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3.1 DK Patch Notes (updated 3/26/09)Follow

#1 Mar 12 2009 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
- Chillblains: Now a 15/30/50% movement speed debuff up from 30%. Can no longer be dispelled.
- Frost Presence: Now grants 5% damage reduction instead of 15% magic damage reduction.
- Obliterate: Bonus damage for diseases now increases damage done by a percentage rather than a flat amount.
- Chillblains: Now a 15/30/50% movement speed debuff up from 30%. Can no longer be dispelled.
- Howling Blast: Base damage and scaling doubled. This ability no longer deals bonus damage to targets with Frost Fever. Cooldown increased to 10 seconds. Swapped positions with Hungering Cold in the talent tree.
- Lichborne: No longer improves your chance to be missed. Now correctly grants immunity, and will break all effects to which Lichborne makes you immune.
- Runic Power Mastery: Moved up to tier-1 and reduced to 2 ranks (15/30%).
- Unbreakable Armor: Now grants damage reduction instead of physical damage reduction. Cooldown increased to 2 minutes from 1 minute.

- Desecration: This talent now has a 100% chance to be triggered, works with Scourge Strike, and instantly snares targets within the Desecration area. Additional points in the talent increase the damage bonus and snare magnitude instead of increasing the chance it will be triggered.
- New Talent: Ghoul Frenzy: Grants 25% melee haste to your pet and heals it for 30% of its maximum health. Costs 1 Unholy Rune.
- Outbreak: No longer increases Blood Boil damage. Now gives a 7/13/20% damage bonus to Scourge Strike. Plague Strike Bonus lowered to 10/20/30%.
- Reaping: Now procs on Blood Strike and Pestilence instead of Blood Strike and Blood Boil.
- Scourge Strike: Damage increased. Bonus damage for diseases now increases damage done by a percentage rather than a flat amount.
- Shadow of Death: This talent has been removed.
- Vicious Strikes: This talent no longer affects Death Strike.

- Dancing Rune Weapon: Damage done by this pet is reduced by 50%, but the cooldown is reduced to 90 seconds.
- New talent: Improved Death Strike: Increases Death Strike damage by 10/20%, and critical strike chance by 3/6%.
- Heart Strike: Bonus damage for diseases is now a multiplier rather than a flat bonus.
- Might of Mograine: No longer affects Obliterate.
- Scent of Blood: Will now proc on a dodge, parry or when taking damage, and now grants 10 runic power per charge. Internal cooldown removed.
- Spell Deflection: This talent has been increased to 15/30/45% damage reduction.
- Blood Strike: Bonus damage for diseases is now a multiplier rather than a flat bonus.
- Death Strike: The weapon damage percent on this ability has been increased from 60% to 75%, but the amount of healing per damage done has been reduced by 20%.

- Glyph of Blood Boil: This has been replaced with Glyph of Heart Strike, which adds a snare effect to Heart Strike.
- Glyph of Death Strike: This glyph now increases Death Strike damage by 1% per 2 runic power, but has a limit of 25% increase.
- Glyph of Icebound Fortitude: Icebound Fortitude now grants at least 30% damage reduction, regardless of defense skill.
- Glyph of Unbreakable Armor: Increases the amount of damage absorbed by Unbreakable Armor by 20%.

Edited on 3/26/09: posted additional patch notes in this post.

Edited, Mar 26th 2009 3:22pm by Theophany
#2 Mar 12 2009 at 5:14 PM Rating: Default
Wow, unholy got a nice buff...

- Death Strike now deals 75% weapon damage (up from 60% weapon damage), additional damage increased as well. (From 178.2 to 222.75 for Rank 5)
- Desecration is now also caused by Scourge Strike.
- Vicious Strikes doesn't affect Death Strike anymore.

I have not logged onto the ptr yet to see just how the desecration effect is going to work out.

I must admit, i like some of the changes in frost, esp the change to Imp frost presence.
#3 Mar 12 2009 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
The Death Strike changes are functionally Blood buffs, not Unholy buffs.

