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#1 Mar 11 2009 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
We are going to take another look at Swipe. Since we are trying to fix some problems where druids are too good at tanking it seems reasonable to also look at cases where they struggle.

Please don't follow this up a dozen threads that say "My class needs compensation for nerfs too!" We generally don't offer compensation for nerfs since they are supposed to be nerfs. But in this case we are trying to realize our goal of having 4 viable MT classes and druid AE threat generation is cumbersome.

Swipe vs. other AE Tanking skills

The benefit of Thunderclap is it does a lot of threat in one application. The downside is that if the warrior needs AE threat while it's on cooldown, he needs to use another ability (Shockwave if talented, or perhaps Challenging Shout.)

Consecrate and DnD have their downsides too. They tick, which is nice from a hands off approach. But it's also really easy for a moving add to make it all the way through the pool without getting a tick on them.

We were okay with Swipe being a little harder to use, since when it was used well it was just as effective as other AEs. But we now wonder if it has gone too far from a test of skill to a liability that makes people not want to group with druid tanks. Nobody wants to hear "Oh, just let the paladin grab the adds. It will be easier." It was humiliating in Karazhan for the Holy paladin to tank the ghosts that the warrior or druid couldn't hold down. (No disrepect to the pallies.) (Source )

What do you folks think about Swipe?

I like Swipe now. I think of it as a shotgun. Great for just blasting wildly into packs of mobs. The delinking of Swipe from needing a target would make the analogy go even further but would to some extent make it be easy mode. Then again sometimes I do try and attack dead mobs.

Also to great degree I like running around like a mad man corralling mobs into a nice little kill zone. It takes some skill but shouldn't tanking? So the whole frontal cone part is fine with me as honestly it keeps me busy. Other wise tanking could be become *gasp* boring.

So what do the other druids think of Shotgun, I mean Swipe?


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#2 Mar 11 2009 at 11:29 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
I like the shotgun metaphor. :P

I use it in a similar way, often circle-strafing a pack of trash, spamming Swipe and Maul. And yes, I too sometimes target dead mobs so the removal of a target need would be welcome. Furthermore, it would solve a range/lag issue I sometimes (often) get, but mostly when stationary.

My current target in the pack dies, I hit Tab to get the next and resume Swiping, but it turns out that it's not the one closest to me and it's actually just out of melee range so I can't use Swipe. Then I hit Tab again, only to find I am still targeting one that is out of range, and again... One or three Tabs later I'm back to Swiping. Could mean I lost one of two mobs from the pack and I now need to Taunt/Feral Charge, etc, which screws up the smoothness of a pull.

Alternately I'll just move up to that mob to resume Swiping but it'll just make some of the remaining trash move and position themselves out of Swipe's cone.

Anyway, /rant a bit but yeah, I'd love to see the removal of the need for a target, and perhaps a little increase in range but maybe that's just in my head. (hard to picture the exact area of effect of Swipe against something like Consecration or Thunderclap)
#3 Mar 11 2009 at 11:52 AM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
Bear form Starfall with a low cooldown, low damage and high threat.

Or a bear consecrate "Mark Territory" causing nature damage :P


Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#4 Mar 11 2009 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
PhoenixOmbre wrote:
Or a bear consecrate "Mark Territory" causing nature damage :P

Smiley: lolSmiley: laughSmiley: lolSmiley: laughSmiley: lol
#5 Mar 11 2009 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
You know, if their goal is to un-link swipe from requiring a target, why not just turn the swipe animation into something new akin to whirlwind. Make the bear spin around with its claws out so that the AE effect can do a reasonable 360 degrees.

Of course, I wouldn't mind if the cone AE of swipe in its current incarnation remained as is, but if their goal is to make swipe more like thunderclap and consecrate, a whirlwinding bear might be just the ticket.
#6 Mar 11 2009 at 12:26 PM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
I like swipe. I remember swiping my brains out on heroic Shattered Halls back before the super patch, when it still only hit 3 targets


It's kinda fun moving them into that lil' cone and watching them fan out as they drop in front of me.

