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3.1 Talent Build, What's Yours?Follow

#27 Mar 03 2009 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
Also, I think this is the first time I actually have a point left with nowhere to put it.

Yeah, I put it in enlightenment just because of the little bit of haste.

Oh, and I love the crit chance on multiple targets with the Inner Focus (+25% added to your regular crit) / Prayer of Healing combo. Those are hotkeyed to my F4,F5 for rapid deployment.

Edited, Mar 3rd 2009 10:02am by dadanox
#28 Mar 09 2009 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
1,073 posts
Standard Discipline healbot build. Empowered Flash over Focused Will, attractive though that crit is; two points in Improved Healing; two points in Reflective Shield. Reflective Shield is more of a toy than anything; I could just as easily chosen Aspiration. Still, if I only cast two shields every 15 seconds and they both run to full value, that's a passive 400 DPS... superior to always having Shadow Word: Pain up, at no extra mana cost.
#29 Mar 09 2009 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Standard Discipline healbot build. Empowered Flash over Focused Will, attractive though that crit is; two points in Improved Healing; two points in Reflective Shield. Reflective Shield is more of a toy than anything; I could just as easily chosen Aspiration. Still, if I only cast two shields every 15 seconds and they both run to full value, that's a passive 400 DPS... superior to always having Shadow Word: Pain up, at no extra mana cost.

That's what I thought before I realized that Reflective Shield only works if you shield yourself and the mobs are hitting you.

And no Aspiration in a Penance build? Go shame yourself!
#30 Mar 09 2009 at 7:04 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Mozared wrote:
That's what I thought before I realized that Reflective Shield only works if you shield yourself and the mobs are hitting you.

You had mentioned that in a previous post. I had to check it out myself and was disappointed to find that you were correct. It does make sense, though. Theoretically, you could have shield everyone in your group before an aoe attack and blast the caster with the reflection.

It could have been a great way to ruin someone's day, though. =)
#31 Mar 10 2009 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
1,073 posts
Bah, disregard. Okay, swap Aspiration for Reflective Shield. *grumbles grumpily*

On the plus side, between Aspiration and the new Penance glyph, the game's best healing spell will be on a six second cooldown. That's nice. So my glyph lineup will be focused on three of the spells I cast most-- Shield, Flash, and Penance. (This is from a raiding perspective; in five- and ten-mans GHeal is far more important than Flash.)

I've just been used to not taking Aspiration, maybe that had something to do with it.
#32 Mar 10 2009 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Damn, a Penance glyph. I actually really have to do a rework of all my glyphs now soonish to see what's best.
#33 Mar 12 2009 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent

Holy build with focus on raid-healing + lightwell

Discipline build with focus on MT healing

Those are the 2 that I probably will have in my dual-specc setup.
#34 Mar 12 2009 at 4:09 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts

Now you can all point and laugh but it works for me. Although where is my PW:B damn it!

Edited, Mar 12th 2009 8:31am by ysabellstohelit
#35 Mar 12 2009 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Ooh, they made Mental agility 3 points.
That'll be it. They removed so much bloat out of the disc tree that for the first time in WoW history I have a spec in which I have every talent I want. I'll also be able to drop the Flash Heal glyph thanks to the talent, so I'm replacing that with the Mass Dispel glyph. -65% mana cost on a spell I use that often is seriously nice.

Also, I'm thinking we're going to see a lot of this around.

Holy seems like it's no longer my thing; I love Guardian Spirit but I'd be too restricted in the tree if I wanted to pick up Mental Agility for CoH. I did take a stab at making a holy PvP tree. It seems holy PvP right now relies heavily on Renew and ProM. What I've build here I'm thinking to be far from viable, but the start is definitely there.
#36 Mar 12 2009 at 10:05 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
I did take a stab at making a holy PvP tree. It seems holy PvP right now relies heavily on Renew and ProM. What I've build here I'm thinking to be far from viable, but the start is definitely there.

I'm actually planning on trying this out for fun and curiosity's sake. Glyphs are included there as well.

As I see it, the main problem with a Holy PVP build is efficiency, but you don't need a whole lot of mana to get three shotted anyhow.
#37 Mar 12 2009 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I like some of the changes you've made (including imp mana burn for example), but I think the lack of emphasis on ProM is going to bite you in the *** with a build like that; as Holy, it's basically your only decent instant spell. Getting 3 seconds of that CD really matters, I think. I'm actually not too worried about efficiency - if you pick up imp mana burn you'll be able to outlast most other healers anyway, and Holy Concentration should proc often enough as well.

