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Need some advice on healsFollow

#1 Mar 15 2009 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
1st of all thank you for all who read this. I am in need of help. All this while in OL i was healing well in instances. I am holy specced all the way and plan to stay that way till 80. I am 70 now. I ran a few instances in OL to grab some blues.

When i was questing I was asked to do heals for UK. Couldn't do it. I did tell them I may be undergeared for this but they took me anyway. Both Dks couldn;t hold aggro and the mobs kept coming at me. Couldn;t do much. Sad but maybe i shouldn;t have pugged the grp.

I am now in northend and just started questing over. With the green gears there, will I be able to heal there. Also is there any stats required for healing in normal instances there.

I have no OL purple gears with me as I took up gathering profession for gold making. I know by running instances i can replace the greens to blue but will i be able to heal with a few greens obtained from questing here.

I am linking my toon. Kindly look and let me know whats the issue I am facing.

Thank you in advance

#2 Mar 15 2009 at 7:19 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
You are going to need a great deal more +healing on your gear. Luckily there are plenty of quest rewards in the 70-73 range that you can use to boost your basic healing gear. I suggest you do some of those before looking to heal northrend instances. There is also some decent crafted cloth gear which you could use to suppliment this.
#3 Mar 15 2009 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
You are going to need a great deal more +healing on your gear.

I somewhat disagree with that. With the exception of one trinket and the wand, every single item the OP possesses has spellpower on it. I do agree with the rest of mothra's post; the problem here is that most of your gear is level 60-64 - you'll simply need to replace all the "Requires level 60" gear with "Requires level 70 gear". The problem isn't so much the amount of spellpower, but the lower level of your gear (aka the amount of *all* priestly stats you've got).
#4 Mar 15 2009 at 7:48 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
I am with Moz on this you need to replace with level 70 gear. Go and start questing in Northrend in Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord. You can get to both these places from boats I understand, I'm Horde so not sure how it works for Alliance but I think they sail from Stormwind Harbour. There is a boat type thing that goes from Borean to Howling Fjord as well via Dragonblight.

You can get some decent rewards from quests and drops which will boost all your stats and enable you to heal the lesser instances. I would advise to make a note of your stats now, specifically intellect, spirit and spellpower as well as crit and haste. Then go into Borean and Howling Fjord and level to about 71/72. If I recall Borean is better for cloth quest rewards but both areas will give these. Then look at the stats you have once you have cleared a few quests from these areas. Hopefully there will be a big boost.

I am unsure as to what you need stats wise as I was in epic 70 gear so I could heal from the start but I would imagine mostly 70 gear of green and the odd blue will be enough. Blizzard will usually provide the tools for you to do the job. I would recommend going in at about 72 and heal Utguard Keep first as this is easier. Although you do need a group where the tanks can keep the mobs off you otherwise you can't do anything no matter what gear you have!

Good luck

Edited, Mar 15th 2009 11:51am by ysabellstohelit
#5 Mar 15 2009 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
If I recall Borean is better for cloth quest rewards but both areas will give these.

As a little note on that; if I remember correctly, Borean has some more cloth rewards while Howling Fjord tends to have more rings, trinkets, necklaces, etc.
#6 Mar 15 2009 at 9:32 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I agree with what everyone else said as far as gear. The quest rewards in Northrend will be sufficient for healing five mans at your level.

However, as to this:

Harihara wrote:
Both Dks couldn;t hold aggro and the mobs kept coming at me.

The quality of your gear really doesn't matter a whole lot if you're dead. Aside from Fade, Shield, etc. to try to buy them a little time to get aggro back, there's really not a lot you can do about this, and it's not your fault.
#7 Mar 15 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Excellent
736 posts
Yeah, that DK statement made me **** my head to the side a bit too.

When you PuG religiously it pays to have working knowledge of the bare minimum you should be expecting from your teammates. Else, you end up blaming yourself for things that entirely out of your control.

For example, I have a hard time believing not one but two DKs doing what they should couldn't keep UK under control. There's nothing tricky about that instance. If you group with a DK again and you see some threat control problems, make sure your DK is using Frost Presence (A blue skull over his head at the start of the instance), Death Grip (pulling the mobs by having one fly across the screen towards him) and Death and Decay (A red bubbling circle on the ground the mobs have to be standing in). Might be a good idea to thumb through the stickies about tanking on the Warrior, Paladin and Druid forums to get a basic idea of what you should expect from these types of tanks too.

