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Druids of the NerfFollow

#1 Feb 28 2009 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
Because some people have question it before, a little about history: I started wow as a casual gamer 2 weeks after it came out, because of college I stopped. During BC I started up again, and then stopped due to lack of money. Know I am again playing WOTLK. The three periods each had different flavors for Feral Druids were weak. cat didn't deal the damage dedicated dps did, and bear was so incapable of matching up with other tanks that it became nearly a proverb that bears were for hibernation. You could go half the game without finding another feral. Also the ferals that were there weren't there because it was easy. It was WOW on hell mode and we came because we wanted no less. We were also close knit with rules about how to treat other druids. In bc, we got better and our numbers swelled, probably with a lot of paladin, warrior alts. In WOTLK, blizzard seems content with beating us down with nerfs, and the warriors and dks can't seem to be happier; and some druids on the boards have declared ready to roll dks; and I say Bring It ON.

Nerf us to oblivion. Trials strengthen a nation, and we can have back for us our historic strength, that we know we are being boned and we aren't going to take it. We will be better players and break the game with skill, not stats, than embarrass the classes that rely on broken systems and aoe,s. So as we snobbishly said back then and I snobbishly celebrate know, A druid's skill will balance every nerf. I can Cheekily say to all the Power Gamers, go home no, we have no more for you. Go be a dk or something.

We will form a nerf nation on our servers, and that nation will be know for being the elite. If your lucky enough to find a feral left on your server and befriend him, you will go to him first for tanking, because you will know that he knows his ****. If you need advice you will go on long quests to search out the bear sage in some forsaken corner of Northrend. And the new exclamation for wiping the floor with something will be beared. "That's right sir you just got beared, Good day. I said good day sir!"

#2 Feb 28 2009 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
629 posts
Oh, I don't think bear tanks are far behind other tanks. In fact on some fights (think Sarth 3d) they are preferable due to huge HP pool and extremely high armor. They got upgrades to aoe, which maybe don't make them up to par with pallies and DK on aoe tanking, but they are as good as warrs. Yes, feral DPS is little low right now(devs agreed on that) but in late TBC that was not an issue. I believe some of the best guilds had ferals on top of DMg meters (I'm sorry but can't remember any names).
#3 Feb 28 2009 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#4 Feb 28 2009 at 10:47 AM Rating: Default
When i was talking about us being last place, I was talking about the pre bc state, and I was refering, cheekily, to a "prefered" future state, where we would be behind other tanks. But get back the synergy between tank and cat for godsakes :)
#5 Feb 28 2009 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
Chimeria wrote:
Rules and Bylaws

Where did you learn to be feral? We're wild beasts, in the law of the jungle! Bears, cats and ravens are carnivores (I think seacows eat plants), not some hippy DHETA resto-huggers. If you find something weaker, you kill it and eat it. If you find something stronger, you team up, kill it and eat it. Other druids are either family or competition, and in times of hardship family BECOMES competition. You want nerfs to weed out the weak, but don't want us to do the weeding? If I'm with another feral, I'm gonna make sure he can cut it. If not, he gets left behind with the rest, I'm not carrying him through out of class solidarity. The alternative is to rely on him in a pinch, and find him off picking daisies, or emoting at the blood elves.

As for hunters, if they're shooting the enemy, they're not shooting me. Besides, being a pet isn't so bad; we get extra buffs and Beast Within.

Edited, Feb 28th 2009 1:12pm by selebrin
#6 Feb 28 2009 at 1:32 PM Rating: Default
lol Bravo.
#7 Feb 28 2009 at 2:36 PM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
The laws of the pvp server seem to out weigh your rules.

If it moves, It's going to die.
#8 Mar 01 2009 at 12:04 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Ok, I missed it. Where are we getting nerfed? Someone sounds upset, but I don't know why. We lose a bit of armor in the upcoming patch, but get a shielding ability AND our bleeds can crit now. Net gain, IMO.
#9 Mar 01 2009 at 12:12 AM Rating: Default
1,970 posts
I'm not really sure WTH you're saying, OP.

My feral druid is a truly epic, uncontrolled BEAST. In every sense. He's DPS specced wearing full valor badge/25 man raid token gear (it is my preferred role). I don't beat everyone on Recount but I pull on average 2500-4000 DPS overall and I can place anywhere from 1st to 8th on damage done, depending on the size and class composition of the raid group.

On boss fights I can easily top out at 4500 DPS and come in first, if the fight lets me stand still for a while and work my rotations. If it's a hectic fight that requires a lot of moving I can drop as low as 2000 DPS, but that's rare these days.