It's also annoying to target out of range. This happens more to me when I have an off-tank randomly picking up a couple of the pack on trash pulls.

I wouldn't mind having no need for targets, although it does have the effect of letting you know if you're missing the target you want it to hit instead of having to spam it to make sure.

I like how they turn red when they get hit by swipe.

IMO, I dunno anything else AoE style we could really do.

Challenging Roar pulls mobs to us. (That's right punk, I did ya momma!)
Demoralizing Roar makes them fear me. (That's right, I's about to maul yo face!)
Swipe is our AoE of choice combined with glyphed Maul. (I gots some big ole' claws!)

My paws can only do so much :P

In that aspect, slightly off topic. The shield. Savage Defense. Bears are Bears. Make it something a bear would have/do.

Get bigger, make his hair stand up, use the targeted mob as a meat shield.... ETC...

EDIT: Just saw the bear "whirlwind" idea. I dunno about you, but after spamming that 6-7 times, I think I could give the mobs an automatic debuff.

Bear Vomit: Causes the enemy to become violently sick, lowering attack speed and Stamina by 30%

Edited, Mar 11th 2009 4:29pm by Galenmoon
#7 Mar 11 2009 at 12:33 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
The shield. Savage Defense. Bears are Bears. Make it something a bear would have/do.

This is my biggest beef with this skill. Honestly, the idea is fine and the end results seem they will be fine. But it is not very bear like at all and I don't like that one bit.

P.S. I want a new tank Idol as well. But that is really derailing the thread.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#8 Mar 11 2009 at 12:42 PM Rating: Good
199 posts
Or a bear consecrate "Mark Territory" causing nature damage :P

My questions is would the "marked territory" be behind the bear instead of in front? :)

I don't tank alot but I can say I like the idea of a non-target swipe. Like others have mentioned I too have tried to attack a dead target.

I like the whirlwind idea too. What would be really cool is if both bears and cats could be a whirlwind. Probably make kitty DPS OP though.
#9 Mar 11 2009 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Hahaha nice, you got my vote for "Mark Territory". Or something like "Pheromones: You release chemical secretions in a 20yd radius. An aggressive response is triggered in all enemies in the area around you, increasing the chance that they will focus their attention on you."

Or something... had to come up with something in 3 minutes, it's 5h, I'm going home. >_>
#10 Mar 11 2009 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
I like the whirlwind idea too. What would be really cool is if both bears and cats could be a whirlwind.

This idea I steal from the blog some time ago: cat form AoE whirlwind shoud be named: Kitty Bath Time! Lots of pain for everyone around, guaranteed! :D

I agree with swipe requiring no target though, it would save some trouble. Tabbing mobs that are too far can be a pain sometimes and I admit in the middle of the action sometimes I kinda lose where my mouse cursor is :P


Nuit Midril - White Mage/Scholar on Ultros
Nuit the Insane! - Retired Druid on Sentinels.
Ombre - Retired Dragoon/bard on Phoenix.
#11 Mar 11 2009 at 1:24 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
Also to great degree I like running around like a mad man corralling mobs into a nice little kill zone. It takes some skill but shouldn't tanking? So the whole frontal cone part is fine with me as honestly it keeps me busy. Other wise tanking could be become *gasp* boring.

thats kinda how i feel about swipe too. you can tell the difference between a druid who knows how to tank and one who doesnt, and its a mark of pride for me knowing how to use swipe to tank right.
#12 Mar 11 2009 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
1,233 posts
I hope it stay's cone, but I hope the threat modifier on it is increased or the damage along with an increased rage cost or something. I wouldn't mind a 20-25 rage swipe if it did double the damage or threat it does now.
#13 Mar 12 2009 at 11:37 PM Rating: Good
I'd just be happy if they made DemoRoar more like Thunderclap. If I can get the mobs running at me to stop and attack me for a sec, I can get the swipe going to keep them there. Aussie lag makes picking up a new group running towards the healers as by the time you get one targeted & in-range, hit swipe and it actually goes off, some of the mobs are already behind you.

