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An analysis of 3.1 TankingFollow

#1 Mar 04 2009 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
1,188 posts

Normally I dislike linking the Oboards, but I know many druid tanks are worried about the overhaul of our tanking powers come 3.1. I keep hearing people talk about how it's a massive nerf. I had little experience to go on, so had little idea what really all of it meant. The link is one guy's analysis of his own experience using the new system on the PTR (which currently the blues are saying it looks like it is near its final form, as far as the shield mechanic works anyway), including some basic mathematical analysis. Also, before criticizing his breakdown, I ask you read both pages of the thread as he does try to followup with more information as people ask for it. I hope this helps people understand the new system, and having read it things do sounds like they might be good....I hope...

Edited title since there seems to be some disagreement on the quality of the analysis...

Edited, Mar 4th 2009 3:03pm by CrimsonNeko
#2 Mar 04 2009 at 1:00 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I started reading the first post in the link.

That druid is stacking stam and wearing the polar set.... I laughed.

Going to finish reading it now.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#3 Mar 04 2009 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Plus expertise soft caps at 6.5% not 8%. Where the heck is he getting 8% expertise cap from?

I wouldn't pay much mind to his post at all or that thread in its current state.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#4 Mar 04 2009 at 1:30 PM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Where the heck is he getting 8% expertise cap from

Probably got confused with Hit. I actually noticed many people making the same mistake... :/

And yeah, about the changes, they don't seem that bad after all. The stam loss is unarguably a nerf, but we can still do very well, and SD isn't even implemented yet. The armor loss is more like a balance thing, since we would've ended up capped real soon, losing part of the benefit of upgrading gear in the long run. I'm not too worried anymore.
#5 Mar 04 2009 at 1:57 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Hell, last night I hit 72% reduction with the shammy armor buff. I'm not even BiS everywhere or even most places.

Armor cap is reachable now.

The health buff is QQ driven, I feel due to our ability to avoid all other stats and stack stam at the expensive of everything else. Like the OP in the O-boards thread. S+3D stam stacking has other classes with limited knowledge of the class mechanics paranoid.

The heart of druid issues lies in gear availability, Polar set is broken with stam gems, and scaling too good with to few stats; ie agi and stam.

None of that will gets fixed this expansion. Just temporary buffs and nerfs to keep us in the mix as far as tanking goes.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#6 Mar 04 2009 at 4:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,270 posts
Shifting Perspective's also has a great article on tanking. Shifting Perspectives: Tanks, "Wrath," and crushing blows and this is off the Oboards as well. Thorough Patchwerk DPS and Tank testing
#7 Mar 04 2009 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
Wow that was the best insider article I have ever read.
#8 Mar 05 2009 at 2:10 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Wow that was the best insider article I have ever read.

That isn't even questionable.

Here is another really good article that to some degree explains why druids have in the current iteration of the game have the health they do. More bear centric.

Honestly, on the whole DK class from much I have read and seen has had an overall negative impact on the game. It may be taboo to say that, especially here, but really I don't feel Blizz thought out the effect the class would have on encounter design and PvP. More importantly how the necessary changes would impact existing tanks.

I don't want it to happen but I can all ready see bears becoming the tank you bring when you only need an extra tank for a few fights and not ever the MT. Makes me sad as I was enjoying it greatly.

edit: fix a link

Edited, Mar 5th 2009 1:42pm by Horsemouth

Edited, Mar 5th 2009 1:42pm by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#9 Mar 05 2009 at 5:10 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Well I don't know about you guys, but in my guild* a druid, Feralune, and myself are the two highest geared and most experienced (IMO easily best :P) tanks in the guild. The two of us tank all progression runs for the guild and have been since BC. I don't plan on giving up my spot anytime soon. Our next two highest tanks are paladins, which is nice on gimmick fights, but even on fights with adds, Maul + Swipe spam ftw...

I think us druids will do what we've always done and perform above and beyond what we're meant to do. (Hence the constant nerf bat) No matter what, we always seem to find a way to heal better, tank better and still remain competitive in dps roles.

