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Warlock patch notes for the PTRFollow

#1 Feb 24 2009 at 12:00 AM Rating: Excellent
331 posts
I copied this from RPs post in the general forum.

PTR patch notes wrote:
Warlock (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Curse of the Elements (Rank 5) - Increased to 13% spell damage, up from 10%.
* Curse of Recklessness has been removed.
* Curse of Weakness - Now also reduces the armor of the target by 5%.
* Enslave Demon: Spell haste penalty reduced by 10%, Melee haste penalty reduced by 10%.
* Warlocks now innately have an increased 10% spell hit chance on the Enslave Demon spell.
* Fire Shield (Imp): You can now cast this ability on raid members, rather than party members.
* Ritual of Summoning: The summoning of the initial portal is now instant cast, down from 5 seconds.


* Eradication re-designed: Eradication: When you deal damage with Corruption, you have a 2/4/6% chance to gain the Eradication effect. The Eradication effect increases the critical strike chance of your Shadow Bolt spell by 30%. Each critical strike reduces the critical strike bonus by 10%. Lasts 30 sec.
* Haunt: Now only increases your shadow damage-over-time on the target. (No longer includes non-Shadow damage over time spells.)
* Malediction: No longer increases the effect of Curse of the Elements.
* Pandemic: This talent has been reduced to a 1-point talent, now grants your Corruption and Unstable Affliction the capability to critically hit.
* Shadow Embrace: Now only increases the damage done by your shadow damage periodic spells.
* Siphon Life: The Siphon Life spell has been removed. Siphon Life now causes your Corruption spell to instantly heal you for 40% of the damage done.
* Suppression: Now increases spell hit for all of your spells.


* Demonic Empathy has been removed.
* Demonic Empowerment: This talent spell now has a unique spell effect and sound.
* Demonic Sacrifice:This talent has been removed.
* Fel Synergy has been moved to tier-1. No longer increases Intellect, Stamina and damage of your summoned demon.
* Improved Enslave Demon talent removed.
* Mana Feed: This talent is now a 1-point talent, down from 3-points. Now is the 21-point talent in Demonology. Now grants 100% mana return to your pet, up from 33/66/100%.
* New Talent: Molten Skin: Reduces all damage taken by 2/4/6%.
* New Talent: Decimation: When you Shadowbolt or Incinerate a target that is at or below 35% health, your next Soulfire cast time is reduced by 30/60% and costs no shard. Lasts 10 sec.
* New Talent: Nemesis: Reduces the cooldown of your Demonic Empowerment, Metamorphosis, Soulstone and Fel Domination spells by 10/20/30%.


* Aftermath re-designed: Increases the periodic damage done by your Immolate by 3/6%, and your Conflagrate has a 50/100% chance to daze the target for 5 sec.
* Backlash has been moved up to tier-5, up from tier-7. Now requires Intensity (pre-req).
* Cataclysm: Now reduces the mana cost of Destruction spells by 4/7/10%. No longer increases the chance to hit.
* Conflagrate: Spell now works similar to Swiftmend, consuming an Immolate or Shadowflame effect on the target and dealing damage based on the strength of that effect. Reduced to a single rank.
* Improved Immolate: Now increases the damage done by your Immolate by 10/20/30%, rather than just the direct damage.
* Improved Shadow Bolt: Now increases the damage done by your Shadow Bolt spell by 1/2/3/4/5%, and causes your target to be vulnerable to spell damage, increasing spell critical strike chance against that target by 1/2/3/4/5%. Effect lasts 30 sec.
* Improved Soul Leech: Now has a 50/100% chance to proc Replenishment.
* Master Conjuror: Increased from 15/30% up to 150/300%.
* Molten Core: This talent has been moved to Demonology (Tier Cool.
* Pyroclasm re-designed: Now increases your Shadow and Fire spell power by 2/4/6% when you critically hit with Searing Pain or Conflagrate. Lasts 10 sec. Also moved down to tier 7, down from tier-5.

Some notable changes to Affliction, with both shadow embrace and haunt no longer increasing Immolates DoT damage would it be better dropping the spell from the rotation all together? If so then this combined with the new way siphon life works is really going to simplify the rotation.

Also the new ISB, will that stack with other class crit debuffs?
#2 Feb 24 2009 at 2:14 AM Rating: Decent
387 posts
Also the new ISB, will that stack with other class crit debuffs?

With blizzards "unstackable buffs" policy right now I doubt it.

Overall, as affliction lock I'm unhappy with those changes. w/o siphon life(as a spell that does damage) and with the nerfed immolate, I fear my damage will drop =(
As for dropping immolate, I'll wait for someone to come up with the numbers. IF it's better to drop it I know where to get the 2 points for fel synergy at least.

