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Some low level clarity please.Follow

#1 Feb 22 2009 at 11:31 PM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
Hi folks, I've received a lot of feedback from you guys regarding my new little project - being my priest ;-> - Some in direct response to questions I've had, some picked up from answers to other posters' questions. The feedback has always been perfectly spot on, and has made my journey to 21 (so far) a breeze (16 hours played making this the quickest toon I've taken to this level - beating out the hunter by several hours).

I initially intended to level holy/disc, cos that's the way I wanted to play my priest, but the dark side has gripped me, and I'm now running full tilt in the zone of squeezing the life out of my targets by inflicting intense inescapable pain on their minds ;-D.

Which bring me to the first of my questions.

1) Having hit 20, and deciding to level shadow, I obviously picked up Mind Flay ... and oh my, what a disappointment ... my wand is the 17.3 dps level 16 wand made by my enchanter alt, and with MF doing 45 damage over 3 seconds (15 dps). WTF ... My wand does more damage, doesn't use mana (and allows me to come out of 5 Second rule quicker), is auto-shoot (which means I can let it go and do it's thing without having to refresh it).

So why, pray tell, did I waste a point in MF ... it is, for all intents and purposes, useless (at this level). Now, I've had a look at MF (rank 2), which comes at 28, and things look up a bit there - working out to about 36 dps - more than any easily attained wand at that level, so things may change then ... and yes, once I start picking up spell damage gear, and get shadow form, it'll be a big shift ... but until then, I've realised it's a pointless spell.

2) With still trying to wrap my mind around the useful/lessness of MF, I've been trying to figure out what spells to use and in what rotation ... currently, I use one of 2 (and a few vsriances) rotations.
A) MB > SW:P > DP (maybe) > Wand > (maybe MB if the mob is still around 40-50% health at this stage, otherwise I just let the wand finish the work)
B) HF > SW:P > MB > DP (maybe, depends on my mood) > Wand till dead.

I find opening with HF very beneficial, as it provides good DPM and a dot. I follow the SW:P up with MB in a search for a Spirit Tap proc. I understand that this rotation will dissapear once I hit 40, but I guess my question is - does this look fair ... should I be making a better effort to include DP, or should I ignore it for now ... (a 24 sec DoT doesn't make much sense to be applied halfway through a 10 second fight)

3) Does Shadowform pretty much signal the end of the need for a wand, or would I still be using it after that ... when should I expect to stop using it .. ie, when do I start picking a wand for stats instead of DPS.

Thanks again all (for past, present and future help) .. it's much appreciated.
#2 Feb 22 2009 at 11:53 PM Rating: Excellent
988 posts
Congrats! You've discovered the oddities of priest leveling. Unlike with most other classes, you're having some serious bumps in your road until you reach the mid-50's.

One of them you're dealing with right now. It'll hit you again in the mid-30's. You'll also find that Shadowform won't fix your problems the moment you get it, and that it'll in fact take a couple levels until things will finally start to feel right.

You can try to change your rotations, but it won't get you over the sad fact that there are huge gaps between your spell levels, and you won't be able to really compensate for that until the first items with bonus spellpower start to appear.

Learn to love your wand, at least until the majority of crappy Azeroth gear has been replaced with Outland stuff.

Once you get both Shadow Power and Darkness (level 45), things will get better, as you'll finally have talents that properly scale with your spell ranks, and you'll get them within a short time. Darkness between 35 and 40, then Shadowform at 40, and Shadow Power after that.

Edited, Feb 23rd 2009 9:05am by Kanngarnix
#3 Feb 23 2009 at 1:41 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
Thanks a ton ... I actually have no issue using the wand if that's what is required (it almost gives me a similar feel to my warrior .. auto-attack while popping a few specials in between ;->, and that actually makes me comfortable). I just don't want to be going down a road when it's the wrong road to follow (ie, my take on the issue is way off base, and I've missed a trick somewhere).

I've actually unmapped MF from my action bar, simply because wanding is just that much better at the moment (still too wierd for me to really comprehend, but if you way that's the way it is, then that's the way it is ;->).

#4 Feb 23 2009 at 2:39 AM Rating: Good
1,945 posts
Nice to know I'm not the only person to feel that way. I find myself using Smite and Holy Fire a lot in addition to Mind Blast. Mind Flay just isn't that wonderful, unless I'm fighting a target that runs at low health. My fellow guild members who are leveling priest as well tell me it gets better. Oddly, priest is a popular alt class atm.
#5 Feb 23 2009 at 3:11 AM Rating: Excellent
407 posts
Use what works for you. You aren't the only one to not use mind flay at this level. I only did occasionally until a good few levels after I got it and I kept Holy Fire in my task bar way longer than I think most do but it worked for me. The same as end game specs. I am disc, it works for me. I took the advice I saw and went with the flow, you have to adapt and tweak these things to make them work.
#6 Feb 23 2009 at 8:03 AM Rating: Good
561 posts
The fact that MF can crit now helps this spell a little now, and much more at 80 :)

As i recall.. there are lots of running at low health mobs while leveling, so there it helps...
#7 Feb 23 2009 at 1:18 PM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
Thanks all for the responses, glad to see I'm in some company here, and not just experiencing this on my own.