It'll take a little getting used to, but we'll get our gear sorted and be back where we need to be just like always. We'll find a way to make it work, even if Blizzard doesn't want us to :P

*(Cleared 10 man content except Maly(I wasn't there :P) >:(, Cleared Sarth 25, 12/15 Naxx 25(first time in was last weekend) and haven't tried Maly yet. Small guild, still building after my former guild split)

**(Holy parenthesis inside parenthesis!)
#10 Mar 05 2009 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
yeah i read that wowinsider post the other day and it's true. 25 maly i was takeing 20k spell damage about half him helth and hits hits was only doing 5kish. yet to try saph 3d at all but i think they plan on the dk doing that already. he stacks pure sta so aint too far behind me really.
#11 Mar 05 2009 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
There's a lot at play here and it's a shame that so many druids can't see beyond the final numbers on their paper doll pane.

Tanking survivability has never been measured in terms of actual's always measured in terms of effective health. Savage Defense presents a substantial boost to effective health for feral tanks who did more than simply stack stamina which brings ferals more in line with the itemization conundrums all other tanks face. In TBC and early WotLK heroics, I was looking at three numbers on my druid: actual health, armor, and dodge %. Pretty dull stuff.

Weak tanks (regardless of class) stack stamina. It doesn't matter what class they chose. Stacking stamina shows a limited understanding of game mechanics and shifts the responsibility for clever gearing to the healer who has to do that much more healing to keep the tank up. Throw in nerfs to mana regen for 3 out of the 4 healing classes/specs and stacking stamina becomes even less of a desirable option.

Fights like Malygos and Sarth + drakes get tanks critting their pants when they see the big one-shot damage from the breath attacks, but those breath attacks only account for a percentage of damage a tank will take. 25-man Malygos hits my paladin for 7k or so, and he hits me a lot more than 4 times between breaths. In terms of overall damage for the fight, avoiding or mitigating those attacks is what makes soaking the damage from an Arcane Breath less of a burden on the healers.

The strong point of feral tanks has always been their ability to soak an enormous amount of damage. In terms of physical damage, the bigger the hit the better bears scaled. In terms of magic damage, the high actual health is what kept druids viable in most cases. Those cases where bears were deemed not viable were due to their shortage (see also: lack) of ******* buttons.

Thought has to be given to where T8 itemization is going to put a given tank class. In the case of bears (were they to not be nerfed), it's going to push them to the armor cap, it's going to boost their dodge and tps a bit, and it's going to push their HP through the roof. If you think of the next full tier of raid gear as a 13% stat increase over the tier before it, where does that leave a BiS fully raid buffed bear for max HP? 50k? 55k? More? At what point does that health pool force a given encounter to be trivial for a feral tank because that same encounter has to be tuned for a tank with 3/5-3/4 that amount of HP?

Blizzard has to consider where T8 itemization will put a given tank class in terms of survivability (and thus, desirability) for a given raid encounter. It's too easy for tanks in general to stack stamina and think they're doing a good job of gearing their toon. I remember standing at the Azjol'Nerub summoning stone when I was leveling my pally and seeing an 80 orc warrior run by with 32k health unbuffed. I'd have hated to be his healer...

One of the biggest problems Blizzard has had with bear tanks is their potential to scale out of control. That's what happens when you take a leather wearing class and try to give them stat boosts that bring them in line with plate wearers for one tier of content and then watch as successive tiers of raid gear skyrocket their stats.

Bears should be used to this by now. A given tier of raid gear is designed to make a toon viable but in doing so, the way bears scale makes it so that the next tier of raid gear creates an OP class. We saw it in TBC, and the same thing is happening again in WotLK. If you look at the big picture, it's necessary.
#12 Mar 05 2009 at 10:40 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
I know that bears can scale in bizarre ways. Like dodge by the end of tBC that forced them to include Sunwell Radiance.

Also you are 100% correct that tanks that stack stam are bad tanks, or just starting to gear up. The idea behind SD I find to be exciting as everything but ArP becomes a mitigation/EH stat. More scalars will be great.

In terms of magic damage, the high actual health is what kept druids viable in most cases.

