance is quite possibly THE best heal in the game, by the way).

And no, tanks should no longer have problems with aggro/rage/mana buildup with a disc healer. They fixed that, making shield viable now. :D
#14 Mar 20 2009 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts

so how does that look for my disc spec at 70? Ill fill up holy with my points from 70-80.

Not to bad, but this is what I'd do. You really notice that 5% crit at level 70%, mainly because you won't really be focusing on crit on your gear yet. Enlightenment is a pure statbooster, and it might be me having a personal vendetta against it, but it really isn't all that good. Fill out Renewed Hope on 71, then fill out holy up to 3/3 Inspiration by going either 5/5 Divine Fury or 2/2 Healing Focus + 3/3 Imp Renew.
#15 Mar 20 2009 at 5:58 PM Rating: Good
117 posts
Thanks Moz!! Ill make the switch you suggested and fill out Holy as I level. One thing I'm doing different is forgoing getting Inner Focus. For all my time specing it I never remember to use it so I'hm not wasting my point this time round. ;)

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 6:59pm by VomicatheFaithful
#16 Mar 21 2009 at 2:52 AM Rating: Good
VomicatheFaithful wrote:
Thanks Moz!! Ill make the switch you suggested and fill out Holy as I level. One thing I'm doing different is forgoing getting Inner Focus. For all my time specing it I never remember to use it so I'hm not wasting my point this time round. ;)

Inner focus is awesome. Use it differently than you have been. Hotkey inner focus and PoH right next to each other (I use F4 and F5). Then quickly hit inner focus just before you do your PoH. Bingo, +25% crit on multiple targets with a mana free heal that procs multiple Devine Aegis bubbles for the group. I think that is worth 1 point.

Edited, Mar 21st 2009 6:53am by dadanox
#17 Mar 21 2009 at 4:51 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
VomicatheFaithful wrote:
Thanks Moz!! Ill make the switch you suggested and fill out Holy as I level. One thing I'm doing different is forgoing getting Inner Focus. For all my time specing it I never remember to use it so I'hm not wasting my point this time round. ;)

Inner focus is awesome. Use it differently than you have been. Hotkey inner focus and PoH right next to each other (I use F4 and F5). Then quickly hit inner focus just before you do your PoH. Bingo, +25% crit on multiple targets with a mana free heal that procs multiple Devine Aegis bubbles for the group. I think that is worth 1 point.

Edited, Mar 21st 2009 6:53am by dadanox

I have a macro to cast IF and then POH bound to one of my f keys, amazing in a bind.
#18 Mar 21 2009 at 7:38 AM Rating: Good
ysabellstohelit wrote:
I have a macro to cast IF and then POH bound to one of my f keys, amazing in a bind.

Thanks for that tip. I didn't think you could do two casts in one macro. Nice.
#19 Mar 21 2009 at 8:06 AM Rating: Good
You'll still have to hit the key twice.
#20 Mar 21 2009 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
117 posts
Inner focus is awesome. Use it differently than you have been. Hotkey inner focus and PoH right next to each other (I use F4 and F5). Then quickly hit inner focus just before you do your PoH. Bingo, +25% crit on multiple targets with a mana free heal that procs multiple Devine Aegis bubbles for the group. I think that is worth 1 point.

I never thought of using it this way. That sure does make it worth one point. Thanks Dadanox for bringing me into the light. =)


I have a macro to cast IF and then POH bound to one of my f keys, amazing in a bind

Ysabell, you have probably already written that macro a thousand time but would you mind writing it again here for me?
#21 Mar 21 2009 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
You'll still have to hit the key twice.

No you don't, since IF is off the GCD.

Ysabell, you have probably already written that macro a thousand time but would you mind writing it again here for me?

I'm not Ysabell, but here you go;

#showtooltip Prayer of Healing
/cast Inner Focus
/use 13
/cast Prayer of Healing

/use 13 uses the trinket in the highest slot of the two. /use 14 uses the one in the lowest. You can leave this line out or add in automatic trinket use to the spell this way.

Edited, Mar 21st 2009 7:27pm by Mozared
#22 Mar 21 2009 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
If you should get a spell not ready on your PoH (I did), just tap the key again.
#23 Mar 22 2009 at 12:57 AM Rating: Good
244 posts
This is my macro for PoH which you don't ahve to press twice and works fine

#show Prayer of Healing
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/use 10
/use 14
/cast Inner Focus
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/cast Prayer of Healing
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()

/10 is use gloves (i have that engi haste enchant on). I have no idea what the script code does, i'm not ashamed to admit it's a straight copy and paste job ^^; but it works and that's all that matters :P

#24 Mar 22 2009 at 1:28 AM Rating: Good
Wonderful. The stopcasting line seems to be what I needed to make it cast both spells reliably with one keypress. Simplified for no "on use" trinkets:

#show Prayer of Healing
/cast Inner Focus
/cast Prayer of Healing

#25 Mar 22 2009 at 4:07 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Wonderful. The stopcasting line seems to be what I needed to make it cast both spells reliably with one keypress. Simplified for no "on use" trinkets:

#show Prayer of Healing
/cast Inner Focus
/cast Prayer of Healing


Sorry I wasn't paying attention. This above is what I use as I no longer have trinkets that are "use" It works as IF does not hit a GCD and is instant cast.
#26 Mar 22 2009 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
717 posts
I have the IF+PoH macro as well. I try to PW:S just before using it to get the BT effect for the cast. What I have found is that occasionally I will hit the key for IF+PoH before the gcd espires from the PW:S. In this case, IF starts but no PoH. It threw me for awhile because sometimes it was one key press, sometimes two to get the spell off. Now I just hold down the IF+PoH button until I see the spell start to cast.
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