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#27 Feb 24 2009 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Errrr, yeah Selverin 3.1 they can swim and I'm about 100% sure that it won't be at 100%, that pretty much defeats Aquatic form and the glyph.
#28 Feb 24 2009 at 1:25 PM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Yeah that's what I was thinking. Then again, it wouldn't have surprised me much if they had dismissed Aquatic Form as "useless anyway" and would have gone on to give everyone max-speed swimming mounts.

I just discussed it with coworkers (we're pretty much all WoWers in the team) and they said it was planned to be regular swim speed, but simply saving the annoyance to remount after crossing a body of water, however small it may be. (Cause really that's what pisses people off. Miss your jump, land a bit into water, take 2 steps forward, remount before moving on)

I just noticed that part in the OP. ^^

As a bear I like the IMotW change and Primal Gore. My new bear.

Pretty much what I had in mind. I was kinda deciding between Brutal Impact and Shredding Attacks, but of course if you're MT rage will never really be an issue. If I do stick with Cat/Bear specs that would definitely look like my Bear spec. If I go Bear/Resto I might move a few points around to try to avoid gimping my DPS too much in Cat.

As for Glyphs I might switch Growl for Mangle, dunno. And definitely taking Aquatic Form instead of Unburdened Rebirth cause it's totally awesome and sweet.

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 3:38pm by Selverein
#29 Feb 24 2009 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
Think I'll end up with this, I still don't really miss Feral Charge or Brutal Impact when tanking...are there even any encounters where the 30' on Growl doesn't cut teh mustard?

Glyphs, Hard to decide between Mangle and Growl...don't need Mangle glyph for tanking, but would be nice to max dps rotations and not have to refresh it (but then again if you have a Warrior doing Trauma or another bear tank, it means crap-all anyway), and talents, I'm seesawing between ILotP and filling out PI. ILotP is really nice for grinding, I never have to shift and heal it seems, but I *could* just shift out to heal and get the PI bonuses.

Really hard to decide, I enjoy dps and tanking equally (with a slight emphasis on tanking), but want to dualspec a full resto build cause I want to explore the finer points of druid heals. ;;

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 5:09pm by Norellicus
#30 Feb 24 2009 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
I know it says Melee critical strike, but I wonder if the Lacerate dot critting will give us a shield...

Now that would be fun :P
#31 Feb 24 2009 at 4:02 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Bleeds crit for 150% damage. (linky )

Reading up on the SR changes now.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#32 Feb 25 2009 at 5:03 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
Bleeds crit for 150% damage. (linky )

Still a sweeeeet deal. Too bad they don't cause combo points too. OMG would that be OP.

Mangle, rake, Shred, rake crits, rake crits, 5 point SR, rake crits, shred, rake, rake crits, rip, rake crits, rip crits, rake crits, shred crits, 5 point FB.


Horsemouth wrote:
Reading up on the SR changes now.

/taps foot impatiently

Moar numbers!
#33 Feb 25 2009 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Galenmoon wrote:
I wonder if the Lacerate dot critting will give us a shield.

Everyone does. Last I knew SD wasn't working on the PTR yet. Also people don't know if mob and boss AoE and bleed effects, etc. remove the shield. Also hidden CDs and how it exactly works is unknown. The numbers on this skill are still up in the air.

Galenmoon wrote:
Moar numbers!

So assuming a naxx cat has 10000 ap and 50 % crit (approx-buffed) here are the calculations for the old and the new SR. 
                OLD SR                                                                   New SR 
White dmg       (14000/14+55)*1.1=1160.5                                     (10000/14+55)*1.1*1.3=1100 
Shred        ((2.25*1055)+742.5)*1.1*1.3*1.2=5346                    ((2.25*769+742.5)*1.1*1.3*1.2*1.3=5516.2 
Rake              =471+ 5263.8                                                             =539+5504 
Rip              (0.3*14000+3204)*1.1*1.3=10587.7                       (0.3*10000+3204)*1.1*1.3*1.3=11533 
FB            (0.35*14000+1570)*1.1=7117(8184.5 with FA)             (0.35*10000+1570)*1.1*1.3=7250(8337.6)  
(Source )

Rough math I found on Emmerald's forums. Haven't seen any solid number from the jerks yet but they seem to be all agreeing a DPS boost. They are assuming the SR glyph is +6% additive(36%) and not multiplicative(31.8) which matters.