BUT, at least they buffed shadow bolts a bit, although the debuff isn't up to it's pre-WOTL glory :( at least the talent is usable again.
#3 Feb 24 2009 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
actually the change to ISB is a nerf, we've gone from 10% damage to 5% damage and a 5% crit buff that WONT stack with any other classes 5% crit buff (moonkin/elemental shamans for example, and their buffs are up perminantly anyways... so making this talent even more useless) so the 5% increase in SB damage is good, the crit bonus is a bit irrelevant

i'm hating the SL change... was expecting it to be that corruption would simply apply SL as well.. not that the SL damage has been completely removed :(

POST EDIT.. just properly read the change to ISB... it's a passive increase not a chance :D woot

the eradication change... interesting... a 'rough' estimate to the chance to double proc it is a bit under 60% within 30seconds (presuming it has no CD).. so you can estimate it to be a 'passive' 15-18% increase in SB crit chance (so 15-18% increase in damage in theory).. which is good for the major minority spell of affliction dps.

OHHH wait. forgot about the "each crit reduces the crit chance by 10%... umm... rough re-estimation at 'I've no FFFFing idea' lol

in terms of dps decrease... well immolate till now has been equal to UA/SL... so having a 30% decrease to it's dot will be a major change (MIGHT still be worth casting before 25%.. but after that definately drop it from the rotation now)

shadowbolt is getting a pretty sizable damage increase... 5% passive + the bonus crit chance thing (i'd estimate it to be maximum a 10% damage increase for SB), mix in with the decreased number of GCDs and SB will go from 35-45% of our current damage to 50-55% i think..

in terms of glyphing.. well CoA is the only glyph we won't be changing... lol. seeing the massive nerf to immolate damage, I wouldn't be surprised if we were to replace immolate too.. (not sure yet, haven't done the maths) but presuming we keep it, we'd be changing the siphon life glyph.. not sure what to yet... I'm thinking the UA glyph as it's a fairly sizable dpsc increase

destruction specs are getting a nice buff with the change to conflagorate in my opinion... you can still glyph it so it doesn't consume the effects, but the fact that it 'swiftmends' the dot should mean it does more base damage than it currently does by a large degree and they've given some good reasons to use the whole backdraft/conflagorate/fire and emberstone combination even more :)

one of my favourite changes though is the change to master conjourer.. 300% increase FTW!!! means the spellstone goes to 180 haste rating :D I already get 614 haste from my gear, this increase would push me up to almost 800 rating! which is over 25% haste :D lolz (2second SBs FTW)

i must say... the combinations of spec choices right now are VERY wierd... and honestly I'm finding it hard to come up with a valid reason not to get master conjourer in all the specs... lol

shall go further with this when i finish work and get home
#4 Feb 24 2009 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
Please do, cos as Destro I feel even more disadvantaged! No +Hit from Cataclysm so I gotta go put points in Suppression?! Or find gear pushing my own hit over 400?? Nooooo....
#5 Feb 24 2009 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
a little thing to point out that nobody seems to have noticed... MASSIVE mana efficiency increases for most specs due to the cataclysm change. locks have always been mana inefficient.. for afliction at elast with the changes (so removal of SL and immolate glyph pretty much) you could replace with SB glyph, mixed in with the 10% mana reduction from destro too and we'll be lifetapping a fair bit less, so more efficient dps :) anyways, off home, shall do more then
#6 Feb 24 2009 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
Good in theory. Hate LT-ing through a Bloodlust.
#7 Feb 24 2009 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
660 posts
Haunt: Now only increases your shadow damage-over-time on the target. (No longer includes non-Shadow damage over time spells.)

Siphon Life: The Siphon Life spell has been removed. Siphon Life now causes your Corruption spell to instantly heal you for 40% of the damage done.

Ouch. I wonder how viable affliction will be after this. They said these changes aren't complete and I remember them saying that new talents were going to be added. The Malediction changes are interesting though. I would like to see the new talent trees and see how things look
#8 Feb 24 2009 at 6:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
Interesting 'keep your pet alive' changes (TIER 1!). I am happy with buffing shadobolt, but I wish they'd do more with it instead of fire (IMO)... if you wanna be fire roll a damn mage. Locks should be about shadow damage (not just DoTs, but shadowbolts too!). Nice affliction tree changes to give supression the +hit to all spells. That'll be a mandatory raiding talent now, and it is cheap. Seems an overall big buff for locks. One bad thing is that I used to have fun killing my Succy. I had a macro that was something like, "You looked at <insert Main Tank name> a little too lustfullly! DIE B*TCH!!!" It was a riot in Kara/Gruul back in a day, but that is a very distant side note. So no more killing your pet!

