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3.1 Changes, from the PTR notes.Follow

#1 Feb 24 2009 at 12:04 AM Rating: Good
Hello, this has been ripped from the 3.1 PTR Notes thread on the WoW General forums.

RPZip wrote:
Death Knight (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Blood Boil’s damage increased to make up for Pestilence no longer doing damage.
* Blood Boil now does some damage to undiseased targets and extra damage to diseased targets. Its radius has been decreased.
* Blood Plague: Now lasts 15 seconds untalented.
* Death Pact: This heal cannot be a critical.
* Frost Fever: Now lasts 15 seconds untalented.
* Pestilence does no damage and has only one rank.
* Plague Strike and Blood Plague no longer remove hots. Plague Strike’s damage increased quite a bit to compensate.
* Raise Ally has a >15 min cooldown to keep it out of Arena.
* Raise Dead: Duration lowered to 60 sec. and cooldown lowered to 3 min. The cooldown on this ability now begins when the pet dies rather than when it is summoned.
* Rune of Cinderglacier now procs per minute instead of a 5% chance.
* Rune of Razorfrost now affects Frost damage done by the DK only, but stacks up to 10%.
* Strangulate no longer does damage and has been reduced to 1 rank.


* Blood Aura: Replaced with Improved Blood Presence. This allows the deathknight to keep the healing from damage done bonus of Blood Presence in any presence, and increases healing received while in Blood Presence.
* Blood-Gorged now grants armor penetration instead of expertise.
* Bloody Strikes now increases Blood Boil damage instead of Pestilence.
* Bloodworms now heal more.
* Dancing Rune Weapon: Fixed a bug making it trigger an unusual number of effects from the weapon equipped by the Death Knight. In addition, it will now only echo Death Knight spells whose primary purpose is dealing damage. Also corrected a bug making the effect last 8 seconds longer than intended.
* Scent of Blood will now proc on a dodge, parry or taking damage, and internal cooldown lowered to 10 from 20 sec.
* Sudden Doom now procs a free Death Coil instead of requiring you to push the button. Ranks reduced from 5 to 3.


* The following talents have moved in the Frost tree: Runic Power Mastery, Glacier Rot, Killing Machine, Chilblains, and Endless Winter.
* Black Ice now grants 2/4/6/8/10% Shadow damage in addition to the Frost damage.
* Black Ice: Frost Damage bonus lowered to 4/8/12/16/20%
* Blood of the North is 3 ranks instead of 5 for the same effect.
* Chillblains: Now a 15/30/50% movement speed debuff (up from 30%). Moved to position currently occupied by Glacier Rot.
* Endless Winter: Moved to position currently occupied by Chillblains.
* Frost Aura: Replaced with Improved Frost Presence. Allows the deathknight to keep the health bonus of Frost Presence in any presence, and decreases magic damage taken while in Frost Presence.
* Glacier Rot: Third rank added, and damage bonus increased to 7/13/20. Moved to position currently occupied by Endless Winter.
* Howling Blast: Swapped positions with Hungering Cold in the talent tree (HB is now at 51, and HC is now at 31). In addition, the damage bonus for targets with Frost Fever is now only 20%.
* Icy Talons - This talent how has a new icon.
* Runic Power Mastery down to 2 ranks.


* Blood-caked Blade: Now has a 3 second cooldown on the effect.
* Desecration: This talent now has a 100% chance to be triggered. Additional points in the talent increase the damage bonus and snare magnitude instead of increasing the chance.
* Epidemic: Epidemic now has 3 ranks (adding an additional 3 sec of disease duration). Magic Suppression is 3 ranks (down from 5) for 2/4/6% magic damage reduction.
* Master of Ghouls: Now also reduces the cooldown on Raise Dead by 60 sec.
* Necrosis: Can now only be triggered by main hand attacks.
* New talent: Improved Death Strike. Increases Death Strike damage by 10/20.
* Night of the Dead: Redesigned to grant a flat reduction on cooldown to Raise Dead and Army of the Dead instead of a reduction from using abilities.
* Outbreak bonus for Scourge Strike lowered to 10/20/30%.
* Scourge Strike: Damage increased.
* Unholy Aura: Replaced with Improved Unholy Presence. Allows the Deathknight to keep the movement speed bonus of Unholy Presence in any presence, and increases rune regeneration rate while in Unholy Presence.
* Unholy Blight and Gargoyle have swapped places in the Unholy tree. Gargoyle is the new Unholy 51 talent.


* Glyph of Blood Boil: Now only applies a snare to diseased targets.

EDIT: New info.

