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A couple of mage questionsFollow

#1 Mar 10 2009 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Hello folks, here I am again. I've recently picked up my mage and got into playing her again. I'm having loads of fun right now, it's just that as I'm learning the class more questions have popped up. Mainly "when to use" questions. I hope you can help me on these;

When do I use:

-Cold Snap? I realize this seems mostly a PvP talent, but I've had it for about 20 levels now and I never really use it, not even in PvP. The thing is that I don't have amazing frost spells of which I need to reset the cooldown - at the moment I just save it for another Ice Block. Is it a situational thing? Is it pretty much for use with the water elemental only? Am I doing it wrong?

-Dampen/Amplify magic? What about these spells? I can understand how Dampen magic has it's use when I'm soloing against caster mobs, but it mainly stops there. Whenever there's a healer around I can't really use either seeing as I don't want to lower my buddy's healing or higher the enemies damage output. Should I just drag these off my toolbar or what?

-Combustion? While I realize the spell's use, I'm curious as to what would be the best moment to use it. Everytime it's off CD? Before an AOE spree?

Thanks in advance.
#2 Mar 10 2009 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
Cold Snap is only useful if your busting out your Frost Cooldowns. One of the biggest ones for you is probably going to be using Cold Snap to reset Icy Veins so you can essentially extend the duration of your Icy Veins. 2 other great uses for Coldsnap are, as you said, Ice Block and Water Elemental. In the most perfect of worlds you can knock out all 3 CDs with 1 Cold Snap, but the only time this would really be necessary is PVP or some crazy Group Emergency situation.

Since, in PVE, you really wont encounter these kinds of situations, I suggest you just blow Icy Veins whenever you're doing an already notable amount of damage. Whenever you're going to Blizzard, for instance, it is a great idea to pop Icy Veins before hand. CS can be used to reset that whenever it'll help your damage - seeing as you wont find yourself in any real emergencies excluding random world PVP.

Once you get into 80 PVP you'll find Cold Snap to be a necessity and a powerful tool for controlling when and how you strike. It can also help the raid with the Water Elemental.
#3 Mar 10 2009 at 8:27 AM Rating: Excellent
^^ pretty much covered it.

Dampen magic is rarely used ever in a raiding/grouping situation unless in pvp where you won't have a healer.

Amp magic can be used sometimes in PvE when the mob does not do magic damage that is modified by the spell, for example Gruul's lair or Gurtogg Bloodboil. We would put it on everyone in the raid for that little bit of extra healing.
#4 Mar 10 2009 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Thanks for the rapid answers, so if I got it correctly then
A) I Need to start using Ice Veins a lot more and (at least for now) mainly use Cold Snap to reset Icy Veins
and B) Amplify magic is pretty much only used on raid bosses/mobs that deal no magic damage.

That helps out a bunch, I'm going to de-hotkey Amplify/Dampen Magic in this case. Would any of you consider it a good idea if I macro'd in Icy Veins to for example Pyroblast and use it more like a trinket?

Leaves Combustion.
#5 Mar 10 2009 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
I wouldn't really use icyveins for pyroblast. It becomes useful when you need to get casts off when you will be interrupted a lot, but I think using it on a pyro may be a bit of a waste as it is a 5second + haste cast, fireball/frostfire (don't know what level you are or what spec you currently are).

And combustion is basically used in conjunction with other cooldowns (like a trinket). For grinding/leveling it is fine to bind it to a commonly used spell, but for raiding/etc I save it for when I am popping cooldowns.
#6 Mar 10 2009 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Alright, fair enough. So for PvE, macroing Icy Veins to my fireball (I'm 52, and I'm some kind of weird elementalist 0/22/21 spec) is a good idea I guess?

Combustion now makes a lot more sense to me; I guess it's comparable to Cold Blood or Blade Flurry... I wasn't able to really picture the spell before.

Once again, thanks for all the (rapid) answers!
#7 Mar 10 2009 at 11:50 AM Rating: Good
Yeah that would be fine, and then later on when you (if you) decide to do some raiding read up on my how to use cooldowns post to put them to proper/more efficient use.
#8 Mar 10 2009 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
Just a suggestion - but I thought I'd throw it your way.

