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3.1 ChangesFollow

#1 Feb 27 2009 at 7:37 AM Rating: Good
The 3.1 PTR patchnotes were just updated.



• Charge: Duration of stun effect now lasts 1.5 sec. This effect no longer has diminishing returns.
• Heroic Throw missile speed increased.

• Talents

- Arms

• Blood Frenzy improved to 2/4% increased damage.

- Protection

• Last Stand: Cooldown reduced to 3 min.

What I find interesting about this can be summarized in three ways;

1) They still don't have the TG ubernerf? This either means that they're not planning on keeping it, or they're stupid. Possibly both, I guess.
2) Last Stand going to 3m means it's at 1m with the Glyph, as it Shield Wall. Two glyphs and some talents and Warriors can tank like DKs.
3) Charge being off the stun DR means Prot is no longer godawful, and it helps Fury and Arms too.
4) Bonus - really, they still don't have TG on there? Interesting.
#2 Feb 27 2009 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
I'm guessing TG probably went back to the drawing board for some rethinking.

Or they have it but are keeping it out of the patch notes to see if players notice.
#3 Feb 28 2009 at 6:26 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Minor nerf for Prot tanks:
Hysteria, Tricks of the Trade, Enrage, Wrecking Crew, Death Wish, Arcane Power, Owlkin Frenzy, Beast Within, and Avenging Wrath damage bonuses no longer stack together.

I personally always liked being hit with TotT -- the threat on top of the damage bonus makes it a pretty sweet move. Now it looks like I'll just have to live with the threat, since my Warrior is enraged 99% of the time while tanking.
#4 Feb 28 2009 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
that enrage stacking change makes me laugh, because really all it does it make it so that hysteria doesnt work on warriors while death wish is up. most of the other "enrage" effects listed affect classes that dont use physical damage, or who dont get a majority of their damage from physical damge (like warriors do). the closest one would be the BM hunters pet really.
#5 Feb 28 2009 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
501 posts
I'm a fan of the last stand cooldown change, though it also does bother me that it's pushing us more and more towards the complete homogenization of everything in this game that's happening. I'm all for this new mentality of 'Bring the player, not the class' that Blizz is pushing lately, but if it means that nothing will be unique and that I'm essentially rolling the same toon with a different skin no matter what play, then I might as well go pick up a FPS.
#6 Mar 05 2009 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
889 posts
There's a blue post stating that 1 min Shield Wall CD is lower than intended.
It'll probably end up being a 2 min CD (talented), like Divine Protection.

Edited, Mar 5th 2009 3:27am by angryempath
#7 Mar 06 2009 at 1:41 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
new ptr changes:


Battle Stance now increase the armor penetration of all your attacks by 10%.
Shattering Throw *New Skill* - Throws your weapon at the enemy causing [ 50% of AP + 12 ] damage (based on attack power), reducing the armor on the target by 20% for 10 sec, and removing any invulnerabilities. 25 Rage, 30 yd range, 1.5 sec cast, 5 min cooldown

Berserker Stance now increase all damage taken by 5% (Down from 10%)
Intimidating Shout cooldown has been lowered from 3 min to 2 min.

Defensive Stance now reduces damage caused by 5%. (Down from 10%)
Disarm now disarm the enemy's main hand and ranged weapons.

so battle stance gets a bit of a buff with the armor pen change. i suppose crap is better than nothing at all tho right?

shattering throw is interesting. thats an anti-HoP/ice block/DS move every five minutes. of course the cast time sucks (cant use it on the move) and the cooldown isnt much better (but not horrible seeing as all but ice block cant be used more than every 2-3 minutes) but its an interesting idea. we'll see how it pans out; it definetely gives warriors some unique pvp utility (ghetto version of mass dispel but always guaranteed to take off the invuln effect).

penalties lowered in zerker and def stance. somethings better than nothing but still not what i was hoping for.

shout cooldown lowered = good, but we'll see if its enough.

finally, a nice little disarm buff to round things out. its quite sucky intercepting after he disengages only to be hit with scatter shot or wyvern sting immediately after and not being able to do anything about it. now an intercept > disarm can guarantee some uptime on the hunter (assuming you arent being kited thru the 25-yard radius entrapping frost trap that is).
#8 Mar 06 2009 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
In no particular order;

* Defensive/Berserker Stance Changes: Nice, if small, buffs.
* Battle Stance: Also a nice but extremely small buff. I don't know what the hell they're thinking. Armor Penetration for the bleed spec? Why not just give it to Ret and Unholy DKs too?
* Disarm Change: Nice, but I don't know why they don't go ahead and just make it into Dismantle 2.0 at this point. Or nerf Dismantle to do the same thing. It's kind of silly.
* Shattering Throw: Interesting, but not that huge of a buff. Paladins have a 30% chance to resist dispels (and it's on a spiffy 5m CD too, so that's a GG). It'll help against Mages... for all those times when you can get a Frost Mage into Iceblock range.