On AOE trash pulls I can blow all my cooldowns (I usually do as they're always eventually ready before we reach the next boss) and easily top first on damage done for the fight and get anywhere from 7000 to 20,000 DPS, depending on lucky crits and the number of mobs I'm hitting with cat form swipe.

In my average tank set (full tier 7 from heroism badges/10 man tokens) even in my DPS spec with full raid buffs I have about 42,000 health, 30% dodge and very close to 30,000 armor. In a tank spec my dodge and armor are expected to jump, though it's been a while since I specced tank and cannot give precise figures. Even with the upcoming changes in 3.1 that will reduce our armor I will still have that health and dodge. And my very own type of shield block!

My guild's primary boomkin is an uber impressive DPS, doing as much and usually more damage done and DPS than me in raids.

My guild's three primary restoration druid healers are always near the top of the healing meters, with respectable overhealing figures. Even in my less than adequate healing set and a resto spec I can push decent HPS and place at least 5th or 6th in a 25 man raid. Not bad for roughly +1470 bonus healing IMO.

What nerfs are you talking about? Did I miss the entire point of the original post? As far as I'm concerned, druids are an amazing class, a jack of all trades AND a master of them too. I couldn't imagine myself seriously playing anything else for the remainder of my time in WoW, which I hope to be a very long time.

And with 3.1, it's only going to get better. Especially for my feral DPS spec. I suspect bleed crits are going to throw our damage dealing potential through the roof. THROUGH THE ROOF I SAY :)

Anyway, that's my two cents. I love druids.
#10 Mar 01 2009 at 12:20 PM Rating: Default
There Is also a stamina nerf in 3.1 for bears (it will a ten percent lob off of heart of the wild).

Anyway, the op was not meant to say that we are currently inadequate, It was predicting, cheekily, a return to feral sucking at an undisclosed time in the future. It was a sarcastic spoof of the wow druid forums, where the uninitiated would think the world is ending. Also, The main argument was actually that we should be nerfed so that all the power gamers that only play druids because they think druids are broken will go home. ironically, that was referring to the type of player that would say that they can't think of playing anything else that was weaker then a druid.

Also, I don't remember referencing restoration at all (the class otherwise known as the one everyone wishes we'd stick too.)

In other words the post

1 argued druids should be nerfed to dissuade power gamers from ruining the class.

2 Mocked the winers over at wow forums.
#11 Mar 01 2009 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
Well now I understand :)

I could never leave druid, even if it did get nerfed. It's been my class for over a year and if we ended up getting beat with the nerf bat into the ground and all I could be was restoration, then I'd be restoration.

As for the oboards at, they are all whiners. Every forum type, every thread, it would seem to be a magnet for stupidity. That's why I never post over there, just read for entertaiment.
#12 Mar 01 2009 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
It is annoying that they're going to nerf our armor again in 3.1 but we survived the initial armor nerf with the xpac, we can survive this one.

I do admit in the original game that ferals were practically extinct - I didn't know of a single guild out there that wasn't presuring them all to switch over to resto.

Outlands gave us some love though and feral tanks became a force to be recond with. Kitties were pretty solid too, although once you hit the highest end content we were no longer able to keep up with other DPS, for the bulk of the content we were certainly acceptable.

Now with Wrath we're almost prefered to any other tank - our avoidance is through the roof, health can't be matched, AOE agro is about on par with others and our AC still tops the charts - combine that with the fact that we can out DPS most other tanks and we're damned dangerous. Feral kitties are nearly as lethal - when I'm playing the DPS game with rogues in a group they get annoyed because "[I] make [them] earn it."

So no, I think us druids are doing quite well so even a nerf or two wont be able to hurt us.
#13 Mar 01 2009 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
You know the only reason why blizzard has really been nerfing armor is because some feral druids were already hitting the armor cap for wrath.

With the advent of 3.1 you'll only see your armor improve and your dps rise because of all the bleeds critting.
#14 Mar 01 2009 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
I really don't care about armor or health or anything like that. I just like my forms. Im more irritated by a supposed aqua manta ray mount or something that is rumored to be coming at at some point that is going to give riders + 100% swim speed because it competes with aquatic form. Besides, from what I understand, nobody cares about the armor thing, so why do people keep bringing it up? A lot of people do seem to be bothered by the stamina nerf, and I'm actually curious about the numbers since the forums over at blizz seem to be crazy about the hotw nerf. Does anyone have numbers on that?

Besides, I'm one of those snobbs that feels that the buffing of feral's in relationship to pre bc was the worse ting that happened to the class. It provoked too many people who just rely on stats to become druids. As a result, druids aren't nearly so courteous or interesting as the players use to be back when you had to have some balls to play the class. They diluted the strong Old Blood :P. So, yet again, I was saying that druids have received a steady supply of nerfs yes. However I was not saying they suck now. I was saying that they will in the future. And i was saying really I hope they do. I want some skill back in the game.