And something like Recount helps you keep a tab on your DPS teammates. You can know for certain if your running low on mana because your overhealing too much or someone's not pulling their weight. Though take it with a pinch of salt: the Hunter doing 1,000 DPS but constantly grabbing threat from the mobs is actually a much worse teammate than the Mage crowd controlling and outputting 700 DPS.

I think it's good that you had trouble with an instance and your first knee-jerk reaction was to examine yourself. But this practice can be as much self-improvement as it is self-deprecation. For your own sake, arm yourself with the add-ons and knowledge necessary to tell when there's a face-roller among your group.

Edited, Mar 15th 2009 2:53pm by Zemzelette
#8 Mar 15 2009 at 4:17 PM Rating: Good
You've already gotten great advice.

I'll just add that you didn't spend much time in kara, so you may not have gotten much practice avoiding initial agro. In kara, it would get a new priest killed in a hurry. Basically, you need to let the tank get a few hits in before you start to heal. Not much time, but a little. If you try to help the tank by pre-casting that PoM and renew just before combat, then throw up a nice shield as soon as the fight starts, it's a sure way to get those other mobs on you.

With as much threat as tanks can generate in Northrend instances, you really shouldn't have a problem with initial agro, and fade should be able to take care of most situations.

I play with other priests, and can always see what buffs they are missing on grid. Some things I see are the priests missing inner fire (that should always be up), and those who under utilize shield on themselves. You may be dieing in AOE damage situations, or when the boss calls out adds that like to go for the healer (especially lots of little annoying bug adds). If you are getting barraged by a boss calling out adds, you may need to run to the tank, so he can taunt them off you (don't stand in front of the boss though). Part of it is simply learning the fights.

So, my advice is for you to keep questing for better gear, let the tank get a couple swings in before you start to heal, and shield yourself just before the fight starts. Keep yourself shielded as much as possible during combat. This is a preventative measure. You are preventing or minimizing damage to yourself, rather than reacting after the damage is done.

Besides my normal raid unit frames, I recently added the Power Aura addon. It lets me put visible indicators on my avatar that show missing inner fire, my own shield with a countdown, as well as my weakended soul debuf. It's pretty neat. You may want to check it out.

Edited, Mar 15th 2009 8:53pm by dadanox
#9 Mar 15 2009 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
You should be able to pick out the specific quest rewards that are best for you from these two pages (levels are a guide to difficulty, not a requirement, and there are some good blues available with the higher level ones):

Borean Tundra

Howling Fjord

I'd also recommend getting a few items enchanted, even if you are going to get them replaced. Weapon, bracers and gloves are a bit expensive to do with northrend enchants, but you should be able to do chest, boots and pants, and make do with OL ones for the rest. A lot of scrolls and lower specced spellthreads go quite cheap on AH, as so many are making them to level (by cheap I mean around 30G). Most of the items from the blue tailoring sets should be cheap for the same reason, although I found them more suited to DPS casters (no spirit, not interested).

I've levelled entirely in instances from 65 up to my current level, 74, and I found pugged DKs to be pretty much pathetic at tanking up to around 71, probably because most of them assume that wearing plate and sticking frost presence on will make them a tank. Unless they are stacking +def on 2/3 of their gear, they can be noticeably harder to keep up compared to bears, protadins and protiors. They get a lot better around 73, mainly through the failures giving up the idea they can tank, and sticking to DPS, but also because the itemisation in NR has better tank gear for DKs (I multibox with a 65 DK tank, and OL favours palladins, with int and SP on most tanking gear). Some of the best tanks I've healed since 73 have been DKs.

I don't think many tanks fully understand how aggro can be gained by healing, as I've had so many in UK just DPS Dalron down to 10%, while ignoring Skarvald completely, meaning my AoE threat from healing pulled him, and I ended up being his only target while everyone else focussed on Dalron.