Blood is going to be ridiculous unless something gets nerfed. From a PvE perspective, 51/2/18 is goddamn amazing with the DS glyph and DS buffs. I'm not sure if you'd be better off dumping some points into Ravenous Dead though... hmm. I suppose you could drop RPM as well, since the new Glyph of DS is functionally the same as the old one was at 125 RP, but it'll help DRW so that one's due for some mathing as well.

Removal of the BB Glyph is pretty crippling but I still think you'll see Shadowfrost running around unless something else gets changed as well.
#4 Mar 12 2009 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Nice tanking stuff to make up for the old changes, but...

It looks like they don't want DKs to be the caster tanks anymore. This has both good and bad aspects to it. On one hand, we can do the other parts better (which will probably be much better in future expansions, over the long term). We ARE still better in this area (probably), but it is much less apparent over other classes, and more spec-dependent.

Overall, I like these changes. Some are minor buffs, some apparent ones. Some are nerfs, some more like fixes.

Kind of refreshing, actually. I was TERRIFIED when clicking this thread. I don't hate any of the changs, and I don't love any. I can actually see the reasoning behind most (from a PvE perspective).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#5 Mar 12 2009 at 6:04 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
RPZip wrote:
Removal of the BB Glyph is pretty crippling but I still think you'll see Shadowfrost running around unless something else gets changed as well.

I really don't see how Shadowfrost can recover from the removal of one of it's strongest points.

BB being an undispellable, 20 yard range, LOS-less, 50% snare was pretty huge. Especially when it gave a death rune back.
#6 Mar 12 2009 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
Overlord Theophany wrote:
RPZip wrote:
Removal of the BB Glyph is pretty crippling but I still think you'll see Shadowfrost running around unless something else gets changed as well.

I really don't see how Shadowfrost can recover from the removal of one of it's strongest points.

BB being an undispellable, 20 yard range, LOS-less, 50% snare was pretty huge. Especially when it gave a death rune back.

BB hitting massively harder, thus giving them even more damage (and at range, too) is also one of their strong points. It'll hurt a bit in 2v2, but if anything it's an overall buff for 3v3s where they can rely on other classes to help cover the snare function. It's still on Reaping to boot.
#7 Mar 12 2009 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Ah, that's true. I mainly thought of it for 2v2, but we've got Blood for that now.
#8 Mar 12 2009 at 6:25 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I do think that BB was a little OP for PvP though, and I never even got around to trying it out. I mean, we already get a great snare, having an awesome AoE one that did damage and couldn't be dispelled was pretty hardcore.

I'll need to do that before they nerf it, lol.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#9 Mar 12 2009 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
CoI isn't really that good unless you have Endless Winter or are Blood (and thus get about as much damage from the BS glyph as you would with Frost Fever up).

You're right, it's not completely worthless, and I still use it when I play Shadowfrost, but it's definitely nowhere near as good as BB.
#10 Mar 13 2009 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
undispellable, 20 yard range, LOS-less, 50% snare

It destealthed rogues and druids too. That's a particular 3.1 change i saw coming a mile off.
#11 Mar 13 2009 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
Overlord Theophany wrote:
CoI isn't really that good unless you have Endless Winter or are Blood (and thus get about as much damage from the BS glyph as you would with Frost Fever up).

Wait, what?

It's the most effective peel in the game, bar none, and i doesn't cost you nearly the damage that any other peel does (read: actually being anywhere near the person you're peeling). "Suck" is not the word I would have used.
#12 Mar 13 2009 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
RPZip wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
CoI isn't really that good unless you have Endless Winter or are Blood (and thus get about as much damage from the BS glyph as you would with Frost Fever up).

Wait, what?

It's the most effective peel in the game, bar none, and i doesn't cost you nearly the damage that any other peel does (read: actually being anywhere near the person you're peeling). "Suck" is not the word I would have used.

You conveniently left out the part of my post where I go on to compare it to the BB glyph snare, which was what that was in reference to.