* Pestilence is now 1 rank. It now spreads existing Blood Plague and Frost Fever infections from your target to all other enemies within 10 yards. (Previously dealt damage)
* Strangulate no longer deals damage.
* Blood Boil damage increased, but its range has been reduced.
* Death Pact's heal can no longer crit.
* Blood Strike now instantly strikes the enemy, causing 40% weapon damage plus 305.6, increased by 12.5% per disease on the target at rank 6. (Previously caused 50% weapon damage plus 191, and an additional 95.5 bonus damage per disease)
* Heart Strike now
* instantly strikes the target and his nearest ally, causing 50% weapon damage plus 368, increased by 10% per disease on the target at rank 6. (Previously caused 60% weapon damage plus 220.8, and an additional 110.4 bonus damage per disease)


* Blood Gorged (Tier 10) no longer grants expertise. Instead your attacks ignore up to 2/4/6/8/10% of the targets armor.
* Heart Strike (Tier 9) now strikes the target and his nearest ally, causing 50% weapon damage plus 125, increased by 10% per disease on the target.
* Might of Morgraine (Tier 9) now increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Blood Boil, Blood Strike, Death Strike, Heart Strike, and Obliterate abilities by 10/20/30%. (Previously was 15/30/45%)
* Sudden Doom (Tier 8 ) is now a 3 point talent and now has a 5/10/15% chance to launch a free Death Coil at your target. (Previously gave a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to make the next death coil cost no runic power and guaranteed it to crit)
* Blood Aura (Tier 7) renamed Improved Blood Presence and now while in Frost Presence or Unholy Presence, you retain 4% healing from Blood Presence, and healing done to you is increased by 10% in Blood Presence.
* Bloody Strikes (Tier 5) now increases the damage of Blood Strike and Heart Strike by 15/30/45%, and increases the damage of Blood Boil by 20/40/60%.
* Scent of Blood (Tier 2) now can proc off dodging, parrying or taking direct damage.
* *New Talent* Improved Death Strike, Tier 8, 2 talent points - Increases the damage of your Death Strike by 15/30%.


* Icy Touch now causes Frost Fever to last 15 secs.


* Hungering Cold and Howling Blast have switched places in the talent tree.
* Howling Blast (Tier 11) now deals 50% additional damage to targets infected with Frost Fever. (Previously dealt double damage)
* Unbreakable Armor (Tier 8 ) now Reinforces your armor with a thick coat of ice, reducing physical damage from all attacks by 0.05 and increasing your strength by 25% for 20 sec. The amount of damage reduced increases as your armor increases. (Previously just increased armor by 25%, strength by 10%, and parry by 5%)
* Blood of the North (Tier 8 ) now affects Frost Strike as well as Blood Strike.
* Chillblains (Tier 7) now reduces movement speed by 15/30/45%. (Previously 10/20/30%)
* Endless Winter moved from Tier 6 to Tier 4.
* Chill of the Grave moved from Tier 5 to Tier 4.
* Runic Power Mastery moved to Tier 1 and is now a 2 point talent. Increases your maximum Runic Power by 15/30. (Previously 3 point talent that increased runic power by 10/20/30)
* Black Ice (Tier 2) increases your frost damage by 4/8/12/16/20%. (Previously 6/12/18/24/30%)
* Glacier Rot moved from Tier 1 to Tier 5 and is now a 3 point talent. Now diseased enemies take 7/13/20% more damage from your Icy Touch, Howling Blast and Frost Strike. (Previously 5/10%)


* Plague Strike now deals 50% weapon damage plus 189 and infects the target with Blood Plague, a disease dealing Shadow damage over time. (No longer removes a HoT)
* Raise Dead cooldown reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes. The ghoul now only lasts for 1 minute.


