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WotLK Tanking Essentials?Follow

#1 Mar 19 2009 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
255 posts
Aight, I'm a little leery about posting this with all of the questions that we get on the hunter forums that are easily answered in the FAQ. When I looked at the druid FAQ it was talking about level 60 tanking, so it seemed to be outdated. I would also love to be able to read some other forums but all other sites are blocked for me ATM.

I have not tried tanking in Wrath and am unsure of the exact mechanics for it with the changes to defense, SotF, armor bonus in bear, etc. So I am looking for a few answers to these questions.

1) I know the Cat/Bear build is not too different anymore but what talents are essential for tanking?

2) Is Cat DPS gear viable for tanking? It doesn't have STR- which is an AP loss in Bear form but stacks agility which helps with dodge and armor.

3) For threat generation am I looking at the right skills?
multi -> swipe and glyphed maul
single -> lacerate and mangle

I am sorry if this is posted anywhere else that is more easily accessible, but I appreciate any input to make my Druid alt a better Feral!
#2 Mar 19 2009 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
Talents that a cat build wouldn't necessarily take that you must have for bear:

Survival of the Fittest, Protector of the Pack, Natural Reaction, Feral Instinct, Thick Hide

DPS gear is "viable" to a point, some gear will be better suited than others thanks to bulk quantities of Agility and Stamina where many straight DPS pieces frontload a ton of AP/Hit/Crit and eschew those base stats somewhat.

For single target threat generation, your highest TPR abilities are Maul > Mangle > Lacerate > Swipe > Everything else. For multitarget, yeah you're gonna be Swipe spamming to kingdom come, with some Maul thrown in for good measure on main target/targets that are at risk of slipping away. However, though Maul is higher TPR, you'll generally find yourself better off by making sure you're using Mangle every time its CD is up, with Lacerate in between those CDs, only using Maul as your rage allows (which, given the rage bonus talents we get, is quite often). Keeping up FFF and Demo Roar is good too, for obvious reasons.
#3 Mar 19 2009 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Yeah, the FAQ is outdated. I think there's another one floating somewhere out there, but I can't remember where exactly.

1) Depends what sort of tanking you're going for. Heroics and such can be tanked with a Cat-oriented build. The more you're going for raid stuff, the more Bear talents you'll want to pick. Survival of the Fittest is an absolute must as it makes you crit-immune. Protector of the Pack will help greatly mitigating damage and Natural Reaction will also help quite a bit. Survival Instincts is a good panic button to buy your healer(s) time. Thick Hide isn't as needed as it used to be, although a decent addition to your build if you're looking for every ounce of mitigation possible. Infected Wounds is also very good for mitigation (slower attack speed -> less incoming damage) but it may be provided by another class. You can probably find a few tanking builds being posted around, but you do have some leeway on where you invest your points.

2) To tank in a pinch, sure. But don't expect to tank raid bosses as easily in that gear as it'll put a big strain on your healers. Still better to carry 2 sets, or at least a few pieces to swap out.

3) Yup, pretty much, although you still use Maul, glyphed or not, for single target. Also, you will want to use Swipe instead of Lacerate once you have 5 stacks (using Lacerate only to refresh it). Can't remember the AP threshold where Swipe becomes better threat than Lacerate, though. :/

Edited, Mar 19th 2009 2:47pm by Selverein
#4 Mar 19 2009 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
Swipe gets theoretically better at 6k AP, which I don't see happening even at Ulduar level personally >.>
#5 Mar 19 2009 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
199 posts
As previously mentioned you will want to get two sets of gear. One for tanking and one for DPS. Although some of the leather gear you get can be use for either set, you will want to gem and enchant the pieces per the requirements of the set. I.e. for tanking you'll want more stamina and agility, while for the DPS set your'll be interested in Hit and Crit.

Also you will find that you want different neck, rings, and trinkets for each set.
#6 Mar 19 2009 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Swipe gets theoretically better at 6k AP, which I don't see happening even at Ulduar level personally >.>

If I had more T7.5 gear it would happen.

Bare bones tank build.

Need to put 3 points in feral to get Rend and Tear then Berserk. Resto needs 2 more points in first tier, either 2/2 Imp Mark or filling out Furor, then Naturalist and Omen of Clarity.

Assuming Imp Mangle and Imp Mark for increase threat and raid utility, you get this.

This would be a bares bones tank build. But the last 3 points in Feral do have some leeway as do the last 2 in the first tier of resto. The places I put them are for a tank first and primarily build. If you cat it up often you may want to think about Shredding Attacks and Predatory Instincts at this juncture.

