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SoB/SotM Recoil Damage ThreadFollow

#1 Mar 16 2009 at 4:53 AM Rating: Default
3,229 posts
Started by the EJ guys on the O-Boards, now spans 20 pages with other classes agreeing it should be removed. If you'd like to lend your weight it is here:

For EU players who won't be able to post on the thread above, it has been mirrored here:

Edited, Mar 16th 2009 9:06am by Goggy

Edited, Mar 17th 2009 10:30am by Goggy
#2 Mar 27 2009 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
Updated patch notes:

Seal of Blood/Seal of the Martyr: The damage done by these two seals has been increased but the damage done by their judgements decreased. The balance is now roughly 60% from either seal and 40% from a judgement on total damage done. The total damage done should be roughly the same.Please note that the 3.0.9 tooltips had incorrect values for the damage done, but the tooltips should be much more accurate in 3.1.0.
#3 Mar 27 2009 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
Less bursty more steady. That should help some. Maybe..ish.
#4REDACTED, Posted: Mar 30 2009 at 1:46 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I've said in other threads and I'll repeat it here, I don't think it goes far enough. Irrespective of 'up-coming' content. We were finishing Naxx last night, I've only been in a raiding guild for a short time, if you're wondering why I'm only just finishing Naxx! The number of times I had to switch to SoC or step back from the fight and heal myself is a joke.
#5 Mar 30 2009 at 4:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
they will. you need to be patient.
#6 Mar 30 2009 at 6:00 AM Rating: Good
76 posts
The recoil is the POINT of this spell. It is not meant to be a free upgrade to Seal of Righteousness. It is meant - like all the other paladin seals - to be a tool useful under some circumstances and not under others. It is an inclease in damage IF the paladin can take it, and IF the healers can deal with it.

The kind of decision you claim to be making - to step back and heal, or to change seals - is exactly the kind of decision Blizz WANT the player to be making. It's a strategical choice, testing the player's ability to react to the situation and change their playstyle to match. It is not meant to be an all-round super-seal, capable of making Command obsolete and making retridins even more powerful in PvP than they already are.

Yes, I have seen paladins kill themselves in raid situations because they were using Blood and weren't paying attention to their own health bar. It isn't Blizz's fault they died, it is the players. And conversely, it is to your credit that you avoided that trap; it shows a certain amount of mastery of your class, which is to be commended.

SO I disagree Tommy - or at least I hope I do - about Blizz removing the kickback on Blood. That's the point of the spell (just look at the name) and that's the one thing that makes Blood the situational use spell that it should be.
#8 Mar 30 2009 at 6:10 AM Rating: Good
370 posts
The complaint is, why do pallys and pallys alone have to take a huge penalty like that, and become a drain on the healers, in order to do the same damage as other "hybrid" classes? If we use SoC, our DPS is ****. Its a leveling seal, little more.

I could see that, if using command put us at the 5% below pure damage classes, and martyr put us on par with the pure damage classes but with the recoil penalty, that would be fair. But as it stands, druids and shammys don't have to rip themselves up to do "hybrid" damage...why do we?
#9REDACTED, Posted: Mar 30 2009 at 6:14 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Furthermore, using SotM/SoB does not put us on a par with those classes you mentioned. Using those seals usually has us hovering around mid-table.
#10 Mar 30 2009 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Oh I don't know... my Ret Pally hasn't even been 80 all that long and certainly doesn't have the best gear in the world, but I usually do about 2.2k dps with command and about 2.5k dps with martyr, and that is with moderately bad gear. Of course that is in Naxx where there are a lot of undead. Something like Sarth where there are no undead, this drops somewhat of course.

No matter what my gear level on my Ret Pally, I cannot really envision keeping up with our best mage (who is around 5k dps in current 25-man content), but I already keep up with similarly geared Boomkins and Shaman, so I envision keeping up with them as we gear up. I don't think we are really meant to keep up with the "pure dps" classes though. I saw something recently about them bringing back the "2-bucket" concept where the DPS of hybrid classes was going to be lower than the DPS of the "pure" dps classes, although they were at least going to try to keep it close.

I also suspect that at least currently, a Ret Pally with close to BiS gear in every slot and using seal of Blood/Martyr probably does do 4k+ DPS in 25-mans, I just haven't seen a Ret Pally with gear that good yet in person.