This is also very true. The nerf will hurt this but honestly when Uldar drops if a bear gets that gear or heck even the higher stam PvP gear and goes nuts with stam gems they will still have insane HP. All their other stats will be gimp but that HP total will be huge. The stam nerf will have a negligible impact on this; especially if Blizz adds new pieces with ability for us to warp them like the Polar set. That set is one of the worst thing ever to happen to bears ever.

Those cases where bears were deemed not viable were due to their shortage (see also: lack) of oh-sh*t buttons.

The SD change is not a buff or a nerf. It simply brings us back to where we were before the SotF nerf. It was needed. With my gear and a shammy armor buff I am at around 72% mitigation, this was in a 5 man heroic. That is crazy, bears with better gear must be capped or close. That buff while temporary can be proc'd often enough by enough classes to be baseline in a 25 man raid.

So the armor nerf again was needed. The health nerf is purely a nerf. We have the sh*ttiest cooldowns. We relied on it to be able to tank magical attacks. The direction Blizz seems to be going is large magical attacks. Low health equals dead bear. Especially, when we have rather weak cooldowns to deal with it in a reliable manner. This will lead to bears stacking stam.

But as I said earlier by skewing all your gear to stam we can have the health to deal with said attacks. But at the cost of any sembalance of dodge or threat and soon to be SD procs. When the next encounter happens where bears stack stam to deal with it as the threat needs are not high what will Blizz do then? Further health nerfs?

That will only make it so to even tank basic content bears have to stack stam to a larger degree. Which will result in;
I remember standing at the Azjol'Nerub summoning stone when I was leveling my pally and seeing an 80 orc warrior run by with 32k health unbuffed. I'd have hated to be his healer...

One of the biggest problems Blizzard has had with bear tanks is their potential to scale out of control.

The bear itemization ahs always been broken. What we are seeing now is the same thing that has always happened. Only in tBC we had to get x, y and z or we were gimp. Now we can get whatever and warp the gear with big stam gems and frighten other tanks with insane health pools for the hard encounters like S+3D.

With the DRs on agility and more specifically things that act on dodge coming into play now we can after a certain point we can either say f-it and continue to pile on Agi or stack stam. When SD comes we can go in that direction but then our DPS will start to get out of control very rapidly as well; unless DRs stop it but if that happens we can always go back to that dirty girl we dated when we were young, stamina.

In conclusion.

If you look at the big picture, Blizz has no idea WTF they are doing with bear tanks.

Fixed that for ya.

Nice posts so far on this topic. Keep it coming

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#13 Mar 05 2009 at 4:54 PM Rating: Excellent
4,512 posts
AureliusSir wrote:
One of the biggest problems Blizzard has had with bear tanks is their potential to scale out of control. That's what happens when you take a leather wearing class and try to give them stat boosts that bring them in line with plate wearers for one tier of content and then watch as successive tiers of raid gear skyrocket their stats.

I won't be surprised if we eventually see some kind of alteration to frost presence on DKs because of this. I'll come back to this.

Horsemouth wrote:

If you look at the big picture, Blizz has no idea WTF they are doing with bear tanks.

Fixed that for ya.

I actually have to disagree - I think Blizzard realizes that there's a serious scaling problem here and Savage Defense is their first go at fixing it. This isn't the typical scaling problem that classes complain of, where they don't improve comparative to other classes - feral druids, and I'd imagine DKs soon enough with what frost presence does to their armor, were going to be the class compared to.

Druids were already hitting or getting very close to the armor cap in the first tier of gear in LK. If it continued at this rate, itemization would start to become a huge issue. Where the other tanking classes have a variety of stats to improve in, we were too focused on stamina and armor. If we don't need any armor, where do the ilvl points start to go? Armor will be completely wasted, so bears will need more stamina - at some point this will also just spiral out of control given how HotW scales stamina. More and more points need to be allocated to other stats, and frankly the only other extremely important stat was agility. But we don't really get much off of that other than dodge - which also becomes less and less important after a certain point.

Savage Defense fixes a lot of this by opening up other stats as beneficial to our itemization, and also requiring an armor nerf so that we can stay in line with other tanks. In reality, SotF should really have never gained the bonus armor effect. This was just a lazy band-aid to Druids before they added Savage Defense, but it very quickly became something that we found far too important.