PilgrimFX wrote:
The fact that MF can crit now helps this spell a little now, and much more at 80 :)

As i recall.. there are lots of running at low health mobs while leveling, so there it helps...

I thought about that, then I realised that my wand can crit too ... not sure of the crit rate though, but at low levels, it can't be a vast difference between the 2 (somewhere around the 5 or 10% mark).

Don't get me wrong, it appears that from rank 2 (level 28), it changes a touch with MF doing slightly more Damage per second that the generally available equivalent level wand ... the fact that the wand doesn't use mana, and I'm able to get out of 5SR quicker may make it still better to wand even at that level. Rank 3 is where I see it pulling away ... but that's easily 10-15 levels after you first get the talent.

Edited, Feb 23rd 2009 10:22pm by robertlofthouse
#8 Feb 23 2009 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Don't forget that at level 27 you'll also have 3/3 Shadow Weaving (28 if you fill Imp. MB first) That's quite a bit of an increase, especially if you don't allow your stack to wear off through wanding every single mob to death before moving to the next.
#9 Feb 23 2009 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
Once you get both Shadow Power and Darkness (level 45), things will get better, as you'll finally have talents that properly scale with your spell ranks, and you'll get them within a short time. Darkness between 35 and 40, then Shadowform at 40, and Shadow Power after that.

I highly suggest doing some Shadow PvP at about 49 or so. Spriests are downright OP in this bracket, and once you've gotten some good scaling talents such as these, it's a recipe for disaster. For the other side.

Seriously, from then on it's only downhill in PvP, so you might as well njoy it while you can.
#10 Feb 23 2009 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
561 posts
robertlofthouse wrote:

I thought about that, then I realised that my wand can crit too ... not sure of the crit rate though, but at low levels, it can't be a vast difference between the 2 (somewhere around the 5 or 10% mark).

Crit rating is the same for melee/wands and spells. Unless you have some talents that increase spell crit rating. Usually, you'll always crit more with spells than with melee/wand.
#11 Feb 24 2009 at 12:50 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
Just noticed the shadow changes for 3.1 .... they're dropping blackout and moving darkness down into it's place ... way to go to confuse the crap out of me ... this could change things a bit.
#12 Feb 24 2009 at 6:50 AM Rating: Default
I use MF with my priest. Currently 28. I have the SwP glyph which adds a little ooompf to mind flay. Not much though. But seems to work for me. I move from mob to mob pretty easy. I can fight 3 mobs my own level at one time. I just pull the first with holy fire, then I dot. Then I MB+MF then wand to finish while keeping renew going and shield up. Pretty easy. At the end of all the smoke and screams I still finish with full health by the time I reach the next mob. :D I'm loving priest and well right now since I have an 80 prot warrior I'm going to stay with priest. One question if you will answer for me please. I just need you to check out the build I made for level 40. Thats all.

Thanks a ton for those who help. Thats all the clarification I need at the moment. Ok back to my evil priesting ways. >:)
#13 Feb 24 2009 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
With VE MF gives you health back.

I almost always end with MF as it keeps the mob from running and tops off my health.
#14 Feb 24 2009 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
robertlofthouse wrote:

1) Having hit 20, and deciding to level shadow, I obviously picked up Mind Flay ... and oh my, what a disappointment ... my wand is the 17.3 dps level 16 wand made by my enchanter alt, and with MF doing 45 damage over 3 seconds (15 dps). WTF ... My wand does more damage, doesn't use mana (and allows me to come out of 5 Second rule quicker), is auto-shoot (which means I can let it go and do it's thing without having to refresh it).

So why, pray tell, did I waste a point in MF ... it is, for all intents and purposes, useless (at this level). Now, I've had a look at MF (rank 2), which comes at 28, and things look up a bit there - working out to about 36 dps - more than any easily attained wand at that level, so things may change then ... and yes, once I start picking up spell damage gear, and get shadow form, it'll be a big shift ... but until then, I've realised it's a pointless spell.

2) With still trying to wrap my mind around the useful/lessness of MF, I've been trying to figure out what spells to use and in what rotation ... currently, I use one of 2 (and a few vsriances) rotations.
A) MB > SW:P > DP (maybe) > Wand > (maybe MB if the mob is still around 40-50% health at this stage, otherwise I just let the wand finish the work)
B) HF > SW:P > MB > DP (maybe, depends on my mood) > Wand till dead.

I find opening with HF very beneficial, as it provides good DPM and a dot. I follow the SW:P up with MB in a search for a Spirit Tap proc. I understand that this rotation will dissapear once I hit 40, but I guess my question is - does this look fair ... should I be making a better effort to include DP, or should I ignore it for now ... (a 24 sec DoT doesn't make much sense to be applied halfway through a 10 second fight)

3) Does Shadowform pretty much signal the end of the need for a wand, or would I still be using it after that ... when should I expect to stop using it .. ie, when do I start picking a wand for stats instead of DPS.