#14 Mar 13 2009 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Friar RareBeast wrote:
I'd just be happy if they made DemoRoar more like Thunderclap. If I can get the mobs running at me to stop and attack me for a sec, I can get the swipe going to keep them there. Aussie lag makes picking up a new group running towards the healers as by the time you get one targeted & in-range, hit swipe and it actually goes off, some of the mobs are already behind you.

I agree with this. Some ideas that would work well:
1. Make Demo Roar have a damage component/threat increase. Make it so low damage like FFF, but some. Toss it on a cooldown if you need to.
2. Make swipe into a whirlwind. 360 damage makes life easier. Would probably need to increase the rage cost a little to balance it.
3. Give swipe a 1 second GCD instead of 1.5. I can't count the number of times I swipe enemies, thinking I would hit all of them, and miss one that got back, then need to chase him down because swipe was still on GCD. Keep the threat similar but decrease the damage a bit.

I'd be happy with any of those, but do just fine until they (or any other solution) pops up. It usually isn't an issue.
#15 Mar 13 2009 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
1. Make Demo Roar have a damage component/threat increase. Make it so low damage like FFF, but some. Toss it on a cooldown if you need to.

I like this idea. A small damage, or even just threat, component that scales of AP would be sweet.

I would also like to see Thorns scale a bit off of AP when in feral forms.

Both of these changes would make excellent talents in the Feral tree. Which I feel needs more bloat to help further differentiate between cats and bears. As it stands right now they are still virtually the same spec. Which will tend to push bears into an OT role over time.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#16 Mar 17 2009 at 5:30 PM Rating: Good
If all bear tanks ever had to worry about was themselves and a healer, frontal cone swipe would be fine. Stack up all of the mobs neatly and then just methodically chew them down (pun intended).

Paladins and DKs can build threat on mobs wherever they want just by dropping a D&D or a Consecrate (DK get the benefit of being able to plant their D&D where they want/need it, but a pally can still drop a Consecrate, walk away, and build threat on anything that passes through it). Warriors don't get the "threat anywhere" goodies, but they still have more leeway to round up mobs as long as they're close to them regardless of position. It gives those tanks the luxury of building threat first and struggling against sometimes ugly mob pathing AI for proper position second. Even though it may take more skill to line up a nice little stack of mobs for some sweet swipe lovin', none of your dps gives a sh*t how masterfully you're able to do so if they've got a pally/warrior/DK handy who can accomplish the same thing faster.

I'm pretty sure that's what Blizzard is driving at. On one hand, you've got class mechanics in theory and on the other hand, you've got the perception of those mechanics as held by the general WoW population. Generally speaking, the more skillful you have to be in order to function with a particular class relative to the alternatives for a particular role, the less popular that class is in the eyes of the general population. ("HAI GUYZ! IM UR DK TANK K?!?!" "gtfo -.-") When I was tanking with my druid as my main, I got a lot of compliments from PUGs who were extremely wary of the idea of a bear tank until the run was over because tanking as a bear required a bit more effort than some other classes and in their experience, most bear tanks had sucked so bad that they never wanted to see a fury *** between them and a pack of mobs ever again. Hell, I've been in more than one run where someone was about to up and bail on the group because they insisted that Blizzard never intended for bears to tank...that for every would-be bear tank they had seen, the performance from the player in control of the bear lent the impression that Dire Bear form was just a resto ice block.