Still have 9 points to spend around. Imp Leader of Pack is strongly recommended as the solo utility is very high, the heal is meh but helps.

Infected Wounds is recommended as well as the debuff should always be up on a boss and you can't rely on someone else to apply it for the most part.

Still have 4 points, Feral Charge is way too usefully to pass up so it gets a point.

The last 3 points usually get spent on Brutal Impact, Shredding Attacks and King of the Jungle in some mix.

The feral tree is very flexible.

You could do something like this and tank while still having strong DPS in cat form without losing out on that much of what makes you a viable tank.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Mar 20 2009 at 4:05 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
That build is close to what I use. But, Horsemouth, I saw a few things that suprised me. I was surprised you didn't take either Master Shapeshifter in the Resto tree and Improved Mangle in the Feral tree. I'd be interested in your thoughts on not taking these talents. Especially the Improved Mangle. I mainly DPS and on occasion will OT. Like on the Four Horsemen.
#8 Mar 20 2009 at 4:36 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
My Tank Build Galenmoon (We have 3 resto droods and 2 boomkins that always bring IMP GoTW so I don't have to pick it up)

My DPS Build Galenmoon

Link in Sig if you want to see my tank set to go with tank build.

Everything else has been pretty much gone over.

Good luck.
#9 Mar 20 2009 at 6:15 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Lastar wrote:
That build is close to what I use. But, Horsemouth, I saw a few things that suprised me. I was surprised you didn't take either Master Shapeshifter in the Resto tree and Improved Mangle in the Feral tree. I'd be interested in your thoughts on not taking these talents. Especially the Improved Mangle. I mainly DPS and on occasion will OT. Like on the Four Horsemen.

I'll field this one.

Master Shapeshifter: Requires you to waste 3 points in Natural Shapeshifter first. 5 points for a 4% damage increase isn't a worthwhile investment, especially with so many other options.
Improved Mangle: If you're in cat form, you generally mangle as little as possible in a group and use energy on shreds whenever you can. Only mangle to refresh the debuff. In bear, more mangles are better, but a lot of encounters won't use them (ie, AoE trash pulls). If threat generation isn't an issue, it isn't needed. Personally, I love Imp Mangle.

I usually tank, so this build looks too hybrid-y to me, but it'll work. It isn't a huge difference here and there. I love Imp LotP, though. I still go back and forth with my own build (which right now only has one point I'd consider wasted, because I misread the tool tip ages ago), especially on the use of brutal impact.

This should all be a moot point (hopefully) come next patch, as with dual-spec you'll have the perfect tank/feral DPS changes. Unless you want to respec resto or balance or something.

Edit: Galenmoon's builds are almost exactly what I have/plan to have. Except in tanking, a 1pt in Brutal Impact instead of King, and with both, 2/2 Imp Mark (since I have no resto druid love :-/).

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 10:18am by LockeColeMA
#10 Mar 20 2009 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
I can your point on the Master Shapeshifter for a pure tank build. I like it because I spend most of my time raiding as a Cat and the 4% crit is very nice to have. Like Galenmoon I typically raid with Boomkin and Resto Druids so I don't need the Imp MoW and put the five points in Furor.

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 10:01am by Lastar
#11 Mar 20 2009 at 7:37 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
In 3.1 Imp MotW will be attractive to all specs though, with the 2% stats increase it's a decent incentive for all Druids to get it, unless you really just can't live without 5/5 Furor. It might bother me a bit in Bear, but Cat form isn't so bad cause you should be in your form long enough before the pull.
#12 Mar 20 2009 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Yeah, I took the point in KoJ because I think I use my bash almost never honestly and even when I do, it's not something I usually HAVE to do, just helps out. I couldn't decide where to drop that extra point so I just threw it in KoJ just for the extra damage during enrage and the little extra energy if I go kitty.

As far as IMP Mangle. I always take it for the simple reason of bosses like Thaddius, where you might not always be able to stand behind and not having IMP mangle can really hurt a raid if they're just getting to the point of enough dps to drop the boss. Especially if he's turned towards you the entire fight because the tank always has the same polarity as you.

Or Razuvious with a lot of melee(where it's hard to see the boss, let alone tell which way he's facing.
Unless your two priests are standing side by side (which they never do >.<) I spend way too much time repositioning for a shred when I can just mangle spam and never have to move. I actually saw an increase in my dps from just mangle spam on that fight.