The changes are still changing, but I think it's going to give non affliction locks a chance to raid with less gear.
#9 Feb 24 2009 at 7:56 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
poor arguement the "if you want to be fire, go mage", according to the lore warlocks ARE mages, or at least corrupted/evolved due to the desire to control the darker side of magic. nothing wrong with making the nuke side (mage side) fire based and the demon/dots more shadow based (or hybrid in terms of demonology)

on another note about affliction... they've massively simplified the rotation...

instead of SB > Haunt > UA > Imm > CoA > SL (with corruption chucked in after the first SB/haunt) it's gone to

SB > haunt > UA > CoA .... so yeah very simple rotation with alot more room for SB filler and more emphasis on mana costs in the talent changes... so I'm thinking less lifetaping, more efficiently, more/equal long-run dps due to less tapping .... but who knows... waiting for my character to be transfered still..
#10 Feb 24 2009 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
Must admit, going back to Affliction sounds appealing with the simplified rotation. Especially with SB getting a rebuff and having to spec into Suppression anyway.

Glyphs are interesting though. I'm not up on all of them, but CoA is a must, SB I assume will be as it'll be used way more often and..?
#11 Feb 24 2009 at 8:46 AM Rating: Default
Overall, as affliction lock I'm unhappy with those changes. w/o siphon life(as a spell that does damage) and with the nerfed immolate, I fear my damage will drop =(

The purpose of that change, is to make so Affliction casting rotations take less time. Your DPS will increase, because you are spending less time stacking effects. It seems to make more sense for PVP than raiding, because time is more important.
I just like the fact that I can now have more chance to proc the trance state while getting the siphoning effect. What I do not like, is that I do technically could lose some damage-- they should increase the duration of Corruption to 30 seconds to make up for the loss of Siphon Life.

They also did-away with Demonic Sacrifice, which I mentioned in another thread was not very effective for deep Demonology.
The Glyph of Demonic Circle looks like a change in the right direction, but I would never waste a glyph space for it until its effect is worth the loss of a currently better glyph.

I still can not believe they are hanging on to Improved Healthstone. Does anyone in end-game actually put two points in that any more? If so, then how can that be a better trade-off? What they should do, is make the increased health effect (for healthstone and soulstone) part of Master Conjurer.

one of my favourite changes though is the change to master conjourer.. 300% increase FTW!!! means the spellstone goes to 180 haste rating :D I already get 614 haste from my gear, this increase would push me up to almost 800 rating! which is over 25% haste :D lolz (2second SBs FTW)

*High five*

a little thing to point out that nobody seems to have noticed... MASSIVE mana efficiency increases for most specs due to the cataclysm change. locks have always been mana inefficient.. for afliction at elast with the changes (so removal of SL and immolate glyph pretty much) you could replace with SB glyph, mixed in with the 10% mana reduction from destro too and we'll be lifetapping a fair bit less, so more efficient dps :) anyways, off home, shall do more then

I've always had some variation of Demonology/Affliction, and mana has never been an issue. So, in that sense, I have to disagree about that being a general issue. That's probably the last of my complaints. What was a problem, was that life-tapping potentially retards my DPS when I have to do it once or twice each fight. BUT, we get a new glyph that increases our spell damage each time we use Life Tap, which should make up for that loss.

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 11:54am by sederix

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 11:56am by sederix
#12 Feb 24 2009 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
Lack of Siphon Life upsets me. I JUST get high enough for it, and it's gone. That's a lot of extra damage gone :/
#13 Feb 25 2009 at 2:53 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
imp. HS is a pvp talent, and very useful in pvp too. the changes to affliction are tough to say if they're a nerf or equals.. (definately not a buff).. immolate was one of the highiest DPSC spells we had (WAY above SB) and siphon life was high too due to it's long duration, with the pretty much removal of these from your rotation, it's gonna be tough trying to make up for that loss.. BUT it does free up 2 glyph slots, which IMO will end up being glyph of lifetap and haunt, which will make up for some of the lost damage, with the increases in SB damage (eradication proc thing + 5% talented increase in SB dmg from ISB... granted this is a decrease in SB damage imo as the old ISB was up near constantly and it also increased haunt damage.. so yeah, ISB change is a nerf.

sederix, when i say mana efficiency i don't mean whether or not mana is an issue, i mean how long you can last before needing to lifetap (lifetap is NOT efficient, it's a dps decrease using it at any point in a fight when you could dps instead), the increases to the talented decreases in mana cost will directly affect how often you have to lifetap, so improving your mana efficiency and so long term dps.
#14 Feb 25 2009 at 3:30 AM Rating: Good
331 posts
I suppose we do get some extra talent points to throw around too due to the pandemic and suppression changes, still i cant help think this will lower the dps of our strongest spec when we really didn't need it.

