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3.1 Talent Build, What's Yours?Follow

#1 Feb 26 2009 at 6:28 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
So here is mine

How will you spec?

It was actually a little difficult to decide what I wanted, between Serendipity, Test of Faith, or filling out Empowered Renew. I'm still not sure which one is better.

I decided against Empowered Renew. For me, it would be mostly wasted. My renew is just meant as a buffer, most of the time I put it on the tanks, while the 15% increase in healing would be fine, the instant heal would be wasted since they are usually full health when I hit them with renew. So that right there cuts the value of the talent in half, plus the fact that I don't really rely on my renew as a healing spell, so much as a buffer spell(I leave the HoTs to the druid I run with). But I did put 1 point in it just for those times when I don't feel like healing a DPS I drop a renew on them, the instant heal plus the HoT should be sufficient to keep them content and alive.

Test of Faith vs. Serendipity was the real challenge. The 12% boost is a much more enticing boost than the old 6%, combined with the ability to target other parties in the raid with PoH, I see serious potential with this spell. On the other hand I see serendipity constantly being active on my buff bar(since I do cast flash and binding quite often), and a 60% reduced casting time on either GH or PoH at 3 stacks, making PoH a 1.2 second cast, I just couldn't pass it up.

Quick question for any number cruncher, that I'm curious about. As far as the Hot is concerned, which is better, increase the amount healed by renew by 5%, or your renew gaining an additional 5% of your bonus healing affect. My math is saying the 5% increase in healing is better. Renew has a 188% spell power coefficient. Meaning if you have 2k SP, your renew should tick for 1032, or heal for a total of 5160 ([{1.88*2000}+1400]/5). Now with 5% increase in healing, that would be 5418 or 1083 per tick. Whereas 5% gain of healing affect ([{1.93*2000}+1400]/5) would be 5260 or 1052 per tick. Am I doing my math wrong in how renew would be affected by either talent?

PS. I am assuming the Empowered Renew instant heal can crit, since the new Holy Concentration talent includes renew as a triggering spell.
#2 Feb 26 2009 at 6:56 AM Rating: Excellent
As disc, I'm looking at this 57/14/0 for now.

The cookie cutter builds will probably have Divine Fury, but I just don't use Greater Heal much.

Edited, Mar 27th 2009 4:10pm by dadanox
#3 Feb 26 2009 at 7:15 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
PVE - I gave up Test of Faith in favor of strengthening Prayer of Healing.

PVP - This'll be the first one I try, anyway. This is a hard one. With the changes to DA I kind of wanted to pick it up again, but that also means filling out Holy Specialization instead of Renew and Healing Focus, which I'm not crazy about. I'll probably play around before settling on something for real. I filled in the possibly imaginary talent Reflective Shield, assuming that if it's gone the new Barrier thingie will take its place.

Edited, Feb 26th 2009 10:16am by teacake
#4 Feb 26 2009 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
teacake wrote:
PVE - I gave up Test of Faith in favor of strengthening Prayer of Healing.

Imp: Shield over Meditation? Do you know something I don't?

Edit: I see you are still holding strong to Desperate Prayer, let it go :-P.

Edited, Feb 26th 2009 12:31pm by SynnTastic
#5 Feb 26 2009 at 9:34 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
SynnTastic wrote:

Imp: Shield over Meditation? Do you know something I don't?

No, you know something I don't. Namely, that they moved Meditation's spot on that line. Smiley: bah I'm so used to just clicking those 14 points in those particular spots that I didn't even look at the icons.Smiley: lol But yeah, Meditation.

I go back and forth with Desperate Prayer in a PVE build. If I don't use it I'll put that point in Healing Prayers instead.

Edit: fixed it. :)

Edited, Feb 26th 2009 12:37pm by teacake
#6 Feb 26 2009 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
I go back and forth with Desperate Prayer in a PVE build. If I don't use it I'll put that point in Healing Prayers instead.

I think with the new Serendipity and Empowered Renew, there will be little use for Desperate Prayer in PvE. Instant heal from Renew + Binding Heal or Flash Heal should get us patched up, with the added bonus of getting the casting time reduction. Usually if you really need the big instant heal from Desperate Prayer something else is seriously wrong.

