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#27 Mar 12 2009 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
Morganne wrote:
Cobra101 wrote:

I've been posting on Allakhazam for 8 or 9 years now and the tolerance of newbie questions seems to have diminished considerably.

Now the FAQ is brilliant, especially with all the work that went into updating it for WotLK, and I really appreciate the effort that went into it. But for a new player there is so much there it can be a bit overwhelming. And of course there is inevitably a lot there that is irrelevant to a new player simply because the talents or abilities mentioned are not available to them. It took me 3 reads to get the answer to a problem the other day and I knew what I was looking for!

It is certainly a perfectly valid response to tell people to read the FAQ but it takes about the same amount of time to answer a simple question.

Unless of course it is "Which is the best pet?" - in which case flame away Smiley: smile

Hmm I posted an angry retort to an ***** answer given to a non premium, few posts hunter with a simple question. He got shot down with the "read the FAQ *$&*$&%"

I got a bit annoyed at that point because you see it so often and it is just not fair. How would that ***** person feel if they were new to the forum and asked a simple question yet got abuse? (Of course they would answer, "I am so smart that I would have read the FAQ" well we are not all uber brains Mr *******

So I got angry and posted angry stuff and that I was dissapointed how much the forum had changed to new people and that it seemed a little elitism was creeping in. (By the way, I do apologise for how I worded that retort, it was a little below the belt and could have been said better, I was a little knackered at the time, baby boy is teething and I have forgotten what sleep is, although he does like sitting on my lap and watching me do Naxx LOL!!!)

I got shot down, oh boy did I get shot down, how dare I express an opinion in this forum, but your post above show me that I am not the only one that is feeling this way.

I got in touch with Darq and said "that is it, I wont renew my premium", (hurrahs from most of you no doubt), I told Darq why and that was that. My premium helps pay for this site and forum, how many possible new premium members have been turned away by such nasty answers as "Read the FAQ *&%*&%"? Oh well, such is life lol If it continues, as I said to Darq, you will end up with a forum of all the same people chewing over the same topics and hating the same things and really accomplishing nothing other than wasting time.

(The FAQ by the way is a good peice of work, one of the truly great Hunter guides, be a shame if less and less people read it or contributed to it because they get put off coming here so a big thank you to those who wrote and contributed to it, along with advice from some of you on here and that FAQ I am the hunter I am today).

Just my gentle two cents worth, without naming names or being nasty I hope. Let us build a friendlier hunter forum, make me renew my premium membership.

Edited, Mar 12th 2009 9:52am by Morganne

Edited, Mar 12th 2009 9:54am by Morganne

Edited, Mar 12th 2009 9:55am by Morganne

Edited, Mar 12th 2009 9:56am by Morganne

Smiley: rolleyes

Cut the drama whoring. Dropping your premium has zero impact on the way these boards are handled for two reasons:

1.) The forums are free, premium or not.
2.) Allakhazam staff are not responsible for the postings of their members. (Though they are responsible for ensuring the place remains within the confines of the rules they set forth. At present those rules do not include requiring every post to spout rays of sunshine.)

You're either acutely aware of both of these or woefully ignorant.

Your removal of your premium has turned you into nothing more than a bandwidth leech with a chip on her shoulder.

Regarding the matter of just answering the simple questions instead of telling people to read the FAQ...

Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime. -Author unknown

Edited, Mar 12th 2009 11:01am by Norellicus

I repeat "just my gentle two cents worth".

No need for leech insults.

The cancelling of premium is called protest, a thing we are free to do. Those that dont like it are of course free to voice their opinion, but it is exactly because of insulting behaviour that I am doing it. Was there any need to call me a Bandwidth Leech? Not really, perhaps you could have said it a different way, just like I now realise my last post was insulting and wrong and understand why I got flamed. So rise above the petty nature and try to understand. Not every post has to be Rays of sunshine, but I thought they could at least be civil, informative and helpful and not make people fear for asking questions or giving an opinion. I think I may actually renew. Just to see how the forum changes over time and if anybody really makes an effort.