So 3.0 arrives and buffs every tank class/spec, but once again the situation comes along where Blizzard has to take a look at how players are playing the game and decide whether or not what is happening is in line with what they anticipated and make changes to try and ensure no class gets left behind. In an AoE dominated game where so many dps seem to have forgotten they even have single target attacks, leaving one tank class so far behind the others in terms of AoE threat is not going to serve that class well. We all know by now that it doesn't really matter whether or not you can rock out insane threat with high survivability if nobody wants you in the group because Blizzard made it too easy for unskilled hacks to botch the way most people see your class in a given role.

I mentioned it in another thread, but it's worth repeating here: currently, bear HP pools are slated for a nerf. I understand why it's being nerfed. That in of itself doesn't bother me, but right now that health pool is the only thing (see also: only thing) that gets bears any kind of love in raids. If you take that away and leave Joe Average trotting around in an otherwise unaltered bear suit, you're going to be fighting real hard just to get a raid invite without a respec.

Edited, Mar 17th 2009 6:30pm by AureliusSir
#17 Mar 17 2009 at 6:18 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
you're going to be fighting real hard just to get a raid invite without a respec.

I'm the raid leader, so I think my spot is safe.

Aside from that the Swipe change is going to make tanking even more boring and spammy. The change in no way increase AoE threat. It just makes it more easy mode. It makes it less engaging, less fun. I tank because I have fun doing it and enjoy helping my guildies and friends by doing something I am good at.

The other kicker is the range has dropped from 8 to 5 yards. So the positioning will still be somewhat needed as the range took a hit. The range of Swipe was one its better features that made the positioning dance work.

Swipe/Maul needs to be spammed to hold threat. That is the problem with Swipe. If I take too much time off from Swipe/Maul spam to Mangle a mob that is close to eating DPS then the trigger happy AoE DPS will get to dance with mobs.

right now that health pool is the only thing (see also: only thing) that gets bears any kind of love in raids.

Well right now we also have a armor lead which helps on physical bosses and things like Maex's web wrap.

But that advantage is also going away.

The nerfs were needed for bears, that is true. But overall we got nothing to compensate. I think many less skilled bear will respec soon after Uldar hits.

Those that remain will figure out how to tank, we always have. We can tank spite of what gear we have available. We have a small tool box. We will have no real health, avoidance or mitigation advantage. We tank because we love it and we love the class.

The only reason I dislike the Swipe change is it will remove some of the fun of tanking. Swipe needs a change, this isn't it.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#18 Mar 17 2009 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
a good point, however, this presumes that making the class easier wont attract more sub-par players to the feral fold thus diluting the pool of talent further. I suggest this will be the case in the aggregate. (note this isn't a particularly big change, so its not the apocalypse or anything.)

The big problem I see is this seems to be one of those flights of fancy blizzard is infamous for. They buff this one ability, making an obvious increase in power/efficency, then change there mind a patch later and nerf us below where we were to begin with.
#19 Mar 18 2009 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
Horsemouth wrote:

Aside from that the Swipe change is going to make tanking even more boring and spammy. The change in no way increase AoE threat. It just makes it more easy mode. It makes it less engaging, less fun. I tank because I have fun doing it and enjoy helping my guildies and friends by doing something I am good at.

Druids are busy tanks...they always have been. Unfortunately, the game has changed. Being busy doesn't mean anything if you can't do the job on par with other tanks, and when it comes to druid AoE tanking, they're way behind the eight-ball. Again...consideration has to be given to the entire raid group's enjoyment factor, and when the standard procedure with druids is to dps much slower and more carefully than with other tanks on AoE trash, you know there's something wrong. That leaves armor and HP as a druid's only saving grace and we've got one encounter out of 18 raid bosses in WotLK so far where a druid's health actually gives them a clear edge over warriors and pallies. Druid armor only scales with the big'd have to be taking an epic pounding (ie. Patchwerk) for your armor to scale beyond the mitigation seen by a block capped prot pally. So now we're up to 2 boss encounters total out of 18 where druids have an edge...makes it start to look a lot like TBC all over again...