Also the changes to ArP help out our white attacks and some yellows a good deal. Of course since a large portion of feral DPS is from bleeds this will affect us less then other melee DPS. But ArP is slowing becoming less worthless.

The changes also seem to being swinging Agi > Str again. So hold of on buying DM:G till this settles down.

I need coffee.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#34 Feb 25 2009 at 5:25 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
GalenmoonTheImpatient wrote:
Moar numbers!

(Source )

I founded themz.

In a nut shell it is a buff. So this should last through all of Northrend before they have to fix our scaling again. As the change becomes a nerf after a certain AP threshold.

The long version to follow.

First off, let's consider the various multiplier we have form talents etc.

i nailed down on 3 abilities, since they are the main source of damage done: rake, rip, autoattack

rake: +20% from savage fury, +30% form mangle, +10% from naturalist

rake is ***rake: Rake the target for [AP / 100 + 190] bleed damage and an additional [1161 + AP * 0.18] damage over 9 sec. Awards 1 combo point.
let's consider jsut the dot, whinch is what matter to us
live: under savage roar is [1161+ ap*0.18*1.4]*1.2*1.3*1.1,
or, in short form, 1992 plus ap*0.43%
PTR : under savage roar is [1161+ ap*0.18*]*1.2*1.3*1.1*1.3
pr, in short form 2589 plus ap*0.40%

now to set a point where it would be a nerf to damage done, it's a simply
AP= 19900
so for any cat with less than 19900 AP, this is a buff to damage done by rake

let's consider rip

rip ( 5 combo point):
+30% from mangle, +10% from naturalist
live : (534+0.05*AP*1.4)*1.3*1.1 per tick
ptr (534+ 0.05*AP)*1.3*1.3*1.1 per tick

short forms
live 763+ AP*0,1001
ptr 992+ AP*0.0929
AP = ~29800

so below 30k AP it is a buff
autoattack:DPS is +10% from naturalist, -42% from armor( AFAIk, 10545 i don't remember how much mitigation is)
live: dps -> [55+ Ap*0.0714*1.4]*1.1*0.58
ptr [55+ ap*0.0714]*1.1*1.3*0.58

short forms
live 35 +AP*0.0638
ptr 45.5 + AP*0.0592
AP=2282, low, as expected because of armor and the fact that the base "paw" damaged capped out at level 60 and there wasn't new "ranks" from then

Also, the SR glyph is additive(36%) so it is required for raiding kitties.

edit: i kan spel gud

Edited, Feb 25th 2009 8:26pm by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#35 Feb 25 2009 at 5:35 PM Rating: Good
1,778 posts
If you consider both the SR change and the new SR glyph, it most certainly is a dps buff. +36% damage > +40% AP, how much of a buff I'm not sure but if I had to guess it would be in the +5% range of total dps.

I'm trying to figure out how you can say this so definitively that it's certainly a dps buff, but then that you're not sure by how much and that you'd guess 5%. More so I'm wondering how it can be said anything is a dps buff without looking at other details/changes, aka: the whole picture.

Like, by itself, Savage Roar will basically no longer affect bleeds and as near as I can tell SR right now is worth aprox 35% more damage on white/yellows or in that ballpark.

Unless 36% Damage and 40%AP affect white/yellow attacks very differently, I don't see how this is really that big of a change for white/yellow specifically. If it is different, someone's going to have to explain it to me, because a lot of what I've read so far has a lot of people scratching their heads as to whether or not this change specifically is a dps increase or decrease for white/yellow and I'm even seeing things that suggest that if you don't take the glyph to increase it by 6% it's certainly a decrease. So not having the extra 6% is a decrease and having it is a 5% increase according to your guess?

The loss of AP from SR will hurt rip/rake, but the ability of bleeds to crit brings the bleed effects' dps back up and then some because of the expected rate of crit, and then too, personally I think it adds much better scaling with bleed damage being affected by both AP and crit rate.