Edited, Mar 12th 2009 8:19pm by Mozared
#38 Mar 12 2009 at 11:32 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
I think the lack of emphasis on ProM is going to bite you in the *** with a build like that

If I end up caring about it enough to tinker with it, I'll try moving the points out of Serendipity to round out Divine Providence and see if I like that better. Healing Prayers is nice but not at the expense of anything else I need. Although in PVP gear (relatively low crit vs. PVE gear), if Holy Concentration proves not to be worth it, that's 3 more points to play with.

The problem with the Holy tree is you want everything (and of course Blizz requires you to spec at least 13 points into Disc). One thing I enjoy about Disc is the relative lack of compromises.
#39 Mar 12 2009 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,073 posts
Moza, I'm surprised you chose Desperate Prayer and Improved Renew in a PvE build while skipping Enlightenment. In my experience, I don't live long enough for Desperate Prayer to be worth it... lots of other tools to survive casual attacks, and you won't survive serious attacks regardless. As for Improved Renew, maybe it's just me, but I find myself using that spell less and less. It's probably a function of the current version of Rapture.

However, I also still have Divine Fury, and with the potential in 3.1 to get Penance down to a six-second cooldown that might be useless, too.
#40 Mar 12 2009 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
The thing with Renew is that it's heavily underrated. It doesn't work with Rapture (though that won't matter with the next patch) and it can't crit, but it's still our only HOT and as an all-round spell it's incredibly effective. I've actually experimented with the spell in a Naxx 25 run I completed 2 hours ago. I did the Sapphiron fight with 60% of my healing done by Renew. Especially in fights with constant AOE presence (like Sapph), keeping Renew up on 3/4 targets can relieve so much stress of everybody in the group that the rest of the fight becomes a cakewalk.

I guess Renew is one of those things that don't work in theory but end up being a lot nicer in practice. Then again, if you are having mana problems using Renew over a Rapture spell will probably make your life harder.

As for Desperate Prayer... I kind of picked that up when I had 1 point left I had nowhere to put in an earlier build. I still keep the possibility of dropping it in the back of my mind, but there isn't really anything useful I'd use the point for now. I'm skipping Enlightenment because I don't need the spirit and don't care one bit for haste - the talent is still nice, and I'd probably pick it up if I had 2 extra points at this point, but as it is now I prefer good 'ol Desperate Prayer and Absolution. Desperate Prayer has more uses than one would say, though. It's saved me from plenty of AOE horrors and using that spell ensures I can drink mana pots rather than health pots.
#41 Mar 12 2009 at 9:58 PM Rating: Excellent
736 posts
I noticed the new Patch notes don't say one whit about Rapture.
I keep hearing rumors about them taking a back-peddle on the change.
Which I sincerely hope is true.

I agree with the idea that Renew is under appreciated, Moz.

Although I'm not so sure about that Rapture > Renew assessment in regards to Mana. Penance is just mana-licious all around, so I think you're right as far as that. Also, I deeply fear Penance math, for it dwells in the dark realm of Statistics and Probability, and eats lesser number nerds for breakfast.

But Flash Heal!
I think that's a more questionable cookie that I can comfortably tackle.

As far as I understand the situation;

1400 HP over 15 seconds for 17% of your mana pool + a 188% spellpower coefficient.

Flash Heal
1887 to 2193 HP for 18% your mana pool + 80% spellpower coefficient

Rapture makes Flash Heal return 2.5% a mana pool - for all intents and purposes making Flash Heal only really cost 15.5% a mana pool. This is a generous estimate. Rapture only returns up to 2.5% of a mana pool based on the amount healed. According to Elitist Jerk's Rapture Spreadsheet currently Greater Heal is the only spell in the Disc ******* that can graze that 2.5% ceiling. But it has to stand on it's tippy toes and hop around a little, at a whopping 10k HP. Realistically Flash heal will never get the full 2.5% benefit, but for the sake of a good argument I'll give it.

On the surface
Flash Heal's 15.5% cost for 1887 to 2193 HP is much better than Renew's 17% cost for 1400 HP.

So let's throw those spellpower coefficients into the mix with a theoretical 1800 SP:

Flash Heal's 80% coefficient of 1800 Spellpower would be 1440
Renew's 188% coefficient of 1800 Spellpower would be 3384


So with 1800 Spell Power;
Flash Heal's 15.5% cost for 3327 to 3633 Hp is less than Renew's 17% cost for 4784 HP.

Even at a modest 1000 Spell Power we're looking at;
Flash heal's 15.5% cost for 2687 to 2993 HP is less than Renew's 17% cost for 3320 HP.

