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Swipe ThisFollow

#27 Mar 18 2009 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
The new challenge might actually be in NOT using swipe, because you rely on mobs being CC'ed all around you, breaking that being fatal.

Interesting point. I don't tank a lot but when I do it almost aways with a friend who has a Mage. I alway find my self worried that I'll break the polymorph.

I can kind of see both sides of what Horsemouth is saying. As an infrequent Bear having Swipe cover a full 360 degrees will make my tanking a little easier as I'm not use to running around and gathering up the mobs. But I also see that gathering the mobs is one of the things that would make tanking as a Druid more challangeing.

Right now I basically DPS as kitty and occasionally either tank a 5 man or OT on certain bosses. For example I always OT the back bosses on the Four Horsemen. For the first time I went on a guild 25 man last Friday as one of the OT and did Patchwerk, a fight that alway gave us trouble. We one shotted the fat ******* :) I'm like to say it was because of me, but I think it was due to having a better group/mix of healers then in past runs.
#28 Mar 18 2009 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
I disagree with horsemouth on the bloat. I became a druid to shift forms, something quickly defeated when i have to respec to have any usefulness in another form. At that point, might as well go all the way and make you prevent you from having both cat and bear, like you cant have both tree and moonkin form. Might as well have a warrior tank at that point. IMO of course

I doubt blizzard is going to let us have a 16 foot diameter circle of threat we can take with us anywhere, that is spammable. As it is, Thats basically the good points of everyone elses threat abilities without any of the detrement. Blizz is almost certain to nerf it later.

If blizzard removed the targeting requirement on swipe, and then found that druid aoe threat was still lacking and made swipe 360 degrees, I would be more ok with it. Right now though, it looks like they over reached. Also, it might have been more graceful to add a threat component to Demoralizing roar, which already 360 degrees and on a cool down. It wouldn't be spammable and it would be useable frequently enough to allow for round up in the beginning of fights.

I do agree that part of the problem is that trash fights are to easy. When the developing philosophy around trash is that it is to slow down the raid and create extra time for the instance, you cause a situation where the majority of raids are unstimulating. Thus, it is understandable, that some people get resentful when something makes fights even more easy. If trash fights were more difficult to begin with, i don't think it would be as much of a problem with swipe being easier.
#29 Mar 18 2009 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
Horsemouth wrote:
The Swipe change does not increase Swipe TPS or DPS.

Oh, but it will increase tps. Not by a huge margin, but it will increase your tps. Every second you spend adjusting your position so that you can land a threat generating attack is lost tps.

It dumbs down the class.

Not really. It just brings it more in line with what other tanking classes are capable of.

I can mash Swipe, Maul, Bash and Mangle on trash and hold aggro when DPS goes nuts with out giving me any time.

That's more a sad commentary on poor dps than it is on the strengths/weaknesses of a given class.

The change to Swipe just makes bad tanks have an easier time.

No, it makes all bears have an easier time, good or bad.

It only helps druids who couldn't organize a pull in 2 GCDs or less. While keeping the mobs during those GCDs.

2 GCDs is one or two GCDs more than any other tanking class needs. That's the point. My pally is good for rock solid threat on up to 6 mobs with my initial two attacks, and that's not counting Consecrate. DKs take a little longer and warriors have to work harder for their threat on large groups than any other class, but they still have a 360 degree threat generator.

Stop thinking about druid issues from a paladin mind set. You drop Consecrate and then do other pally stuff.

Actually, Consecrate is usually the 3rd or 4th attack in a rotation, depending on what the pull requires.

Imagine all you did was hit Consecrate and one other button that buffs your weapon attack for 90% of trash pulls.

Druids don't have that many threat attacks to begin with. Compared to the other three tanking classes, druids have the fewest tools to work with.

I position mobs Swipe and Maul over and over again. The only engaging part is positioning mobs for the most part. Granted a Lacerate on a mob I have a low threat lead on followed by a Mangle/Maul does wonders but then it right back to Swipe/Maul.

I'm sorry to say it, but that's just weak tanking. Ideally you'd be using Berserk + Mangle every time Berserk is off cooldown. You'd be alternating Mangle in some form of rotation with Swipe so that you can contain threat on targets being held for your (primarily) single target dps. You'd be dynamic and rotate in all of your threat tools based on what the situation requires, not because lackluster dps let you get away with less but because you want to be a solid all-around tank that can fit in with any group.