I liked the idea about posting the direct link to FAQ by the way that was posted by someone earlier. Good thinking for those first time posters who know not much about this forum or find the FAQ a little to much to digest in one go.

Oh and at last Arrowsong dropped last night and I bid and got lucky that the other Hunter in the Guild has it. YAY!! Also Aethien, thanks for your advice, my DPS has now rocketed up and the Guild is really impressed, I did of course credit you with the fact that my DPS is so much more now.

Cheer up Alla all is not lost, I am for one and now going ot be a happy posotive poster.

Edited, Mar 13th 2009 4:17am by Morganne
#28 Mar 14 2009 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
When I first started posting on Alla forums. I was one of those who chose to ask a question instead of checking the faq. A few flames later and after being called retarted by overlord theo I started reading the stickies. There's no telling how long it took to put together that info. But I'm here to thank you for it. Some of them though are out dated but none the less helpful. I'll admit I've seen some pretty harsh posts on here. I have read some threads were it was nothing but arguing. After reading the OP extensively I got the point that the questions that are usually asked(What spec is best or Pet is best or What should I do now) are in the faq. I don't post much anymore because well I don't play wow as much anymore. Taking a break and pinging some helmets in COD:WAW.

Anyways I've come to respect each and every scholar, guru, sage etc etc for the simple fact somewere down the line they have answered some of my posts with helpful info. I can see how being asked 20 times a day what is the best of this or that would get annoying. Would be like listening to a broken record playing the same word over and over. I made a post in general forum thanking them all for all there help. Now I just read. Post randomly and carefully. Specs I've learned thanks to you, Stats I've learned thanks to you. Now that I'm raiding...well its all thanks to you. So pat yourselves on the back and take a bow. Rather people like it or not. They look up to you for advice. Rather or not you give it is your call. Especially if its in....THE STICKIES. lol Thanks again everyone for everything. I'll be back in about a month or so. Take care!
#29 Mar 15 2009 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Souliken wrote:
I can see how being asked 20 times a day what is the best of this or that would get annoying. Would be like listening to a broken record playing the same word over and over.

Now, try reading the forums each day AND teaching 7th graders!
#30 Mar 15 2009 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
You all deal with this in the forums and I'd suspect in game as well. I feel for you. At least I've learned when and how to ask a question. Mostly now I just google it or hit up EJ. If there's something I don't understand, then I bring it to your attention. We were all 7th graders once...but all that was out was power rangers and super mario brothers super show. I usually read about 2hrs each day on the forums then I go and play for about 3-4 hours unless I get invited to WAW.

I know it gets annoying being asked 20 times a day. I'd say make a noob stickie for the new players but really if most people have enough sense to play the game then they have enough sense to read the stickie. I learned more from the stickies then from any post. Even though its not my class I still read the stickie to learn about all classes. Not just one!

Edit: Another thing I wanted to mention is that any new player can find out alot of information by just typing in there class in the search data base. Such as "Hunter macros"
or Hunter Raiding. Etc etc. Works for me and I know it will work for you. Try it now..go on why are you still here. Shoo be gone with you. lol

Edited, Mar 15th 2009 6:55pm by Souliken
#31 Mar 16 2009 at 2:03 PM Rating: Decent
my 2 cents to this whole thread - i have been a avid reader of the hunter forum and have learned a lot by just reading the FAQs and stickies...but at the same point I can also see why not everyone will think or do as i do.

