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#1 Mar 02 2009 at 2:02 AM Rating: Good
3,229 posts
I'm currently not achieving anymore DPS. My DPS has pretty much been static since I came here asking for advice on how to improve it. Since then I've been using tools like Rawl and but I cannot seem to get it to go any higher. I currently average around 2-2.5k, I have had several kit improvements but not seen any rise in my DPS score. Here is my kit on the armoury:

My spell rotation is Judgement - Crusader Strike - Divine Storm - Consecration (depending on threat)

I keep Blessing of Might, Seal of the Martyr and Retribution Aura up. In fact if I'm not being on the ball with my spells I've seen it drop to 1.9k.

I am concerned about this as I've seen people state DPS requirements for Malygos and Naxx 25 around 3k. Is there anything I'm missing?
#2 Mar 02 2009 at 4:26 AM Rating: Excellent
1,225 posts
From what I've read on the rogue forums, the Anvil and the Mirror of Truth don't work well together - their chance on melee hit/crit don't stack. I'd replace the Anvil with something like the Sphere of Red Dragon's Blood, if you've got that.

You've also got a PVP ring that I don't think I've seen on other retri-palas. I'm not retri myself but it looks odd to me.

You've not mentioned consumables. Do you take a flask and food in with you? Also, what glyphs are you using?

EDIT: corrected the Sphere's name

Edited, Mar 2nd 2009 7:29am by Leodis
#3 Mar 02 2009 at 4:56 AM Rating: Good
3,229 posts
Yeah the PvP ring came with a need to spend honour points. I didn't need to, but it was an improvement on the previous ring I had. I only need 1 more Emblem of Valor for the Ring of Invincibility so that may be a purchase option.

Cheers for the advice on the trinkets, I wasn't sure, but you've reminded me of a thread I once read about them not stacking. I must have forgotten the warning. I shall try and grind the Sphere of Red Dragon's Blood. The ironic thing is, I passed on that once Smiley: rolleyes.

I wondered about potions and food. The problem I have with that is the Flask of Endless Rage and Dragonfin Filet sell for 74g and 55g respectively. It's quite expensive to spend 129g per instance. Appreciate if I got my cooking up I could grind the filet! I have a 72 DK that has herbalism and alchemy so it may be time to spend a weekend grinding that up some levels so she can supply my main.

Cheers for the advice.

#4 Mar 02 2009 at 6:06 AM Rating: Good
3,229 posts
Just checking Rawr and the Anvil of the Titans comes in at 73.75 DPS, yet the Sphere of Red Dragon's Blood comes in at 55.07, although I appreciate if it is not stacking with the Mirror of Truth then it is worth zip.

Time to start saving for the Darkmoon Card Greatness I fear.
#5 Mar 02 2009 at 7:12 AM Rating: Good
713 posts

I believe those two trinkets share the same internal cooldown on their chance on hit proc. Pretty much means the pvp one is giving you bugger all so even a green trinket would be an upgrade at this point for you.

Check the Ret guide for a couple of other posible choices as far as trinkets go.
#6 Mar 02 2009 at 7:43 AM Rating: Good
3,229 posts
If that's the case then there is a DPS hole right there, I'll try and PuG the sphere tonight. I'm only 1 emblem away from Hammerhead Sharkskin Cloak, a VoA 25 should sort that out.

Cheers for your help.

Edited for spelling

Edited, Mar 2nd 2009 10:43am by Goggy
#7 Mar 02 2009 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good

I can't see why you can't have more dps. when i was using dps spec with gear in blue and few epics, i was marking 2600 dps. I think you have to check what you doing (since your gear is 100 times better that what i had)

Few advice that may help you:

- get the dragon blood trinket or some other with an dps abilty.
- Always use trinket every fight, same with AW. After first pull use trinket, next pull AW, next pull trinket and so on. the idea is to have a boost on every fight. Dont be shy to use the cooldown.. just USE THEM ALWAYS.
- keep Cons up the whole time on mobs, even if it is only one mob.
- If you are runing low on mana (even when using DP each time is up) then you are doing good. If you see you have to drink a few each battle, you doing good.

hope it help some.
#8 Mar 02 2009 at 9:32 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
your gear is fine. your spec is optimal. we need more info

-you listed a 'spell rotation'. this is fine for the first 10 secs, but what is your priority afterwards?

-what are you gauging yourself on? heroics, 10man, target dummy?

-what glyphs do you use? why are you capped? misses, dodges? mana? placement?
#9 Mar 02 2009 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
The anvil is basically like not wearing a trinket at all. A green with 10 attack power will be better. The weapon is weak, but probably the best a ret can hope for pre-naxx.

Gem-wise you're doing OK except that +6 stats gem, it should be swapped for 16 strength gems. You want the bare minimum to meet the meta requirement, then just gem strength across the board ignoring almost every socket bonus (unless it's an incredible socket bonus like +8 strength for a blue/red double socket piece).

Now you say 2-2.5k DPS, but you didn't say where. If that's in a heroic, theres still room to improve, but it's not nearly as bad as a 25 man patchwerk with flasks, food buffs and every raid buff in the game. If you're doing that on training dummys your DPS will obviously jump in a fully raid buffed environment.
#10 Mar 03 2009 at 1:47 AM Rating: Good
3,229 posts
Ok, sorry if the info is light. I pugged OS10 last night, without being too harsh I though the party was a bit 'green' to say the least (we had some DPS'ers pushing out 1.1k) so I'm not too sure of the make up but my health was up to 22k from 17.8k.

On average I was hitting 2.2k, although I had to hold off a number of times as the de-curses weren't coming and a few times the aggro was getting out of hand. I specifically went out and bought a flask of endless rage and some dragonfin fillet, yet my DPS never really got anywhere near the 3k mark, at one point when the tanks were holding the aggro nicely I was hitting 2.4k.