I can tell you straight up that Maul + Swipe with the rest of your ******* reserved for mobs that you have low threat on would not hold anything through the massive onslaught of a geared dps warrior. I encourage you to try it...find yourself a warrior (or any other dps class, for that matter) that pushes a consistent raid buffed 4000-4500 single target dps and bring them along on a raid. Tell them to go bawls out and not worry about Omen and offer to pay their repair bill. You'll see what I'm talking about. Druids are not an AoE tanking class and if you play them as such the results will be mediocre.

Multi-target swipe was an afterthought that was badly needed to keep druids from becoming obsolete as a tanking class. You're looking at it from your point of view as a bear tank in a starter raid guild that is slightly behind the ball in terms of progression. I'm looking at it from the point of view of someone who has tanked raids with both my druid and my paladin with a little non-heroic tanking under my belt on my DK. I'm also looking at it from the point of view of dps in raids who would frequently /w me 15 mins into a run after I was away the previous raid night telling me they were happy I was back because the druid and warrior tanks made for a very boring run from a dps perspective. When I wasn't there, they spent more time watching Omen and doing fast math in their head than they did unleashing hell and having fun doing what it was they wanted to do. And it's the nature of the classes that force dps to wait a little longer with one class than with some others, so when you're talking about a change to an ability that gives a bit more versatility for catching runners and wonky pathers, it's not dumbing down the class. It's making you a more viable tank.
#30 Mar 19 2009 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
"AureliusSir" wrote:
...I'm also looking at it from the point of view of dps in raids who would frequently /w me 15 mins into a run after I was away the previous raid night telling me they were happy I was back because the druid and warrior tanks made for a very boring run from a dps perspective. When I wasn't there, they spent more time watching Omen and doing fast math in their head than they did unleashing hell and having fun doing what it was they wanted to do....

One thing about your post:

All classes except Warris/Shamis are AOEing there way through naxx at your progression. (So the single-target DPS doesnt really matter)
And AOE-Threat is never an issue.
So i wonder why u get soooo many whispers that druids/warries are so bad at aggro-generation on trash.
That's just bad tanking of them and not the weak possibilities of the class. (yes druids have a harder time but with routine its NP)
And with a little maul-rotation through the mobs threat is never an issue.
#31 Mar 19 2009 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
druidserg wrote:
All classes except Warris/Shamis are AOEing there way through naxx at your progression. (So the single-target DPS doesnt really matter)

And rogues (fan of knives is only effective on very large pulls) and DK (AoE dps only accounts for a portion of their dps...the bulk of it is single target).

And AOE-Threat is never an issue.

There are trash pulls in Naxx where the mobs rarely line up "just so" off the pull. The spider pulls where they pull you around on the web are an example. If you need to be facing a certain direction and have them all bunched together for a frontal cone threat attack, you're not building threat as fast as a class that has full circle AoE.

So i wonder why u get soooo many whispers that druids/warries are so bad at aggro-generation on trash.
That's just bad tanking of them and not the weak possibilities of the class. (yes druids have a harder time but with routine its NP)
And with a little maul-rotation through the mobs threat is never an issue.

We're not talking about threat potential under ideal circumstances. We're talking about threat potential in less than ideal circumstances. It's as though some druids are of the mindset that full circle swipe will offer limited/no benefit while at the same time saying they wish they had something else in their ******* of threat tools.

So which is it? Druids need more or they don't?
#32 Mar 19 2009 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
I can't speak for everyone, but my take is pretty much as I tried to explain earlier in the thread.

Basically: Yes, we need help for AoE. But Swipe would've been fine as it was, minus the target requirement, if we could've been given a new, fresh 360-degree ability to fill the gap where Swipe does not suffice.

You say it bores DPS to wait after a tank slow on AoE threat. But the tank must find some enjoyment, too. So giving us a new ability would really be a win-win situation whereas now it's a lose-win for those of us who enjoy positioning mobs and being slightly more involved in their movement while tanking (if only to compensate the lack of involvement needed to spam our skills).
#33 Mar 19 2009 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
Selverein wrote:
I can't speak for everyone, but my take is pretty much as I tried to explain earlier in the thread.