Edited, Mar 16th 2009 12:49am by polarityjp
#10 Mar 16 2009 at 12:33 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
Thank you so much all for your advice and tips. I use clique to do heals mainly spamming flash heals and greater heals when the need arises. Kindly remember this is my 1st time going into healings and I do spend alot of time here reading other players post and it has helped me to a great extend. Spend tons of time in OL instances to pick up healing skills. I was kind of healing UK when I was level 69. Evethough I was undergeared they wanted me in maybe they just couldn;t find a healer. After posting my experience here, I went back to level my toon to hit 70. I was whispered by the same person to ask me to heal Nexus. This time I turned down. Told him I am not geared for this and I really need to spend time grabbing gears in northend. I wonder why players who already saw how bad the heals was asking for the 2nd time. I told him, I dun want to let the group down and hit high repair bills for others and myself. I think I had the right to turn him down in this instance eventhough I would like to start jumping in to heals there but I am not into this as I dun want to be the cause for pushing them into a bad position where you can;t finish the instance. Anyway this is the order I normally use heals but I will adjust when the need arises.

1. Cast renew on the tank before he takes on the mob.
2. Watch for around 65 to 70 percent of the tanks HP's cast a flash heal followed by greater heal. I use quartz for latency issue to watch my heals.
3. Throw POM on the tank if the HP of others gets effected thru AOE etc.
4. The others normally casters gets renew and flash heals if necessary
5. Holy nova to proc for free heals (Thanks to Teacake and others for stressing this)

From what I have read here I will spend time in grabbing good gears through quest and try to heal in UK before attempting to heal other instance. If necessary I'll keep running the same instances again and again till I am comfortable with the way I heal.

Once again thank you soo much for your help. Last question before I close, casting renew and POM before the fight starts draws aggro to the priest? I have recount threat meter, nature cast bars etc. Also like teacake said, I use fade, shield but it drops aggro for awhile and yet they can;t hold aggro. DKs have dark command, D&D, frost presence and yet can;t hold aggro. I am not too sure about this as I have a level 80 DK which I can hold aggro and use dark command when the mob runs astray. Nevertheless I don;t blame them, I should have said no to them in the 1st place after evaluating myself to be undergeared.

Thank you soo much all and its a great comfort you are all here to help.

Cheers and have a good week ahead
#11 Mar 16 2009 at 2:32 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
Last question before I close, casting renew and POM before the fight starts draws aggro to the priest?

The threat these spells generate is attributed to you. However, this threat only applies when actual healing is done in combat. Overhealing causes no threat, and healing caused before combat is started also causes no threat. While its possible that your first pom jump or renew tick would pull aggro, in practice its very rare, almost to the point where I'd say it just doesn't happen. Precasting renew and pom on a tank is still sound healing strategy.
#12 Mar 16 2009 at 2:40 AM Rating: Good
Harihara wrote:
1. Cast renew on the tank before he takes on the mob.

It means your renew may tick before the tank has much agro, causing the mobs to come to you. Renew is wonderful, and should be kept on the tank at all times, but you may want to wait until after he gets a couple hits on the mob.

Harihara wrote:
3. Throw POM on the tank if the HP of others gets effected thru AOE etc.

Better to throw PoM on the tank as your opener, and use it each time it expires. Don't wait for AOE damage. Assume there will be some.

Harihara wrote:
4. The others normally casters gets renew and flash heals if necessary

Good. Don't forget your PoH is your most powerful group heal. Inner Focus / PoH gives a free group heal with increased crit chance on multiple targets. Also know who your clothies are. PW:Shield / renew is a powerful combo for them.

Harihara wrote:
5. Holy nova to proc for free heals (Thanks to Teacake and others for stressing this)

I really respect Teacake's advice, but I don't believe you have the mana pool (armory shows 8200) to be using Holy Nova in an instance at any time. Also, Holy Nova only affects those close to you, and most of the time it will be out of range from the tank.

Harihara wrote:
Last question before I close, casting renew and POM before the fight starts draws aggro to the priest?

No, prior to the fight you can do anything and it wont draw agro. However, by casting it before the fight, renew or PoM may tick before the tank has built up much agro (especially with the other involved mobs near his target).