Learning to use an Elementalist talent build may give you a bit of foresight into how to play FFB once you hit 75 (really 80), but in all honesty until you get the Frostfire Bolt spell itself the spec is missing out on some huge tools.

First off, I would say the biggest thing to learn for a FFB Mage is how and when to stack Ignites, Hot Streaks, and Living bombs. You're not getting any of that practice. Learning to respond to Hot Streaks - as trivial as it is - is quite possibly the most important aspect of a Frostfire Mage. Truth is, you have enough points to get Hotstreak.

Ignoring the fact that you would have these early learning experiences, going deep into either Frost or Fire will get you some VERY cool and intricate tools. As frost, you could have your Elemental already as well as be set with your Ice Barrier, and you could be learning how to use Brain Freeze. In Fire you could have your Dragons Breath, Blast Wave, Firestarter, and Hot Streak.

These high-end talents, at your stage in the game, offer a greater net benefit than the Stat% chances and the haste bonuses that you get with an Elementalist spec. Also keep in mind that at 60 Arcane becomes a very viable PVE and PVP spec that, with minor tweaks, fits almost immediately into Raid-PVE and Arenas. If you wish to stick with Fire you'll find yourself familiar with FFB spec (Viable immediately at 80) or the Arcane/Fire (which requires some good gear.) Unfortunately, for now, Frost leads nowhere in the realm of Raid-PVE. Apparently they're trying to change that.

So if you're open to try out a tree deeper, I think you'll find yourself in love with some of the toys in either tree... they are immense fun!
#9 Mar 10 2009 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Thanks for the advice, but that wasn't what I was after, no offense meant.

The thing is that if I end up doing raiding on my mage I'll probably spec a proper spec anyway; what I have now is more something I have for fun. Ever since I rolled a mage I've been amazed by the fact that people went either full frost or full fire; using only fire spells means you give up the control of a frost spec and using only frost spells means you're trying to do damage with an element that isn't exactly made for it. That is more or less why I have since the start been playing around with a 'proper' elementalist build (as I like to call them, seeing as FFB is usually something like 51/20 while I'll end up with 34/37). As long as my damage is at least decent enough for 5-mans and I'm having fun in the BG's, I'm cool with it. It's more of a pet peeve of mine, really.

And for the smartasses who are now wondering why I am trying to maximize potential from spells like Combustion if I don't care my spec is sub-par: With a sub-par spec you will need to get everything else right to deal on par damage.
#10 Mar 10 2009 at 9:32 PM Rating: Excellent
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Mozared wrote:
using only frost spells means you're trying to do damage with an element that isn't exactly made for it.

That's where you're wrong. Frost isn't made to do damage in Raids. Soloing, frost has an amazing potential for massive damage. In 5 mans, its damage is easily at par. It only flounders when you get into longer fights, but not because it's weak. No, that's because what makes fire truly strong is only truly effective when fights last long. Ignite is a rather weak soloing talent because it takes time to do its damage, whereas frost crits do their damage up front. But more importantly, as a solo frost mage, your crits will come often, giving you potential that fire really doesn't have. This doesn't truly come into play until somewhere in the 30s or 40s, so early experimentation with it may have missed it.

But frost isn't a low damage spec. It just does its damage in a way that reaches full strength early, whereas fire and arcane can scale more as a fight gets longer.
#11 Mar 10 2009 at 10:19 PM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
...using only fire spells means you give up the control of a frost spec...

Not to further pick apart your point - but if you were Deep Fire right now you would actually have more control with that then you do with a Mixed set. Sure having power from both trees is great, but the point you make about not wanting to give a tree up is simply a sad fact you'll have to face eventually.

If you're fire you want Ignites - If you're Frost you want Shatters - If you're Arcane you want TtW and Arcane Blast Combos. Its not wasteful of your other Trees because in reality you're simply using one tree to accomplish all your Goals.

ALL Mages use Frost Nova. When leveling, most Mages find places to throw in Fire Blasts, Mana Shields, Cone of Colds, Arcane Explosions... need the list go on? But trying to spread your goodies out between 3 Specs makes it rough on yourself.