Basically: Yes, we need help for AoE. But Swipe would've been fine as it was, minus the target requirement, if we could've been given a new, fresh 360-degree ability to fill the gap where Swipe does not suffice.

You say it bores DPS to wait after a tank slow on AoE threat. But the tank must find some enjoyment, too. So giving us a new ability would really be a win-win situation whereas now it's a lose-win for those of us who enjoy positioning mobs and being slightly more involved in their movement while tanking (if only to compensate the lack of involvement needed to spam our skills).

You can still position them if you want just don't need to anymore. You're not going to be standing in the middle of a pack of mobs getting smacked around from behind just because you can hit them with Swipe without having to face them...that would just be sloppy tanking that would drive your healers nuts. I'm positioning mobs all the time no matter which class I'm using to tank...that doesn't change just because you have a 360 degree threat attack.
#34 Mar 19 2009 at 3:02 PM Rating: Default
988 posts
But the tank must find some enjoyment, too. So giving us a new ability would really be a win-win situation whereas now it's a lose-win for those of us who enjoy positioning mobs and being slightly more involved in their movement while tanking (if only to compensate the lack of involvement needed to spam our skills).

Bears are dumbed-down warriors by design. Get over it already and re-roll if bear tanking is so booooring without having a bazillion buttons and abilities along with requirements to meet. Don't think Blizzard needs to cater to those who picked the wrong class.

Balancing around epeen would be idiotic...
#35 Mar 20 2009 at 5:14 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Get over it already and re-roll

Who the H are you to tell me that?

I've been enjoying Bear for years now, and that's not about to change because of one ability. It's just a shame Blizz has chosen the lazy way to "fix" Bears rather than put some thoughts into it.

Balancing around epeen would be idiotic...

This is not about epeen. Go to the O-Boards if you wanna discuss that.
We're talking about enjoyment. If you can't see the difference, there's hardly anything I can do to explain.

You're not going to be standing in the middle of a pack of mobs getting smacked around from behind just because you can hit them with Swipe without having to face them

Agreed, it's not gonna happen. And yes, positioning will still be required in a way, only less crucial. But there would've been nothing wrong with some sort of Bearclap instant AoE-threat to grab a mob and then, as you position them anyway, start using Swipe and re-use Bearclap as it comes off CD.

Bottom line: I don't think anyone here is truly arguing about effectiveness. It will be effective, sure.
But it's gonna be just more of the same, with slightly more dead brain cells.
#36 Mar 20 2009 at 5:37 AM Rating: Good
Selverein wrote:
...there would've been nothing wrong with some sort of Bearclap instant AoE-threat to grab a mob and then, as you position them anyway, start using Swipe...

You mean like Demo Roar and then constantly fiddling with positioning with Swipe to make sure you don't lose any of them, which means you drag some of them outside the Blizzard/Rain of Fire, which means the DPS has to recast, which means they're losing efficiency, which means the raid is losing time?

This change isn't suddenly going to turn all the bears into mindless zombies body pulling trash packs and spamming Swipe to kingdom come; good tanking is more than that, as I'm sure you're aware. There are plenty of monsters that will actively punish you for allowing them to get behind you (H-AN, H-VH anyone?), and players cannot dodge attacks from behind.

The difference is now we can play nicer with our Mage and Warlock friends, and barring circumstances like I mentioned above, we won't have to be so intricately concerned with positioning 24/7/365. Where position mattered before, it still does. Where it didn't save for the fact that Swipe was frontal cone only, it's now a problem we don't have to deal with, just like every other tank.

Some may argue the former method made us unique; well, cripples are unique too, but I'm pretty sure most of them would love to walk again and lose that distinction.

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 9:38am by Norellicus
#37 Mar 20 2009 at 6:46 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
You mean like Demo Roar and then constantly fiddling with positioning with Swipe to make sure you don't lose any of them, which means you drag some of them outside the Blizzard/Rain of Fire, which means the DPS has to recast, which means they're losing efficiency, which means the raid is losing time?

That's a caricature. Positioning mobs into your raid AoE isn't exactly hard. Swipe's "cone" is much wider than people seem to think. As long as I move along the circle of the raid's AoE, nothing is lost/wasted, as all mobs remain in the AoE.
#38 Mar 20 2009 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Alright, Alright.....