Edited, Mar 16th 2009 7:19am by dadanox
#13 Mar 16 2009 at 4:28 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:

Harihara wrote:
5. Holy nova to proc for free heals (Thanks to Teacake and others for stressing this)

I really respect Teacake's advice, but I don't believe you have the mana pool (armory shows 8200) to be using Holy Nova in an instance at any time. Also, Holy Nova only affects those close to you, and most of the time it will be out of range from the tank.

I think I have cast Holy Nova maybe 3 times in an instance, on that one spider guy in Naxx who sends all those tiny squishy bugs after you. I definitely don't recommend the use of Holy Nova, especially unglyphed, and especially if you're Holy, for instance healing.

OP, perhaps you're getting confused with my constant praise of Circle of Healing? I definitely love this spell, especially glyphed, for proccing Surge of Light and getting a free Flash Heal, or for proccing Holy Concentration as well. Prayer of Healing and Prayer of Mending are also fantastic tools for this. Crit has really become a regen stat for Holy, which is nice, but the instant Flash Heal of Surge of Light is the real beauty here.
#14 Mar 16 2009 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
717 posts
I can see there is a bit of discussion regarding initial threat and pulling aggro. If you are running Omen, you can readily see the effect of healing on the pack by having the leader mark kill order and then targetting one of the mobs that remains unmarked in the pack. Omen measures threat on your target, and you will receive threat info on the target most likely to break. This can give you a better glimpse of what your heals are doing to the pack as well as the tank's threat management.
#15 Mar 16 2009 at 8:06 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
The threat these spells generate is attributed to you. However, this threat only applies when actual healing is done in combat. Overhealing causes no threat, and healing caused before combat is started also causes no threat. While its possible that your first pom jump or renew tick would pull aggro, in practice its very rare, almost to the point where I'd say it just doesn't happen. Precasting renew and pom on a tank is still sound healing strategy.

Actually, Prayer of Mending does not cause aggro gain to *anybody* *at all* *at any time*, as it is right now. Unless it was hotfixed and I missed it that is - the last time I tested it thoroughly is about a month ago. Also, do not wait with ProM until AOE damage is around. You should be using ProM before every pull as well as every time it isn't jumping back to the tank and the tank is below 90% hp. ProM has an average heal per mana efficiency in between 25 and 35. Which is simply sick; greater heal should be around 7 or 8 hpm as holy. You only need ProM to heal twice for it to have been more mana-efficient as a greater heal. One jump is enough to bring it on par with flash heal.

On the point of Holy Nova; knowing Teacake you most definitely mean Circle of Healing, not Holy Nova. Holy Nova shouldn't be used at all as holy (barring some exceptions where CoH is on CD), and only when glyphed and in specific circumstances as disc.

#16 Mar 16 2009 at 8:17 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
knowing Teacake you most definitely mean Circle of Healing

I think I'm just going to blow up the CoH icon really big and use it for my avatar.

Did I mention how excited I am for the CoH healing boost? I'm not sure I did... Smiley: rolleyes
#17 Mar 16 2009 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Mozared wrote:
Holy Nova shouldn't be used at all as holy (barring some exceptions where CoH is on CD), and only when glyphed and in specific circumstances as disc.

Without the glyph 2 places to use it and you will love it. Both in Naxx.

Plague wing, the corridor between Noth and Heigan. The bats and plague monsters. Let the tank pull most of the wing, then spam Holy Nova. You will top both the DPS and Healing meters. It's fun as hell.

Military wing, Gluth fight. After a Decimate, you help kill the chow and heal your group at the same time. Once decimate is done, send your shadow fiend to gluth and regain all your mana. It's extremely helpful, but a mana hog.

Other than those two times, I never use Holy Nova in a raid.

1. Cast renew on the tank before he takes on the mob.
2. Watch for around 65 to 70 percent of the tanks HP's cast a flash heal followed by greater heal. I use quartz for latency issue to watch my heals.
3. Throw POM on the tank if the HP of others gets effected thru AOE etc.
4. The others normally casters gets renew and flash heals if necessary
5. Holy nova to proc for free heals (Thanks to Teacake and others for stressing this)

Others have touched on this but I just wanted to put in my two cents (reiterating a lot of what was said).