So your Tank pulls a group of monsters! Great! Time to AoE... Do you want the Hit/Threat benefits of Arcane Explosion? Do you want to try to Shatter Crit with Blizzard? Go for that Flamestrike with the Ignite?

The real question is... do you want to have to make this choice every time someone pulls?

To be fair though - as you said - if you can pull the DPS then you don't have to take crap from anyone!! So have at it, especially now when a good bit of skill will take you further than any gear ever could. Just realize that the argument "Speccing fully into 1 tree gives up _____ about another tree" is invalid. All trees have a form of survivability / damage / control... and all trees can be fun!
#12 Mar 11 2009 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
That's where you're wrong. Frost isn't made to do damage in Raids. Soloing, frost has an amazing potential for massive damage. In 5 mans, its damage is easily at par. It only flounders when you get into longer fights, but not because it's weak. No, that's because what makes fire truly strong is only truly effective when fights last long. Ignite is a rather weak soloing talent because it takes time to do its damage, whereas frost crits do their damage up front. But more importantly, as a solo frost mage, your crits will come often, giving you potential that fire really doesn't have. This doesn't truly come into play until somewhere in the 30s or 40s, so early experimentation with it may have missed it.

But frost isn't a low damage spec. It just does its damage in a way that reaches full strength early, whereas fire and arcane can scale more as a fight gets longer.

You're probably right, but (aside from base damage) I'm thinking more in the direction of the 'grand scheme of things' here - At least to me, fire has always been about destruction while frost has always been utility. Regardless of what game I was playing, if I had the option to choose between frost and fire for damage I'd always go for fire; dealing damage with frost just feels like eating soup with a fork.

Not to further pick apart your point - but if you were Deep Fire right now you would actually have more control with that then you do with a Mixed set. Sure having power from both trees is great, but the point you make about not wanting to give a tree up is simply a sad fact you'll have to face eventually.

If you're fire you want Ignites - If you're Frost you want Shatters - If you're Arcane you want TtW and Arcane Blast Combos. Its not wasteful of your other Trees because in reality you're simply using one tree to accomplish all your Goals.

ALL Mages use Frost Nova. When leveling, most Mages find places to throw in Fire Blasts, Mana Shields, Cone of Colds, Arcane Explosions... need the list go on? But trying to spread your goodies out between 3 Specs makes it rough on yourself.

I realize that you're probably right on that since trispecs usually aren't viable. But that's what I meant last post; it's a pet peeve of mine. I also have a druid with a feral/resto spec, purely because I want to see if I can get one spec that's good enough to both tank and heal a heroic (not at the same time though, I'm not thát crazy). If I eventually end up having to face the fact that it's not going to work (on either my druid or mage) then so be it, but until then I'm thoroughly enjoying myself with something original, new and refreshing.

So your Tank pulls a group of monsters! Great! Time to AoE... Do you want the Hit/Threat benefits of Arcane Explosion? Do you want to try to Shatter Crit with Blizzard? Go for that Flamestrike with the Ignite?

Actually, funnily enough, my AoE 'rotation' currently is Frost Nova followed by Flame Strike+Blast Wave. My entire spec is based around getting shatter crits on high damage fire spells. That does sound a bit silly when you think of it *grins*

To be fair though - as you said - if you can pull the DPS then you don't have to take crap from anyone!! So have at it, especially now when a good bit of skill will take you further than any gear ever could. Just realize that the argument "Speccing fully into 1 tree gives up _____ about another tree" is invalid. All trees have a form of survivability / damage / control... and all trees can be fun!

I do realize that, though I don't think anybody can deny that fire simply has less control than frost and frost's damage generally isn't as high as fire. I'm at 53 now and definitely still pulling the DPS; I'm ending up on top on every group I join in both DPS and damage done. While I realize I'm PUGging with low level people here, that's got to say *something*. My predictions are that I'll be able to keep up and compete this way until at least 70. At that point, I'll take another look at what happens.

Thanks for the feedback though, hope nobody feels offended; the reason I never bring these ideas up is because people tend to tell me my specs suck, I tell them to sod off and it gets an unhappy situation altogether anyway.
#13 Mar 11 2009 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
To be fair though - as you said - if you can pull the DPS then you don't have to take crap from anyone!! So have at it, especially now when a good bit of skill will take you further than any gear ever could. Just realize that the argument "Speccing fully into 1 tree gives up _____ about another tree" is invalid. All trees have a form of survivability / damage / control... and all trees can be fun!