Trouble is, the health and armor have to get toned down a bit. That's just a given or the health pools on druids alone will make them the hands down #1 raid boss tank for pretty much anything. So when Blizzard sits down and decides they need to figure out how to compensate druids after having taken away their most noteworthy advantages compared to other tanks, one area they can look at is AoE threat. We're not talking about a specific attack, we're talking about AoE threat. Short of adding a new ability, adjusting Swipe to be a more AoE tanking tool was a fairly reasonable option for Blizzard, because again...while you're dancing around thinking nobody notices that it takes you an extra 2-3 seconds after the pull to start building threat on trash such that your dps can start in, any of your dps that have run with a more apt AoE tanking class have noticed...and they most likely don't appreciate it.

If you look at the swipe changes in terms of what it brings to your individual playstyle, I can see how you might not like it. If you look at it in terms of what it does for your group, you can see there's nothing to dislike.
#20 Mar 18 2009 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
The other kicker is the range has dropped from 8 to 5 yards.

There was a blue post stating that this wasn't intended. It'll be back up to 8 yards soon.

I'm looking forward to the change. There is absolutely no reason why bears should be burdened with having to line up mobs while other classes don't. It's quite similar to cat dps where you need to work your furry **** off, become a master of keys, only to achieve results that are still below that of let's say a rogue who does more damage with rotations half as complicated.

Just think it's wrong to value epeen over effectiveness.

The real trouble with 3.1 for druids will be dual-spec. Without plenty of fights where it is actually beneficial and possible to switch from bear to cat, there is absolutely no reason to take a feral druid over a fury/prot/arms warrior or prot/ret pally for an OT slot, especially with bears being homogenized into "just another tank" without standing out in any particular area.

Edited, Mar 18th 2009 12:59pm by Kanngarnix
#21 Mar 18 2009 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
7,732 posts
The Swipe change does not increase Swipe TPS or DPS.


It dumbs down the class.

I can mash Swipe, Maul, Bash and Mangle on trash and hold aggro when DPS goes nuts with out giving me any time.

The change to Swipe just makes bad tanks have an easier time.

Bears need a change for AoE threat, I completely agree with you on that. This change is not it by any means. It may be 360 but the range is now shorter and the threat is the same.

It only helps druids who couldn't organize a pull in 2 GCDs or less. While keeping the mobs during those GCDs.

Granted pallies and DKs have better AoE threat on trash. Warriors are roughly on par from my experience.

When that happens I Swipe, Maul and Mangle while watching for adds and runners. Usually I will end up stealing the guy I am Mangling.

Once again the Swipe change does not increase AoE threat. Swipe does the same damage, the same threat, has a 360 radius and reduced range. I would rather have the added range then the 360.

Stop thinking about druid issues from a paladin mind set. You drop Consecrate and then do other pally stuff.

Imagine all you did was hit Consecrate and one other button that buffs your weapon attack for 90% of trash pulls.

I position mobs Swipe and Maul over and over again. The only engaging part is positioning mobs for the most part. Granted a Lacerate on a mob I have a low threat lead on followed by a Mangle/Maul does wonders but then it right back to Swipe/Maul.

They need to do something to make me hit another button. Not just make me be lazy with the ones I use now.

People will die with this change. I will zone out even more on trash. I wont have to position just Swipe/Maul until I get carpal tunnel.

edit; missed some words i blame beer

Edited, Mar 18th 2009 8:31am by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#22 Mar 18 2009 at 3:20 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
The real trouble with 3.1 for druids will be dual-spec. Without plenty of fights where it is actually beneficial and possible to switch from bear to cat, there is absolutely no reason to take a feral druid over a fury/prot/arms warrior or prot/ret pally for an OT slot, especially with bears being homogenized into "just another tank" without standing out in any particular area.

Off chance I may do this in 3.1

Dependent on another tanking stepping up into the MT role.

The spec would let me tank most anything and DPS at a high level still.

