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how to become "skilled" as a warriorFollow

#1 Mar 01 2009 at 6:00 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
found this funny thread over on the O boards damage dealing forums:

the OP starts off:
So for the past few weeks I have worked, struggled really, on my warrior. Unfortunately, despite countless Nax runs, Deaths bite and Betrayer have never dropped, ever. I made do with lesser weapons, and through constant struggle, I was able to reach about 2k (Even before the rating shift). From then on though I constantly yo-yo'd up and down.

I thought gear would help, so I got mostly full hateful+Deadly...I also had some choice selections of some of the best PvE gear to (Sans Betrayer/Death's bite.)....However, no matter how perfect my gear was, nothing seemed to help.

There were many issues, like if a rogue went on me, I could never be "offensive" because I would be slaughtered in Zerk or Battle stance, without a shield. My damage with a one hander, without enrage anymore, was so pathetic that often times I am forced to do nothing but pray for crits, or try to an intervene escape, but it often fails because I'll end up far from my healer (Thanks movement bugs) or just because I can't break CC, at all.

Then of course there are shields. Obviously, my lack of skill is what makes me unable to auto attack off the shield and gain rage. If I skilled my way around the bubble better, I could probably get more RNG crits and maybe get enough rage to do some of my skills....But alas, I wasn't good enough, I hit the bubbles and often times sat there, unable to help my partner because I couldn't "skill" my crits up. No use whining, as GC said, rage is not an inealiable right, after all, warriors shouldn't use their skills.

Then a week ago, my DK hit 80....And today, with my 3-4 epics and mostly crafted blue savage pieces (250 Resilience in all, woot!) I stepped into the arena and found my skill had increased ten fold! Same partner, same teams even (Thanks new match making system!) but we were winning a lot more :).

I mean, when I needed to use a skill, I checked my resource and wala! I could use it in a set amount of time! When I hit a shield, I would panic and look down, but then I remembered, I don't need to carefully parse my resource to hit between shields, it comes back no matter what! When someone was kiting me, I not only had multiple CC breaks, but I also had a ranged root *and* a gap closer, whoa, right, and I could use them *all* without hearing "NEED MORE RAGE"....It was amazing. It was like my ninja skills increased a hundred fold!

Of course we made mistakes, after all, this being my first time in arena with a DK and all (Heck, only a week at 80)...But, nothing big...Nothing that would show the obvious inexperience I have with the class, or how me and my partner have only played together one season, or how my DK is in some quest blues still and my warrior was in full epic PvP gear ect.....Pfft, in fact, it was easy.

So all you warriors who are having trouble getting 2k....Just go on and get more skill :), hit the create death knight button!

cute, i know. i found it an amusing little satire of things, but i think the underlying points are rather salient. in my eyes they can be summed up with the terms "outdated" and "foot-in-mouth". the warrior class suffers from a number of outdated mechanics that hinder its performance in pvp and enforce a reliance on other classes that no other class has (shamans come closest, with 2/3 of the specs being about as reliant on others as warriors are). these outdated mechanics lead to the "foot-in-mouth" part of the equation, which may be better described as "mace-in-my-face", signifying how the warrior class spends at least as much time "fighting" their own class weaknesses as they do other classes.

im a big fan of satire, so reading this thread and the ensuing 9+ pages largely consisting of people playing along was a good distraction for me as i recover from my bronchitis. i think perhaps whats most poignant about this thread is the difference in games played vs rating attained on the OP's warrior when compared to his DK. the DK had, when i first saw this thread, about 10% of the games played that the warrior did, yet was sitting at about the same rating. given the difference in gear (a fairly well-geared warrior, if lacking in the weapon department) this is especially frightening.

sadly, i feel much the same way the OP does. in pvp i am completely reliant on others to get things done. when my heal spec shammy friend, priest friend and pally friend are with me im pretty much an unstoppable juggernaught. when they arent....well, im just so much goo on the floor. conversely, on my very-undergeared DK, its not a requirement to have 1-3 heal specced healers supporting me at all times for max effectiveness. getting out of range of my healers doesnt automatically result in a death sentence. no matter who i go up against i have SOMEthing that i can do to eke out some kind of victory, be it one of attrition at an AB flag, holding off for reinforcements to come, or popping a cooldown at a key moment, changing a losing fight into a winning one (case in point, AMSing an arcane mages AP/PoM/pyro/barrage combo).

in short, my DK is as much a soloist as he is a team player. he can work well unsupported, but functions just as well in a team environment at the same time. warriors really feel like they dont function well solo OR in a team environment. another case in point comes whenever peeling or protecting my healers come into play. as a warrior ive got a 30s intercept, a 60s disarm, and a 3min aoe fear on top of a 10% chance to proc imp hamstring thanks to a glyph (only works vs melee). as my DK ive got a root/snare effect that can be used at 30 yards, an inverse intercept that takes melee away from my healer, a ranged silence (essential when a 4s silence is the difference between life and death) and a 10s aoe freeze effect on a 1min cooldown (no matter how bad people say hungering cold sucks....its nowhere near as bad as our fear is).