1. Casting renew on the tank before a pull is wasting mana. Depending on the tank you could be wasting one or two ticks of the renew, forcing you to refresh it earlier in the fight than is necessary. Cast renew after the tank takes the first hit, you will get more out of the spell that way(only slightly, but every little bit helps)

2. At 65-70% you should begin casting a greater heal. By the time the cast is complete the tank would have take another hit potentially reducing the tanks health to 55-65%. An 8k reg or 14k crit GH should bring the tank up to full, if it doesn't heal him to full, then cast flash heal. If another healer healed in that time, you can /stopcasting and cast a flash to fill them up. If you are casting the Flash heal first, you could potentially be over-healing more than necessary when your greater heal hits, especially if it crits.

3. Throw a PoM at the beginning of a fight. That way, the first hit the tank takes it will bounce to someone else. Continue throwing PoM on the tank when it is off CD. If you wait until AoE happens to cast PoM, then chances are you will have missed the damage and be forced to heal the AoE using other spells and the PoM will be sitting on a DPS who won't get hit again until the spell timer has run down.

4. Nothing wrong with this one, I'll usually cast CoH though, since normally it's multiple people getting hit. If it is only 1 dps that got hit, a simple renew should be enough, and if it's a good chunk of damage, say 10%+ add a flash heal. If it's not more than 10% health lost, there is no point in casting renew and then flash heal. Casting Flash heal after a renew would defeat the purpose of the renew, since the flash will probably be enough to heal them to full.

5. As has already been said, pretty sure you mean CoH not holy nova.
#18 Mar 16 2009 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
When I hit 70 and got ProM everything suddenly got a lot easier (having the Primal Mooncloth set ready to wear helped a fair bit too, with the increased regen, although you actually have more hp than me, because of all the +stam I've given up).

I can definately see CoH being one of my most used spells in raids, but in 5 mans ProM is what's doing most of the work. My casting order is something like this:

  • Open with ProM. If the tank is a good one they don't move until it's on them, and they'll even wait a bit before running in, so it's off CD sooner once the fight has started. Try and position yourself well back from the melee group, so the ProM doesn't just jump back to you on the first hit (I use my unit frame's range finder on the tank's target to position myself. It helps to keep out of range of silences/polymorphs too which is important in places like Nexus). I try and keep ProM up on the tank at all times. If they're at full health, with the ProM on them, and it's off CD, then I'll put it on a DPS taking damage instead.

  • Put renew on the tank when they've entered combat, the ProM has jumped, and they start taking damage. I've got this glyphed, and the 25% extra healing on it means that combined with ProM I don't cast much else on trash pulls.

  • If the tank takes over 3000 damage I use GH (heals for 5000 non crit at my level), under 3000 and flash heal could do it, but the next ProM/renew usually covers this much damage, and the ProM is covering the rest of the group too.

  • If 3 or more members of the group take up to 1500 damage, I check the tank for renew/ProM, then use CoH (heals for around 1000-1200 at my level. If I get a free spell and no healing is needed before the timer is up, I sometimes throw a smite at the tank's target.

  • If 3 or more members of the group take over 1500 damage, I check the tank for renew/ProM, then use Prayer of Healing. 1500 is a fair bit less than what PoH heals for, but it takes so long to cast it's better to be safe than sorry. PoH is the other glyph I have, which means the group can be taking a lot of punisment and survive it, thanks to the 20% additional HoT they all get from it.

  • If a couple of group members take damage up to 2000 use renew on them. If one of them is you, use binding heal. If they're wearing cloth, or taking a lot of damage in leather (like rogues and ferals seem to be prone to), give them shield too.

  • Those amounts are dependant on your level (and to a certain degree how much HP your group members have). It's well worth knowing how much all your spells heal for at your current level, and having a unit frames addon that shows how much health people have lost, not just what they have remaining.

    I was using the Elitist Jerks cookie cutter talents, but because I could run 3 instances without ever seeing Holy Concentration proc (and rarely when of any use) the points were wasted. I've just dropped it from my talents, and put the 6 points into Holy Reach, Healing Prayers and filled up Divine Providence, all of which will further improve ProM, save me some mana (not something I'm having problems with though), and help with Circle/Prayer of Healing for the huge group heals.