We can always hope the feedback from the PTR changes the notes that go live, would be nice if we got a small damage buff with the siphon life talent.
#15 Feb 25 2009 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
I'd like to see the trees and see what builds people come up with, with his patch. Changes look good.
#16 Feb 25 2009 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts

for anyone who hasn't yet realised MMO-Champion should be checked vigorously *cough* hands *cough*

#17 Feb 25 2009 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks. That's not a site I check regularly.
#18 Feb 25 2009 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
149 posts
* Curse of Recklessness has been removed.

Have they made any other curse make it so mobs will not flee? I ran SM with my new lock yesterday and CoR was saveing us like nothing else (we were a bit under leveled for the wing we were in). I know it is situational but I dont know of anything else that prevents fleeing mobs.
#19 Feb 26 2009 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
How do you reckon this Talent build will do as a Meta/Ruin build?

I'm thinking of going all the way down in demo after patch. First of all because I want to try it.

I've left out MC and that leads to dropping Decimation, I'm no good at theorycraft, so would be nice to get some feedback on how you think it will work out..?

I'm considering dropping Demonic Resilence, and go for MC, but still need to find 2 points for Decimation then.

As for gylphs, I'm not sure which to pick so some advice would be good :)
#20 Feb 27 2009 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
*New Talent: Molten Skin: Reduces all damage taken by 2/4/6%.
* New Talent: Decimation: When you Shadowbolt or Incinerate a target that is at or below 35% health, your next Soulfire cast time is reduced by 30/60% and costs no shard. Lasts 10 sec

Oh Yeah! especially for the Decimation. That is awesome...Shadow bolt then a quick Soulfire to finish them off...I like the look of that.
#21 Mar 02 2009 at 1:52 AM Rating: Default
To me it seems like they have tried to simplify the affliction cast rotation and give them a viable damage output through direct dmg for shorter fights etc rather than the current reliance on DOTs.

I think they missed an oppertunity with their change to pandemic. Why not a %chance to spread corruption to all mobs within 5 yards. Making afflicition have an "AoE Dot". Granted this makes them similar to DK's but affliction locks have historically been the kings of Damage over time and here we are getting destroyed on damage meters in many cases by a melee class because of their dots.

Alternatively it could have been a direct cast spell similar to shadowfury only with a 1 or 2 second cast time that will corrupt all mobs in the target area (no SL effect).

I always liked the fact that there was an area of DPS that we held all the cards on and now i feel like there is a new kid on the block that has a new trick.

As for the other trees, the meta builds look like they got a boost with a reduced cooldown on meta and other buffs.

Destro also has a nice buff with some tough choices on specs and rotations but it seems to me like they have tried to add some PVP viable spells for hybrid builds but I doubt the changes will make it viable.

#22 Mar 08 2009 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
* Master Conjuror: Increased from 15/30% up to 150/300%.

Has anyone else noticed that this was listed under destro talents? I wonder if this is a typo/mistake or if this talent is being moved to the destro tree (I see Molten Core is going from destro to demo,, so maybe a trade-off?).
#23 Mar 09 2009 at 8:56 PM Rating: Good
546 posts
Malificio wrote:
* Master Conjuror: Increased from 15/30% up to 150/300%.

Has anyone else noticed that this was listed under destro talents? I wonder if this is a typo/mistake or if this talent is being moved to the destro tree (I see Molten Core is going from destro to demo,, so maybe a trade-off?).

I would be royally pissed if they moved it to destro. Plus it would make almost no sense since the stone spells are both under demonology. Molten core being moved is ok because there's no preestablished spell to go along with it.
#24 Mar 10 2009 at 2:33 AM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
it's a typo, blizzard does lots of them.
#25 Mar 10 2009 at 12:51 PM Rating: Default
I would be royally pissed if they moved it to destro. Plus it would make almost no sense since the stone spells are both under demonology. Molten core being moved is ok because there's no preestablished spell to go along with it.

I really do not understand why Molten Core and Molten Skin are even in the trees they are, Their positions seem counter-intuitive. They probably got sick of Destruction not being viable in PVP? Still, even the name sounds like a Demonology talent. Molten Core is only useful if you use an imp, but it's so far down, that no one uses an imp if they do not have to, because they got a felguard.
#26 Mar 10 2009 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
2,754 posts
it's to encourage a wider variety of specs and rotations as well as make survival easier for pvp for a variety of specs (hence why molton skin is so low down)
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