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A Pet QuestionFollow

#1 Mar 13 2009 at 5:12 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Read the FAQ!

Well I have - but feel free to use the text above and save yourself typing Smiley: smile

I'm still worrying this problem with not being able to get my pet to tank anywhere near as well as a VW.

I'm taking it as a given that all tenacity pets will be roughly equal in terms of HP and Armor after taming.

The tanking talents seem fairly obvious.

So the only real difference is the "Family Skill" from the different types of beast.

Does anyone have any feedback on the relative effectiveness of these abilities in tanking.

The armor debuff from worms didn't seem to do an awful lot. How does it compare with for example Bad Attitude or Scorpid poison? I'd assume that a DoT is quite useful in adding threat as well as a little damage.

I'm not too keen on AE or knockback so I'll pass on the monkeys and rhinos.

The changes in 3.1 look quite interesting for this tree but I have a quest log I want to clear Smiley: smile

I did try duoing one with another hunter but I'm not sure if the resulting failure was due to his pet gorilla not being up to the job or that he was an imbecile. I did start by saying "Keep the pet up and watch threat" which he obviously understood as "start blazing away with your Nessingwary 4k before your pet has any aggro and lets all run around like headless chickens". Given this performance it is perfectly possible he had spent his pets talents strangely. I'd soloed this mob (Rider of Frost) quite easily with my warlock and I really, really want to do it with my hunter.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#2 Mar 13 2009 at 5:19 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Cobra101 wrote:
Read the FAQ!
And if your question isn't answered there please post it in the other sticky.
Especially questions like this that can be answered in 3 lines.

1: Voidwalkers are currently the single best tanks for Sarth+3 drake tanking, it's not intended and hunter pet's can't match it.
2: Currently Gorilla > everything else, after 3.1 it'll be Bear > everything else for tanking.
Barring some encounters (such as solo Onyxia) where a ferocity pet will be great because you spend so much time feigned (and bloodthirsty keeps the pet up), though gorilla's are still very valid for that.
3: if you want to know more about soloing stuff check here.

Edited, Mar 13th 2009 3:28pm by Aethien
#3 Mar 13 2009 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Well I apologise for sullying your forum with the question which you haven't answered.

I was hoping for some feedback from people who have actually used such pets. I know there was someone posting about a croc the other day.

This is not answered in the FAQ - or I wouldn't have asked.

Your answer seems to be "Go somewhere else (EJ) where they talk about these things"

Well why don't we talk about them here?

Like why will it be Bear > everything?

Is that some sort of given we should all know?

Ok. Lesson learned. Allakhazam isn't the place to ask questions any more.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#4 Mar 13 2009 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Cobra101 wrote:
Well I apologise for sullying your forum with the question which you haven't answered.
What part have I not answered?

I was hoping for some feedback from people who have actually used such pets. I know there was someone posting about a croc the other day.

This is not answered in the FAQ - or I wouldn't have asked.
I have used he gorilla and I have researched pet tanking options because I have solo'd some stuff in ZG and am planning to do a lot more.

Your answer seems to be "Go somewhere else (EJ) where they talk about these things"
It's because they have a wealth of information in that thread and by reading it it will answer most other questions that you would have.

Well why don't we talk about them here?

Like why will it be Bear > everything?

Is that some sort of given we should all know?

Bear > anything else because of Swipe.
And I'm not here to hand you all info on a silver platter, you could have opened a new tab/window, typed and checked what ability a bear has and check why it's going to be the top dog.

Ok. Lesson learned. Allakhazam isn't the place to ask questions any more.
I redirected you to the thread that was made specifically to answer the type of question you asked and I answered your questions, not in detail but enough for you to figure the rest out yourself.
#5 Mar 13 2009 at 6:17 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
It's not the simple questions I mind so much as the incessant whining.

If you really want someone to sit down and have a well thought out discussion with you, there has to be something there already. You just asked simple questions. Why not spend a little more time, link some abilities, and have a theory. That kind of post would likely get a different response.

Edited, Mar 13th 2009 9:20am by Xsarus
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You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#6 Mar 13 2009 at 6:22 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Does anyone have any feedback on the relative effectiveness of these abilities in tanking.

That bit.

I wasn't just asking "wot is teh best pet". I was interested in a discussion. A comparison. Maybe someone using one of the other abilities.

I know about Swipe. I had Petopia open from researching. But reading it is no substitute for hearing from people who use these things. For example I think the guy the other day was saying there was a problem with Bad Attitude (crocs not the forum)

Maybe there are discussions of why Swipe will make bears No 1. I've read the patch notes. It doesn't seem that obvious to me.

And I don't think it was a QQ. I'm not that concerned about what you think of me.

But it does seem like you have a flowchart.

Is it in the FAQ -
YES - flame for not reading FAQ
NO - Send elsewhere.

This used to be one of the prime places to discuss these things. This is a forum. People can ask questions, other people can answer or not as they choose.

They don't actually need your permission, Aethien. (Sorry about that I tried to be gentle)

But thanks for fixing the link Smiley: smile

Edited, Mar 13th 2009 10:38am by Cobra101
Wherever I go - there I am.
#7 Mar 13 2009 at 7:35 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
So if you did know some of the background information and had some ideas, why didn't you put that in the OP? Why didn't you try some math out to see how the pets compared? We had this thread a month or two back, so I don't really feel like redoing the math, but I'd enjoy seeing some of it worked out again.

Maybe ask a specific question about swipe if you're not convinced about it. Come up with a theory. If you want discussion that will get it started. Otherwise I (or Aeithien or whoever) have to go and do all the research, pull up all the numbers, and frankly seeing as We've done this before, We're much more likely to just refer you to a place which already has some of that worked out.