So..instead of flaming somone who is not doing what you would expect him to do...just ignore his questions and do not reply...they will..

eventally try and go read the FAQ because no one responded to their questions..which is what WE ALL want..w/o all the negativity floating around in these forum

#32 Mar 16 2009 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
damn - some grammatical mistakes - too lazy to correct... so plz ignore :)
#33 Mar 26 2009 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
979 posts
I for one am not bothered by the new hunters asking stupid questions , hell i still am finding out new stuff and have been around on the game for over 3 years now , what i also notice is a high level player can get away with asking stupid questions at times usually about some form of stats with gear or about dps , now to me that should be all in the sticky and if not why not , i mean do we hold a high level players hand and not the new hunters ?.

As i have a warped sense of humour i could add another question like this , why when a question has already been answered in enough detail and then gets a reply from one of the top guys who basically repeats what has been already said do they get rated up and the others that already said the answers do not get as many rate ups ? .

Is that karma working well or not as sometimes i wonder if its just a few posters rating each other up to make sure they stay on top.

And am i trying to get rated down (the answer is do i care) anyway the karma system is pretty good but of course can be abused.

#34 Mar 26 2009 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
sandralover wrote:
As i have a warped sense of humour i could add another question like this , why when a question has already been answered in enough detail and then gets a reply from one of the top guys who basically repeats what has been already said do they get rated up and the others that already said the answers do not get as many rate ups ?
A lot of the regulars have higher karma. So when I make a post it starts out good. No one has rated me up for this to happen. People will start defaulting to good before they turn green as well, so that can sometimes seem like they've been rated up. I think (not sure) that it only takes one rateup for me to get to excellent, where for a scholar that might take 3-4 rateups depending on where their karma is.

Looking at my posts, I only get rated up when I've been particularly helpful, or funny from time to time. I think you'll find that Aethien, Me and the other people who post a lot don't really care much about karma. Also, don't talk about karma.

Edited, Mar 26th 2009 3:04pm by Xsarus
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#35 Mar 26 2009 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
902 posts
Well, Karma is broken, and instead of waiting for an admin to read my other post, it'd be much faster for me to PM them for a ban, don't you think?
#36 Mar 26 2009 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
979 posts
Karma is not broken , just a little dented at times.

I do know how the Karma system works for those that wondered about my earlier reply , but i was trying to show what new members here would possibly think was going on , and i am not sure if that is a good or a bad thing for them to think.

As it is i cannot see a better way to get people to participate and keep a record of who are the better posters even though at times even i have seen some real stupid answers from those that should know better.

What i do see is some that come here for whatever reasons think they are perfect yet have no idea on the class and can hardly write english only to start objecting to any harsh replies , now that is something that needs a few to relax a little and perhaps enjoy the baiting that follows as it will not go away.

What i also see is some that have either not read the sticky or did read it and for whatever reason did not fully understand it get jumped on a little to fast at times , i can give an example of what i mean from someone i know that came here reads all the posts and yet i still helped them in-game as they had not fully understood all they read , if they had posted their questions here i wonder as some were a little stupid what the reaction would have been.

I will say that thanks to the staff here it is usually under full control which i find quite amazing as i know just how hard it is to allow freedom of speech and yet still keep full control ,i know from experience how running a large forum can be really frustrating at times as i used to run a forum with around 50,000+ members that were pretty active and we used to get rather pointless anger just because they did not understand something , i guess i have learnt pretty well how to be tolerant of others failure to fully understand things .
#37 Mar 26 2009 at 3:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Yuppley wrote:
Well, Karma is broken, and instead of waiting for an admin to read my other post, it'd be much faster for me to PM them for a ban, don't you think?

I'll tell you here just like in PM, you do not need a ban, maybe some recreational substances? Most of your posts are informative and great where WoW is concerned. However, you can't keep running off the newbs by being mean.

Read the FAQ > read the ******* FAQ you moron

#38 Mar 26 2009 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
oh darqflame, in an oot thread it was revealed that the admin notes on my account are non existent. I want exciting notes!
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#39 Mar 26 2009 at 4:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
Wanted exciting notes: loves boobs

That work?

