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Tier 8 Stats (and now, Divine Plea)Follow

#1 Mar 18 2009 at 8:50 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Stats and set bonuses have appeared on MMO-Champion for the Tier 8 Ulduar gear, 10 and 25 man.

Holy - 10 man, 25 man
2: Your Holy Shock critical heals now also place a periodic healing effect on the target, healing for 15% of the Holy Shock's heal amount over 9 sec.
4: Increases the damage absorbed by your Sacred Shield by 10%.

Ret - 10 man, 25 man
2: Increases the damage done by your Exorcism and Hammer of Wrath abilities by 10%.
4: Increases the critical strike chance of your Divine Storm and Crusader Strike abilities by 10%.

Prot - 10 man, 25 man
2: Increases the damage done by your Seals by 10%.
4: Shield of Righteousness now increases your shield block value by 225 for 3 sec.

EDIT: Why'd they have to change it to a robe? I dun wanna tank in a dress ... lol

EDIT 2: changed title to reflect a later post I made

Edited, Mar 18th 2009 9:55pm by Maulgak

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 8:51am by Maulgak
#2 Mar 19 2009 at 4:21 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Gotta agree with you there Maul, not to fod of the skirt. Also why couldn't they have switched the two. I'd rather have the 25 set be the white one and maybe the blue one as the 10 man. Never liked the red one.
#3 Mar 19 2009 at 4:52 AM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
OH GOD YES! Paladins in dresses again!

But somehow the stats on the new Holy pieces are actually itemized WORSE than T7.
#4 Mar 19 2009 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
the itemization on the chest and pants are amazing, (for Ret)

the Shoulders make me cry, as they are set defining peices and they have haste on them, so they will be replaced.

the helm stats are the same but who cares, it looks like crap and will be hidden or replaced anyway as the looks dont matter.

Ahhhh, the gloves. every forum im reading right now are in praise of the stats, but i will tell you now, if you like the stats on the gloves, you shouldnt be playing ret. 40% of our damage doesnt use expertise, and it will be even more when we get Exorsism into our rotation. its just as weak as haste or ArP. (even after the 3.1 boost to haste and ArP, they will still be a weak stat).


and for the set bonuses, i kinda like em. sure id rather have 1sec off Judge. but the 2 set when paired up with the glyph that reduced HoW's CD by 50% during AW will be an amazing amount of DPS.

and the four set bonus will help keep RV up, and considering that one of the fixes (maybe) to our current (3.1) DPS issues may include putting CS on the RV table . . this may end up being very very nice, specially if CS is already getting a 15% damage boost, paired with our Libram, and maybe even some pvp gloves for another 5% boost. . .

all in all, ive seen much much worse on many other classes. so im happy.

Edited, Mar 19th 2009 9:38am by RuenBahamut
#5 Mar 20 2009 at 1:37 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I haven't really looked at the stats too much yet, been busy with other things, but as for the set bonuses on the tank set - they seem rather underwhelming. The 2 piece bonus at least. I absolutely love Redemption's 2 piece bonus of 10% extra damage for Hammer of the Righteous. That spell is always my highest damaging ability. Seals don't account for nearly as much damage, and I even have the 5 points in Holy to increase their damage.

Now, Aegis 4 piece does look pretty nice: 225 extra block value about 40-50% of the time? Yes please.

I agree with you too walsher on the colors. I think 10 man looks much more Paladin-like then the 25 man. Still can't get over the dress though ... lol. Should give Holy (maybe Ret too) the dress, and let Prot tank in pants.
#6 Mar 20 2009 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
I R tanking priest.

actually the priest set looks like it would take more of beating than the pally dress.

the Judgement set was the only skirt modelled properly for a pally. the legs still look like they are made of plate...and this was using vanilla skins:
#7 Mar 20 2009 at 7:17 AM Rating: Excellent
808 posts
Ehcks wrote:
OH GOD YES! Paladins in dresses again!

But somehow the stats on the new Holy pieces are actually itemized WORSE than T7.

Some dev is mad that we stopped stacking mp5 and this is how he wreaks his vengeance upon us.

Three Aegis pieces have a modest amount of mp5 and two have no crit rating. Worse yet though is the presence of those FOUR blue gem sockets. Did they get Holy confused with Prot again???