* Unholy Blight moved from Tier 11 to Tier 5.
* Scourge Strike (Tier 9) now deals 55% of weapon damage as Shadow damage plus 185.63, increased 9% per each of your diseases on the target. (Previously dealt 60% of weapon damage as Shadow damage plus 81, and an additional 40.5 bonus damage per disease.)
* Night of the Dead (Tier 8 ) now reduces the cooldown on Raise Dead by 45/90 sec and Army of the Deat by 5/10 min. (Previously reduced cooldown when you hit the target)
* Desecration (Tier 7) now causes all Plague Strikes to cause the desecrated ground effect. Targets in the area are slowed by 10/20/30/40/50% by the grasping arms of the dead while you cause 1/2/3/4/5% additional damage while standing on the unholy ground. Lasts 12 sec.
* Anti-Magic Zone (Tier 7) no longer requires a rune to activate.
* Unholy Aura (Tier 7) renamed Improved Unholy Presence and changed to: While in Blood Presence or Frost Presence, you retain 8/15% increased movement speed from Unholy Presence, and your runes finish their cooldowns 5/10% faster in Unholy Presence.
* Magic Supression (Tier 6) is now a 3 point talent and You take 2/4/6% less damage from all magic. In addition, your Anti-Magic Shell absorbs an additional 8/16/25% of spell damage. (Previously a 5 point talent)
* Master of Ghouls moved from Tier 6 to Tier 4. It now also reduces the cooldown of your Raise Dead spell by 60 sec.
* Summon Gargoyle moved from Tier 5 to Tier 11.
* Blood-Caked Blade (Tier 4) now has a 3 sec internal cooldown.
* Shadow of Death removed from the game.
* Outbreak (Tier 3) no longer affects Blood Boil. It now affects Plague Strike and Scourge Strike.
* Necrosis (Tier 3) now only affects main hand auto attacks. (Previously affected all auto-attacks)
* Virulence moved from Tier 2 to Tier 1.
* Morbidity moved from Tier 1 to Tier 2.
* *New Talent* Ghoul Frenzy, Tier 6, 1 point talent - Grants your pet 25% haste for 15 sec and heals it for 30% of its health over the duration. 1 Unholy Rune. 45 Yard range. Channeled. 30 sec cooldown.

Needless to say, most builds that are currently hot will have to be tweaked. The dual wielding spec seems to be the hardest hit, but all DKs bring less utility to raids now that their auras have been replaced by an improved presence.

Our PvP power is down, what with Plague Strike and Blood Plague no longer removing hots and raise ally being unavailable in arenas, as well as Death Pact not being able to crit anymore.

Still it is not all nerfs, and the buff to disease durations should be a very welcome one, allowing more room to work in rotations.

Here is the link to a new and improved talent calculator. Many people are way ahead of me on DKs, and I'd love to hear your input.

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 12:17pm by danieldakkak
#2 Feb 24 2009 at 12:10 AM Rating: Excellent
So nerf to howling blast on top of putting it at 51 Frost.

Yay :(

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 3:11am by Tyrandor
#3 Feb 24 2009 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
I just respecced to frost last night and the first thing I did when I read those notes was to log in and confirm that I had spent 51 points in the frost tree so that I can manage the change in tiers with Hungering Cold and Howling Blast without having to give up anything from anywhere else :P

I like the buff to Plague Strike. Right now what I'm seeing is a very fine line in the minds of a lot of DK regarding the benefits of a single-target rotation vs. just dropping D&D every time they've got the runes/it's off cooldown and mashing keys to keep their diseases up. That's not a problem with the class so much as the player but if the "rumors" about Ulduar are true (ie. more control required in trash pulls) then this AoE nonsense on small groups has to stop. Buff the damage from Plague Strike and it'll be pretty easy to demonstrate to any DK how D&D vs single targets is crap.

Funny story...we had the bulk of our melee dps (3 ret pallies and 2 DK) kill 4 of our mind controlled raiders during Kel'Thuzad tonight, because apparently you just can't deeps without AoE >.<

I'm curious to see how the Blood Boil damage buff scales relative to the Pestilence damage removal. With base disease durations increased + death runes + blood boil damage increased, it could be a decent increase to DK tank AoE threat as well as a potential increase to DK AoE dps. The fact that they've reduced the radius of Blood Boil while allowing damage to targets that aren't diseased means DK tanks will likely be unaffected by the radius reduction and DK dps will be less likely to break CC. Yes. I said it. CC.

The Blood Gorged change is a nerf to blood tanking and a buff to blood dps. Expertise means little/nothing when you're behind a mob but it helps with threat generation when you're tanking. The Scent of Blood change might seem at first like a boost to DK tanking, but it doesn't strike me as being all that significant in terms of threat generation. I don't know too many DK who are starved for runic power under any circumstance anyways.

Lots of PvP nerfs, though. I'm not going to weigh in on whether I think that's good or bad, but the two classes I hear the most OP ******** about are DKs and ret pallies.
#4 Feb 24 2009 at 12:58 AM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Yeah, with these changes I'm back to playing a DK.

Pretty stoked to play a DK in PvP with these changes.

0/20/51 with Garg is going to be mightily sexy with the changes to Blood Boil and more damage on SS and Garg.
#5 Feb 24 2009 at 1:29 AM Rating: Good
It's too much of an information overload to say if it's a PvP buff or nerf, but the Chillbains change in particular looks ridiculous in the first tier.
#6 Feb 24 2009 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
RPZip wrote:
It's too much of an information overload to say if it's a PvP buff or nerf, but the Chillbains change in particular looks ridiculous in the first tier.