    Edited, Mar 16th 2009 4:36pm by polarityjp
    #19 Mar 16 2009 at 3:07 PM Rating: Excellent
    2,101 posts
    polarityjp wrote:
    Try and position yourself well back from the melee group, so the ProM doesn't just jump back to you on the first hit

    ProTip: If PoM lands on you, and you aren't overly concerned about a 1.5 second GCD(I.E. you're just sitting around waiting for the tank to get hit, and aren't taking any damage yourself), target the boss/mob and cast Shadow Word: Death. You will do a little DPS to the mob/boss and you will get instant heal from the PoM.
    #20 Mar 16 2009 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
    4,684 posts
    Put renew on the tank when they've entered combat, the ProM has jumped, and they start taking damage. I've got this glyphed, and the 25% extra healing on it means that combined with ProM I don't cast much else on trash pulls.

    Just because I need to be a nitpicky little *******; It's a common misconception that the renew glyph increases renew's healing.

    The spell originally gives 5 ticks; the glyph removes one tick and then gives the other four +25% healing to make up for that lost tick. For example, if your renew was to heal 100 per tick (a total of 500 healing as 5X100=500), and you glyphed it, you'd lose one tick. The amount of the other four ticks is then increased by 25% so they each do 100X1.25=125 heal per tick. Which ends up being 4X125=500 healing after the glyph is applied. The only thing the glyph does is spread the same amount of healing out over less time. That's why it's basically useless for anything but PvP - in normal conditions you want a HOT to tick long, not short; we have other heals at our disposal for quick healing.

    ProTip: If PoM lands on you, and you aren't overly concerned about a 1.5 second GCD(I.E. you're just sitting around waiting for the tank to get hit, and aren't taking any damage yourself), target the boss/mob and cast Shadow Word: Death. You will do a little DPS to the mob/boss and you will get instant heal from the PoM.

    You and I need to get a beer sometime Synn, I've been preaching that technique since I learned it back in the Steamvaults =P
    #21 Mar 16 2009 at 10:49 PM Rating: Good
    90 posts
    I've always cast a Renew on the tank before the pull. Its something I picked up while being DPS in Outland instances. I would pay attention to the healers. Every priest I grouped with at 70 cast a PoM, and then a renew. Then the tank would pull.
    I am Disc/Holy atm, with most of my talents in Disc. By the time the tank takes any damage, I will have already gained back the mana spent on both the renew and the PoM. With the new glyphs coming, it'll be even easier, my Penance will have a 6 second cooldown. I love that spell. Instant cast 7800 to 12,000 healing. And that is with my gear. Which you can see down below on Annmarie.
    #22 Mar 17 2009 at 9:54 PM Rating: Decent
    21 posts
    Hello everyone. Thank you for your valuable insights. Really appreciate the gesture. Anyway I have already started questing in Northrend.

    I do have a few questions that I need to clarify.

    1. For Holy Priest what are the best glyphs that would prove useful in healings
    2. For the best pre raiding gears meaning to say to run instances in norm and heroic what fractions would prove useful.
    3. Also for heroics instance, what is the stats that i need to work up too. For example, how much, mana pool and spell dmg.

    Thank you and happy gaming.

    Cheers to all and once again thank you

    #23 Mar 18 2009 at 1:48 AM Rating: Excellent
    407 posts
    I'm not sure on the exact stats but I was pretty much Naxx ready at 80 from crafted gear well enchanted and gemmed after running a few heroics for rep/gear and also for emblems.

    The crafted gear I used was:;source=live - Moonshroud Robe;source=live - Moonshroud Gloves;source=live - Hat of Wintry Doom (Mine is gemmed with and;source=live for spellpower and intellect);source=live - Frostsavage Belt;source=live - Frostsavage Shoulders;source=live - Frostsavage Bracers;source=live - Frostsavage Leggings

    These were fab as disc although there is a lack of spirit on the Frostsavage set that might hurt Holy spec. All are BOE. I also got some good gear from the higher end normal dungeons and a few blue quest rewards from Ice Crown and Storm Peaks.

    I championed Kirin Tor rep first in heroics, picked up 2 or 3 decent bits of gear, enough emblems for this:;source=live
    and I also then had enough rep for:;source=live
    which I combined with:;source=live that I bought from the AH

    Enchanting can go a LONG way in WOTLK. There are usually 2 enchants for most things, one that costs lesser mats and one that costs a lot of mats. Some of them like:
    Cost few mats and give a good bonus.
    #24 Mar 18 2009 at 4:19 AM Rating: Decent
    94 posts
    re: Renew.