#40 Mar 26 2009 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Mistress Darqflame wrote:
Wanted exciting notes: is a lying piece of crap

That work?
Much better.
The dirty stinkin' liar Smiley: mad

Edited, Mar 27th 2009 2:26am by Aethien
#41 Mar 26 2009 at 4:59 PM Rating: Good
Xsarus wrote:
RPZip wrote:
But if someone from some other board see's me flipping out, decides to rate me down, sees me in another thread, and does the same (with complete lack of apparent reason), because they have developed some hatred, or vendetta against me, what's the point?

Someone admits they care about forum karma?

Rate down. I smell blood in the water.

As an honest question, does anyone care about it at all? I might have a different perspective on it since I was posting when we switched to this forum system in the first place, but I've never found it to be a measure of... well, anything.

oh darqflame, in an oot thread it was revealed that the admin notes on my account are non existent. I want exciting notes!

Well, now I'm curious. Do I have admin notes?
#42 Mar 26 2009 at 5:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
RPZip wrote:
Xsarus wrote:
RPZip wrote:
But if someone from some other board see's me flipping out, decides to rate me down, sees me in another thread, and does the same (with complete lack of apparent reason), because they have developed some hatred, or vendetta against me, what's the point?

Someone admits they care about forum karma?

Rate down. I smell blood in the water.

As an honest question, does anyone care about it at all? I might have a different perspective on it since I was posting when we switched to this forum system in the first place, but I've never found it to be a measure of... well, anything.

oh darqflame, in an oot thread it was revealed that the admin notes on my account are non existent. I want exciting notes!

Well, now I'm curious. Do I have admin notes?

Yes, but you may not want them public.

#43 Mar 26 2009 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
So now I'm curious too, what are RPzip's admin notes?
And I bet they're related to his mute/ban/whatever it was?
#44 Mar 27 2009 at 5:47 AM Rating: Good
He probably clubs baby seals.
#45 Mar 27 2009 at 7:37 AM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
So now I'm curious too, what are RPzip's admin notes?
And I bet they're related to his mute/ban/whatever it was?

Yup, it's up to him if he wants to publicize it.

(hah it just hit me, yup is short for yuppley, I might have to actually start typing YES)

#46 Mar 27 2009 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Mistress Darqflame wrote:
Wanted exciting notes: loves boobs

That work?
01001001 00100000 01001100 01001001 01001011 01000101 00100000 01000011 01000001 01001011 01000101
You'll always be stupid, you'll just be stupid with more information in your brain
Forum FAQ
#47 Mar 27 2009 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
255 posts
Mistress Darqflame wrote:
RPZip wrote:
Xsarus wrote:
RPZip wrote:
But if someone from some other board see's me flipping out, decides to rate me down, sees me in another thread, and does the same (with complete lack of apparent reason), because they have developed some hatred, or vendetta against me, what's the point?

Someone admits they care about forum karma?

Rate down. I smell blood in the water.

As an honest question, does anyone care about it at all? I might have a different perspective on it since I was posting when we switched to this forum system in the first place, but I've never found it to be a measure of... well, anything.

oh darqflame, in an oot thread it was revealed that the admin notes on my account are non existent. I want exciting notes!

Well, now I'm curious. Do I have admin notes?

Yes, but you may not want them public.

WHOA, wait... Admin notes?!? What are these and how do I find out about them?
#48 Mar 27 2009 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
They're the notes admin(s) have set on your account, sort of like officer notes in your guild.
As for how to get them, you'll have to be Darq's ***** and beg her to tell you.
#49 Mar 27 2009 at 3:58 PM Rating: Excellent
Spankatorium Administratix
1oooo posts
browningguns wrote:

WHOA, wait... Admin notes?!? What are these and how do I find out about them?

You have none that are worth posting, just your sign up date and IP address.

And yes, becoming my ***** has it's advantages.

#50 Mar 27 2009 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
902 posts
I wish my notes had Admins.
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