Latest notes say it's staying tier 7, losing the prereq of Endless Winter.

Not so nice anymore (though with the buff to 50% snare, much more worthwhile to spec into now).
#7 Feb 24 2009 at 2:17 AM Rating: Good
The main post has been updated with more detailed specifics.
#8 Feb 24 2009 at 6:20 AM Rating: Default
It looks like they went a bit on the overkill side knocking down the dual wield spec. I foresee very few people going into it with the changes to howling blast and necrosis.

I am a bit disappointed with the removal of the auras. The auras that provided the most utility were the unholy and frost.
#9REDACTED, Posted: Feb 24 2009 at 6:27 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Good job @ totally raping the frost tree. No more auras, extra buttons for AOE tanking...
#10 Feb 24 2009 at 8:44 AM Rating: Decent
659 posts
I'm excited to be able to get Endless Winter AND Dancing Rune Weapon.

Glyph of Strangulate is looking pretty good, too.
#11 Feb 24 2009 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
98 posts
Interested in the move of Master of Ghouls from tier 6 to 4. Should be able to easily work it into a 5x/0/2x talent build now. Not sure how that will affect DPS to have a sustained Ghoul vs popable during max trinket/ability procs...possible slight decrease?

Question is, with Shadow of Death gone, will they move the 2% Str and Stam increase someplace else? Not a large loss, but any Str loss matters.
#12 Feb 24 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
I've played blood since I've made my DK and I love it, kinda meh about the changes guess I'll just have to wait and see how I do with them, I do like that I can now get a perma ghoul.

With the current changes and the talent calculator you provided this is the setup I'll be using more than likely:

I would have liked to have the extra 30 runic power for DRW but the sustained damage from the ghoul will be more dps than an extra 6 seconds of the rune weapon. Also with the buffs to Death Strike and the new Glyph I believe (er hoping) I can just use that instead of Obliterate, if it does comparable/more dmg then that will be sweet.
#13 Feb 24 2009 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
To be fair, looking at the trees and seeing HB, DRW and Garg as the 51 point talents just makes a LOT of sense, considering they are our biggest burst abilities and, in general, often the wisest use of RP when maxed (or, in the case of HB, the wisest use of runes when your diseases, or at least Frost Fever, are up and there are multiple target affected).

I'm VERY happy with what I have seen with this patch. It seems to even us out a lot more in both PvP and PvE. I'm aiming to tank, so the only change that really influences me is the Frost tree shuffle (if I decide to go that way) and the changes to my favorite abilities.

I like UB being more available as well. IMO, plenty of reason to go 51 in any of the trees now, unless you have serious reasons not to (such as wanting a DW spec with both KM and BCB).

And, after playing with the talent trees more, I'm having an even harder time deciding which one to go. I still worry about Blood for tanking, but it all seems more even now.

Now, here's hoping they fix Rogues and Frost Mages, and NERF PALADINS.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#14 Feb 24 2009 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
659 posts

I like UB being more available as well. IMO, plenty of reason to go 51 in any of the trees now, unless you have serious reasons not to (such as wanting a DW spec with both KM and BCB).

Unholy Blight with it's glyph is going to be so easy to keep up. Pretty awesome change for Unholy DKs among other things.

The Unholy talent tree is sure getting some love, but I really doubt Scourge Strike is going to stay as powerful as it is now in the PTR. Serennia reported getting 10k crits with SS on the PTR (that's with BiS gear though).

Either way, Unholy is looking pretty snazzy right now.
#15 Feb 24 2009 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
This and this will be incredibly fun in PvP, and will melt faces.
#16 Feb 24 2009 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
659 posts
The Blood spec Theo linked is what I'm really looking forward to.

After some more pondering, Death Strike could be pretty powerful in PvP as well. With the Glyph change and the Improved Death Strike talent it will hit harder. Combine that with the healing bonus from Improved Blood You'd have to shuffle some points around from the build Theo linked to do that, though.
#17 Feb 24 2009 at 12:58 PM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
NeithanTheWronged wrote:
The Blood spec Theo linked is what I'm really looking forward to.

After some more pondering, Death Strike could be pretty powerful in PvP as well. With the Glyph change and the Improved Death Strike talent it will hit harder. Combine that with the healing bonus from Improved Blood You'd have to shuffle some points around from the build Theo linked to do that, though.

Like this?

What do I win? Everything? Smiley: grin

Edit: Also--and I'm not sure it's worth it--but if you could lose two points somewhere, you could get Vicious Strikes from Unholy and boost DS's crits even more.