As far as the 2% from Imp MotW after the next patch. I'd love to have it, but with the overabundance of droods in my guild, I don't ever have to worry about someone else giving it to me. I'm really only even worried about it in 25's and we'll always have one there.

I don't even care if I get buffed in heroics and in 10's it's not that big a deal anymore. Hell, I Tank heroics and OT Naxx in my kitty spec with my tank gear on :P. I even soak Hatefuls on Patch that way in 10's.

Can't wait for GOOOOOOOOORE! :P

#13 Mar 20 2009 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
As far as the 2% from Imp MotW after the next patch. I'd love to have it, but with the overabundance of droods in my guild, I don't ever have to worry about someone else giving it to me

Umm, don't mean to be rude or anything, but you do know that it's not the buff that gives 2% stats right? I mean, it's a passive bonus like SotF, so you have to spec it to receive it.

Maybe I just misread what you said. :/
#14 Mar 20 2009 at 9:34 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
You're right, I misread it when I was scanning through the changes. Doh!

I'd go ahead and throw 2 points into it, taking them from Furor once the patch hits. Until then, my build would stay the same.

Damn me and my inadequacies :P

I could have handled the's the anything that scared me.
#15 Mar 20 2009 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
That build is close to what I use. But, Horsemouth, I saw a few things that suprised me. I was surprised you didn't take either Master Shapeshifter in the Resto tree and Improved Mangle in the Feral tree. I'd be interested in your thoughts on not taking these talents. Especially the Improved Mangle. I mainly DPS and on occasion will OT. Like on the Four Horsemen.

I think you mean this build.

I think LockeColeMA answered everything. It is a hybrid tank/DPS build with a heavier focus on the tank side. Could easily swing some points and it would be heavier on the cat side. Squeezing MS into a hybrid is tricky, it is a lot of points.

Imp Mangle is mainly for bear as you said and yes on movement heavy or positionally restricted encounters also good for cats.

As of right now I use a straight up tank build. I barely DPS and when I do its all mangle spam. Been using Facemauler and it has greatly helped me track buffs and up my DPS, hoping it gets more options in the next release. Mainly for bears moonlighting in cat form as it assumes all the cat talents.

When the patch hits I will do this tank build at first. May switch to this hybrid one depending on how stuff pans out. Mainly depends on the state of the guild, tank availability and what the encounters are going to be like. I would rather stay tank focused but it will make more sense to OT and DPS more often I will. I all ready have the other tank due some bosses just because it makes more sense. I can do way more DPS in cat then a prot spec'd tank. If we had a DK tank then it could be more of a roll off to see who DPSs but that is not the case.

Going to dual resto regardless.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#16 Mar 20 2009 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
Horse, do you ever DPS in your current tank build? While I don't expect you'd be topping charts, are you pulling your own weight?

I ask because I've got a similar line of thought, I like tanking AND dps AND healing and want to dual spec feral+resto. I *want* to be able to MT, so a hybrid build is no good. My guild has a surprising number of tanks and healers though, so if a mostly tank spec sacrificing KotJ/PI/MS can still do respectably in raids then I'll feel much better about putting that resto spec in and still being able to DPS now and then.

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 3:11pm by Norellicus
#17 Mar 20 2009 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Horse, do you ever DPS in your current tank build? While I don't expect you'd be topping charts, are you pulling your own weight?

Depends on the buffs I'm getting but I can usually sustain around 2k. Spikes or changes depending on the fight and how good I am about my DoTs. Usually the low guy unless we PuG someone who isn't that good.

Not having Tigers Fury is the biggest hit as I get energy hungry quite often. Also the lack of DPS glyphs hurt as I have way less wiggle room in my rotation. I usually just Mangle spam, while keeping up my DoTs and SR.

I usually only DPS on Thaddious. Sometimes 4H depending on who dies first, and always when it is just the back two, and sometimes Gothik depending on whom has him when the gate opens. Otherwise I barely DPS unless the other tank really wants to tank.

Depending on the tanks requirements and how my warrior co-tank gears between now and 3.1 is the main deciding factor on whether I stay full tank or go to a more OT spec with dual spec.

I should really start working a cat set either way. Still have to pay off a friend for some gold I borrowed and pool the 1k for dual spec. Then all money is going to gem/chant the resto set.