In all honesty, I don't think this skill is going to become the end-all be-all solution to our problems, and that at some point we're going to see any additional armor given by SotF taken away as well.

As a final note - not every boss from now on is going to have large magical burst damage. I can't find an exact quote of it now, but GC has pretty much continually said that it's unfortunate that two of the current endgame bosses do, because they won't always.

And, of course, at this stage of development, Death Knights are really just too good, and I think the developers are truly struggling to keep all three trees viable for any role, yet keep them in line with the other classes. Whenever I see someone complain about a buff or a nerf, it's usually because Death Knights can do better and they are the class being compared to. The dev's ability to learn from their past mistakes with other classes was honestly just too good when designing DKs, and this'll probably be a problem until at least the next content patch.
#14 Mar 06 2009 at 7:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
Armor will be completely wasted, so bears will need more stamina - at some point this will also just spiral out of control given how HotW scales stamina. More and more points need to be allocated to other stats, and frankly the only other extremely important stat was agility. But we don't really get much off of that other than dodge - which also becomes less and less important after a certain point.

You make it sound like Stam > Agi. O_o
#15 Mar 06 2009 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
He's speaking theoretically, and he's right; with Dodge on a DR, when you hit the armor cap the only way to improve your survivability in our current scenarios is to further increase your health pool.
#16 Mar 06 2009 at 10:05 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
With SD agility will be just as important as agility will still give armor and dodge, only now the crit it gives will also be important. Crit on gear is very expensive so the agility we stack will become more valuable.

Stam stacking will still be bad and only used for specific fights.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#17 Mar 06 2009 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
I'd have to agree with Horsemouth.

I think there should always be a better stat to stack than Stam once you have reached a reasonable amount of health, as Stam will never make the healers' job easier, except for easier spike management. But they'll just have to pump more healing into you. Even Expertise past the dodge cap, but before parry cap, would be better to stack for the additional reduced chance of parry-haste. However minimal it would be, it would improve your mitigation better than more stamina.
#18 Mar 06 2009 at 11:14 AM Rating: Excellent
I agree, but I understood the post you initially objected to as working in a world without Savage Defense. In such a world Agility has a feasible limit, Stamina does not. With Savage Defense, our stats begin to take a more balanced determination in weights and will prevent a runaway health bar.

As a sidenote, I disagree with the notion that large health bars cause undue stress on healers in terms of keeping you alive; until we see a boss that deals damage in percentages of health instead of static damage values for his attacks, you are in no more danger of dying with 60k health than you are with 30k, so long as your healers' hps is sufficient to keep your health > 0 through the course.

I do agree that it causes stress in terms of your healers not being able to utilize your health bar as an accurate visual aid to determine how much damage you're taking and how to apply heals. Heck, I had this problem moving from BC to LK, since I was used to a particular 'chunk' of the health bar being restored with particular heals, and seeing it go up in much smaller increments (while still going down almost as fast as before!) was alarming. I got used to it and learned to be more aggressive.

I'm not saying full stamina builds should be advocated; far from it, as a lack of avoidance clearly does have an impact on healers' mana availability. Just an anecdote on perspective, really.

Edited, Mar 6th 2009 2:15pm by Norellicus
#19 Mar 06 2009 at 11:30 AM Rating: Excellent
The difficulty I see with trying to compare one tank class to another is that typically, all of the comparisons are based around the example of a hard hitting raid boss. That explains the predilection of novice tanks to stack stamina. No thought is given to bottom-end damage because what's 2k health/hit when you've got 40k HP? Not much *cough* healer mana *cough*.

Savage Defense won't have the utility of a shield, but it's a start and if Blizzard decides it's not mitigating enough it's a simple matter of letting it stack charges (with a limit and a short duration) so that 4 crits from a Swipe on a cluster of baby spiders in Naxx (for example) will allow Savage Defense to proc on the next 4 hits the druid takes. As the numbers are shaping up now, however, something like that would make druids OP relative to current shield tanks.