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 1:00pm by Theophany
#18 Feb 24 2009 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
659 posts
That build is full of win Theo. I like it!
#19REDACTED, Posted: Feb 24 2009 at 2:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) "Good job @ totally raping the frost tree. No more auras, extra buttons for AOE tanking...
#20 Feb 24 2009 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
First learn to quote, ssjagdpan.

ssjagdpanther wrote:
In a controlled environment for 1v1 ...

lawls 1v1? You can't be serious. PVP should not be balanced for 1v1.

ssjagdpanther wrote:

Ultimately, It seems stupid that on my hunter - a pure dps that is OP atm - as well as being ranked 51st best geared overall on my server ref wow-heroes (yes its not entirely accurate) that a DK with 3-4 blues were able to out dps me on sarth in 25 man obs+1D. Pure dps classes should always remain top of dps in raids regardless of a "hero class". but to see 1st and 2nd dps being DK's while hunters, locks etc are below that i believe that defeats the purpose of having any class other than DK's. What makes it worse is their plate.
How is DK dps not pure? Why should hunters and locks be above DK dps?

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 4:39pm by MentalFrog
#21 Feb 24 2009 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
659 posts
Frost Mages counter DKs pretty hard.

DKs being a hero class only has to do with the class starting at level 55.
#22 Feb 24 2009 at 4:35 PM Rating: Excellent
988 posts
Kanngarnix son you fail so hard. Have a cry that they have realised how stupidly OP DK's are and 'tried' to bring them down to be classified as stupidly OP with a smidgen of nerf. Good heavens you wont just be able to smash your skull onto your keyboard to win a battle anymore! you might actually have to keep the remaining 3 brain cells that have survived your past few months on face rolling!

Go roll a Pally and transfer to another stupidly OP class because it seems to me the only time you will play this game is when your able to either smack your head against the keyboard or to stun stun bubble heal heal stun stun to win.

First of all, don't call me "son" as I sure as hell won't have anything to do with somebody feeling the need to put a WW2 **** reference into his nickname on a freaking game forum. This alone more or less disqualifies the rest of your idiotic post, and I am tempted to say that I am not surprised to hear that you're playing a hunter... You're obviously one of those who helped create the "huntard" term.

NOTHING in my post has indicated that I was/am whining about a nerf to my PvP performance. In fact, I don't give a rat's *** about PvP with my DK. I'm one of those idiots who decided to tank for huntards like you - despite knowing better. It is entirely your lack of brainpower that associates DKs with PvP.

Why is the raping of the frost tree significant to me? Because a nerf to Howling Blast and the changes to pestilence, along with some other changes to glyphs and whatnot mean that I will have a harder time building threat for trigger-happy retards like you, who can't wait with their volleys and multi-shots until I am securely latched on to a pack of mobs.

Why do I care about auras? It's through those that you people weren't asked to switch to Aspect of the Pack to help the group running. It's the auras that helped keeping you people alive so you could DEE-PEE-ESS and "top the charts" in all your greatness.

Those auras added utility and uniqueness (this word means "being without a like") to the class. Maybe it's just plain stupidity on my part that I am actually giving a **** about supporting my groups beyond my primary role, and found a DK in it's original form to do just that.

I'm looking forward to "face rape" you with my prot pally, since we all know how freaking overpowered they are in PvP. Did you even realize that there are such things as "tanks" in this game, and that those are actually quite a different thing than what you're referring to in your name? Probably not.

Oh.. I am playing a healer. Do you? Thought so. ******.
#23REDACTED, Posted: Feb 24 2009 at 4:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yea i fail i cant figure it out :) Not that i put much effort in i just figured i could uuse quotations.
#24 Feb 24 2009 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
ssjagdpanther wrote:
a)dont wear plate and instead wear cloth resulting in being able to take alot less hits in pvp

I always wondered why ranged dps doesn't wear plate.

ssjagdpanther wrote:

b)are in full 213 epics and that have played the class since they have started playing thus resulting in knowing every aspect the class has to offer and yet be out dps'ed by a DK in 3-4 blues?

learn to play. srzyl

#25REDACTED, Posted: Feb 24 2009 at 5:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) WW2 **** reference? What? have i missed something? The SS means Schutzstaffel or 'protective squad'. They were much like the SAS today. Saying that they are ***** are as simple minded as saying the SAS are liberals (unfortunately, i dont concern myself with politics from other countries so i can only reference my own). The SS were elite SOLDIERS that fought for their country. So its not a **** reference. Why i used ssjagdpanther was because my main at the time was my hunter. jagdpanther was also called "tank hunter" thus its relevance.
#26 Feb 24 2009 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
The SS means Schutzstaffel or 'protective squad'. They were much like the SAS today.

Except that they were *****...
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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