Edited, Mar 30th 2009 2:30pm by jeromesimina
#11REDACTED, Posted: Mar 30 2009 at 12:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The whole point is, which people seem to be struggling to grasp, is that to do that damage you have to take damage yourself. In Naxx 25 I do 3.2k-3.5k DPS, I generally sit mid table. The issue is not whether I am top of the DPS, it is that fact that to be mid-table I have to take damage because I need to use SotM/SoB. No other class has to do this.
#12 Mar 30 2009 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
370 posts
Right jerome, I agree, I have no trouble keeping up with the other hybrids. But I have to take a ton of backsplash damage to do it, and they have no comparable penalty.
#13 Mar 30 2009 at 3:24 PM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
Personally, i've found this expansion so far to be extremely fair to ret paladins. Perhaps more than fair, considering the huge benifit we bring to a raid beyond personal dps. I'm talking about things like blessings, the 3% haste/crit/total damage from ret aura and so on. Replenishment is something my 10 man group misses a lot if i respec to heal Kel'thuzad or something similar.

I don't have much trouble keeping up even with pure dps classes ( mages and fury warriors are generally considered to be the top of the pack at the moment, and it's these classes i find myself competing with for the top of the meter). My guild is too small to field heroic raids, but my gear is what i like to call "10-man best in slot". The final thing i need is Death's Bite which i will be getting. If it finally drops...

On a benchmark fight like Patchwerk i'll typically see 4.4k dps or so. Maybe 4.9k on Loatheb. My personal best was earlier today, pugging naxx heroic where i peaked at around 6.3k on Thaddius.

The recoil damage is only really crippling on a few encounters. On heroic Thaddius, i dread seeing the buff start to stack above 8. If a judgement recoil hit comes at the same time as someone switching sides (on the left! the left! Not the right! CLOCKWISE) and shocking me, that'll often be me tanking the ground. I'm pretty happy to see recoil damage toned down.

Edited, Mar 30th 2009 7:31pm by ArtemisEnteri
#14 Mar 30 2009 at 3:28 PM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
SO I disagree Tommy - or at least I hope I do - about Blizz removing the kickback on Blood. That's the point of the spell (just look at the name) and that's the one thing that makes Blood the situational use spell that it should be.

i agree that SoB should be left alone. but you are in the era where Blizz needs to satisfy everyone. pallies will QQ long enough and the devs will "fix it".

i already recommended buffing SoR and doing away with SoB since SA is gone. pallies are the only class that have active and passive self-nerfing abilities(save Lifetap and Recklessness). my attacks kill me, my mana regen ruins my heals, my buffs lock out my defenses(vice versa).

my other toons dont act like this. hell, my mage can pew pew, ice block, pew pew, disappear, pew pew, ice block, pew pew. AND i can summon my pet twice while im on vacation.
#15 Mar 31 2009 at 7:05 AM Rating: Default
3,229 posts
Marked you down for the use of "QQ", I hate that phrase. Patronisingly trivialising a genuine complaint doesn't make you right.

  • Ret pala DPS is never the highest irrespective of SoB/SotM
  • No other class has to damage themselves to do DPS to this scale
  • It servers no purpose after SA is depreciated
#16 Mar 31 2009 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
Rated him back up, rated you down for being a D*ck. 8)

last i check, the rating system isnt here for you to impose your view/opinions on other people.

Edited, Mar 31st 2009 8:21am by RuenBahamut
#17 Mar 31 2009 at 7:25 AM Rating: Default
3,229 posts
Actually you knob jockey he was rated down for his terminology, much like you. If he wants to make a point about Blizzard acceding too easily to players requests then fair enough, to dismiss 24 pages of enlightening discussion about an (IMHO) outdated mechanic by calling it "QQ" then he deserves everything he gets.

Try reading first pillock.

Edited, Mar 31st 2009 3:30pm by Goggy
#18 Mar 31 2009 at 8:44 AM Rating: Excellent
1,503 posts
you created what could have been a decent thread and turned it into a rating war? shame on you. your hatred for certain phrases is your own problem. rate yourself down. you probably dislike lack of conventional formatting too.

anywho, 24 pages is not "enlightening discussion". in the first post you will find:

P.S. Please don't beg for Blue responses. It does nothing to further the point of this thread, which is to get ideas out there so this issue can get fixed.

making extra effort to ensure they do not elicit the response of a blue is counterintuitive to their ends. all this speculation and thinktanking is based off of knowledge of the PTR and daily blue posts. if you and the OPs do not care to regard the opinions and strategies of the Devs, then yes, it is just QQ.

