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What's Blizz idea about Spiritual Attunement?Follow

#1 Mar 15 2009 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
1,912 posts
My question is mainly related to the Paladin change on the patch notes.

Spiritual Attunement: Removed from trainers. It is now available deep in the Protection tree for 2 ranks at 5/10%.

For those who don't know that's the ability for paladins to recover mana when they receive heals, which is necessary for tanking, otherwise you'd run out of mana half way trough a pull. Warriors, DKs and Druids don't need that because they are not limited by mana mechanics so they keep ticking for as long as the fight lasts. (While the warrior rage mechanic may be a bit broken for pvp, that would be a reason to fix warriors, not to break the other classes).

If I remember correctly they once stated that they didn't want to have only one spec be a viable tank. That different specs would be able to tank, just they would do it in different ways. This wasn't said in respect to paladins only, also about DKs and warriors.

In addition the full threat bonuses went to base so that they didn't require talents and some tanking abilities were given to both warriors and paladins without requiring protection spec. DKs were created with their tanking abilities as base abilities too.

So are they reverting that? In addition it would also mean that prot Paladins will also not be able to tank until they have enough level to reach that talent. Which is even more strange.

Also, what's the deal going to be with the Glyph of Seal of Blood? This is what it says on the patch notes OF THE SAME PATCH.

Glyph of Seal of Blood: Grants 30% bonus mana from Spiritual Attunement.

For those who don't understand, seal of blood is a seal that does damage to both the target and the paladin, and this is used for PvE dps because being healed gives mana recovery as result of Spiritual Attunement. If Spi Att becomes a deep prot talent, only tank paladins will have it.

So does blizz want Spi Att to be part of Pally dps mechanics or not? Both lines of the same patch note point in opposite directions!

Besides if they didn't want Spi Att to be used for DPS why don't they just link it up as part of Righteous Fury (The threat buff)?
#2 Mar 15 2009 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
It's dazzling my mind too.

Ofcourse, it would be perfectly logical to make it a deep prot talent, because in the end. It's what keeps paladin tanks going. On the other hand, Retribution DPS gets alot of it's mana regen from Spiritual Atunement too. SoB makes it even stranger, we take some damage from our hits in order to force the healers to heal us, and thus giving us some mana to keep on dps'ing. So without Spiritual Atunement SoB/M would be just be a no-brainer witch makes us look like kamikaze pilots. Though I think it may be possible to keep on doing DPS without the mana returns from Spiritual Atunement.

So in my opinion what we need to ask ourselves, and ofcourse the dev's at Blizzard, is:

''Is Seal of Blood/Martyr so powerful it needs to have this kind of drawback?''

Ofcourse, without it's current drawback it would just be some sort of improved Seal of Righteousness and that wouldn't make it an interesting skill at all. I mean who would even use SoComm when SoB/M doesn't take our health anymore. But it would equally weird to have a seal which would make us lose health just because it increases our DPS.

#3 Mar 15 2009 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
With respect to SoB/SoM, my guess would be that the glyph will be changed to eliminate(or reduce) the recoil and JotW will be buffed to compensate for mana issues.
#4 Mar 15 2009 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
Uhm... well, look at this...

Warriors get Defensive stance and taunt at level 10. So a warrior character can tank up from level 10.

Druids get Bear form and taunt from level 10.

Paladins get...
- Righteous Defense at level 14. And not able to tank because you lack R. Fury.
- R. Fury and Hand of Reck at level 16!!. And still no Spiritual Attune.
- Spiritual Attune at level 18!.

I suppose it's not much because humans normally don't see a dungeon until VC which is at level 16 if I remember correctly, but I really don't know how far you can tank without Spi Attune.

JoW being buffed in replacement to Spi Attune would be nice, but the Patch notes don't say anything about buffing JoW.
#5 Mar 15 2009 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
Prot spec cant tank effectively til at least lvl 30. so low lvl talents and spells are moot. the current change to SA is mainly a shot in the dark attempt at regen design.

the Ret aspect of losing SA will result in a redesign of SoB. however, it would be simpler to just get rid of SoB and buff SoR to replace it.
#6 Mar 15 2009 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
Prot will have talents to keep 100% divine plea uptime. Not sure what will happen with ret paladins. Apparently Blizzard thinks they had too much mana in a raid setting =/

It's also a nerf to holy..on many fights, I recieve as much mana back from spiritual attunement as I do from using divine plea every cooldown.