That addresses the "armor" nerfs, and for right now the stamina nerfs are pretty much moot. There isn't a single encounter I've come across so far where nerfing a bear's actual health will make them not viable for content they're currently doing well in. That's not to say a stamina nerf won't be noticed, but it's not like guilds are suddenly going to start having their bears go cat in favor of a warrior Sarth tank because suddenly druids can't cut it. I guess it depends on how you look at the definition of a nerf. If you look at it as simply the reduction of a beneficial stat, then ya...the stamina changes are a nerf. If you look at a nerf as something that reduces performance, then no...the stamina changes are not a nerf simply because bears are sporting more health than is actually needed in any current encounter. (Note that I'm not saying they're sporting more health than is needed simply because other equally geared tank classes have less, but because the content that currently represents a near one-shot pally/warrior tank (Sarth 3D) still leaves bears with a good chunk of health left over).
#20 Mar 06 2009 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
our stats begin to take a more balanced determination in weights and will prevent a runaway health bar.

The bolded part is key and summarizes why druid tanking design by Blizz is weird.

They have done nothing to prevent a runaway health bar. If I want I can still throw on the Polar set and slap in the highest stam gems I can find. Do the same for every other piece of gear and have a huge health lead over every other tank.

It is a combination of design and itemization. Also we don't need items to tank. I can wear SP gear at an appropriate iLevel and if the gear has stam and gems slots how is it any different than melee leather? Ya less other stats but I can gem/enchant those on. The stam and armor are there.

Was the same issue in tBC to a large degree. We had items designed for us but they were all hard to find, acquire or random drops. Without them we were rather underpowered. With them we scaled to well.

Now we have a plethora of items. At the same time none of them are properly itemized for tanking. SD will help the problem by further discouraging stam stacking but the core issue is there.

We still don't need anything beyond gear of an appropriate iLevel for armor. Stam can be stacked and comes on just about every piece of gear. Agility can be gemmed or enchanted same with AP for making shields stronger. Talents make us uncrittable and add a good deal of dodge and mitigation. We are not at all gear dependent to tank. It cause all scaling to be weird. As we aren't forced to gear for defense minimums first like all the other tanks.

We will get some breathing room with SD. But as the gear gets better we will be stacking agility and stats to boost SD. The stam monster will still be there lurking but now do to SD we will start seeing bears with DPS that starts to get ridiculous as well. Our DPS will start to raise faster than other tanks as we will be stacking or at least focusing more on DPS stast. This will create an new imbalance. As on DPS race fights why wouldn't you take a bear over the other tanks.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#21 Mar 06 2009 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
As a sidenote, I disagree with the notion that large health bars cause undue stress on healers in terms of keeping you alive

Perhaps a poor wording of mine, I didn't mean to say that.

It's just that it might lull the healers into a false sense of "Oh, the boss doesn't seem to hit our tank that hard, I can slack on the healing." (since they'd see how little of the tank's health goes away per boss hit). And once the tank's health gets low, healers will go "Wtf why won't it go back up!?" as they chain cast their heals like mad.

That being said, I haven't played healer in WotLK, so maybe your heals are strong enough to bring a tank back up to full in no time. My example might be just a caricature, really. I can imagine it being a non-issue, but mostly I can't imagine how having tons of health would help healers.

That's why, in my opinion, almost any stat would be superior to Stamina (beyond a certain health level).

Anyway, I'm rambling, probably don't make so much sense. Not really trying to convince anyone here, it's just my point of view. So long as a tank doesn't go balls out on Stam, it's up to him to find the right balance.
#22 Mar 06 2009 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
Looks like someone posted that WoWInsider's article on the Oboards and Ghostcrawler responded.

Ghostcrawler wrote:
That is a pretty good article. Yes, we do read WoW Insider (as well as similar sites).

While crushing blows did help provide tanking niches, we just think they were too random. Particularly on challenging content, whether the tank lived or died had an awful lot to do with the frequency or timing of crushing blows. The mechanic also tended to over-reward avoidance in order to "push them off the table."

The "new crushing blows" are less random. We can make sure they don't happen in chains and we can choose to broadcast warnings to the raid when warranted so that players can choose to blow their cooldowns.

The problems we have are that some classes have better cooldowns than others, which are exacerbated by having very high avoidance numbers even in the first tier of content. Avoidance just puts back in some of the random element we were trying to minimize by pulling crushing blows.