My spell rotation is judge (JoW) - CS - Cons - DS - Exo - HW

Obviously Exo is no good on most of these mobs so I tended to jump straight to holy wrath. After the first rotation the spells are cast as they come off CD.

mikelol wrote:
Gem-wise you're doing OK except that +6 stats gem, it should be swapped for 16 strength gems. You want the bare minimum to meet the meta requirement, then just gem strength across the board ignoring almost every socket bonus (unless it's an incredible socket bonus like +8 strength for a blue/red double socket piece).

The stats gem came straight from EJ, who suggested to have one of these in a slot. Everything else I have following the primary stength rule.

As you guys have said, barring some 25 HC raid drops my kit is not bad, I'm gemmed and enchanted, I just cannot see where I can squeeze more DPS from. I couldn't get into HC Nexus last night but I will try and secure the sphere of dragons blood.
#11 Mar 03 2009 at 6:15 AM Rating: Decent
In OS Holy Wrath isn't gonna do you any good either, no undead in that entire place. Rotation needs to be adjusted slightly. Switch divine storm and consecrate. Rotation should be Judge, CS, DS, then Cons to start, after is FCFS imo. Glyph for Cons, Judge, CS and then rest is personal preference. In Naxx i try to stay away from Exo and only use it as a filler in between cooldowns. Doesn't get procs off of the seal.
#12 Mar 03 2009 at 6:34 AM Rating: Good
3,229 posts
You know it's funny, I thought the exo and HW changes were in place, but I've just been reading the 3.1 patch notes and it is an upcoming change! Waste of a button press, but I do not think it made much difference to the rotation, which is taken directly from EJ by the way.
#13 Mar 03 2009 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
Are you using your wings? I know I forget to sometimes and as soon as I remember to start using them every cooldown my deeps goes way up. Please use responsibly.
#14 Mar 03 2009 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Use WoW Web Stats, get on a good fight (like Patchwerk) and upload it after, then post here. It will tell us almost exactly what the issues are.
#15 Mar 03 2009 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
1,503 posts
i can tell you almost for certain, you would squeeze about 2-300 more dps by prioritizing your spell selection better.

the basics should be all set: buffs and seals up, stand behind the target(usually), try not to heal yourself.

with that said, different fights call for different tactics. if you take OS10 as a reference, with your gear you will do near 3k dps for the full run. one of the reasons for this is the amount of mobs around you. this is prime time for your aoe. thus it should be prioritized as such.

for the 4-mob trash, you should open Judge-Conc-DS-CS. AW+trink here since you should be fully buffed/debuffed by now and have free time. forgo CS for either of the other spells until you have a free rotation spot(the GCD will interfere with your other spells), priority goes to the Conc+DS combo but Judge should be able to sneak in before those w/o messing CDs. HoW should take full priority when it becomes avail.

by the time you make it to the 2 giant trash, AW will still be on CD. this is fine since you will save it for the 2nd of these kills.

these guys will take a slightly different priority. more focus will be on single target spells, but not forgetting to keep Conc up. for this fight i would recommend running in with the tank and laying Conc off the bat, then start your Judge-DS-CS rotation. this will allow immediate dmg dealing and time for threat. also, Conc will be off CD right before you begin another attack rotation. again, priority goes to HoW. AW should be ready when half way through the 2nd giant(perfect). if it is not, do not waste it on the last 10%. also note: dont stop hitting! let the decursers do their job, you do yours.

normal single target priority. if you go in for eggs, time Conc+DS for inside the portal. if you stay out, prioritize for the aoe. AW ~30%, depending on raid dps. HoW takes priority.

for portal drakes, single target priority. lay a Conc before a portal opens. note the timing of the portals and play AW accordingly.

use AW+trink from start. single target priority. when a wave comes, Conc either Sarth before you run away or the adds when you get to your spot(depending on timing of course). DS the adds while waiting to move back. time your last AW for under 20% and wave timing, try not to waste it prematurely.

this is just an example of how to squeeze everything out of your abilities and modify them accordingly. this is what separates a 3.5k dps H CoS drake run with 5mins to spare from a failed drake run.

also note, Ret pally dps is skewed from caster dps in dmg meters. WWS seems to be the only accurate measure for comparative dps. although, Damage Done doesn't lie. enjoy.
#16 Mar 04 2009 at 1:17 AM Rating: Good
3,229 posts
Thanks for the advice, I'll get myself some post-it's on my monitor as reminders. I ran Nexus HC last night but the sphere did not drop Smiley: frown off again tonight. During that run my DPS was hovering around 2.2-2.4k so I think adjusting my spell rotation slightly has helped.

On an up note I got enough emblems for the Ring of Invincibility, so I swapped the PvP ring out for that one.
#17 Mar 06 2009 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
One thing as well to think about nothing helps your DPS like running with other strong DPS players.

If you really have people running with you at 1100 in a ten man your total damage percent will climb but your dps will continue to slide to your theoretical minimum as you are Dpsing more time without your cooldowns. If you run with stronger DPS the periods of time that occur with no cooldown usage is less.

Plus you gain a lot of synergy if there are other classes in the raid that favor you. If you are running with a fury warrior, and a dk or shaman you gain more useful buffs than if you don't have these classes in your group.

I am sure you know this, but the ability to hook your use trinkets like the sphere with avenging wrath and other beneficial cooldowns coming your way like bloodlust will help your numbers as well.
#18 Mar 06 2009 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
Cheers for the advice. I still haven't got it, ran again yesterday and the sodding thing didn't drop. Ah the luck of none Smiley: frown
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