Also, I'd be VERY hesitant to use such an expensive spell without knowing how all the regen changes are actually gonna work out.

Oh, and I am extremely excited about the changes to Holy and can't wait to get my hands on those talents :)

Edited, Feb 26th 2009 7:03pm by Kanngarnix
#7 Feb 26 2009 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
626 posts
I haven't quite made up my mind yet, but I'm liking your build Synn, so it'll be very much like it.

I'll just have to see how my mana is holding up, so I can maybe drop a point or two from Healing Prayers to either max out Improved Renew or stuff em in Test of Faith.
#8 Feb 26 2009 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
DPS (16/0/55)
Healing (53/18/0)
#9 Feb 26 2009 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
My raiding Shadow build.

DPS (16/0/55)

I'm curious as to why you passed up Imp. SW:P and DP in favor of Imp. Shield. I'm guessing because of the points in Imp. Shadowform that it's either a solo or PvP spec.

Edited, Feb 26th 2009 6:34pm by IDrownFish
#10 Feb 26 2009 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
93 posts
#11 Feb 26 2009 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
Whoops! I meant to get that, actually lol.
#12 Feb 27 2009 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
12/0/59 for DPS, if I find mana is an issue then I'll have to drop silence (which I just like for 5mans really) and stick another point in meditation and probably 1 in Imp VE and 1 in veiled shadows).

14/54/0(+3) for my healing spec, not quite sure what to do with the remaining 3 points though. I'm not sure how much use serendipity would be, 3% extra healing from Blessed Resilience might be good , but more points in renew or holy reach could also be useful with the extra talent for renew and PoH being targetted now.
#13 Feb 27 2009 at 2:38 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
13/0/58 Assuming we don't run into threat issues then I think this is the only really viable shadow pve build

For disc my build would (at the current time) be 56/15/0

For a holy build I'd go with teacake's build, only I'd shift the point from inner focus into healing prayers.

Edited, Feb 27th 2009 5:42am by thegreatmothra
#14 Feb 27 2009 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
13/0/58 Assuming we don't run into threat issues then I think this is the only really viable shadow pve build

I'm a bit confused here. The only difference between your spec and mine is that you take the points from Inner Focus and Imp. VE and put them into Imp. Shadowform. Is it that necessary? Is there going to be more AoE damage than we're currently taking in Ulduar?

Edited, Feb 27th 2009 7:24am by IDrownFish
#15 Feb 27 2009 at 5:11 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
While it is useful, the healing from Imp VE doesn't offset the potential damage loss from interrupted casting. It used to be that when improved VE gave a lot of healing to party members that it was a really worthwhile talent. Since the nerf its just no longer as useful. In addition we will be taking more raid damage in ulduar, its one of the factors that always increases as raid content becomes harder.

One thing I AM interested in is the possibility of dumping the 5 points in spirit tap. With the changes in meditation the damage bonus from improved spirit tap is not enough to justify the 5 talent points. Essentially, if meditation and improved sprit tap don't stack you're spending the equivalent of 5 talent points for what is essentially 10 spellpower - not exactly mind blowing.

If that is in fact the case I'd spec more like this: 13/0/58

Some builds I've seen based on this principle have even gone so far as to spec into mental agility instead.

Edited, Feb 27th 2009 8:26am by thegreatmothra
#16 Feb 27 2009 at 6:25 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
In addition we will be taking more raid damage in ulduar, its one of the factors that always increases as raid content becomes harder.

We'll have to see about that

"Blizzard" wrote:
In a world with infinite healer mana, the only way to challenge healers is with increasingly insane amount of raid damage, so that global cooldowns become the limiting factor since mana fails to be.

There were quite a few posts like that one - along with the regen changes - that would indicate that we've reached the end of AoE heal spam as well as AoE damage spam through bosses. Right now I'm having faith in Blizzard not just requiring us to play smarter, but move bosses away from idiotic damage spams as well.