i feel useful on my DK. i feel like i bring something to the group instead of just raw pressure (my DK brings that too, at least as often from range as from melee). it hearkens back to the younger days of warrior when our abilities wernt so easily mitigated and we had a strong role in pvp that wasnt better filled by other classes.

i dont know what to say or do really. my soul is that of a berserker; i want for nothing more than to stand atop a pile of my enemies corpses, drenched in their blood, howling for more. but warriors now are a far cry from where they used to be, and unless drastic changes are made to long-established mechanics (such as rage gen on shields, or the viability of hamstring as a snare effect compard to other snares) then im going to spend more time *raising* that pile of corpses instead of standing atop it calling out my next foe.

so heres hoping that 3.1 brings some pretty massive changes above and beyond merely buffing arms dps. as much as i know it wont happen, id like to see an overhaul of a lot of warrior mechanics. im tired of playing against my class as often as i play against other classes, and i want some abilities that allow me to control and influence the flow of a fight. on top of that, i dont want to be completely reliant on the presence of a pocket healer dedicated to keeping my *** alive and functional in order to feel like im contributing to a pvp fight. its time we throw aside the old ways of thinking such as warriors "scaling better with gear" or "being group dependent". we need to throw aside all those ideas for all classes that currently suffer under the yoke of "group" viability (warlocks and shammies come to mind as well). as long as one class remains that functions as well solo as they do in a group (and right now there are several who fill those conditions) then all classes need to be brought to that level as well.

Edited, Mar 1st 2009 6:17am by Quor
#2 Mar 02 2009 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
Well yes. I came back from a long break from wow and have been playing with DK, Pally and wanted to go with the Warrior. I didn't get any of the 3 to 80 yet but here's my experience this far...

With the DK:

From a warrior perspective the DK is like they turned every warrior base ability into a spell that has no stance restriction, is easier to use and is also a stronger version. Their abilities do the same but are spells so they are affected by spell modifiers instead of physical.

In random world PvP encounters the DK seems to be the bane of everything except Paladins, but they are certainly not weak against Paladins at all. Rogues are still a pain because they have an unstoppable ability to "escape alive" from anything (cowards!). (Any tips to counter stealth will be appreciated!). I figure druids should be just as capable to escape but they don't manage to escape so far.

With the Pally:

I spec ret and took the first boat to Borean Tundra and had to do with the quest rewards for gear. I'm in the kind of server where anything that is not inside an instance is severe PvP ground (the opposing PvP faction greatly outnumbers mine). Pally are strong at PvP, specially against DKs, which is the most abundant class atm. Druids definitely don't escape but Rogues continue to make me a sad panda because of their stealth and cowardice.

With the warrior...

The warrior has been my favorite for a long long time but I'm at challenge even to pick a spec. On my DK I drop warriors like insects and I'm wondering what would be the spec in which the swarm of DKs aren't going to drop mine like an insect while I'm trying to quest.

I tried Prot for about an hour. In Prot you're forced to defensive stance in order to do your best damage. The critical flaw of that is the lack of snare. Arms looks too easy to kite with all the new kiting abilities all classes got. And Fury forces you to Zerker stance, which is bad because being fragile does not work for melee.

So yeh, I guess he is mostly correct...

#3 Mar 02 2009 at 2:26 AM Rating: Decent
501 posts
Quor, you nailed exactly how I've been feeling as of late. I've been a warrior for....christ, over 3 years now. I was tanking at 60 well before vanilla released, and got to see a fair deal of raid content. I remember grinding out AV rep for my TUF, I remember, as you said, the force we were at that point in time, in both PvP AND PvE. It feels like we've fallen a long way since then, and I'm just not enjoying the class as much as I once was. Rather than having mechanics that I'm able to easily utilize, I'm struggling against clunky mechanics in an attempt to maximize my performance despite what seems almost like an effort on the part of Blizz to make it painful for me to do my job properly. As of late, I've very seriously been considering leveling up my DK a bit more to give him a shot, or possibly switching it up altogether and finish leveling up my priest so I can heal.
#4 Mar 16 2009 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Word. I just wish I was not so attached to my warrior. I find my hunter so much easier to DPS with, I find my DK so much tougher, I find with the Paladin the lack a fear someone who isn't even an 80 may catch me injured and gank me. I find some fights my DPS is so low because I am trying to not get killed before a healer saves me. Oh well, I know I am not that great a player, but everyone in a while I start to hope I am doing ok, then I 1200dps 25 man vault and fresh 80 DKs laugh at me (, cause the healers are having trouble or the tank can't hold that guy still. A lot of annoyance for a game that is supposed to be fun. (hell the tank DK from my guild DPSed vault and got more than me that day, I did 2k, he did 2.2K, lucky he didn't even notice I was in the raid)

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