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Need tips - healing LoathebFollow

#1 Mar 03 2009 at 3:15 PM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
I've only run Loatheb as dps before and next week I'm healing on my holy pally - Alguin. Judging from the sign-up, our other healers for the run will be another healadin and an under-geared druid, so I'm having nightmares already. Any tips would be most welcome.

From what I've seen, there's a 3 second healing window every 20 seconds. If you time it right, that's enough for 2 holy lights, normally. When everything is on cooldown, you've got a holy light, divine favor + holy shock and another holy light. This doesn't strike me as being enough to keep the tank up, let alone give the dps a fighting chance as well.

What am I missing? What can you suggest that might help me?
#2 Mar 03 2009 at 4:08 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Just a thought -- how much would Sacred Shield help to reduce the incoming damage to the raid during the 17 second debuff?
#3 Mar 03 2009 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Also, don't worry too much about the tank. When I first read about this encounter I was wondering about that too, but as one could expect Loatheb deals exceedingly low damage on the tank. It's not like he's going to get 3-shot while you are unable to heal him.

I guess this fight is hell for paladins (I play a priest), but you will be alright. Just beacon up and throw in as many heals in that interval as you can.
#4 Mar 03 2009 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
Try to start casting before the 3 sec window (like 1 sec before the window)show up, so you may have more heals done. Same with hots. you can use them out of the 3 sec window, they will heal for 0 until the window is up.
#5 Mar 03 2009 at 4:26 PM Rating: Excellent
I put beacon of light on myself. That way I dont have to worry about staying alive. You should have a priority for who you heal Tank and yourself then your best DPS in order of how much DPS they put out. Also make healing assignments. That way you dont waste your short window on healing the same target. Preloading a Holy Light to go off right before the aura fades is also a good idea. Make liberal use of Holy Sock for its insta cast goodness. If you are getting behind on yourself you can bubble to reduce periodic damage for a bit but with beacon on it should not be a problem.

Good Luck!
#6 Mar 03 2009 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Watch the timer.

Make use of Beacon, since its not a mana intensive fight and you can melee to full mana with Seal of Wisdom up while necrotic aura is up. 2-3 seconds before aura comes down I just spam heals, once that heal goes off I have a Holy shock ready for someone else. So I can hit 3-4 people before it is back up, the other pally should do the same. You also have a druid who can spam heals. Its not a mana intensive fight so gear shouldn't matter should just be how fast you can mash a button across a ui.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#7 Mar 03 2009 at 4:54 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
The thing that's helped me the most is not trying to cut the window too fine, what with varying haste (infusion, light's grace, judgements of the pure) and latency - while going too far into the window cuts down what you can get done, a heal (in particular HL due to the cast time) that lands even a millisecond outside the window /doesn't happen/. Quartz has been a big help for me here, as it shows both my current cast time and estimated latency on my cast bar itself.

My plan after tonight's reset is a HL straddling the beginning of the window, a HL with LG entirely within the window, then a HS, and ride the GCD into the next Necrotic Aura*. Remember, HL with the glyph should help the raid healer top off the melee...

Outside the window, refresh Beacon and Judgement - that should leave enough GCD for each of two pallies to SS everyone in their group. As Bode mentioned, mana should not be a problem since the DPS are the only ones who need to worry about choreography, and the healers can whale on him without worry.

* Note that if there had been enough haste on Kara/T4 gear, this would have been a very nice rotation for healing the mage tank on HKM in Gruul's Lair - there was (potentially) a three second gap between fireballs...
#8 Mar 03 2009 at 5:00 PM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
Seal of Wisdom makes a lot of sense. I normally have Seal of Light up to add the extra 5% (Glyph of Seal of Light) to my healing but you're also right that I should be adding my (miniscule) dps through melee.

My current glyphs are Divinity, FoL and Seal of Light. Do you think it'd be worth dropping FoL to get Holy Light for this fight specifically or even just generally?

Beacon of myself also sounds like a good idea. Thanks for that!
#9 Mar 03 2009 at 8:40 PM Rating: Good
1,419 posts
Just make sure you guys aren't all healing the same person, as time is precious. Between healing times, each healer can call out who is going to be healing who.