a better PS would be:
"Please beg for Blue responses. Their information is invaluable and will only aid us in arriving at a reasonable balance. Afterall, we do not yet know where they intend to take the design of our class. All we have to work with is speculation and drawn conclusions based on the 'change of the day'."
#19REDACTED, Posted: Mar 31 2009 at 9:33 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ok, if you're going to be ******* stupid, I'll point it out to you.
#20 Mar 31 2009 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
QQ more . . .
#21 Mar 31 2009 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
lol did you read my posts? i wonder what i disagreed with.

i said:
they will[remove the dmg recoil]. you need to be patient.

and followed it with:
...pallies are the only class that have active and passive self-nerfing abilities(save Lifetap and Recklessness). my attacks kill me, my mana regen ruins my heals, my buffs lock out my defenses(vice versa).

taking an intelligent bout of theorycrafting from EJ and posting it on the O-boards accomplishes nothing yet leaves it open for nonsense. its almost asking for trolling. when the motive is to lay out complaints without asking for concessions, society has deemed this whining or sniveling...this can be summarized in the digital realm as QQ.

the first Q:
I'm just posting this to get some feedback/suggestions from others

the second Q:
Please don't beg for Blue responses.

#22 Mar 31 2009 at 12:41 PM Rating: Excellent
648 posts
Lansdowne wrote:
It is not meant to be a free upgrade to Seal of Righteousness. It is meant - like all the other paladin seals - to be a tool useful under some circumstances and not under others.

absolutely correct... and even w/o the recoil, it's still not an upgrade to SoR.... i'd have a hard time seeing a holy paladin out questing using SoB/tM rather than SoR with his SP and 1h weapon... SoR and SoB/tM scale on completely different stats. they both have an AP component (SoR=%AP+%SP; SoB/tM=%weapon damage which is the damage ofthe weapon itself + 14% AP). However the second component to both of them is different. SoR scales on SP making it well suited to a holy paladins normal gearing. SoB/tM scales on the dps of your weapon making it well suited to a ret pally carrying the highest dps weapon he can find. the higher AP scaling of SoB/tM also makes it more suited to a ret pallies gear than a holy pallies gear. SoR is not really meant to be a dps seal anymore (imo) whereas SoB/tM is intended to be a competitive dps seal. Even a prot pally is likely to find better scaling in SoV/Cor than SoB/tM. I could do the math to figure it out but my point is less what gear lvl you need for one to be better and more that they scale different.... i.e. they're both useful tools under different circumstances....

Now i would agree that the comparison of SoB/tM to SoC is a totally different issue since SoB/tM is baseline and the best DPS seal for a ret pally while SoC is talented and subpar for competitive pve dps. i personally think if they were to buff a seal to replace SoB/tM it should be SoC rather than SoR since SoR isn't really a good ret seal in the first place. On the other hand, if Blizzard isn't going to consolidate SoB/tM with another seal it should retain some sort of downside or else they should get rid of SoC. it would be rediculous for SoB/tM to lose it's recoil and completely overshadow a talented seal in 100% of situations for a pally who puts the most points into the tree that talent is in... could they reduce the recoil? maybe. making it a straight 10% recoil accross the board would at least make us think twice before using it on fights like loatheb where too much AP means you're taking massive damage back with very limited oppotunities for healing. 10% would not overly tax healers however on those fights in ulduar where we will once again be learning fights and likely pushing ourselves to the limit just to kill a boss (i hope...).

oh, and goggy... i'd have to agree that rating someone down for using "QQ" is somewhat petty. there is likely many people with valid opinions maybe even valid complaints on that thread... however, since the recoil on the seal is not keeping ret pallies from raids (ret pallies are still very popular because of our buffs and very competitive dps). i have a ret pally and a healing pally... i have never had a healer complain about my 3k self hits from my JotM. the nearly 600 healing done by my JoL to everyone around me more than makes up for a 3k hit to myself ever 8 seconds.... as healer i've hardly even notice that i have to heal our other ret pally more often than anyone else... only time i notice is if i decide to watch his health and see how much of a problem it is... to be honest, even then i hardly notice it even then... so yeah... i agree with tommyguns and lansdowne that any complaints about the recoil of SoB/tM, as well meaning and intelligent as it may sound, is hardly warranted and mostly likely QQ as tommyguns called it...

in the end, i highly advocate a little thought about how horrible a spell may or may not really be before calling others "pillock"...