Also, druid avoidance is slightly behind other tanks as is aggro. health and armor are better now, but it will be about even with after 3.1. though to get incredible health advantage you had to sac avoidance. No one knows anything about SD, but presume it will be just enough to negate the armor debuff, which I'm presuming it was meant to do. I haven't run into any dps math, so I can't confirm or deny your assumption there. All in all, it looks like, from the math on the forums, that with health, and armor equal or very slightly ahead, and being slightly behind in avoidance, and poor cooldowns, we will fall slightly behind wars and far behind DKs in tanking. I haven't heard any math comparisons with paladins. But who knows.

As for rogues, they have my sympathy, maybe if they were helped out a little their wouldn't be so many cat druids.

Problem with these threads is that it always seems to be an excuse for someone to brag. "with my toon i out dps mages, while tanking and I won the battle for my raid when I soloed satharion after everyone wiped. so i think druids are ok. :P

Anyway, I wouldn't take these post particularly seriously guys. It wasn't a particularly serious argument, a fact easily derived from the number of times the words cheeky and snobbish were used, the lack of spell check, or grammar, and the references to Underlined The Great Gatsby. Also, the addition of a constitution, was kind of a give away, I suppose that, this was just a little bit of jest. In fact, the first post was really meant as an intro to the second one, and it got more attention then the one it was suppose to be introducing lol.
#15 Mar 01 2009 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
289 posts
so you're telling me druids can't be the BEST tank, the BEST dps, and/or the BEST healer?... we weren't meant to be. I don't think that druid's will take that big of a hit. Some of the best tanks I have ever known were druids, same with healers, etc.

It just takes dedication to your class. There is no need to get asshurt, just play the class, and we will come out on top, as we always have.
#16 Mar 01 2009 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
4,512 posts
rusttle wrote:
Now with Wrath we're almost prefered to any other tank

Thus the nerf.

Honestly, as a whole, we tend to look at what happens at the front end of a content patch and throw a ***** fit, but the devs are also considering the end of this tier of content. Is it a slight nerf now? Yeah. To the ground? Naw. Will it balance out in the end? Probably.

Chimeria wrote:
Besides, from what I understand, nobody cares about the armor thing, so why do people keep bringing it up? A lot of people do seem to be bothered by the stamina nerf, and I'm actually curious about the numbers since the forums over at blizz seem to be crazy about the hotw nerf. Does anyone have numbers on that?

People keep bringing it up because they still haven't put SD out on the test realms. The stamina nerf has been resulting in I believe a 3k->5k HP loss. This is a significant difference, but I think it's a bit overplayed because people see "stamina" and automatically think "health." I certainly thought it would be a lot worse when I first read the patch notes.

Chimeria wrote:
So, yet again, I was saying that druids have received a steady supply of nerfs yes. However I was not saying they suck now. I was saying that they will in the future. And i was saying really I hope they do. I want some skill back in the game. you play a Feral cat? We have one of the most challenging DPS rotations in the game, specifically acknowledged as such by one of the leader designers of the game (Ghostcrawler). Resto Druids will have to reconfigure the way they heal with the changes to Regrowth, Nourish, and Lifebloom coming in 3.1. Bears don't really have a whole lot of skills to fall back on. Moonkin... I don't really know, because I haven't played it.

We aren't one of the easiest classes out there to play, by far. My tree doesn't have a nice "oh sh*t" button for if the tank's HP starts plummeting (DK tank anyone?). If my kitty rotation falls apart, it can be rather annoying to get started again. Most players don't even have the knowledge to get it started.

That being said, WTB a glyph that increases the duration of Rake.

Only a dedicated person can withstand the hell that druids endure before getting cat form, and even then before getting Mangle. We have never been an easy class to play in any role, and we're hard enough as it is. Cut me some slack, please. I love my kitty, I love my tree, and I love how they perform compared to other classes. We don't need a nerf just so that no one plays druid anymore. Other people need to experience just how amazing we can be.

Chimeria wrote:
I haven't run into any dps math, so I can't confirm or deny your assumption there.

Er. My DoTs couldn't crit before. Now they can.

That alone is a huge boost, and no math is needed to show it.

Edited, Mar 2nd 2009 12:06am by CBD
#17 Mar 02 2009 at 6:10 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
CBD wrote:

We aren't one of the easiest classes out there to play, by far. My tree doesn't have a nice "oh sh*t" button for if the tank's HP starts plummeting (DK tank anyone?). If my kitty rotation falls apart, it can be rather annoying to get started again. Most players don't even have the knowledge to get it started.