He's pretty easy to get down, and Glyph of HL is very nice to have, for all encounters.
#10 Mar 03 2009 at 9:57 PM Rating: Excellent
1,594 posts
Throw Sacred Shield at people getting low. Use Loatheb as a Holy Shock target to get Infusion of Light up before the healing window opens. Put beacon on someone that's low, Holy Light + Holy Shock someone else.

The rest of the time I suggest actually DPSing Loatheb with Seal of Wisdom up. And try to get a Spore debuff for the crit.
#11 Mar 04 2009 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
2,188 posts
Well, you have very good advice so far. But what the hell, I'll be repetitive.

Mana is not a problem, one of you judge wisdom and the other light. You really want the haste from judging.

I keep holy shield up during Necrosis Aura and when the timer is down to two seconds I cast a Holy Light, then a Holy Shock, then spam Flash of Light (the first of which often is instant) and thanks to Holy Shield the FoL usually crits.

I usually beacon the tank and focus on whoever is lowest in health unless there is no one low enough to reflect the tank back to full - then you have to heal the tank directly. Coordinate with the other pally, even if it's on the fly. Remember Lay on Hands but try to save it for the end of the fight as damage comes in heavier as the fight progresses.

Definitely get the Holy Light glyph. You need to squeeze every drop of healing you can into that 3 second window. It's a very fun fight.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#12 Mar 04 2009 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Lose Seal of Light Glyph, pick up Seal of Wisdom. Unless your focus is pvp.

I could explain it, but trust me I am right.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#13 Mar 05 2009 at 4:52 AM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
I have seal of light glyph because right now I'm only doing heroics and mana longevity isn't a problem. Raids will certainly have longer fights so that makes more sense. I'll definitely pick it up.

I've dropped Flash of Light glyph in favour of Holy Light and I've kept Divinity. I just need a few enchants - back, chest, gloves and boots - then I'll be good to go.

Thanks to everyone for the help :)
#14 Mar 05 2009 at 11:17 AM Rating: Excellent
2,188 posts
Leodis wrote:
I just need a few enchants - back, chest, gloves and boots

Consider forgoing Icewalker on your boots in favor of a speed enchant. EDIT: Please ignore that worthless suggestion, you have PoJ.

Edited, Mar 6th 2009 2:22pm by cynyck
"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#15 Mar 05 2009 at 1:23 PM Rating: Good
1,419 posts
I've dropped Flash of Light glyph in favour of Holy Light and I've kept Divinity. I just need a few enchants - back, chest, gloves and boots - then I'll be good to go.

Personally, I go for the FoL glyph. 5% crit helps to give you back the mana you need to keep casting, not to mention the extra healing X two targets if you've got bacon on someone.

Divinity should never really be needed for anything IMO. With divine plea + wisdom glyph + emblem libram + divine illumination, you should be fine in terms of mana. If you're unsure, bring a few pots with you for that "just in case" moment.

I may be totally wrong, but I don't think I've ever been in a situation where Divinity would have saved anything I didn't otherwise have options for.
#16 Mar 06 2009 at 8:43 AM Rating: Excellent
1,594 posts
cynyck wrote:
Leodis wrote:
I just need a few enchants - back, chest, gloves and boots

Consider forgoing Icewalker on your boots in favor of a speed enchant.

Why? Holy Pallies have little to no problem picking up Pursuit of Justice, which doesn't stack with speed enchants.

Edit: More importantly, he HAS Pursuit of Justice.

Edited, Mar 6th 2009 11:43am by Ehcks
#17 Mar 06 2009 at 11:20 AM Rating: Excellent
2,188 posts
Ehcks wrote:
cynyck wrote:
Leodis wrote:
I just need a few enchants - back, chest, gloves and boots

Consider forgoing Icewalker on your boots in favor of a speed enchant.

Why? Holy Pallies have little to no problem picking up Pursuit of Justice, which doesn't stack with speed enchants.

Edit: More importantly, he HAS Pursuit of Justice.