Pretty much any snare compared to BB (current) is crap.
#13 Mar 13 2009 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
128 posts
No virulence with the Blood+EW spec I just wonder, with all the emphasis on having diseases up for increased damage (even as blood) will diseaseless HS's do enough damage? Snare is take care of very well with COI to get in close then cleavestring, but will it do enough damage with cleansed diseases?

I like the way all three trees are shaping up (even unholy once the BB gylph/desecration debacle was sorted they say). Will DRW do enough pressure on pallies? Can't wait to see more testing.
#14 Mar 13 2009 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Zisikpus wrote:
No virulence with the Blood+EW spec I just wonder, with all the emphasis on having diseases up for increased damage (even as blood) will diseaseless HS's do enough damage? Snare is take care of very well with COI to get in close then cleavestring, but will it do enough damage with cleansed diseases?

I like the way all three trees are shaping up (even unholy once the BB gylph/desecration debacle was sorted they say). Will DRW do enough pressure on pallies? Can't wait to see more testing.

Diseaseless Blood is currently one of the highest DPS specs in PvE.

I played around with the 53/18/0 build that some people were using in arena for a bit and even without diseases up (just CoI snare and the BS glyph) I was hitting 4-6k HSs.
#15 Mar 13 2009 at 9:50 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
While I'm expecting nerfs to the recent changes to Blood, it's looking like the spec to beat for raiding. IIRC, Blizz mentioned several times that they really want us all to keep diseases in our rotations so I'm guessing we'll see some change that will make disease-less less than optimal. But on the PTR it's very strong so far.

Thanks for the post Theo.
#16 Mar 14 2009 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
948 posts
Did they nix the new Glyph of DRW? (+10 second duration)
#17 Mar 14 2009 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Zaknalfein wrote:
Did they nix the new Glyph of DRW? (+10 second duration)

It looks like it by the patch notes, but we know how they are about keeping them updated and organized.

I mean, keeping a central Word doc on a server that all the devs can go in and update (and CMs could then copy/paste to the forums and to the WoW website) would be the smart thing. Smiley: oyvey
#18 Mar 26 2009 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
New stuff:

New talent trees

- Howling Blast cooldown has been reduced from 10 sec to 8 sec.
- Rime now has a 15% chance to reset the cooldown on Howling Blast and cause your next Howling Blast to consume no runes.

- Death Strike damage has been lowered, it now deals 60% weapon damage (down from 75%) plus 178.4 (down from 222.75) for Rank 5.
- Night of the Dead has been moved from Tier 8 to Tier 4.
- Ghoul Frenzy has been moved from Tier 6 to Tier 7.
- Master of Ghouls has been moved from Tier 4 to Tier 6.

Yes, let's move Ghoul Frenzy (a completely terrible talent) further down the tree and not make it more powerful so that no one ever specs into it.

I'm liking all the other changes, though. NotD moved down is nice utility for Blood and Frost that choose to spec into Unholy as a secondary tree.

DS damage lowered wasn't very expected; I thought they'd nerf the healing to damage ratio, nerfing the amount of healing gained from the amount of damage done, but I guess that's too complicated. Smiley: oyvey

Rime change has been a long time coming, and makes HB a non-worthless ability.

Sorry to all the Blood/Frost people that were excited about having perma-ghoul. Smiley: grin
#19 Mar 26 2009 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Damn it... I just started compiling numbers again....

Ugh.. Back to another series of tests I guess. Maybe this weekend.

All in all, nothing too shocking other than that they refuse to get rid of Ghoul Frenzy (ugh).
#20 Mar 26 2009 at 7:08 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
TherionSaysWhat, Assassin Reject wrote:
All in all, nothing too shocking other than that they refuse to get rid of Ghoul Frenzy (ugh).


Someone should just tell the dev team that it's absolutely worthless and no one in their right mind is going to sink a point into that worthless, ****** talent.

Smiley: oyvey
#21 Mar 26 2009 at 10:06 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
For those that are wondering what most of the PvPers out there will be rolling with, most at the top will be using 0/17/54--and no, before you ask--it's not anything like shadowfrost other than you've got a perma-ghoul and you're unholy.

You don't even use IT.