I agree with all trees can be fun. I disagree with suvivablitity/damage/control statement because all trees are not equal example-fire has little suvivablitity, ok control & fire has best damage. frost has best survivablity out of the trees and good control & decent damage. Arcane has best control thanks to POM & AP on damand damage & Ok suvivablitiy.

I actual glad that WOW made all 3 trees fun to play. I remember when acane was not fun to play
#14 Mar 11 2009 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
darmaster wrote:
I agree with all trees can be fun. I disagree with suvivablitity/damage/control statement because all trees are not equal example-fire has little suvivablitity, ok control & fire has best damage. frost has best survivablity out of the trees and good control & decent damage. Arcane has best control thanks to POM & AP on damand damage & Ok suvivablitiy.

Frost's Main Control is Snare and Frost Nova. Both Talents can be used by all trees. Yes you can increase the snare amount and you can add extra Frost Novas with talents, but unless you're litterally needing Frost Novas every 2 seconds you can survive with only one FN. Ontop of this, Blazing Speed, Fiery Payback and Blastwave allow extra control for Fire. The ability to Slow as Arcane gives even more control than anything else for general grinding and PVP.

Fire's damage is hugely due to critical hits and their higher +damage% when crits do occur. A Huge portion of this damage, though, is dealt over time through Ignite. Without ignite Fire does no better DPS than any other spec. Ontop of this by dipping into Arcane for TTW and +damage effects or into frost for Icy Veins and hit% you can increase damage of fire even further. Beside this fact, Frost can consistantly outdps Fire on non-bosses until 80. Arcane can compete. Relying on Ignite is a bad idea unless you're talking about targets that last for more than a few minutes.

The fact that you leave Arcane out of the discussion in general brings even further question into the rationalization you use. The fact is, Arcane is only outperformed by Arcane+Fire by about a % of damage done even on boss fights with perfect gearsets. So the arguement that Fire is the end-all-be-all DPS spec is quite incorrect.
#15 Mar 11 2009 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
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tzsjynx wrote:
The fact that you leave Arcane out of the discussion in general brings even further question into the rationalization you use. The fact is, Arcane is only outperformed by Arcane+Fire by about a % of damage done even on boss fights with perfect gearsets. So the arguement that Fire is the end-all-be-all DPS spec is quite incorrect.

Arcane is a bit of a late bloomer. I wouldn't pick it up til 60, personally.
#16 Mar 11 2009 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
Try for fun Poldaran...

Get a Mage in the 30s Level Range. Without attention to DPS, track the rate of kills per hour and the exp per hour that goes with it up against its Frost and Fire counterparts. While significantly limited in most types of emergency situations, Arcane keeps up surprisingly well with its counterparts on straight grinding.

Arcane Missile spamming through hits and then using the time taken to Drink to also Eat back any lost HP resulted in "tanking" the the monsters you were engaging works surprisingly well up until the 60s. Surprise, surprise! At 60 the Slow and Arcane Barrage Abilities are readily available to bring on a whole new level of kiting into Arcane that wasn't even hinted at just 10 levels earlier.

This whole "arcane doesn't work for leveling" stigma has gone on for quite a while - all the time not being remotely true.

You may not like the boring play style, but it beats the hell out of wasting mana with frost kiting stuff around and the sporadic damage of fire... I know you'll knock me for it but I know right now you haven't tried it.

That point aside - I don't see why my post was down rated.

Arcane and Fire DO have control. Being able to move faster and being able to slow the monsters are essentially the same thing. Bring in Daze effects of Dragon's breath, the stuns from Impact, the throw from Blast Wave and the instant cast granted by Fiery Payback all, in my book, count as control. So you have to take a hit or at least be in melee range for these effects. Well guess what - burning soul does a nice job at allowing DPS through melee attacks. Arcane's ability to do *top* dps while under an *infinite* amount of melee swings brings its control to a playing field of any kiting Mage who is wasting mana trying to keep out of melee range. And when frost does get cornered they have no Cast-Through to speak of... so how is this one-option-down from the other 2 trees equate to control?

