To avoid unnecessary threads bloating the forum, this thread will be here to ask and answer questions.
First of all:
Have you read the FAQ?
It'll answer all basic questions you want to ask.
And the Hunter, preparing to raid! guide?
That will answer nearly everything you want or need to know concerning preparing for and starting out in raids in WotLK.
Is your question about your gear?
Download the Spreadsheet or check Femaledwarf and check for yourself.
It'll answer nearly all gear questions better than any of us can.
In here, we will answer questions that are more specific such as "How do I handle XXX fight?"(whether it is a (raid)boss or a player), "I've got these and these upgrades, why am I not doing more dps?" and "This is my WWS, can you help me find out what I could improve?"
For questions about your dps, helping you based on just your armory link is not possible.
We'll need to know your rotations and we strongly recommend posting a WWS report to help us analyze where you can improve.
If you have a question that can likely be answered by a "yes" or "no" and it isn't answered in the sticky, this is the place to ask that question.
Note: Even though this is the HELP ME! thread, you'll still be mocked for posting questions that are answered in the stickies.
Edited, Aug 7th 2009 1:38pm by Aethien