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3.1 DK Patch Notes (updated 3/26/09)Follow

#27 Mar 27 2009 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts

Highly suggest holy pally, disc priest, resto shaman, or I guess rogue, DK, or ret paladin.

Cool, thanks for the advice.^^
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#28 Mar 29 2009 at 6:28 AM Rating: Default
4,445 posts
Well there goes my tanking spec. Looks like I have to go to the bottom of Frost just to get howling blast.

Would be nice if I didn't have to relearn how to play my toons every freakin patch.
#29 Mar 30 2009 at 7:30 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Is it me, or is 51/13/7 going to make a comeback with the oblit and disease changes for blood.
#30 Mar 30 2009 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
ArexLovesPie wrote:
Is it me, or is 51/13/7 going to make a comeback with the oblit and disease changes for blood.

It's you, unholy will dominate the standard spec for raiding, imo.
#31 Mar 31 2009 at 5:41 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
You're probably right Dilbrt, I just can't see myself ever going unholy. Blood is just too much fun for me.
#32 Mar 31 2009 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Arex, your spec HIGHLY confuses me...
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#33 Mar 31 2009 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
98 posts
51/13/7 was one of the previous Blood DPS builds that focused on keeping diseases up through Oblits. Standard Blood to DRW, Frost until Annihilation, then Unholy for Epidemic. Was okay, but 5x/0/2x tends to put out much more dps.

Given the changes for HS/BS, DS and Oblit for disease damage bonus modifiers would have to test it out a bit to see if it would be a viable spec.

[EDIT] Or were you referring to his personal spec? 21 Unholy without picking up Summon Gargoyle is a little confusing.

Edited, Mar 31st 2009 10:55am by Jornam
#34 Mar 31 2009 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I was referring to his personal spec, sorry.

For one thing, MoB > Rune Tap. While it may not directly benefit YOU, it is far superior in a raid setting so as to alleviate stress on healers and such.

Furthermore, no DpS DK should have Vampiric Blood. It doesn't even heal you, like Rune Tap would.

He takes On a Pale Horse--unacceptable for a raiding DpS under 99% of circumstances. ESPECIALLY BECAUSE...

He doesn't take Garg or DRW, but has the requirements for both completely fulfilled. Either of them is FAR more DpS than 2 Death Coils, even when used without Hysteria, Unholy Strength, trinket, etc. WITH those 3 things, it is mind-boggling to me not to take them. I mean I've seen reports on EJ of DRW alone being 6% of personal damage on boss fights, for one point...
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#35 Apr 01 2009 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
135 posts
I was referring to his personal spec, sorry.

For one thing, MoB > Rune Tap. While it may not directly benefit YOU, it is far superior in a raid setting so as to alleviate stress on healers and such.

Furthermore, no DpS DK should have Vampiric Blood. It doesn't even heal you, like Rune Tap would.

He takes On a Pale Horse--unacceptable for a raiding DpS under 99% of circumstances. ESPECIALLY BECAUSE...

He doesn't take Garg or DRW, but has the requirements for both completely fulfilled. Either of them is FAR more DpS than 2 Death Coils, even when used without Hysteria, Unholy Strength, trinket, etc. WITH those 3 things, it is mind-boggling to me not to take them. I mean I've seen reports on EJ of DRW alone being 6% of personal damage on boss fights, for one point...

Rune tap vs mark of blood is really just preference.
On most bosses you won't really gain that much out of it due to slow swings, whereas a free hp pot every minute is pretty imba.
You'll need to take two of the following three skills just for filling :

1. rune tap
2. Mark of blood
3. vampiric blood

Vampiric blood is pretty much better then both rune tap and mark of blood.
If you know your going to drop low (infections at grobbulus, for example.) popping a vampiric blood doesnt only mean you increase your hp and thus the amount of damage you can take, but it also helps the healers in topping you off more quickly.
Now, in current content it doesn't really matter, but saying vampiric blood sucks is just flat out wrong.
#36 Apr 01 2009 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Rune tap vs mark of blood is really just preference.
On most bosses you won't really gain that much out of it due to slow swings, whereas a free hp pot every minute is pretty imba.