That being said, WTB a glyph that increases the duration of Rake.

Only a dedicated person can withstand the hell that druids endure before getting cat form, and even then before getting Mangle. We have never been an easy class to play in any role, and we're hard enough as it is. Cut me some slack, please. I love my kitty, I love my tree, and I love how they perform compared to other classes. We don't need a nerf just so that no one plays druid anymore. Other people need to experience just how amazing we can be.

Admittedly I have not played Resto, but... don't you have Nature's Swiftness and Swiftmend for quick heals? Do you mean an ability like a shield of some sort?

Also, I think most classes before 20 are annoying. Shaman was terrible. Priest wasn't that fun. Rogue, even with heriloom items, is proving a pain at times. Paladin, on the other hand, flew through the early levels.
#18 Mar 02 2009 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
I concur with CBD, the kitty DPS rotation can be very challenging. If I'm on my game I can do close to 4k on a boss, if not I can expect around 2 to 2.5k.

I like your constitution Chimeria. There were a few articles I wish we could enforce. For one I too hate Gnomes, and hate when my low level alts are ganked by someone who is over 10 levels higher. Just doesn't make sense to me.
#19 Mar 02 2009 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
Well now I understand :)

I could never leave druid, even if it did get nerfed. It's been my class for over a year and if we ended up getting beat with the nerf bat into the ground and all I could be was restoration, then I'd be restoration.

As for the oboards at, they are all whiners. Every forum type, every thread, it would seem to be a magnet for stupidity. That's why I never post over there, just read for entertaiment.

Right on, and basically what I was implying. I feel the same way.

so you're telling me druids can't be the BEST tank, the BEST dps, and/or the BEST healer?... we weren't meant to be. I don't think that druid's will take that big of a hit. Some of the best tanks I have ever known were druids, same with healers, etc.

Some of the most skilled tanks i have ever know were druids, you don't need stats for that. More seriously (this will be the rare time that I am totally serious in this post.) I wouldn't really mind being a weaker tank if they put more synergy between the bear/cat talents then they have now. The flavor of a druid just seems to me to imply that we could do both dps and tank, but the tree seems to be slowly morphing into another thing entirely.

Er. My DoTs couldn't crit before. Now they can.

That alone is a huge boost, and no math is needed to show it.

When I was talking about not running into dps math, I was referring to this statement about the comparative dps of tanks:
Now with Wrath we're almost prefered to any other tank - our avoidance is through the roof, health can't be matched, AOE agro is about on par with others and our AC still tops the charts - combine that with the fact that we can out DPS most other tanks and we're damned dangerous.
The was lazy about quoting, and I'm sorry.

Where did you learn to be feral? We're wild beasts, in the law of the jungle! Bears, cats and ravens are carnivores (I think seacows eat plants), not some hippy DHETA resto-huggers. If you find something weaker, you kill it and eat it. If you find something stronger, you team up, kill it and eat it. Other druids are either family or competition, and in times of hardship family BECOMES competition. You want nerfs to weed out the weak, but don't want us to do the weeding? If I'm with another feral, I'm gonna make sure he can cut it. If not, he gets left behind with the rest, I'm not carrying him through out of class solidarity. The alternative is to rely on him in a pinch, and find him off picking daisies, or emoting at the blood elves.

As for hunters, if they're shooting the enemy, they're not shooting me. Besides, being a pet isn't so bad; we get extra buffs and Beast Within.
Again Great Post.

I like your constitution Chimeria. There were a few articles I wish we could enforce. For one I too hate Gnomes, and hate when my low level alts are ganked by someone who is over 10 levels higher. Just doesn't make sense to me.


#20 Mar 02 2009 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
4,512 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Admittedly I have not played Resto, but... don't you have Nature's Swiftness and Swiftmend for quick heals? Do you mean an ability like a shield of some sort?

Also, I think most classes before 20 are annoying. Shaman was terrible. Priest wasn't that fun. Rogue, even with heriloom items, is proving a pain at times. Paladin, on the other hand, flew through the early levels.

Yes, but Nature's Swiftness is on a 3min cooldown, and Swiftmend has a 15s one. My experience is that if I'm healing the person whose HP is plummeting, those aren't going to be enough of a benefit. I can take a short burst of damage on the tank, but that's about it. Really this problem just goes back to "how fast are the DPS killing mobs?"

I don't mean for it to sound like I'm QQing about this, I really love the way Resto Druid plays, it's just one aspect of it that makes it a bit more of a challenge. I'd assume the average player would go "LOL DAMAGE BIG HEAL LESGO", but we need to make sure we prioritize and adjust a bit more than the average healer.
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