So prot will stay untouched. I think the glyph of SoB is an oversight. Because 30% of 0 is well..0. Not exactly glyph-worthy is it :P
#7 Mar 15 2009 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Nerf to pallies, depending on the fight a big nerf in raid situations. Though Blizzard very hamfistedly stated something along the lines that Holy pallies are too strong in pvp therefore its getting removed and its like "ummmmm we don't have anyone else healing us in 2v2 or 3v3".

That being said its part of scaling back endless mana on healers so they can balance raid encounters without having to throw insane raid damage at healers. They stated they wanted it to be deep in Prot and Ret. So its weird its not in the ret tree, which makes broken glyph broken. The patch is 3-6 weeks away at the earliest though so things may change with ret.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#8 Mar 15 2009 at 8:44 PM Rating: Good
Ghostcrawler also noted that the plan they have so far is too buff jotw to 20% or whatever is deemed needed in order to balance rets mana, and there was talk of the need to change the sob glyph. No specifics have been uttered we just know its on the table.

Edited, Mar 15th 2009 11:45pm by Lyroc
#9 Mar 16 2009 at 2:29 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
So its weird its not in the ret tree, which makes broken glyph broken. The patch is 3-6 weeks away at the earliest though so things may change with ret.

I think in general they were looking for ways to standardize Ret's mana regen. The current system leads to tons of mana on AoE heavy fights and less mana on fights without AoE (e.g. Patchwerk). If they tune Ret's regen to be appropriate for when they're not taking a lot of AoE damage, then they get ~unlimited resources on fights were they are taking a lot of splash damage.

While I'm not sure I agree with it, removing Spiritual Attunement from Ret is their way to try to enable easier "tuning" of Ret's mana regen through Judgments of the Wise.
#10 Mar 16 2009 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
Only speaking as a tank – I don’t know Ret…

Correct me if I’m wrong, but:

As they are taking the BoK 5pt talent out, then trading in the 2 point talent in, it MAY also have been done to remove Spiritual Attunement from the “Freebie” category and turn BoK into a Freebie.

Also – As it only really has an effect on people who can’t (Due to level) get the Attunement – Doesn’t this really mean nothing for 99/100 pallies?

I understand that Ret. could be upset because the incoming heals would really help with mana, but perhaps this is a nerf to Ret DPS by making them pick what to seal, rather than simply going blood as the standard. I don’t know???

Finally – I’m not sure about it, but I think I have a glyph which increases my return from Spiritual Attunement – as a tank… Not the blood Glyph… Are they changing that?

I’ve recently started to out-gear some heroic (Mostly the lower ones) and I’ve had to start drinking water again. This only happens when I ‘OT’ (which is reasonable – because on most trash pulls I’m not taking that many hits) or when I’m in places like Heroic – UK, Nex, etc…
#11 Mar 16 2009 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
meh, SA for Ret was broken anyway.

-JoL and DS covers ~75% of our self-dmg. we get no SA effect on self heals.
-our biggest mana draining abilites don't even get SA love.
-our extra tax on healers and our ability to stay alive is just dumb.
-if we don't take splash dmg, we go oom. i've actually sat in a fart cloud on purpose during Vault because i was low on mana and had no pots.
#12 Mar 16 2009 at 5:25 AM Rating: Good
889 posts
I could've sworn they said that the Spiritual Attunement change was another shot at Holydin mana regen in raids (no more getting mana when you soak up area healing...)
#13 Mar 16 2009 at 6:55 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
angryempath wrote:
I could've sworn they said that the Spiritual Attunement change was another shot at Holydin mana regen in raids (no more getting mana when you soak up area healing...)

It is, at least in good part.

I was discussing it from a Ret perspective, but there's no doubt that Holy mana regen was being nerfed for harder fights too.
#14 Mar 16 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Excellent
370 posts
Yeah, i'm with the crowd that says now that SA is gone for rets, Martyr recoil needs to go away. And frankly, Command and Martyr are entirely redundant. Get rid martyr and fix SoC damage, or get rid of SoC and remove martyr recoil.
#15 Mar 16 2009 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
i really dont want them to buff JotW, Judgements are already too bloated of an ability.

id rather them just make seal of blood a deep ret talent that could return mana by % of damage, and also an imp SoComm talent (merged with the SoB talent even) that improves SoComm's PvP viability, or even make SoComm a passive Ret ability to begin with.