Edited, Mar 13th 2009 10:36am by Xsarus
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You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#8 Mar 13 2009 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Sorry Xsarus, I thought I did.

I'd laid out the bits I knew (or believed) to be true and then asked about a comparison of abilities.

I'm not sure I know enough about theorycraft to "do the math" on that.

I don't currently have a theory about which I should use or which would be best. My gut feeling is that a poison DoT is probably higher threat than an armour debuff but I wouldn't know where - if anywhere - is a source of tps stats for those effects.

The EJ thread was very interesting but not directly about what I was asking. It has a lot of useful info on soloing. Unfortunately a lot of it seems to revolve around having the T5 gauntlets but hey Smiley: smile. There were however other useful threads on there which went part way to answering my questions.

I'm working rep at the moment but when I have some time I'll tame a croc and a scorpid and see how they compare against a fixed single target. Part of the point of the question is the relative levels. I can tame a higher level worm and croc than scorpid. If somebody had volunteered that the scorpid was ineffective then it would save me the experiment.

I might even post the results Smiley: smile
Wherever I go - there I am.
#9 Mar 13 2009 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
What do you mean my turtle will never have 75,000 HP like a blueberry?!?

Not very fair indeed :(
#10 Mar 13 2009 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
For a solo pet I would shy away from the pets that have a debuff. While they are awesome, it will increase your dps more then your pets and so you will likely pull threat more easily. With thunderclap being added to all tenacity pets via the talent tree, you are pretty safe with any pet. I would avoid knockbacks as you said, and pick a second pet that has some sort of AOE ability. As mentioned bears are going to be pretty awesome.

Edited, Mar 13th 2009 2:03pm by Xsarus
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#11 Mar 13 2009 at 11:19 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Gorillas are without question the best tanking pets we have available right now; they have excellent single-target and multi-mob tanking. Asking what the best tanking pet is and then refusing to acknowledge the obvious answer because you "don't like aoe" is a bit silly. You are going to have to fight multiple mobs at some point, and if you hate AoE that much, I think you're going to be very disappointed when you start raiding. (Throwing up a little every time an ugly ape scratches his bum is an acceptable excuse, however.)

Right now the two pets I have seen being suggested as best tanking pets after 3.1 hits are the Bear and Crocolisk due to the multiple-target nature of their family skills--since the Crocolisk's ability relies upon it being struck in combat, it appears that the Bear will be the most effective tank (that is, if you pull aggro it will still able to use all of its abilities). I'm not sure how you managed to miss all the discussion over this, but I would recommend that you start reading the comments on BRK and Mania's blogs as well as the posts.

Debuffs in general are useful because they enable your pet to do more damage as well as you--I can't really say whether they are an awesome tanking choice or not, I have heard that the Worm's ability is pretty similar to Sunder Armor but I am unsure whether it has the same additional threat component. As for the Scorpid, I would shy away from a DoT on principle, since my main method of managing multiple mobs is trapping, and I would rather not have anything on the mobs I am fighting that could interfere with that.
#12 Mar 13 2009 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Many thanks Isyris.

To be honest I'm just not fond of gorillas (probably since I first did STV) but I understand what you''re saying.

Its amazing how things have changed. Once upon a time an AE was highly undesirable on raids but with all the changes to breaking CC etc its obviously not now. Not that I expect to ever raid again. And I guess its easy enough to turn it off when not wanted.

It can be a bit annoying to find you've managed to aggro mobs that were yellow through an ae.

Very good point about the worm debuff raising my threat, I hadn't considered that.

I'll see what its like with a gorilla then Smiley: smile

Wherever I go - there I am.
#13REDACTED, Posted: Mar 22 2009 at 1:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Gorillas are the best pets for tanking - no questions about that.
#14 Mar 22 2009 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
902 posts



Edited, Mar 23rd 2009 2:33pm by Yuppley
#15 Mar 23 2009 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
I think it would probably be better for Cobra101 to test out a few different tank type pets to see just how effective they are , at the moment as has already been said many times Gorillas rule by a long way .

I did some test farming with my pets: Cat , WarpStalker , Silithid , Wasp and my gorilla in a cave in the plaguelands , so ran it several times with each pet and the results were surprising as the gorilla did far more damage than i thought possible and as i was on easy mode ( using very few specials ) i was surprised to see my combined damage was about 75-100 dps better with the gorilla over time by using recount to keep a check.

So i advise anyone that wants to know which pet is better to just go out and try a few , but until the next big patch goes live it has to be a gorilla for tanking.
#16 Mar 23 2009 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
255 posts
Cobra101 wrote:

Its amazing how things have changed. Once upon a time an AoE was highly undesirable on raids but with all the changes to breaking CC etc its obviously not now. Not that I expect to ever raid again. And I guess its easy enough to turn it off when not wanted.

I know you stated that you weren't going to raid, but a tanking obviously a tanking pet is not a good choice there. Probably the biggest change for AoE in raids is the ability for tanks to control multiple mobs and healers that can still keep them up. Experience and gear also help this fact, I know many a MC/BWL/AQ/Naxx/Coilfang/TK raid that started out with heavy CC initially. As we learned the encounters and got better gear our tanks were able to handle aggro on multiple mobs and we were able to blaze away.

That still doesn't account for the DPS you would loose if you brought a tank pet to a raid, that would be equivalent to the melee hunter idea- hey look I can hit 1.5k dps on Patch....... >:(
#17 Mar 24 2009 at 1:25 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
I was responding to
and if you hate AoE that much, I think you're going to be very disappointed when you start raiding.

I always used my cat on raids.

This was just about a tanking pet for soloing but I think I've had the answers I needed.

I like polar bears Smiley: smile
Wherever I go - there I am.
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