My personal thoughts, are that the glyph is merely there to further separate a dps spec vs a tank spec when looking at savage roar, that the intent for savage roar once fully specced for dps is that SR will maintain very very close performance as before, but without the glyph you won't perform as well. I'm leaning this way in part because of the Tank specced T6 mangle spammers as that should decrease tank spec/glyphed cats' dps and maybe prevent T6 mangle spamming tank specs/resto specs as dual spec combos from being so close and capable as full dps specced cats. I think the change to SR was done mostly because they had the notion to allow bleeds to crit but they couldn't implement that without decreasing our AP since bleeds are based on AP. 11k+ AP and the ability to crit on bleeds would be too much and probably scale too rapidly.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again now here, I'm not math inclined for this game. I don't know all the behind the scenes math. This is just my view point from reading various forums and the overall conclusion I've come to.

Edited, Feb 25th 2009 6:36pm by Torzak
Torzak of Carbuncle(Moved To Asura)
#36 Feb 25 2009 at 5:53 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
The loss of AP from SR will hurt rip/rake

They get buffed, white damage gets nerfed. I am guessing you posted while my last one hadn't been put up yet.

My personal thoughts, are that the glyph is merely there to further separate a dps spec vs a tank spec when looking at savage roar

Very true.

I think the change to SR was done mostly because they had the notion to allow bleeds to crit but they couldn't implement that without decreasing our AP since bleeds are based on AP. 11k+ AP and the ability to crit on bleeds would be too much and probably scale too rapidly.

Also true.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#37 Feb 25 2009 at 9:42 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
So, in the end, my moonkin stays the same? Someone has the math on the new starfall glyph compared to the ones we use now?
#38 Feb 25 2009 at 10:24 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
So, in the end, my moonkin stays the same? Someone has the math on the new starfall glyph compared to the ones we use now?

You mean all druids aren't feral?


I'll look into it tomorrow.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#39 Feb 26 2009 at 1:43 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
So you are going from a +2 seconds glyph to reducing the CD in half.

That reeks of buff.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#40 Feb 26 2009 at 6:22 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Also, the SR glyph is additive(36%) so it is required for raiding kitties.

Yep, and I thought I had my future glyphs figured... but noooo, Blizz had to come in and confuse me.

From mmo-champion, scroll down to Glyphs changes.

So now we got
Glyph of Mangle: +6 seconds to Mangle
Glyph of Rip: +4 seconds to Rip
Glyph of Shred: +2 seconds x3 to Rip
Glyph of Savage Roar: +6% to Damage during SR

I think SR is pretty much a given. Now, gotta choose 2 outta 3. I'm afraid that if I take the two Rip-improving talents, I will have to refresh Mangle too often and might actually lose DPS in the long run from various factors such as Rip ticking while Mangle isn't back on yet, not being able to Shred 3 times per Rip because Mangle falls off too quickly, etc...

Nevermind, I got out of my morning haze. Considering how much longer Rip will last, it probably will be worth it to drop the Mangle glyph in favor of Shred. Longer Rips mean better DPE, and the occasion to refresh SR and use a FB more often. And if you so happen to run with a Bear Tank/Trauma Warrior, it's even better.

Edited, Feb 26th 2009 8:42am by Selverein
#41 Feb 26 2009 at 9:30 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Selverein wrote:
Nevermind, I got out of my morning haze. Considering how much longer Rip will last, it probably will be worth it to drop the Mangle glyph in favor of Shred. Longer Rips mean better DPE, and the occasion to refresh SR and use a FB more often. And if you so happen to run with a Bear Tank/Trauma Warrior, it's even better.

And with Rip being up longer, even if your mangle drops off, your Rip still has the chance to crit, increasing it's DPE even further.

Wish they would extend rake out a few more seconds. >.<

Course I guess like you said, with rip being much longer, it would allow for the rotation to be that much easier to manage. The downside is on bosses where you aren't able to position yourself to use Shred for that extended time on Rip. (Thaddius, etc..)

#42 Feb 26 2009 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Aah, yes, that's true. I hadn't thought about fights like Thaddius.

But then again, even if you had Glyph of Mangle instead of Shred, it wouldn't make your DPE/DPS better, so while you won't benefit from it, you won't be stuck thinking "Damn, I could've done X or Y to max myself out". I can't think of many situations where Glyph of Mangle would be better then the possibility to extend Rip via Shred, even if it turns out you can't use it.

Of course we'll have to see and hope there aren't too many situations like that in Ulduar.