#8 Mar 20 2009 at 7:50 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Found something on MMO-Champ regarding Prot's 4 piece set bonus:

Riran, some poor, misguided BE Paladin on the o-boards wrote:
Maybe i missed something ,but how does -

Paladin T8 Protection 4P Bonus -- Shield of Righteousness now increases your shield block value by 225 for 3 sec.

compared to -

Warrior T8 Protection 4P Bonus -- Shield Block also grants you 20% reduction to magical damage taken.

Seem anywhere near fair? Having to use our move that scales with BV to get block value and for only 3 seconds? okay cool we block for 300more for 2 attacks. Yet warriors will get 20% magic reduction for 10seconds? Anyone else a little pissed at this?

Ghostcrawler wrote:
The way we want 4piece t8 for Prot paladins to work is that the Shield of Righteousness also benefits from that extra SBV. We can try to make the tooltip a little cleaner.

Makes me happy to see this. I thought, "the block value is nice, but really I'd like to have it BEFORE using a high damage ability scaling with block value /sigh." Didn't say that in my previous post (oops), but I was thinking it, lol. If SoR will indeed benefit from that additional BV, plus get it for 3 secs, that's a very nice bonus indeed.

Also, it doesn't have anything to do with the tier sets, but I didn't really want to make another thread, but Divine Plea. I've seen a couple posts now talking about Divine Plea's 100% uptime for Prot and how it is affecting all heals. Not just talking about Flash of Light/Holy Light, but Lay on Hands being cut in half, JoL heals, and other things such as Earth Shield (pretty sure that was one mentioned). All of these things being reduced in effectiveness because of Prot having Divine Plea up constantly. MMO-Champ has this blue post up though, which fills me with 'some' hope:

Ghostcrawler wrote:
We'll discuss changing Divine Plea to just Flash of Light, Holy Light and Holy Shock.

I hadn't thought about it before, but if Divine Plea remains as cutting all these other sources of healing in half, I really don't want to have it up 100% of the time. It's not like I've been having any mana issues to begin with, but maybe with the talent changes it'll actually be necessary ... Really hope that changes.
#9 Mar 20 2009 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
The Prot set is itemized amazingly. For a Tier set I'm simply amazed that Blizzard did such a good job with it. Tier 4 and 5 were garbage, Tier 6 was good but lackluster. Tier 7 was decent and actually got things done, but was still poor compared to the offset pieces (even after including the bonuses.. speaking of which, what a useless 4 piece on T7, wow).

Now I agree that the T7 2pc is more attractive than the T8, but the new 4pc is downright awesome. Warriors are getting a massive boost to their magic tanking ability (which is the real thing that Warriors and Paladins are getting butthurt over right now since Sarth and Malygos seem to belong to the magic tanks) and Paladins are getting a modest reduction to ALL damage that comes our way from talent/glyph changes -- leaving the 4pc open for something amazing like this. T8 4pc is what I expect a 4pc Tier bonus to look like... a great bonus that you can still do without.

I really don't mind the model all that much. It definitly looks like it was designed for the healers out there -- but we've always suffered from models that have to seem appropriate for any of the group roles.

As for Divine Plea. It's still being tuned. They've changed the functional conditions of the spell, obviously they'll have to make changes to how it works in order to make it fit in its new role. I'm actually looking forward to it for the damage reduction. I'm wondering how they're going to tune all of our mana regen abilities in the end to work with eachother.
#10 Mar 20 2009 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
Looks like I'll stick with my T7.5 for holy.

Bad set bonus, bad itemization.
#11 Mar 20 2009 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
While the prot t8 set is itemized much better for tanking, particularly MT'ing(a lot more pure avoidance than the t7 pieces), i'm not particularly thrilled with the lack of +hit on them. At least the t7 gloves have a decent amount of +hit on them. I haven't looked at a lot of the other loot so i'm assuming/hoping there are larger amounts of hit on some of the non-set items.
#12 Mar 21 2009 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
Ghostcrawler wrote:
We'll discuss changing Divine Plea to just Flash of Light, Holy Light and Holy Shock.


I hadn't thought about it before, but if Divine Plea remains as cutting all these other sources of healing in half, I really don't want to have it up 100% of the time. It's not like I've been having any mana issues to begin with, but maybe with the talent changes it'll actually be necessary ... Really hope that changes.