Regardless of that, I think the gains from Imp Shadowform are overall higher than what you could possibly get from Inner Focus with it's 3 minute cooldown. It's nice on heroic trash with Mind Sear, but the 2 times you could actually use it in a typical 5-6 minute raid boss fight are probably just not worth the point.
#17 Feb 27 2009 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
Well, if the raid damage doesn't increase then the fights simply don't get harder to heal. Unless they're going to drag fights out in length to challenge healer mana regeneration instead you can certainly expect the damage to become more intense. The post you mentioned referenced the eredar twins in particular, where you literally had to spam from start to finish to kill it. Currently nothing like this exists in recent raid content (other than certain hard sections of sarth 3d). Having these bursty sections in fights is likely what they are aiming at, giving healers a challenge but not reducing the fight to a spamming competition.
#18 Feb 27 2009 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
This was actually a more recent post, in the midst of adding the CoH/Wild Growth cooldowns and their plans to change mana regeneration. It also was just an example of quite a few posts going into the same direction, but I didn't feel the need to look all of them up.

Damage will go up naturally, but so will our healing as gear improves.

Right now we're having a situation where you can spam-heal, without thinking twice. Their only option would have been to increase damage done even more to provide somewhat of a challenge. This is what was done in the past, but the thing is that Blizz has stated in various posts that they want to actually get away from that.

One reason for the regen changes was to bring healing classes more in line with each other. The other was to provide a challenge WITHOUT doing that by simply increasing damage or adding even more cooldowns, and the only way to do that was through mana.

I expect the damage to be proportionally the same as we're having now. The challenge will be to heal smarter, not more, or else you'll find yourself OOM and not healing at all.

Spamming CoH every cooldown is gonna hurt plenty. Overhealing due to the lack of coordination between healers will too. Reducing Penance cooldown along with the changes to Rapture might turn out to be a curse rather than a blessing if you don't watch what you're doing.

It's just too early to jump to conclusions.
#19 Feb 27 2009 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
276 posts

You make a very good point when you said this:

I expect the damage to be proportionally the same as we're having now. The challenge will be to heal smarter, not more, or else you'll find yourself OOM and not healing at all.

I am experiencing this issue. I am also a newly minted lvl 80 with only 3-4 pieces of Naxx 10 gear as of last night. I'm guessing the priests with better gear may not face this that much? I know on my resto druid at first mana was tough, but now I have more than I could ever dream of using in any boss encounter.

The incoming regen changes are really scaring me right now being in my position. I'm trying to figure out "how to heal" as a priest vs. resto druid. Last night we had 3 total healers in Naxx, so it wasn't that tough. I just used renew, POM, and CoH. I never really "felt" like a priest because I wasn't dropping hardly any bomb heals like Greater Heal.

I need to get used to the notion of cancel-casting. To me being from a druid perspective if I do that 2-3 times and not actually cast it just feels like I'm wasting time and not contributing. I'm just used to spamming lifeblooms every point-whatever seconds.

I did find it interesting that I was outhealing a resto druid with mostly Naxx 25 gear by 2 million...maybe she just wasn't bothering to spam Wild Growth every 6 seconds.

Edited, Feb 27th 2009 12:52pm by Jedius

Edited, Feb 27th 2009 12:56pm by Jedius
#20 Feb 27 2009 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
717 posts
PVE Disc build 57/14/0

I am playing around with the idea of only one point in Grace. The theory being that since it no longer adds to damage reduction, the only time the proc is truly useful is during concentrated healing periods. Between Penance and other heals, Fheal or Gheal, it should proc enough to keep a stack up.

Rapture concerns me. The benefit to the target is great, but it does cause the disc spec to be reliant on busted shields for replenishment. It almost begs for shielded dps to step into damage. I guess with the age of aoe upon us, it makes sense. It would be great if DA also caused mana replenishment, but I think I am wishing for a bit too much. =/
#21 Feb 27 2009 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
988 posts
I need to get used to the notion of cancel-casting. To me being from a druid perspective if I do that 2-3 times and not actually cast it just feels like I'm wasting time and not contributing. I'm just used to spamming lifeblooms every point-whatever seconds.

No. What you need to get used to is using the right heal at the right time.

I did find it interesting that I was outhealing a resto druid with mostly Naxx 25 gear by 2 million...maybe she just wasn't bothering to spam Wild Growth every 6 seconds.