Bear swipe is fine. It's just like nature(***** blizz) intends it. In a frontal arc. Unless my arm is capable of spinning in a circle. It's were it logically needs to be. Some people don't mind positioning to reach this, some do. Ok.

Some kind of Bear clap... Ok. I'm kinda chunky. My *** is big. I guess if I stomp the ground it'll do some AoE damage to things around me. Super. Now I have a 360 AoE. I'm still gonna have to move to position just like before so I don't get ganked in the back. I just have an extra second or two to do it before mobs being AoE'd/Healer aggro pulls them off me. Some people don't need this, some people do. Do I think it'll make it easier to bear tank, YES. Do I think it necessarily needs to happen, NO. But, will I use it, DEFINITELY.

The only thing I ask is that it does something more than damage, like Thunderclap gives the slow debuff, but we already have that, so something else. Make me feel like I actually SHOULD use the button, not necessarily NEED to use it. I don't need a 360 Aggro builder right now. But I'll take it if they give it to me.

Basically, it's not that bear tanking is hard. It really isn't. It's logical. I'm a bear. Things should be in front of me so I can hit them to build aggro. Taddaaa. If you're going to change how things work, make it realistic.

Unlike Savage Defense in it's current form. >.<
#39 Mar 20 2009 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
Realism went out the door the second the first Gnome Warrior was created. There's no way you could deflect blows of something 10 times your size, it would crush you. Smiley: tongue

Edited, Mar 20th 2009 12:50pm by Norellicus
#40 Mar 20 2009 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
Realism went out the door the second the first Gnome Warrior was created. There's no way you could deflect blows of something 10 times your size, it would crush you.

Tell that to Yoda! Smiley: grin
#41 Mar 20 2009 at 4:05 PM Rating: Default
988 posts

The sooner you get to swipe and the more targets you hit while doing so, the sooner you'll proc Savage Defense. Surprising that amongst all the whining about the lack of skill involved nobody happened to think of that.
#42 Mar 20 2009 at 7:31 PM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:

The sooner you get to swipe and the more targets you hit while doing so, the sooner you'll proc Savage Defense. Surprising that amongst all the whining about the lack of skill involved nobody happened to think of that.

*pokes up at pedestal*

Oh nevermind, stay up there. We're keeping your high horse though while you are.
#43 Mar 21 2009 at 2:14 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
i personally dislike the idea of a 360 swipe because it takes something that was a challenging part of druid tanking (as challenging as tanking gets these days anyway) and makes it about as mindless as can be, right up there with pally aoe tanking (hit consecrate, spam HoR, repeat). one thing i love about shockwave on my prot war is i get a real sense of satisfaction when i move the mobs just so to get them in a nice little row and bunched up just the way i want before i let loose with the aggro-wave. if they made shockwave have some kind of small pbaoe effect in addition to the cone....well....that would really kill the fun of it (and make it even stronger in pvp for that matter).
#44 Mar 21 2009 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
Quor wrote:
i personally dislike the idea of a 360 swipe because it takes something that was a challenging part of druid tanking (as challenging as tanking gets these days anyway) and makes it about as mindless as can be, right up there with pally aoe tanking (hit consecrate, spam HoR, repeat). one thing i love about shockwave on my prot war is i get a real sense of satisfaction when i move the mobs just so to get them in a nice little row and bunched up just the way i want before i let loose with the aggro-wave. if they made shockwave have some kind of small pbaoe effect in addition to the cone....well....that would really kill the fun of it (and make it even stronger in pvp for that matter).

If all a pally is doing is Consecrate + HoR, they're missing 60-70% of their threat attacks from their rotation :P
#45 Mar 21 2009 at 4:25 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
generally for aoe thats all you *need*. obviously single target + aoe goes differently, but those kinds of pulls are few and far between.
#46 Mar 21 2009 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
Quor wrote:
generally for aoe thats all you *need*. obviously single target + aoe goes differently, but those kinds of pulls are few and far between.

HoR is on a 6 second cooldown. It doesn't produce enough threat even with Consecrate refreshed every cooldown to hold aggro through much of anything. With only HoR and Consecrate I'd probably be lucky to hold 2k tps, which is pretty miserable.
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