Wish they would extend rake out a few more seconds. >.<

Oh hell yes.
WTB 12s+ Rake, pretty please with ice cream?
#43 Feb 26 2009 at 9:56 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Yeah, I don't see any reason to have the mangle, at all. If you're stuck in a place where you can't Shred, you're going to be mangling anyway, so the extra time on it isn't going to benefit you at all in the rotation.

Selverein wrote:

Wish they would extend rake out a few more seconds. >.<

Oh hell yes.
WTB 12s+ Rake, pretty please with ice cream?

and sprinkles and Hershey Syrup?
#44 Feb 26 2009 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
You make an excellent point there Galenmoon. My thought was to replace the Shred Glyph with the Savage Roar on because of the times I can't use Shred. But replacing the Mangle glyph makes more sense.

As for lengthening the Rake time; do you think if enough of us pester Blizzard we will get it? The obvilious answer being NO!!!! :)

#45 Feb 26 2009 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I would use Savage Roar, Rip and Shred. The math I've been seeing seems to agree as well. Even when there is no mangle-***** present.

The changes to Sunder/FF seem to have given ArP a kick in the **** as well. Which would be sweet since I have been avoiding it like a drunken fat chick that seems to be everywhere.

Still waiting for SD to work on the damn PTR. Haven't heard squat for actual numbers on that yet.

I hear good things about Nourish and expect the bat to start swinging.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#46 Feb 26 2009 at 5:50 PM Rating: Good
1,260 posts
Torzak wrote:
If you consider both the SR change and the new SR glyph, it most certainly is a dps buff. +36% damage > +40% AP, how much of a buff I'm not sure but if I had to guess it would be in the +5% range of total dps.

I'm trying to figure out how you can say this so definitively that it's certainly a dps buff, but then that you're not sure by how much and that you'd guess 5%. More so I'm wondering how it can be said anything is a dps buff without looking at other details/changes, aka: the whole picture.
Edited, Feb 25th 2009 6:36pm by Torzak

The reason why I could comfortably say it would definately be a buff is becauseof the nature of the change. +40% AP will only boost the AP portion of the damage of each ability, where as +36% damage would boost both the AP and the base portion of the ability. Unless you have so much AP that losing the 4% on the AP part is greater then the +36% buff on the base portion, it is safe to say that it's a buff. Although at the time I wasn't sure of how much AP would be required for it to be break even, I knew enough about the base damage of each ability to make the statement with some certainty. Later on I found from another forum that it would take approximately 90,000 AP for the 4% loss in AP to equal the 36% buff to average base damage of each ability. White damage will take a hit since it's only affected by AP, but the buff to yellow damage more then makes up for it and it ends up as a net buff a little lower then my initial 5% estimation.

All in all, it was an educated estimation on my part to arrive at my conclusion. I was simply confident enough in the approximations I made along the way that I could estimate the true value of the change with enough accuracy to say that it would result in a net increase in dps.
#47 Feb 27 2009 at 4:20 AM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
So you are going from a +2 seconds glyph to reducing the CD in half.

That reeks of buff.

Indeed. But I wonder if that is any better than the ones boonkins use nowadays. Maybe for pvp, dunno....I kinda think SR's useless.
#48 Feb 27 2009 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
97 posts
After first shaving us of armor, now Blizz is thinking about nerfing our stamina.

Heart of the Wild 5/5 on the PTR now increases stamina by 10% instead of 20%.

#49 Feb 27 2009 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
After first shaving us of armor, now Blizz is thinking about nerfing our stamina.

Heart of the Wild 5/5 on the PTR now increases stamina by 10% instead of 20%.

It's in line with Savage Defense I'd say, and a logical step in moving bears from being a meatshield to a more sophisticated approach. Didn't expect anything else really.
#50 Feb 27 2009 at 9:18 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
moving bears from being a meatshield to a more sophisticated approach

Who cares about being sophisticated? I'M A BEAR, ROAR!!

Seriously, I don't like this at all. What's fun about Bears is the massive raw stats rather than the fiddling and juggling of Def stats that the other tanks have to deal with.

I saw that change reported in the mmo-champion forums yesterday, but people weren't sure if it was just a bug. Now it seems to be confirmed... They better change their minds about this, cause it's gonna **** a lot of people off. I really hate nerfs that are uncalled for.
#51 Feb 27 2009 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
97 posts
Upon further investigation over at, it appears that the HotW nerf to stamina may be offset by undoing the armor nerf and scrapping savage defense.
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