Practically speaking, Renew is a more mana efficient heal than Flash Heal with Rapture. And I didn't even touch the Improved Renew talent with a 10 foot pole.

Then it becomes a battle of the little things.
Critical Hit is in Flash Heal's corner, and while Rapture nullifies that advantage a bit by turning a blind eye to Overhealing, there's always Critical Hit's back-up buddy Grace. But Grace has got to contend with Renew's HOT status, meaning he rides the threat meter low and works when your occupied elsewhere. But oh, but oh, we're at the precipice of the slippery slope into the dark realm of Statistics and Probability at this point, so given my lesser number nerd status I'll leave my argument here and let you good folks make the judgment call for yourself.

Sufficed to say, Renew really is under appreciated.
And I take the Improved Renew talent.

Edited, Mar 13th 2009 2:33am by Zemzelette
#42 Mar 17 2009 at 6:02 AM Rating: Decent
Finally took a look at the new talents.

Above, would be my build. Another idea is, putting 2 points in Empowered Renew instead of Body and Soul, not sure yet... But, certainly like that all priests will have the spirit buff!! ^_^
#43 Mar 17 2009 at 6:39 AM Rating: Excellent
2,101 posts
Zemzelette wrote:
for all intents and purposes making Flash Heal only really cost 15.5% a mana pool. This is a generous estimate.

You're forgetting to calculate something very important. Glyphs and Talents.

Original Spell costs 18% base mana
Imp Flash Heal reduces the cost by 15% (new talent)
Glyph of Flash heal reduces the cost by 10%

I'm not positive exactly hwo it works (if the % are added together then reduced or if the cost is reduced one by one) so I will use both examples, just to cover my bases.

Pretending you have an 8k base mana pool, flash heal will cost 1440 unglyphed and untalented.

Now assuming the % reduction is added together then taken from the cost of the spell, with both glyph and talent You are looking at a reduction in cost of 360 mana, or in other words the new cost of Flash Heal is 13.5% Base Mana.

Assuming the cost reduced if first reduced by the talent and then by the glyph, we have an initial reduction in cost of 216, making FH cost 1224. Then we reduce the cost from the glyph by 122, which makes the end cost of FH 1102, or 13.78% of base mana.

I'm not sure how the % reductions are reduced, but work with either a 13.5% or 13.78% mana cost and then factor in the mana return of rapture and it's a whole new story.
#44 Mar 17 2009 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
This is basically why I always calculate my own HPM; you can spend ages calculating what would be better when what or if, but if you calculate the HPM on your own spells you quickly know which spell is *right now* the most mana efficient for you to cast.
#45 Mar 17 2009 at 9:29 AM Rating: Excellent
736 posts
;p We sort of put ourselves on apples to oranges with that one.
Here I am calculating for the now (Rapture), and you calculate for the future (Improved Flash Heal).

But it's interesting point all the same. Lemme' toy with it. :3

Full Improved Renew vs. Full Improved Flash Heal Talent + Flash Heal Glyph + Receiving the Full Rapture Benefit + Assuming best case scenario for the percent reduction (13.5%) all being done through a priest with 1800 Spellpower (so I can just use old numbers >.>)

Flash Heal ends up costing 11% of a mana pool and outputting 3327 to 3633.

Renew ends up costing 17% of a mana pool and outputting 5501.

To help put this into perspective, we'll take the 8k mana pool.

Flash heal ends up costing 880 mana making it a 1 : 3.78 to 1 : 4.12 mana:heal ratio

Renew ends up costing 1360 mana making it a 1 : 4.04 mana:heal ratio

So assuming we get to keep Rapture (::crosses fingers:::), assuming Flash heal got Rapture's full benefit, assuming no critical heals, assuming you have the flash heal glyph and assuming you've taken the full flash heal talent...Improved Renew and Flash Heal are just about Even.

Edited, Mar 17th 2009 2:07pm by Zemzelette
#46 Mar 17 2009 at 9:52 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Re: Discipline Talents and Renew
Renew does not bestow Grace. This could be a good thing or bad depending on the waffling on the PTR. Whether Grace remains a single target buff or can be spread out among your targets is still undergoing changes. (Every time I check on EJ's forum, it's nature seems to have taken some strange twist. One post says that grace will remain on a target if you have more than one stack applied, otherwise it is removed when Grace is bestowed on your new target. This would be a plus for Shield and/or Renew instead of Flash Heal since you could use it when you want your Grace to remain on your original target.) I'll leave the math to you guys, but it seems to me that Grace gives a bit of a hpm boost to all heals, yet it requires prior application by a non-Renew heal. I don't think this affects hpm formulae as much as spell selection.