Edit: as for Ret tanking viability while lvling, when we get access to JotW the lack of SA will not be an issue.

Edited, Mar 16th 2009 10:24am by RuenBahamut
#16 Mar 16 2009 at 10:41 AM Rating: Good
1,912 posts
Hmm... so why don't they just terminate Spiritual Attune and make it an effect of Righteous Fury?

A Ret DPS using R. Fury in PvE is obviously going to get himself very killed. I just tried it with Galv and Drek, not the best examples but they're the easiest test subjects to use. You steal aggro like crazy.

I haven't tried PvE healing with R. Fury but it would be extremely simple to make R. Fury boost the threat of healing spells if it doesn't already.

Just saying, other classes you can tank level 80 normal dungeons with no talent points allocated if you have the gear, and Blizz said once that they intended it to be that way.

I’ve recently started to out-gear some heroic (Mostly the lower ones) and I’ve had to start drinking water again. This only happens when I ‘OT’ (which is reasonable – because on most trash pulls I’m not taking that many hits) or when I’m in places like Heroic – UK, Nex, etc…

Warriors get this problem too with the rage. You could try switching a number of slots to holy (sta-int-spell) gear. It will probably take less than 5 slots switched.
#17 Mar 16 2009 at 10:55 AM Rating: Default
just scanned the first five post but i'm guessing lots of aoe damange and dont want pally healers not being worried about mana due to other healers healing them. it would give pallies a huge advantage over the other healers if they waste mana to heal pally rather than pally heal themselvs. that just my guess. i mean they are putting a glyph in druid to make the aoe heal hit 6 instead of 5 and think they are doing same with circle of healing.. thats just my guess though havent tooken time to read fights on mmo yet to see how they are being handled.
#18 Mar 16 2009 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
thats a great idea re: imp RF.

imp RF is in a great place in the Prot tree where Holy would have to sacrifice some nice stuff to get at it, yet is ripe for Ret OT/dps and essential for Prot tanks.

#19 Mar 17 2009 at 6:07 AM Rating: Good
3,761 posts
So I was browsing MMO-Champion today during the downtime and read some of the reasoning on the changes. Here is a few quotes if anyone is confused on the change.

We think Protection needs Spiritual Attunement for obvious reasons, so we are making it a deep Prot talent.

We don't actually like Holy and Ret having SA. It makes their mana regen depend too much on the encounter specifics. On fights like Patchwerk, they have no mana from SA. On dragon fights, they have a ton. That makes it hard to tune on our end because they are either starved in the first case or drowning in the second case.

We want to tune Holy through Illumination and Ret through Judgements of the Wise and let Prot use SA. All 3 can Divine Plea, but Prot can do it more often.


Spiritual Attunement is a great mechanic for a tanking paladin who needs the mana and gets it from taking damage.

For other paladins it just complicates balance. On Patchwerk you get no mana from it as Holy / Ret and on Sartharion it gives you just a ton of mana. So you're either bone dry on one fight or drowning in mana on another, totally depending on raid damage.

The best knob we have for tweaking Ret mana return is to up Judgements of the Wise from 15% to 20% or whatever it needs to be. (Holy has Illumination.)

GC... you do realize that everyone in the paladin community is taking this as a promise you will buff jotw, right?

Such is my lot in life. We need to get some numbers for Ret mana after all of these changes and make a call at that time. I was just pointing out that we have plenty of knobs to tweak to balance the class without SA.

Remember, the goal here is not to nerf Ret mana. It is to make it more stable instead of varying wildly depending on the encounter. While encounters will always be different to some extent, when you look at the mana provided by SA on different fights, it can be pretty extreme. Ulduar balance is going to be tricky because we want the normal encounters to still be accesible to most raiders while the hard modes need to be balanced on a knife's edge. Having so much variation is just going to get in the way of that.

The Seal of Blood glyph will most likely have to be changed to accomodate this change.

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