I'm looking forward to it. 2pc T7.5 (head/shoulders) + 3pc Deadly = win. Smiley: wink

Hope you've all got your Sigil of Arthritic Binding/Sigil of Awareness ready.
#22 Mar 26 2009 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Theo, in that spec, why not take UB?

Considering it is a close-range spec, wouldn't a point in UB be superior to one in Wandering Plague? The damage should be much higher, and it will function in both groups and solo. What am I missing here?


Are you worried about the RP it takes to use UB, when trying to get it up for Garg?

Edited, Mar 27th 2009 2:55am by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#23 Mar 26 2009 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
Theophany wrote:
most at the top will be using 0/17/54

Be fun to give that a shot if I end up getting roped into a 2v2 this coming season. Honestly, I'm thinking Blood for PvP, but only to make it easier on my utter lack of ability.

Virulence over some added dodge? Either way it's 3 low-priority points, but am I missing something?

And for the record: Yes, that was me blowing up enemy corpses in the stables =)
(damn I love CE!)

idiggory wrote:
What am I missing here?

It's a PvP spec where burst is more vital.

Edited, Mar 26th 2009 11:58pm by TherionSaysWhat
#24 Mar 26 2009 at 11:16 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
WP is for rogues; WP is (maybe?) bugged, in that any "crits" that your diseases get will pop a rogue out of stealth if he's within 8 yards of the target of your disease.

UB is a waste of talents, TBH. It's very good in PvE, but it's very lackluster in PvP where periodic damage in melee range doesn't really do much for you.

Especially at 40 RP; basically you're trying to build 100 (130 RP with RPM) RP as fast as possible and hold it there, using a DC before popping two ITs to keep yourself topped off so that you can pop Garg on a burst opportunity (i.e. Strangulate -> Blind -> Sap combo after a pally blows bubble for my 2v2 comp), dropping 4 ITs (6 with death runes and ERW) and Garg in short order.

It's because of those burst opportunities that I take Deathchill. Getting a KM proc right before you go into a burst chain and popping Deathchill right after that KM-proc IT makes you do a @#%^ton of damage, so that even after the healer recovers from that chain-CC, he's so behind in healing that it's pretty much GG.

The main question is probably "why Impurity over UB?" and the answer really is because UB 1) doesn't do a whole hell of a lot of damage, 2) Impurity boosts the damage your diseases/Garg do, and 3) UB is another RP dump in an already RP-starved build. We really just dump RP when we have to, because IBF takes RP, AMS takes RP, DP takes RP, and Garg takes RP.

Hope that helps. Smiley: grin

Edit: Well Therion, Blood is an option, but TBH I don't think Blood has the burst that Unholy does, as most of Blood is mitigated damage, where Unholy...isn't.

Virulence over dodge is because of the 30% dispel resist. In Shadowfrost currently it isn't that big of a deal, but in this build (I'm calling it EWUh--Endless Winter/Unholy--for short), you're not going to be spamming IT/PS; in fact, you're going to try to just use SS, via the SS glyph.

CE is also great because you can Gnaw + CE your ghoul (macro below) to add pressure in a burst situation. Note that it also takes 40 RP and does more damage based on how much HP your ghoul has--part of the reason that I always use Glyph of the Ghoul.

/target pet
/cast [nochanneling:Explode] Corpse Explosion

I also put

/cast [target=pettarget] Gnaw

on my bars, too.

This kind of stuff is gonna go eventually into my PvP thread; I'm working on the talent/build breakdowns for 3.1 at the moment.

Edited, Mar 27th 2009 12:25am by Theophany
#25 Mar 26 2009 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
That makes a lot of sense.^^

I leveled my DK with the intention of being a PvE tank, so I haven't spent (much) time thinking about PvP strategies. Basically, all I do is WG (until I get a PvP set together, and start BGing).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#26 Mar 26 2009 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
I'd at least get your feet wet in arena if you can afford the respecs (or don't even respec, no sense getting used to shfr if it's getting nerfed to hell in a week or two) and can find a decent partner.

Highly suggest holy pally, disc priest, resto shaman, or I guess rogue, DK, or ret paladin.
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