I wish I could just slap every raid healer who is out-doing anybody. Raiding is a team effort, for healers more than any other classes. The current focus on the meters in one of the main reasons why Blizzard more or less decided to pull the plug on spam-healing. It doesn't matter how you did on the meters if you didn't heal the right people at the right time.

How does the raid benefit from you out-healing a druid as you said? If you shoot a CoH on the same people the druid had targeted with his Wild Growth, you only cost the raid valuable mana. Same thing if you cast a GH on a person the druid was about to Swiftmend.

Wanna know how bad it is? Go to wowwebstats and open ANY report you want on the front page. You'll be hard pressed to find any with LESS than 50% overhealing.

It's currently a "spamfest" in the healing department - because people can. Because performance is measured through positions on meters.

You know what I am thinking when I am looking at those reports? I'm thinking that all those people wasted half their mana for nothing, and that the upcoming regen changes are more than justified.
#22 Feb 28 2009 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Here you go.

I'm dropping Reflective Shield since even though the points are lowered, I only recently figured it only works if you shield yourself - I meant to drop it anyway. Soul Warding will make my life a little easier at those "burst incoming" times where I usually shield up everybody, and the point in Enlightenment is fun to have. Nothing changes for me in holy.

As for glyphs - seeing as my Shadowfiend's HP is getting a buff, I might replace my Glyph of Shadowfiend with the Glyph of Shadow Protection. Also, depending on how mana and regeneration will be I'll replace my Glyph of Flash Heal with a Glyph of Mass Dispel (I find myself using that spell in Naxx more than one would expect and 50% is a sick amount).
#23 Mar 02 2009 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
276 posts
I wish I could just slap every raid healer who is out-doing anybody. Raiding is a team effort, for healers more than any other classes. The current focus on the meters in one of the main reasons why Blizzard more or less decided to pull the plug on spam-healing. It doesn't matter how you did on the meters if you didn't heal the right people at the right time.

How does the raid benefit from you out-healing a druid as you said? If you shoot a CoH on the same people the druid had targeted with his Wild Growth, you only cost the raid valuable mana. Same thing if you cast a GH on a person the druid was about to Swiftmend.

Wanna know how bad it is? Go to wowwebstats and open ANY report you want on the front page. You'll be hard pressed to find any with LESS than 50% overhealing.

It's currently a "spamfest" in the healing department - because people can. Because performance is measured through positions on meters.

You know what I am thinking when I am looking at those reports? I'm thinking that all those people wasted half their mana for nothing, and that the upcoming regen changes are more than justified.


I'm not boasting about it, I was just commenting that it was interesting. I've been a healer for a long time on my resto druid and I agree with your thoughts on meters/overhealing in raids.
#24 Mar 02 2009 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Not blaming or pointing fingers at anyone, I'd just like to point out that what Kann just said is so very true. It's what I've been trying to tell numerous people all over.

Also, I've 'changed' my spec. I didn't notice I had 3 extra points left earlier, and messed up some stuff. Here is what I'll probably be going with, and what I'm predicting to be the next disc cookie cutter.
#25 Mar 02 2009 at 7:45 PM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
Here is what I'll probably be going with, and what I'm predicting to be the next disc cookie cutter.

Hmmm, 3% extra crit with focused will, or 10% reduced mana cost of penance and greater heal with improved healing... choices, choices. I'm leaning toward the extra crit.

Edited, Mar 27th 2009 4:20pm by dadanox
#26 Mar 03 2009 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Wait, Focused Will adds crit? Gah, I wish the changes would be more clear, I seem to miss something everytime I build a new spec.

This is what I'll probably be on then. That brings me near 35% crit raid buffed, and I like that number. I might switch to improved healing if mana regeneration becomes really terrible though.

Also, I think this is the first time I actually have a point left with nowhere to put it. Absolution and Enlightenment both don't seem worth it, I don't need Silent Resolve, the PvP talents are useless for me, 6% stun isn't going to cut it and holy doesn't have anything interesting left either.

Heck, I might just put a point in Spirit Tap for fun - I could learn to manage my SW:D.
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