an example (somewhat close, but random numbers).... judgement hits for 10k... hits me back for 3.3k... on that hit my JoL heals me for 600... my next divine storm hits the single boss for 3k... heals me for 3k*.25*.333=250... melee swing causes JoL to heal me for another 600.... second melee swing causes JoL to heal me for another 600... judgement comes off cooldown again... during the cooldown of one judgement heals that i brought to the raid heal me for aprx 2k leaving the healers responsible for the other 1.3k if there's no feral druid nearby... to be honest 1.3k healing every 8 seconds is um, pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things. admittedly the 10% seal recoil might bring that number up to a total of almost 2k healing... still insignificant over an 8 second period of time... a 3.3k hit is hardly even something i'm going to give an immediate attention to for an FoL unless i really have nothing else to do in which case it's even less of a problem.

oh yeah... and my example is based on current judgements... the damage will be even more insignificant when judgements are hitting for 30% less than they are now... wait... 30% of 3.3k = 990... so take that 1.3k - 990 = 310 damage left to heal from the judgement itself... ouch, i pity the healer left with the difficult task of keeping that ret pally alive over the course of a long fight ;)
#23 Mar 31 2009 at 2:56 PM Rating: Excellent
76 posts
This is a good point; something other's have touched on that deserves emphasis.

One of the main advantages of a retribution paladin in a raid situation is not just the dps that they bring, but also the advantages to the whole raid. Sanctified ret aura - a +3% to EVERYONE'S damage isn't too shabby - just because it doesn't show up directly on your dps meter doesn't mean that you're not responsible for that damage being caused. The blessings; the seals; the judgements; the off-heals (eg. diving storm); replenishment; heart of the crusader...

Compare this to our dps competitors, the mage. What do they get? Free water.

So just because a ret pala may not be topping the dps chart does not mean they are not performing a very valuable role in the raid. If you are vain enough to worry about your ereal dps, take that 3% off everyone else's damage and add it to yours. Go further, and look at your position on the healing meter; very few classes will have that same balance of damage and healing, for everyone else it will be one or the other.

So retridins are not "bad" just because they don't top the healing meter. Their role in the raid just goes beyond omgimbadpsZOR. So no, Seal of Blood needn't be tuned to the highest common denominator. I'm sure every player of every class thinks they should be topping the dps charts, and the massive damage outputs of hunters and mages may well be beyond that retridins's reach. But that doesn't mean they aren't as good as the other classes in their role.

And yes, it might be that the kick from SoB or JoB is a little steep. And it may be that SoComm needs rebalancing. But this is a tuning issue, not a concept issue.
#24 Mar 31 2009 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
So just because a ret pala may not be topping the dps chart does not mean they are not performing a very valuable role in the raid. If you are vain enough to worry about your ereal dps, take that 3% off everyone else's damage and add it to yours. Go further, and look at your position on the healing meter; very few classes will have that same balance of damage and healing, for everyone else it will be one or the other.

i agree on this position wholeheartedly. i made posts back in the day where i advocated more utility to make up for our lack of dps in pre-BC. however, this is LK. Blizzard put forth the notion that if you are a dps spec, you need to be putting out big numbers. if you bring utility to a raid then that is just bonus.

this concept of equality has lead to some serious problems in balancing, function, and general fun.

go here:

add a Ret pally into the raid. play around with it with all the other specs and see if you can find another class that comes close to the raid benefit of a Ret. i estimated to my guild leader that the raid loses about 7-8% 'tangible dmg' when we dont have a Ret pally(not including the personal dps).

other dps classes bring some buffs and debuffs with them, but none as encompassing as a Ret pally. so how do you justify that a rogue should do 5-10% more personal dmg, when a Ret brings his own dps plus 8% more raid dmg. doesn't seem fair to the rogue. the one thing to note is that bringing more rogues evens this out since only 1 Ret pally is ideal for a raid.
#25 Mar 31 2009 at 5:12 PM Rating: Good
76 posts
the one thing to note is that bringing more rogues evens this out since only 1 Ret pally is ideal for a raid.

True, 1 ret pala is the ideal number. But just to point out:

25-man raid, 10 classes in game. Hence, you should have 2.5 people from each class. If you're bringing 2-3 palas you can hopefully expect to have one Holy and one Ret pala with you, and maybe a Prot as well. Hence, you fill your paladin quota without having different specs all tread on each other's toes. Other classes will behave similarly; rogues will each have different poisons, warlocks will use different curses, etc.

Edited for readability.

Edited, Apr 1st 2009 1:28am by Lansdowne
#26 Apr 02 2009 at 12:26 AM Rating: Default
3,229 posts
OT please.
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