Frost has the ability to use Mana to guard HP. Arcane has the ability to trade either for either. Explain how this is not control.

If you are truly THAT set on never having your Health Pool touched, that's your purgative... its by NO means essential to the play style of the Mage class. You're giving Summon Food for a reason IMHO - I just use all the tools that are given to me.

Even now, at 80 doing dailies on level 78-80 monsters, I go through 20+ monsters at a time before needing a break. Believe me, my measly 15,000hp pool gets a workout - but I'm not even phased until I'm below 10%hp... and the only reason that is true is because I'm on a PVP server and I'm now free game for some wannabe gankmaster.
#17 Mar 11 2009 at 7:23 PM Rating: Good
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29,527 posts
tzsjynx wrote:

This whole "arcane doesn't work for leveling" stigma has gone on for quite a while - all the time not being remotely true.

You may not like the boring play style, but it beats the hell out of wasting mana with frost kiting stuff around and the sporadic damage of fire... I know you'll knock me for it but I know right now you haven't tried it.

I've done it before. It was true for me. Frost was much more effective. Granted, that was in TBC so it may no longer be true.

tzsjynx wrote:
That point aside - I don't see why my post was down rated.

Dunno why or who. That said, I rated down the post I'm quoting because the first rule of Karma is that we don't speak about Karma. More precisely, when you get rated down, someone thought you deserved it and complaining about it is a surefire way to get another.

tzsjynx wrote:
Arcane and Fire DO have control. Being able to move faster and being able to slow the monsters are essentially the same thing.

Being able to move faster on a proc that requires you to get hit is not at all the same thing as always slowing your enemy when attacking them. I don't buy that.

tzsjynx wrote:
Arcane's ability to do *top* dps while under an *infinite* amount of melee swings brings its control to a playing field of any kiting Mage who is wasting mana trying to keep out of melee range.

I don't know about you, but as a frost mage(I leveled from 1-60 as frost before all the good talents came in), I never had to do more than a frost nova and a couple steps back on regular mobs. Elites were a different matter, but I enjoyed kiting those.

#18 Mar 11 2009 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
1,945 posts
I don't know, I have never tried Arcane. I have often thought about it, but never any follow through. I tried frost in my 60's in Hellfire and I hated it. It was like I wasn't myself when I played it and it felt all wrong. I enjoy kiting as fire,but most of the time it's him or me so I go all out and ride a few CD's when they come up. I did the Demon Orb elite like that. During Northrend, I used to solo certain group quests, but later on I found that most of the smaller group quests could be solo'd by most classes.

For the record, I never rate anyone down unless they personally attack me.
#19 Mar 11 2009 at 10:21 PM Rating: Good
Its whatever I gave up on good Karma long ago =P

I been on Alla since early Everquest - any aspirations of garnering respect on the boards died long ago...

I've also been playing a Mage on and off since 2 months After WoW came out (ya I know someone can beat me.) I've leveled 3 up and all 3 times I've at least dipped into Arcane during leveling for 1 extended period of time.

If you don't like getting hit that's fine - I don't mind it. I didn't mind it on my Lock or Hunter either. HP is an easily renewed resource that can be replenished at the same time and rate as MP - in my world of maximizing my time I never even considering not getting hit a requirement nor wasting effort and mana on this goal an option.
#20 Mar 12 2009 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Dunno why or who. That said, I rated down the post I'm quoting because the first rule of Karma is that we don't speak about Karma. More precisely, when you get rated down, someone thought you deserved it and complaining about it is a surefire way to get another.

Not you too Poldy! =( He isn't 'complaining', he simply said he didn't see why he was rated down and that's a very fair point. If you downrate somebody without giving your reasons you're being a Richard anyway - it's the same as slapping somebody in the face and then running off. I loathe the karmaphobia on these boards. People need to learn that there's a difference between 'whining about' and trying to have a decent discussion. If somebody thinks I deserve being downrated and indeed plans on downrating me, let him come up to me first; I'd gladly rather discuss the matter at hand. Nine out of ten times they are assuming something about me or my post which can be easily countered anyway.