Then I can still dual resto. As there will always be fights where all the tanks aren't needed for the whole fight and I can DPS better than most other tanks with this spec. Plus will be great for fights where the DPS vs healing budget fluctuates. With dual spec I can tank, DPS and heal. All with one toon.

Hoping they do something for bears so I don't feel obliged to do this. As if I can in one spec OT and DPS at a high level why wouldn't I? It would help the raid/guild more than me stubbornly being the MT.

I hate to say it but the feral tree needs more bloat. Cat and bear are still to similar in spec to make this not happen.

Without a stronger difference in spec bear will once again be the best choice of OT.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#23 Mar 18 2009 at 4:30 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Back to Sage eh?... Drunk again? :P

Bears need a change for AoE threat, I completely agree with you on that. This change is not it by any means. It may be 360 but the range is now shorter and the threat is the same.

As Kanngarnix already said, the range thingy is a bug and has been reported to Blizz.

Swipe needs a change, this isn't it.

I completely agree with you on this. We need a new ability, either free of the GCD with its own CD, or something to do ToT (Threat over Time à la Consecration) to use once in a while, while spamming Swipe with most other GCD's. Or a mix of both. Just, something different, other than Swipe.

Swipe would in fact be fine if we had another tool for AoE threat. With that other ability X, once all mobs would be on you it'd be much easier to position them for some major Swiping, cause it's not like Swipe does too little threat. It's just the initial positioning of the pack that can be problematic.

In regard to what Druids have over other tanks:
-We still have great armor, despite the SotF nerf. The nerf will only let us scale somewhat with Ulduar gear, otherwise armor cap would've been reached too soon. This is not a real problem.
-The addition of Savage Defense more than makes up for the armor nerf, and gives us new stats to look for and that will scale with us. (Greater emphasis on Agi, Crit Rating, Str/AP)
-We still have a few thousands more health than other tanks, and of all tanks we still scale the best with Stamina even despite the HotW nerf.

Bear tanks are fine. Please give us a new AoE ability and restore Swipe to how it was before.

My 2 cents.
#24 Mar 18 2009 at 4:35 AM Rating: Good
676 posts

I actually tank all the heroics and OT Naxx 10 in a pure DPS Spec because I usually DPS on our 25 runs every weekend and I don't like switching during the week. (Did 3.9k overall on our last weekend of 25 Naxx.)

Haven't had any problems at all. I even soak Hatefuls sometimes if we're still gearing our OT.

I'm actually resto spec right now if anyone wants to check out my offset gear. (Got so bored farming naxx 10 on my druid that I even dusted off my DK and took him in last night for our one night clear. First time in 2 months, poor little guy)

#25 Mar 18 2009 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
"Blue on MMO-champion" wrote:
The trash will require crowd control on some pulls.

That's yet another thing that has me quite relaxed about the changes. Balancing is done around Ulduar, not the current content. It's not like farming current heroics for whatever reason is the most entertaining thing to do. You just want it over with, collect your gear and badges and move on.

For years we've been asking for Roots to work indoors, some sort of usable CC in instances, only to find out that once we actually got what we were asking for, it was no longer needed let alone desired.

It's not so much the class that is/has/will be dumbed down. It's the pulls that have been ridiculously dumb and boring, simply because Blizzard has failed to find the proper balance between a crazy CC place like Magister's Terrace and the AOE madness in Wrath as it is right now.

Does anybody even remember something like pulling the 2 Ravenguards in heroic Sethekk, or the Kara trash that would hit harder than some of the bosses? You had to fear for your own life rather than a loose mob that would go for dps or healer.

Current trash is boring, and the faster and easier you get rid of it the better.

The new challenge might actually be in NOT using swipe, because you rely on mobs being CC'ed all around you, breaking that being fatal.
#26 Mar 18 2009 at 5:34 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Does anybody even remember something like pulling the 2 Ravenguards in heroic Sethekk

Hell yes. Those were absolutely brutal.
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