The point of MoB as a DpS isn't to heal you, it is to help heal your tank. And 3 hits under MoB is already 2% more healing than Rune Tap. Plus, it procs on AoE attacks, allowing it to heal every Melee in range. And you shouldn't be wasting a BS or HS to be healing yourself every minute. That is like a Ret Pally stopping in their rotation to heal themselves...


You'll need to take two of the following three skills just for filling :

1. rune tap
2. Mark of blood
3. vampiric blood

You can also take Blood Worms, which is a DpS boost.


Vampiric blood is pretty much better then both rune tap and mark of blood.
If you know your going to drop low (infections at grobbulus, for example.) popping a vampiric blood doesnt only mean you increase your hp and thus the amount of damage you can take, but it also helps the healers in topping you off more quickly.
Now, in current content it doesn't really matter, but saying vampiric blood sucks is just flat out wrong.

I would agree if VB didn't take a rune. Wasting 2k+ damage for short healing buff that shouldn't be necessary is stupid. When I play a healer, I fully expect to be responsible for all healing--not for people to make my job easier (short of not LoSing me).

Either way, your new spec looks good.

But, I am still VERY curious why you didn't take Garg or DRW...?
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#37 Apr 01 2009 at 4:22 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Wasting 2k+ damage [by using Vampiric Blood] for short healing buff that shouldn't be necessary is stupid. When I play a healer, I fully expect to be responsible for all healing--not for people to make my job easier (short of not LoSing me).

I'm sorry but I seriously disagree. Glob after getting poisoned, dropping out of Malys vortex, decimate, got an enraged blaze on me, on and on... there are several circumstances when it's very useful to have VB (which IS in fact something of a fill point even with 3/3 Blood Worms) in addition to a healthstone. Not to forget that this saves the potion cooldown for some haste when BL/Hero is called, which is a DPS increase albeit a very small one.

On the other note: I've healed regular and heroic raids and the times mentioned above (and several others) are exactly when we appreciate the help. Raiding is a team effort.

You should discuss with your healing lead any advantage self-healing can have for your raids' encounter schedule.

Any raiding DPS DK should consider the value of every talent point allocation in terms of team success. Period.
#38 Apr 01 2009 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Fine, I will concede Vampiric Blood, but I still have difficulty seeing how Rune Tap could ever be considered superior to Mark of Blood, even with a higher CD (you shouldn't need to use Rune Tap every minute anyway).

Pop MoB right before an AoE attack, and your healers now have way less damage to worry about per target. Plus, the tank will be getting healed with each hit, so they will have an easier time getting everyone back up that way. Much better than a personal 10% heal, if what we are discussing is raid utility.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#39 Apr 01 2009 at 11:37 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Rune Tap seems to me (and I don't have a window into the minds of the developers) to be put in as a tanking trick and/or for leveling. It feels very much like some sorta Lay on Hands to me, which is great for leveling and for tanking and can be useful for DPS who may not get other "ohsh*t" buttons but have the points in blood.

For deep Blood builds there is a floating point and one of the three mentioned are taken to keep moving through the tree. Of the 3, VB is a sensible choice giving back more health (with the buff effect) than a 1-point RT. Honestly, MoB in practice seems weak and I don't really know many Blood DKs that take it over VB. Maybe it needs to be reviewed, but I tried it for a while and the heal-lead and tank-lead at the time both told me to "not bother." It's effect just wasn't enough to matter much. Sounds good on paper, not so great in practice. But, again, perhaps this would need to be reviewed.

This thread is getting waaaay off-topic. Sorry guys.
#40 Apr 02 2009 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
lol, true.

One of my big problems with rune tap is that it causes zero threat. That fact is appalling to me. I rather just replace an Oblit with a Death Strike and get that healing than waste a Blood Strike or Pest on it.

And, as to MoB, I wonder how its on paper value could far exceed its actual value, unless it isn't actually returning its 4%. Its healing potential is way higher than RT, and it heals those actually getting hit (those who are in the most immediate danger).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#41 Apr 02 2009 at 10:19 AM Rating: Excellent
135 posts
And, as to MoB, I wonder how its on paper value could far exceed its actual value, unless it isn't actually returning its 4%. Its healing potential is way higher than RT, and it heals those actually getting hit (those who are in the most immediate danger).

Or the targets could be insta-healed back to full health, not take serious damage during the 20 second widow, and congrats, you may only have healed him for ~4% (with the rest being overhealing.)