That said, let me flip back to the discussion at hand. I'm just curious if any of you has levelled as a mage since the damage buff patch, since I'm getting the feeling that (even though I'm the rookie here) I am the only one with that experience. I'm thinking it's quite similar to how priests currently work - whatever spec you go, your damage is so high you're 3 or 4 shotting mobs of your own level anyway. As it is right now, a Frost Nova followed by a Pyroblast and Fireblast is 90% of the time enough to take down any mob of equal level. I tend to fight mobs 2-3 levels above my own and they generally need ~5 casts to die. When I levelled my priests (~1 and ~4 years ago) I needed 5 casts to kil stuff my own level.

Also, I'm not sure what people mean when they say that "Ignite takes time to work"? The damage it deals is dealt over 4 seconds; to be honest, the duration is perfect for me while soloing. The debuff always ends before the mob dies (or the last tick kills it) and I rarely find myself overwriting Ignites with new crits. I do have to mention that when I'm not making Shatter combo's I'm on only about 9% fire crit and I don't have combustion - but still.
#21 Mar 12 2009 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
I have found my most favorite leveling build ever! 0/13/51 at level 73.

I open with frostbolts. Mobs become so slow with the double slow talents that even without a single special proc they are dead before they ever get near me. Now if fingers of frost procs, or a freeze or a brain freeze. Mobs die so fast and for so little mana it's like poetry.

And Brain freeze and fingers of frost proc tons. I even got a mod called Event Alert to let me know when my free fire balls are ready to roll. Not to mention Impact stuns which I never realized were not just on fire spells but proc all the time on my frostbolts as well.

Also you get ignite on the free fireballs. A very fast fireblast. High crit rates witht the molten armor glyph. And pretty good mana efficiency overall.

Going to sink remaining points till 80 into fire. After that I will have to do a raid spec but for leveling this spec is just sick. Total control tons of survivability. Ice Barrier and Frost nova are always ready. Love it like taffy.

Edited, Mar 12th 2009 10:48am by Shojindo
#22 Mar 12 2009 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
Mozared, let me clarify my stance on Ignite and fire for leveling. When you get a solid Fireball crit with a deep Fire build, you've essentially knocked a huge portion of their health out with 1 cast and the DoTs that follow.

The problem is that crits happen at different parts of the battle - a pretty obvious but notable fact about crits. When you're talking about killing monsters in 3-4 hits and your throwing random crits in there a large portion of that extra damage goes to waste. This is WHY Arcane IS viable, and why Frost's approach at more crits for lower numbers can be more useful than Fire's random big hits. These 2 trees have more wield over their damage, even at lower levels, in order to not waste damage and mana on overkills.

In a perfect World for Fire, you'd start every fight with your crit and finish it off with a low damage spell. This doesn't happen - it can't. How often do your crits land on monsters that only need a regular hit (or even less) to finish and you've literally just over damaged the monster by a huge %.

While this seems like a frivolous and almost unfair thing to pick apart about the Fire Tree - it really isn't a problem with the other 2. Frost takes an approach at critting for lower numbers, but much more frequently. This means when you overkill a monster the fact that you wasted a crit becomes much less of a hit on your grind. Arcane sits around 9% crit until you really start getting gear and almost forgoes the idea at all while leveling - aiming for pure controlled and predictable damage.

Fact is, all three work. My Vanilla Mage leveled from 20-something on to 60 Arcane, only respecing after hitting 60. My TBC Mage leveled Fire until Hellfire and switched to Arcane because of the resist issues - never looking back. My last Mage I leveled Fire until 35ish, then went to Arcane. Switched to Frost at 58 for Hellfire and then switched back to Arcane around 65 for the Barrage and Slow because 3.0 had come out. I changed to FFB for Wrath Raiding, but was delighted when Arcane was once again given a shot at PVE content.
#23 Mar 12 2009 at 1:57 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I still don't see how you work that one out though...

I open with a pyroblast, it crits. I take away ~50-60% of the mob's health. I throw a Fireball+Fireblast and kill it. Where's the overkill? I could understand the point of view if I kept using pyroblast on 10% hp mobs and had 50% crits.

On the other hand, perhaps it's worse if you're full fire; I do realize that right now I force my crits with Frost Nova and Shatter.
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