    The other heals are not quick at all, as they have casting times, or may be on cooldown. Renew is the only thing that's always available immediately (allowing for GCD), and increasing it's healing per tick can buy you precious fractions of a second to use the other spells. Flash heal may take up the same time in a casting window, as the GCD is up by the time it's finished, but another problem with cast-time spells, is you need to stand still to cast them. Glyphing Renew lets it cover for Flash Heal in times you can't stand still to get the cast off, eg. like when you're being thrown around by Grand Magus Telestra in the Nexus. Also your casting window may be too short to use anything other than an instant cast, because of repeated silences/stuns/whatever, or you may be subject to cast time increasing effects or spell interrution.

    When your group is in the middle of a ****storm, and you're using up all your cooldowns, sometimes you need a little extra something to throw on the tank before you hit the big PoH cast. I chose the glyph for the increase to heals per unit time, and I don't find the need to cast once more over the course of a minute to be a huge loss, especially when the other glyphs available are more appropriate to disc (PW:S), no use until raids (CoH), or only help reduce the mana cost of a spell, that never costs me mana anyway because of SoL procs (FH. I stack a lot of spirit, picked up Valonforth's Remembrance, and worked my butt off to get Darkglow Embroidery, so going OOM is a very rare thing anyway).

    I agree that as a HoT you want it to be on players as long as possible, to cope with damage that might happen, but Renew is also the only spell you have that is both instant cast, and has no cooldown (yada GCD). For my healing style the glyph greatly increases it's utility, without any huge sacrifice.

    Edited, Mar 18th 2009 8:26am by polarityjp
    #25 Mar 18 2009 at 5:41 AM Rating: Good
    2,101 posts
    Ihawk wrote:
    Hello everyone. Thank you for your valuable insights. Really appreciate the gesture. Anyway I have already started questing in Northrend.

    I do have a few questions that I need to clarify.

    1. For Holy Priest what are the best glyphs that would prove useful in healings
    2. For the best pre raiding gears meaning to say to run instances in norm and heroic what fractions would prove useful.
    3. Also for heroics instance, what is the stats that i need to work up too. For example, how much, mana pool and spell dmg.

    Thank you and happy gaming.

    Cheers to all and once again thank you

    1. That's dependent on how you play your holy priest. I use CoH glyph(only useful in raids, useless in 5-mans), Prayer of Healing, Flash Heal. Other recommended ones are PW:S, Dispel Magic, Renew, and Holy Nova.

    Just some warning on some glyphs, Holy Nova is a mana hog, don't think of it as the new spammable CoH. Renew glyph doesn't increase the amount healed by your renew, it heals the exact same amount, only it does it in 1 less tick. With that in mind, renew is another mana hog, having to cast it more than necessary can easily deplete you mana more than you realize.

    I also won't recommend the Spirit of Redemption glyph, simply because you shouldn't die, period. But, if you find that after several runs your group is constantly wiping and those 6 extra second could have prevented the wipe, then get it. Otherwise, there are far better glyphs to get.

    2. Read the sticky, or *co* my sig *ugh*

    3. Not exact on numbers, but a general rule of thumb is that if you are in 78+ quest/instance blues with some decent gems and enchants you are geared well enough for any heroic. Maybe not achievement runs, but good enough to clear them.
    #26 Mar 18 2009 at 5:59 AM Rating: Excellent
    2,101 posts
    polarityjp wrote:

    I agree that as a HoT you want it to be on players as long as possible, to cope with damage that might happen, but Renew is also the only spell you have that is both instant cast, and has no cooldown (yada GCD). For my healing style the glyph greatly increases it's utility, without any huge sacrifice.

    Flash Heal After a SoL Proc
    Holy Nova.

    No one is going to tell you not to use the renew glyph. They were just pointing out that the glyph doesn't actually increase to total amount healed with renew. If it works for you that's fine. Others, including myself, have found the increased amount of having to cast it to be a more of a detriment than is worth for the increased heal per tick.
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