Thanks again all (for past, present and future help) .. it's much appreciated.

Wands are incredible in the lower levels. A good wand is more important than any spell, talent, or other piece of gear. It's the equivalent of getting a good weapon for a melee. The lower level you are the more useful and powerful wands are. This decreases as you level, not necessarily due to shadowform but because wand damage starts to quickly get outdone by spells. It's a little bit odd but that's how it works. In the end levels then wands are rarely used and only in conditions of low or oom mana levels.

Shadowform is not a big shift. Players talk it up too much. Once you get it you'll understand what I'm talking about. I wouldn't go without it but it's not this huge difference that most players make it sound like.

Mindflay is mostly useful for keeping runners from getting too far, or for keeping mobs out of melee range longer. It scales better at end level, this is partly due to obtaining talents that work in sync with mindflay. Its usefulness increases as you level.

Skipping mindflay in the lower levels isn't a big deal unless you fight a lot of runners or like to fear kite.

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 2:10pm by MentalFrog
#15 Feb 24 2009 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
robertlofthouse wrote:
Just noticed the shadow changes for 3.1 .... they're dropping blackout and moving darkness down into it's place ... way to go to confuse the crap out of me ... this could change things a bit.

Blackout is for pvp. It's crap for pve. If you don't pvp there shouldn't be any confusion.
#16 Feb 24 2009 at 1:57 PM Rating: Good
106 posts
Before I got my shadowform, my rotation was very similar to yours starting with HF. I only used MF when I was fighting a runner or if I used psychic scream. I never used it for its damage.

Edit: psychic > me

Edited, Feb 24th 2009 2:00pm by Plagai
#17 Feb 24 2009 at 4:01 PM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
MentalFrog wrote:
robertlofthouse wrote:
Just noticed the shadow changes for 3.1 .... they're dropping blackout and moving darkness down into it's place ... way to go to confuse the crap out of me ... this could change things a bit.

Blackout is for pvp. It's crap for pve. If you don't pvp there shouldn't be any confusion.

Sorry, I wasn't quite clear there ... I don't have blackout, so them dropping it doesn't affect me at all, but the moving of darkness to it's (blackout's) place means that I can get a 10% increase in damage right from the beginning ... so now, at 22, I can get MF, and have other talents already that actually might make it attractive to use .. find one or 2 pieces of damage gear, and things could be helluva different.
#18 Feb 24 2009 at 6:39 PM Rating: Good
988 posts
Well, there is always spellthread, and at lower levels an Iron Counterweight along with +haste enchant on your gloves can help your damage quite a bit :)
#19 Feb 24 2009 at 11:52 PM Rating: Good
608 posts
Kanngarnix wrote:
Well, there is always spellthread, and at lower levels an Iron Counterweight along with +haste enchant on your gloves can help your damage quite a bit :)

Heh, I guess ... the boundaries for this kind of thing are kinda limitless.
#20 Feb 25 2009 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
robertlofthouse wrote:
MentalFrog wrote:
robertlofthouse wrote:
Just noticed the shadow changes for 3.1 .... they're dropping blackout and moving darkness down into it's place ... way to go to confuse the crap out of me ... this could change things a bit.

Blackout is for pvp. It's crap for pve. If you don't pvp there shouldn't be any confusion.

Sorry, I wasn't quite clear there ... I don't have blackout, so them dropping it doesn't affect me at all, but the moving of darkness to it's (blackout's) place means that I can get a 10% increase in damage right from the beginning ... so now, at 22, I can get MF, and have other talents already that actually might make it attractive to use .. find one or 2 pieces of damage gear, and things could be helluva different.

Well before it was a matter of pve or pvp choices. Now it's a matter of damage versus mana regen. If you're pvp then you take the damage increase. If you solo then it depends on if you're oom more than dropping mobs fast enough. If you drop mobs fast enough then you take the tap, for the regen. If you don't need the regen you take the damage. Eventually you get both anyways.
#21 Feb 25 2009 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
608 posts
MentalFrog wrote:

Well before it was a matter of pve or pvp choices. Now it's a matter of damage versus mana regen. If you're pvp then you take the damage increase. If you solo then it depends on if you're oom more than dropping mobs fast enough. If you drop mobs fast enough then you take the tap, for the regen. If you don't need the regen you take the damage. Eventually you get both anyways.

I think my point is that you could never get flay before any of the damage talents ... that's changed now. As for Tap vs Damage ... I'm thinking tap (and imp tap), then darkness, then flay, then imp SW:P and shadow focus.

All that being said .. I don't use flay now .. it's mostly wand, which means my mana situation is idyllic. If I changed that to MF instead , because it's (maybe) a better option, then my mana situation may changed dramatically.

ONly one way to find out now, isn't there ? ;-)
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