Until the nature of Grace solidifies for release, too much conjecture remains to make a final choice for myself. I am still leaning toward a single point in Grace either way. The small chance of it falling off a main target during uninterrupted healing is small (my math is rusty, but I believe that even with two Penances and four Flash Heals in 15 seconds, a 50% chance for 3 of 10 to proc Grace is pretty good.) and allows some choices for my build.

-Points between Focused Will and Improved Healing depends on your choice for crit or mana management.
-I'm still playing with points between Healing Focus, Imp Renew, Divine Fury and Desperate Prayer. I'll probably keep Imp Renew 3/3, but the others are situational and I am leaning toward de-emphasizing Divine Fury as GHeal appears to be pushed further away for Discipline healers.
-Holy Reach may become more important with the change to PoH for Discipline, but I'll wait until I play with it before adjusting for it.
-I seem to recall that Healing Focus helps Penance from being clipped while taking hits when not shielded. Can anyone enlighten me on this? Something like 1 point ensures 2 shots of Penance and 2 points ensure full delivery?
#47 Mar 21 2009 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
Okay, here's my PVE spec. Notice something weird? Yes, Improved Flash Heal is an amazing talent...but with a 6-second Penance cooldown, I'm skipping it, and the flash heal glyph.

And PVP spec: will have to test it out. Made some hard decisions, fear I'll miss my dispel buffers martyrdom, blessed recovery and inspiration.
#48 Mar 26 2009 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
Here is my holy PvE spec so far
My spec

It's basically Synn's, with some tweaks that fit my playstyle better. We usually run pally heavy, and a lot of times I find myself tossing renew about since the tanks are pretty much taken care of. If I see DPS that took a little splash dmg, I habitually toss them a renew, so I wanted at least one point in Emp Renew.

I apologize if someone already mentioned this, but
SynnTastic wrote:

Quick question for any number cruncher, that I'm curious about. As far as the Hot is concerned, which is better, increase the amount healed by renew by 5%, or your renew gaining an additional 5% of your bonus healing affect. My math is saying the 5% increase in healing is better. Renew has a 188% spell power coefficient. Meaning if you have 2k SP, your renew should tick for 1032, or heal for a total of 5160 ([{1.88*2000}+1400]/5). Now with 5% increase in healing, that would be 5418 or 1083 per tick. Whereas 5% gain of healing affect ([{1.93*2000}+1400]/5) would be 5260 or 1052 per tick. Am I doing my math wrong in how renew would be affected by either talent?

I think your math is correct. However, 5% of renew's healing will always be the same. Spell power will go up though, so I think Emp renew will scale whereas Imp renew will not. Maybe that's what you meant, I wasn't sure if I was reading it properly.

Still gonna play around with that mess down towards the bottom of the tree. I think I'm just going to have to try it out and see what I'm using more. I might even give up DP. I'll probably go with it for now, and see if I can go without using it for a run or two.

Edit: Fixed link

Edited, Mar 26th 2009 10:52am by Saaru
#49 Mar 26 2009 at 11:09 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Saaru wrote:

I think your math is correct. However, 5% of renew's healing will always be the same. Spell power will go up though, so I think Emp renew will scale whereas Imp renew will not. Maybe that's what you meant, I wasn't sure if I was reading it properly.

Yeah I was just making sure my math is correct.

As far as scaling goes though, Emp Renews HoT will realistically never scale enough to surpass the 5% of Imp Renew. But Emp renew does increase total healing more than Imp renew simply because of the instant heal added to it.

So in the end, when deciding which talent to go with, it comes down to how you use renew. My renew tends to get cast on the tank nearly every time. If I would guess I would say 3% of my renew casts are on a DPS who would benefit from the instant heal to make it more worthwhile than Imp. But that's my circumstance now, if it changes and I find myself renewing DPS more, then there is no doubt I will switch talents and take Emp renew.
#50 Mar 26 2009 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
98 posts
*blinks, emerging into the light*

Hehe, I am fascinated by all of this but totally at sea with it, nearly level 80 and played Shadow all this time...

I have read through all of the healing guides and stickies, and am still none the wiser...I guess I'm just stuck in my ways a bit.

Anyway, folks - keep chatting, keep the gentle bickering going, you never know, MAYBE I'll pick something up!


#51 Mar 27 2009 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
Why does everyone ignore silent resolve? I would think that it would make it significantly less likely that you would aggro.
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