Dot dot dot.

The cast time also hurts, as does the Rage cost.
#9 Mar 07 2009 at 11:20 PM Rating: Default
1,912 posts
I hereby predict that Blizz is on the way to making Warriors the next extremely OP class of the game.

Here's the reason why...

The things that warriors NEED improved are:

- The rage system.
- The stance system.
- The snaring and closing abilities.

Until these are fixed warriors will be a broken class at PvP. And blizz is going circles around adding all these new abilities that DO NOT FIX the class. If they keep going this way they will keep adding more and more new powers until they fix the stuff I just talked about, and warriors will end up with this fixed AND the extra powers.

What do I know about it? Well, it's a trend, that's exactly how they got Paladins to be so über. Blizzard didn't plan for Consecration to be the major tanking AoE threat spell, it's just that when they finally fixed the tanking mechanics of the Paladins, the consecration button was already there as a result of other changes.

However, the current changes are still meh so far. It's still broken, guess my warrior will still be an epix geared bank alt for now.
#10REDACTED, Posted: Mar 10 2009 at 8:01 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Totally agree with the above remark about the rage system...
#11 Mar 10 2009 at 11:56 AM Rating: Default
I agree with you, Geo... but then everyone will be QQing about how Warriors are more OP than DKs... and we'll get raped with the nerf bat... oh wait, we already ARE raped with the nerf bat. Even though yes, we should be able to slice a clothie in half if we can close to contact range. Rogues we should have a tougher time with, since they're melee fighters too, and supposedly more agile. Plate fights should be clashes of the titans as it were... Masters of arms (warriors) versus the holy soldiers versus the undead juggernaughts.
#12REDACTED, Posted: Mar 11 2009 at 1:14 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Lets press on to some more stupid ideas then :
#13 Mar 11 2009 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,182 posts
I'll be honest with you geotank, it sounds like you just want an 'I Win' button.

I think possibly the only thing I half agreed with you on is the weapon specialisation. However I think those talents should be removed completely rather than working around them.
#14 Mar 11 2009 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
I'm just going to assume that you (Geotank) are trolling with your proposed warrior changes, as they border on the idiotic and you keep putting that stupid disclaimer ("These are not open to [debate]") on the end of them.

As far as what you have said, this is the best I can do, sorry.
#15 Mar 11 2009 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
seriously geo, my head hurts and you're making me weep for humanity.
#16 Mar 12 2009 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Finally some stance changes - Battle Stance does something!

Also, charge stun lasting long to actually be useful, about bloody time.

Admittedly some of these changes like the stance ones aren't quite as big as some of you were hoping - I'm going more with the idea of small changes equals less chance we'll be nerfed again in the future. We've improved but not become OP which should save us from some QQ I hope.

Edited, Mar 12th 2009 6:37am by Zyven

Edited, Mar 12th 2009 6:38am by Zyven

Edited, Mar 12th 2009 6:42am by Zyven
#17 Mar 12 2009 at 6:38 PM Rating: Good
60 posts

Taste for Blood now gives you a 33/66/100% chance of allowing the use of your Overpower ability for 5 secs whenever your Rend ability causes damage. This talent will not occur more than once every 6 sec.


Titan's Grip now reduces your physical damage done by 10% when dual-wielding two-handed weapons.


Glyph of Heroic Strike - You gain 10 rage when you critically strike with your Heroic Strike ability. (Old - Increases the critical strike chance of Heroic Strike by 5%.)
Glyph of Last Stand - Reduces the cooldown of your Last Stand ability by 1 min. (Old - Also reduced the maximum health gained by 10%.)