I don't really like divine plea to begin with, if it cut Holy Light in half that'd be fine cause seriously Holy Shock and Flash of light are about the only two heals I use that don't strap me for mana even though I have nearly 18k-20k (haven't played in a couple months can't remember )
#13 Mar 21 2009 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Divine Plea works the way it does because they want Holy Paladins to think about when they use it. I'm not sure if this happens or not, but that was the intent. Changing it to only work on some of the Paladin heals, instead of all heals, doesn't solve anything at all. And with Blizzard trying to nerf all healers' mana regen, that isn't going to change.

The problem with it, as I pointed out, is having it up also nerfs reactive heals and such for a tanking Paladin. It should be changed to only affect Holy Light, Flash of Light, and Holy Shock. That way, healing Paladins would still need to think about then they use it, and it wouldn't nerf the healing that tanking Paladins would receive.

Yes Losie, they are still tuning Divine Plea, but just because they are still tuning it doesn't mean they will get it right. We've seen it in the past: something isn't working well, and when they're done with it, it still sucks. I'm really hoping Divine Plea doesn't become such an example of this.

EDIT: today, new info. THANK YOU BLIZZ GODS for listening and making the Divine Plea change!!!

Divine Plea now only reduces the amount healed by your Flash of Light, Holy Light, and Holy Shock spells.

Also some minor changes to set bonuses:

* Paladin T8 Protection 2P Bonus (Class: Paladin) -- Increases the damage done by your Seals of Vegeance, Corruption, and Righteousness by 10%. (Old - Increases the damage done by your Seals by 10%.)
* Paladin T8 Protection 4P Bonus (Class: Paladin) -- Shield of Righteousness now increases your shield block value by 225 for that attack and for 3 sec afterward.
* Paladin T8 Holy 4P Bonus (Class: Paladin) -- Your Sacred Shield can now trigger its effect every 4 sec instead of every 6. (Old - Increases the damage absorbed by your Sacred Shield by 10%.)

Edited, Mar 24th 2009 12:45am by Maulgak
#14 Mar 23 2009 at 11:46 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Forgot, editing a post doesn't bump a thread, hehe. So, bump >.>
#15 Mar 24 2009 at 4:27 AM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
Maulgak wrote:
EDIT: today, new info. THANK YOU BLIZZ GODS for listening and making the Divine Plea change!!!

Divine Plea now only reduces the amount healed by your Flash of Light, Holy Light, and Holy Shock spells.

This makes a lot of sense. Divine Plea was introduced to reduce holy paladins' regen mid-fight and it's doing that to me quite effectively. However it shouldn't reduce the amount of healing a tank receives from their own Judge Light or from external sources.

I'm intrigued by the change to Prot T8 2pc. By restricting the damage bonus to Seals of Vengeance, Corruption and Righteousness, what are the cutting out and why? Is it to stop Ret Palas increasing Seal of Command damage by using Prot gear?
#16 Mar 24 2009 at 7:57 AM Rating: Good
Does anyone else notice that in the pictures showing the tier armor, the human has that look in his eye that he really does not want to be wearing that and can't wait to get out of it. Kinda like Ralphie in the Christmas Story wearing the pink bunny pajamas.

I personally don't have a huge problem with how it looks. I think I would rather have pants for the Ret and Prot, as the only dress I thought was fitting was the Tier 2 Dress, since the whole set just screamed scary Paladin who will judge the hell out of you for the slightest of transgressions.
#17 Mar 24 2009 at 9:25 AM Rating: Excellent
1,004 posts
For all of the talk about people not liking robes on Paladins, I too have to agree that T2 was the

Best.. set.. evah.
#18 Mar 24 2009 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
808 posts
Maulgak wrote:

* Paladin T8 Holy 4P Bonus (Class: Paladin) -- Your Sacred Shield can now trigger its effect every 4 sec instead of every 6. (Old - Increases the damage absorbed by your Sacred Shield by 10%.)

OMG, my leg is tingling like Chris Matthews' right now. That is a worthwhile 4-piece bonus.
#19 Mar 24 2009 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I agree, Judgement was the best looking set for Paladins. Paladins didn't tank back then, so it's kind of a moot point =P hehe

And I do like the look of Aegis, even the dress part. I just think it would be nice if Prot got pants while Holy got the dress, and whichever for Ret (don't matter to me). But, I doubt Blizzard would ever do this. Making the same set have different looks? Yea, probably never going to happen.
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