It's fine if DKs have higher avoidance and better cooldowns. It's fine if druids have larger heatlh pools. We just need to make sure those mechanics don't give them an overwhelming advantage on some content, particularly the most important content (which is generally the fights that provide the best rewards).

We understand every tank is worried about being marginalized or even replaced. It's a tall order to keep the tanking mechanics different but within some level of partiy, but that is also to some extent what designing this game is all about.

Also for those curious, looks like we have an reason why Savage Defense hasn't made it to the the PTR yet.

Ghostcrawler wrote:
Sorry that it hasn't been available for testing yet. We haven't changed the design. In fact, all of the recent discussions on who can tank what boss have reinforced our belief that the change is a good idea.

We had a couple of dumb bugs with getting the ability on the trainer. Hopefully next patch build or so. We realize it is prohibiting your ability to provide feedback.

Edited, Mar 6th 2009 5:04pm by GryphonStalker
#23 Mar 06 2009 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
I have my own thoughts and opinions on stacking stam vs stacking agility vs stacking crit vs stacking your mom.... wait.... Ok on a real note. I think it's hard to say just yet what we're all going to look like after this next content patch. As Horse mentioned, we do have real concerns when it comes to the fact that the only truly singular stat that we have that is not effected by DR is Stamina. His examples on gear expressed that.

Me personally, having read as much as I can find on the changes to our furry ****** I see the changes in a positive light because to me, at least it shows me that Blizzard is putting in some effort to change something that is obviously going to be a problem as content comes out. I mean, if we're hitting 35-40k self buffed in balanced gear right now, where do we go from there? I mean we were at 15-16k in BC. That's 20-25k more in 10 levels on the first tier of raid content. I meant at what point do you step back and say. Wow, this druid in T9 can solo heroics damn near because he has 90k hp and does 3.5k dps. I mean, imo, that's an honest fear and I think that not just druids are going to be at that level.

It's at the point where so many people have gotten so truly GOOD at this game, that they have to make things so much bigger and shinier and crazier just to keep everyone happy. The hardest thing to see is that it might end up being the killer of the game.

Anyways, off that bad tone and onto something different.

Here's a link to the PTR Patch Build 9658. New PTR Patch Build Notes

Crabz-a-lot talks about the Patchwerk testing, tanks as a whole and a bunch of other stuff as well.

#24 Mar 06 2009 at 4:28 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
* Enchant Weapon - Blade Ward *New Enchant* - Permanently enchants a weapon to sometimes grant Blade Warding when striking an enemy. Blade Warding increases your parry rating by 200 and inflicts 600 to 800 damage on your next parry. Effect can stack up to 5 times and lasts 10 sec. This enchantment requires the wielder is at least level 75.

The new tanking enchant is annoying. Parry does me no good. Mongoose for life... Plus if the proc rate is high enough the uptime will be constant at 5 stacks which seems OP. Maybe Blizz is furthering the overall avoidance lead other tanks have as a nerf to bears. Either way I doubt that chant makes it live in its current state.


* Glyph of Starfall -- Reduces the cooldown of Starfall by 30 sec. (Down from 90 Sec.)
* Starfall cooldown has been lowered from 3 min to 1.5 min.
* Eclipse now gives you a 33% chance of increasing damage done by Wrath by 30% (up from 20%) when you critically hit with Starfire.
* Owlkin Frenzy now affects all attacks. (Old - Physical melee and ranged attacks only)
* Celestial Focus now reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Starfire, Hibernate and Cyclone by 23/46/70% and increases your total spell haste by 1/2/3%.
* Nature's Grace now increasing your spell casting speed by 20% for 3 sec. (Old - Reduced the casting time of your next spell by 0.5 sec.)

* Faerie Fire and Faerie Fire (Feral) now reduces the armor of the target for 5 min. (Up from 40 sec)

* Tree of Life mana cost has been changed from 28% of base mana to 13% of base mana.

I like the FFF changes. Other changes should help boost laserchicken DPS.

The tree mana cost is rather meh. Trees can DPS more mana efficiently now I guess.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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