Less RNG for arms though I'm not sure how this will effect thier overall DPS, thank god for the Heroic Strike glyph being changed back though
#18 Mar 13 2009 at 1:12 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Imtar wrote:

Taste for Blood now gives you a 33/66/100% chance of allowing the use of your Overpower ability for 5 secs whenever your Rend ability causes damage. This talent will not occur more than once every 6 sec.


Titan's Grip now reduces your physical damage done by 10% when dual-wielding two-handed weapons.


Glyph of Heroic Strike - You gain 10 rage when you critically strike with your Heroic Strike ability. (Old - Increases the critical strike chance of Heroic Strike by 5%.)
Glyph of Last Stand - Reduces the cooldown of your Last Stand ability by 1 min. (Old - Also reduced the maximum health gained by 10%.)

Less RNG for arms though I'm not sure how this will effect thier overall DPS, thank god for the Heroic Strike glyph being changed back though

Spotted this on mmo-champion and thought it might be of interest here--Ghostcrawler clarifies the new wording for Titan's Grip. So it looks like it's not just when dual-wielding two-handers but any time you have a two-handed weapon equipped in one hand.
#19 Mar 13 2009 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
im really hoping deaths bite drops next time we down KT, cause id really like a good 2h axe to use for when TG gets nerfed and i have to switch to arms to feel like my 51-pt talent doesnt rape my class.
#20 Mar 20 2009 at 7:05 AM Rating: Decent
2,164 posts
SO is the TG nerf in the patch because everything I have read has said it won't be in there at all if ever in a patch. It would completely break the Warrior DPS class in a PVE setting. They might as well delete it completely.
#21 Mar 20 2009 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
MrsGemini wrote:
It [TG 10% nerf] would completely break the Warrior DPS class in a PVE setting. They might as well delete it completely.

Have you actually seen #s on that, or are you just spouting like they do at the O-boards?
#22 Mar 20 2009 at 1:19 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
the numbers ive seen posted on the war boards and ptr boards has fury warriors about 15-20% under the "pure" classes and a good 10-15% under where we are now on live. now, either this means warrior numbers are low or it means "pure" class numbers are high. either way, a lot of work remains to be done and itll inevitably require making a number of people QQ over something (whether its a lowering of "pure" dps or a buffing of warrior, shammy, and ret pally dps to equal up to "pure" numbers).

incidentally, this "pure vs hybrid" ******** is ********* hate blizzard for distilling something so complex down into two overly-simple generalizations.
#23 Mar 20 2009 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
Either Pure #'s (especially Rogues, but also Mages and Warlocks, Hunters to a lesser extent when I last looked) are too high or Warrior #'s are now too low. Removing WM didn't help either, although reversing the HS glyph nerf was a nice change.
#24 Mar 22 2009 at 11:03 AM Rating: Default
Shattering Throw: This new warrior ability, trainable at level 71, deals damage the same as Heroic Throw, but also causes the victim’s armor to be reduced by 20% for 10 sec. (stacking with Sunder Armor). If the victim is immune, it will remove that immunity instead of dealing damage and reducing armor. Costs 25 rage, only useable in Battle Stance, 5 min cooldown.

I was reading this and thought WOW great pvp ability...then got to the bit about the 'Only usable in Battle Stance.'
For ages we have been asking for less constirction to do with stances for abilities yet they seem to be going in the total opposite direction.

I do hope with some of the 'changes' 2handed arms will have some viability in ANY area of the game. As good as TG is I still don't like it, I don't know why, I just don't.
#25 Mar 23 2009 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
Shattering Throw: This new warrior ability, trainable at level 71, deals damage the same as Heroic Throw, but also causes the victim’s armor to be reduced by 20% for 10 sec. (stacking with Sunder Armor). If the victim is immune, it will remove that immunity instead of dealing damage and reducing armor. Costs 25 rage, only useable in Battle Stance, 5 min cooldown.

When you're fighting an enemy that can cast you have to fight him in zerker stance because of pummel.

Situation 1: You're fighting a paladin and you are in Battle Stance -> He heals without needing any bubble.

Situation 2: You're in Zerker stance -> He bubbles, you switch to battle stance and don't have enough rage to use it.

20% armor reduction is nice. But 10 sec on a 5 min cooldown is MISERABLE.

I can see we're all going to be very happy when we figure how to use this. So far the first use I can think is as an extra ranged attack on a separate cooldown from Heroic Throw.

Edited, Mar 23rd 2009 6:57pm by xorq
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