Seriously, tank healing is one of the easiest things to do on non-gimmick fights, and if it's actually hard on a fight, then 4% on every swing(which on most bosses is not only slow, but will be dodged/parried often, not to mention a lot of mob' charges are overhealing)certainly won't make the difference between wiping or downing.

Runetap, on the other hand can be a blessing, if you know how to play your cards.
You see, I see alot of those tunnel visioning deathknights who think all they can do is dps, and that wasting a 3k strike for 10% health is bad, as supposedly 'their brought along to do damage'.

Newsflash: you don't do damage when your dead, and your raid certainly won't thank you for hogging up their b-res.

In current content, it doesn't matter, because really, druids can keep full stacks of lifeblooms rolling on everyone who is suspecting to get damaged, priests can shield and renew, shamans can just spam chain heal, without one of them ever running oom.

Once we get into ulduar, where heavy aoe damage is being thrown around, it might occur that you're taking heavy damage, and that the healers can't save you on time because they were busy healing someone else.
It's in those cases that a dk that would pop a Vamp.blood + rune tap combo could save him.
Sure, it can ***** with rotations, but well, I'd rather have to reset my rotation then die and be useless the whole fight.
And no, your not gonna pop a health potion, because you should be using +haste potions everytime they are off the cooldown.

No offense iddigory, your probably a good guy and all, but you're really selling RT short, and what bothers me even more is that you talk all about it not mattering, while you haven't even done a heroic instance, nevermind a lvl 80 raid (especially with raids being puggable atm.)

Edited, Apr 2nd 2009 2:19pm by NeroSeekerOfSouls
#42 Apr 02 2009 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
you may only have healed him for ~4% (with the rest being overhealing.)

One major issue. Another being that you're relying on the boss hitting your tank which with all the avoidance shouldn't be happening too often, or at least not as often as it would need to happen for MoB to be awesome.

I really wish Mark of Blood were better in practice than it is, but if wishes were kisses we'd all be in love. Know what I mean?

And no fair comparing DS to MoB or RT. There's 1 point that floats between MoB, RT and VB. That's the comparison we're making here. If anything I'd take MoB in conjunction with RT for a Blood tank build and try that out... well, maybe... =)

No offense iddigory, your probably a good guy and all, but you're really selling RT short, and what bothers me even more is that you talk all about it not mattering, while you haven't even done a heroic instance, nevermind a lvl 80 raid (especially with raids being puggable atm.)

Also no offense intended but I have to agree here. Theory is great and all, but practice is better. Just sayin'.
#43 Apr 02 2009 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Meh, you're probably right. My dislike of RT began looking at it from a tanking perspective (I have never really liked the ability because of that)--no threat on an ability that was only so-so in a so-so tree just soured it for me.

Plus, all of my experience with Blood is outside of groups, where I was actually getting hit, so MoB was incrediblyt strong (making me like it). I recognize that there is a difference, but it can sometimes be hard to completely separate personal like and dislike from the actuality (why I have to fight myself not to take Corpse Explosion and On a Pale Horse in Unholy builds--both are so pretty but to useless in 95% of PvE scenarios). When the recommended EJ DB build didn't take RT, I took that as confirmation of my presupposition. NOTE: (I think I would look much fonder on Rune Tap if it didn't take 3 points to improve it and/or a glyph to make it truly useful for utility. I liked that MoB helped the whole raid, not just yourself, like VB and RT).

I can see why, in a fight where the damage is guaranteed, that Rune Tap would be better. But I still have a lot of trouble approaching it. If you put MoB on a boss just before he AoEs (it is an instant ability, so if the AoE has a cast time you can possibly react), that is 4% less healing for each target hit. I see how it is more situational, but it just seems golden to me for the fewer situations it does work. I am NOT a DpS Blood DK nor an endgame healer, so I could easily be mistaken here. It just seems good.

Then again, many talents/abilities seem good when they just aren't.

So, I'll concede the two points about VB and RT. If I was making a Blood DK, I would probably still take MoB. But, I'll accept that I was wrong in judging RT to be (possibly far) worse than it is.

And one last note directed at Arex, I still really want to know why your build didn't take Garg or DRW. Was it a specific event-based build? Or do you just dislike those two abilities for some reason?
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#44 Apr 09 2009 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
155 posts
hey theo, you got Chillblains down twice.
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