Edited, Mar 6th 2009 11:43am by Ehcks

Because I didn't recheck his build before posting that, and because I don't take PoJ. So, I made two assumptions, which is beyond stupid and indefensible. I have considered replacing Icewalker with a speed enchant so I thought to suggest he consider it. I readily concede, with him having PoJ, the suggestion to consider it is dopey.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#18 Mar 06 2009 at 4:37 PM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
cynyck wrote:
I have considered replacing Icewalker with a speed enchant so I thought to suggest he consider it.

I have considered it myself but then I wondered what else I might put those 2 points towards. Improved Concentration Aura for the reduction in silence/interrupts sounds interesting but I do like the extra speed for when I have to move.
#19 Mar 06 2009 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
2,188 posts
Leodis wrote:
cynyck wrote:
I have considered replacing Icewalker with a speed enchant so I thought to suggest he consider it.

I have considered it myself but then I wondered what else I might put those 2 points towards. Improved Concentration Aura for the reduction in silence/interrupts sounds interesting but I do like the extra speed for when I have to move.

Well, see, that's the thing and why I have only been "considering" it. I always wind up telling myself "ahh, forget it, not worth it" but always come back to wanting to consider it.

You could throw one more point into improved LoH, but then that one remaining orphan point isn't going to do much anywhere. Also, you would have to then consider what you gain by not having to use two points for the speed boost versus what you lose from using your boot chant for the speed boost. And the only EJ PvE build that forgoes PoJ is their kings build; meanwhile the only EJ build that takes Imp Conc is the PvP build, so that gives you an idea of EJ's feelings on this. Even now, as I write this, you can see I'm really arguing against it. I'm just a conflicted Pally I guess.

"the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, April 1946.
#20 Mar 07 2009 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
well generally i do this:
keep judgement of light up at all times(it will be of use for 3 sec but it's still a nice raid healing) using beacon of light on myself, start casting holy light on tank when there is 1 sec left to the window (HL lands right at the moment the 3 sec window starts casting another holy light to the man that has lowest HP at this moment and finish with a holy shock on some1 if needed and now the math :)

Holy light on tank around 15 000 - 19000 healing (glyph of holy light) 5ppl x 1500-1900) another HL 15000-19000 (glyph again 5x1500-1900) and a holy shock around 7-8k and ofc don't forget light judgement that gets every dps another 1000-2000 healing in those 3 seconds and the grand total is around 60 000 healing done for 3 sec :) not bad i think :) (oh forgot beacon) :)
#21 Mar 15 2009 at 3:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
Okay, I'd like to thank everyone for their help here. My guild made it to Loatheb tonight and we downed him with no deaths. I healed group 2 while the other paladin and the shaman took group 1, which included the tank. The main points I took from here and used in the run tonight were:

* Assign who heals whom before the encounter. Duplicating heals here is very wasteful
* Set up Beacon and refresh it between every 2nd necrotic aura
* Start casting Holy Light early so it lands just after necrotic aura drops
* Cast another Holy Light and then Flash of Light in the healing window.

The holy light glpyh helps immensely here - any extra healing to other people is a massive bonus on this fight.
#22 Mar 15 2009 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
Grats Leo! Glad it went smooth for you. :D
#23 Mar 15 2009 at 11:07 PM Rating: Decent
Pretty much everything has been covered, but one additional thing I would suggest is to get a good boss mod. I use Deadly Boss Mod, and it tells me exactly how long I have before the aura fades. At about 2 seconds before, I can wind up my big heal. With beacon on someone else, I heal them too - then holy shock a third person, usually I crit (because of the spore buff!), so I can also squeak in an instant flash of light on someone else. That's quite a bit of healing in 3 seconds.

edit: grats on the kill ;)

Edited, Mar 16th 2009 1:08am by rorkin
#24 Mar 16 2009 at 4:21 AM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
rorkin wrote:
Pretty much everything has been covered, but one additional thing I would suggest is to get a good boss mod. I use Deadly Boss Mod..

I think having DBM or BigWigs is pretty much taken for granted. In my guild, if you have neither then you don't have a place in the raid.
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