Then I can start pimping out my cat set. As the sets will be closer with 3.1 changes so I have less incentive to really focus on it now.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#18 Mar 22 2009 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Infected Wounds is recommended as well as the debuff should always be up on a boss and you can't rely on someone else to apply it for the most part.

Just want to clarify... bosses are not immune to this effect?
#19 Mar 23 2009 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Most encounters are designed with the expectation that the IW debuff is applied. If not from IW then an equivalent debuff.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#20 Mar 23 2009 at 4:41 AM Rating: Good
Horsemouth wrote:
Most encounters are designed with the expectation that the IW debuff is applied. If not from IW then an equivalent debuff.

Aka Thunderclap, JotJ, Icy Touch.

Edited, Mar 23rd 2009 8:42am by Norellicus
#21 Mar 23 2009 at 8:47 AM Rating: Good
255 posts
WOW, a TON of great info here thanks all! Now I need to respec again! (my guild wanted me resto for a Naxx run) I really can't wait until the dual-spec, swapping builds and glyphs is just a money sink and general pain in the ***.

I did try some tanking before the swap and I was having trouble with AoE packs and aggro. I was using swipe and maul but I couldn't generate enough aggro to keep em off the clothies- any suggestions for more threat generation? (I was tabbing while spamming)
#22 Mar 23 2009 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
browningguns wrote:

I did try some tanking before the swap and I was having trouble with AoE packs and aggro. I was using swipe and maul but I couldn't generate enough aggro to keep em off the clothies- any suggestions for more threat generation? (I was tabbing while spamming)

The key to AoE threat generation with a druid is to give them a head's up when you first start the instance if it's a PuG group or if there are people you aren't used to running with.

I tell everyone, Gimme 3-4 secs to build up aggro, then go to town if you're going to AoE. If you're going to single target, I'll mark Skull as first kill. The cool thing about swipe is that it turns the mobs reddish when you do it. Tell them to wait till they see the mob turn red, count to 3-4 and then AoE away.

Say you run into a pack, keep skull targeted, spam maul and swipe, throw a mangle onto skull after 3-4 swipes and then just continue to swipe/maul. Most times this is plenty to keep mobs glued to you. You can also throw a Demo roar if you feel the need. Tabbing sometimes makes you lose time on your swipe/maul spam because the mob could be just out of range, or you could just be picking your finger up to hit the tab button and not still spamming away. That second can count in the long run.

If you notice people are pulling off mobs other than the first kill, and they aren't doing an AoE, that's them just attacking randomly. It takes real laziness to not target the tank and hit F to assist if the first kill is down. If you notice they are pulling off of you with AoE, a lot of times, this is a gear issue more than a skill issue. Yeah, you can tab/lacerate to add the bleed damage in, but that lowers the amount you will be spamming swipe as you tab through targets. If you are undergeared, or the DPS is overgeared, then you'll get some mobs coming off from time to time.

I used to not really worry about it, as long as it wasn't multiple mobs popping off me at the same time, just taunt them back, throw a maul/mangle/swipe straight onto them as they get back and you won't have any more problems usually out of that one.

Obviously it's easier to tell guildies to throttle back until your gear improves than it is in a PuG, but if they wanna finish it, you're the tank, that makes you defacto boss of the instance. Tell them how it is, and let them know you won't taunt off if it happens repeatedly. It's their repair bill. I've let mobs pwn people plenty of times and then just taunted back when it was done.

That being said, can you link us your armory with your tank gear on and give us a heads up on what types of multi pulls you're having problems with? Some instances have mobs that are very tricky to keep glued to you.

Don't worry though, it gets easier. At this point I could have my dog sit and spam maul/swipe while I go get another beer and never worry about anyone pulling off me.

#23 Mar 23 2009 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Don't worry though, it gets easier. At this point I could have my dog sit and spam maul/swipe while I go get another beer and never worry about anyone pulling off me.

I don't have a dog so I have to wait till in between pulls or just auto follow the other tank and hope he keeps them all.

I'm jealous. I want a dog.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#24 Mar 23 2009 at 12:42 PM Rating: Excellent
199 posts
I'm jealous. I want a dog.

I have a Bear, 2 Cats, a Bird, and a Sealion. Isn't that enough? :)
#25 Mar 24 2009 at 3:48 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Lastar wrote:
I have a Bear, 2 Cats, a Bird, and a Sea lion. Isn't that enough? :)

Do you always talk about yourself in the possessive? :P

I have 2 dogs and a fiance. I like to pet all 3.

#26 Mar 24 2009 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Galenmoon, you are on fire today. :)

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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