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Boomkin DPS lackingFollow

#1 Feb 20 2009 at 6:36 AM Rating: Good
253 posts
Hey all,
I've been playing boomkin since the beginning of time basically, but I'm not nearly as knowledgable as I'd like. I'm a raider in my guild. We have Naxx25 completely cleared, and we have it on farm except for Thad, Saph and Kel. We have OS25 cleared and last week we downed Malygos25. Yesterday we started on OS25 +1.

My main problem is my DPS. It is IMHO severely lacking in comparison to the other boomkin in our raids. First I thought it was because he has far better gear than I am, but a quick look at armory tells me, I've come a long way gearwise, and I am not that far behind him anymore. He's agreed to sit down and discuss my performance and see what can be changed, but I thought I'd ask for some advice here too.

Here is a closer look on my character:
Me on WoW-Heroes
Me on Armory

My rotation is pretty much as follows: MF-IS-SF*x [Eclipse procs] Wrath-till-CD-starts - Rinse and repeat.

I'd like to have pointers how to improve my dps. Aside from that I'm also trying to find out wether "Wrath spam till Eclipse procs->SF spam" might be better than "SF spam till Eclipse procs->wrath spam", which I'm doing now.

BTW, when it comes to idols, I have Idol of the Shooting Star, but use Idol of Steadfast Renewal instead since Shooting Star is bugged currently.

Thanks in advance!
#2 Feb 20 2009 at 7:26 AM Rating: Excellent
I do MF-IS-Wrath till Eclipse-SF spam until the cooldown ENDS, repeat (keeping up MF and IS at all times).
I can't see your armory because I'm at school and they blocked both of the links you posted, but your gear priorities are Spellpower / Hit > Haste / Crit.
While haste supposedly does more than crit, they are both extremely important for boomkins. Once you've reached a certain point in crit, your DPS will excel from SF.
Also, be sure to use your trees and Starfall when you're fighting a boss and you're sure the tank can hold aggro on any adds. Adds quite a bit of DPS.

Ohmi, my first post!
#3 Feb 20 2009 at 7:33 AM Rating: Good
253 posts
Thanks for the pointers! I feel I'm lacking in crit atm, but that's mostly because I was focussing on becoming hitcapped. Almost there (a few lacking enchants should take care of that). I don't have Force of Nature, but I might get it, dropping Owlkin Frenzy.
#4 Feb 20 2009 at 7:43 AM Rating: Excellent
216 posts
Let me try and help you out. Though to be more helpful i would love to hear what your dps is like and where on the meters you are compared to guildies. Actually you should try to get some wws stats perhaps. This will show you alot of info about what happened during a fight. (time casting, hits/crits/misses, dot uptime, etc)

Gearwise. You arent horribly geared. Certain items can be upgraded but that of course depends on loot or badges.
E.g. Plush Sash of Guzbah is a good one. This will allow you to free up some gems for pure spellpower instead of hit rating and stamina.

Other items can simply be upgraded in the same way trying to achieve a good balance of hit (+-263), crit (16%+), spellpower and haste.
Take for instance Band of Channeled Magic (badges again).

I am sure you can find yourself some upgrades here and some may require work or luck.

Get rid of hit+stamina and take either pure spellpower or sp+crit or the odd sp+hit if its really needed. Try to get your hitrating from T7 items + the odd ring/neck/belt/trink (Mark of the War Prisoner would allow you to free some gems for more spellpower)

You could use some more.
Suggestions IceWalker to boots (hit+crit)
Shoulders (sond of hodir rep)

These could give you some millage.

Leatherworking (spellpower to bracers)
JC (special gems)
Enchating (rings enchants)

There are others with better math and perfect rotations, i am still learning myself. Try to read EJ (elitist Jerks) Forums for some info.

In general. IS+MF, then wrath till eclipse then Starfire till eclipse internal cooldown is ready and wrath again (while keeping up dots) is probably the best. There are lots of circumstances to this. Like Bloodlust favoring you to keep starfiring. Using trees/starfall, Having IFF up. Certain Haste/Spellpower procs from trinkets.

Your talenttree is not bad, but far from perfect (what is perfect :-)) I would suggets tryting something different.
Important differences here: Nature Splendor and OOC. IMF is somewhat of a debate but i like it more then 3/3 moonglow. Also IFF gives you crit increase.

You are lacking crit % imo. It should be at least 16 in caster form (aka not moonkin) then i would favor Haste over crit, but slowly building on both while trying to maximize spellpower and keeping hitcapped.

You are 297 hit, that is 33-34 over the hitcap. If you have IFF on the boss and your talent then all you need is 263, or just about. That means another bit of gems/gear choices free to improve. Eg. that ugly cloack. Badge vendor again has a nice one or get a simple drop from Naxx.

/edit too many typo's, cba to fix them, appologies.

Edited, Feb 20th 2009 4:51pm by TinyTin
#5 Feb 20 2009 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
253 posts
Thanks for the useful post! I've seen references to the WWS thingy before, but haven't looked into it closely yet. Is it somekind of addon?
As for your advice:
I'm taking hit gems because I need to be hitcapped, and I feel I can't rely on anything else than my own gear and talents for it. So in practice I'd need 342 hit rating. Of course IFF could take care of some of that, but I am wondering if keeping up IFF doesn't put a huge dent in my dps.

Talents: I left out OOC because I have no mana problems at all, and feel the point could be spent better elsewhere. I took Galewinds because I use Hurricane a lot while clearing trash. It speeds up the raiding :)
After some experience with Owlkin Frenzy, I tend to agree with your talent build there by letting it out. Even on fights with lots of raid damage like Sapphiron, it doesn't proc that often.

So in short, I see your points, but I'm reluctant to rely on IFF to make up for my hitcap.
#6 Feb 20 2009 at 8:10 AM Rating: Good
216 posts
Even if you don't want to rely on IFF for the hitcap you should get it for the crit increase it gives you. And if you have mutliple moonkins in a raid then one of them should at least keep FF (IFF) up on the mob. Not doing so doesnt just limit your own dps but the raid dps and that is far more important.

OOC is by far the best mana savor talent you have. I would even drop Intesity before i drop OOC. If you have no mana issues then you might aswell take OOC and take out point fro Intensity to fill IFF.

And indeed owlkin frenzy is hardly worth it in a raid.

Also you have a talent that lowers your hitcap. Hitcap is 17%, your talent reduces that to 13. IFF takes another 3 off, that leaves 263. And even if you dont bring that IFF and no other moonkin will, then you have perhaps a shadow priests misery that does the same?

If you are relying on yourself to get hitcapped. Please understand that its far better to gear for 263 hit and take IFF and cast it always (while losing some dps in the rotation) then it is to not have it and either miss due to low hitrating or having to try to achieve 342 hitrating...

Perhaps i should clarify something. If you take IFF you gain the 3% crit even if someone else casts FF on the mob (feral/moonkin/resto) and even if they dont have IFF. The hitreducing part is raidwide, the crit part is your own.

Edited, Feb 20th 2009 5:13pm by TinyTin
#7 Feb 20 2009 at 8:14 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
My raiding experience as a Balance Druid is somewhat limited, having raided for 3 weeks or so, but here's what I can offer. Don't bother looking at my Armory cause I logged in my Bear gear (going back to Feral soon).

Gear-wise it looks rather good. The only two specific things that come to mind are:
1- If you are consistently raiding with a Shadow Priest, you're over what you need for Hit Rating. 10% would be enough with the SP's Misery and you with Balance of Power, which is around 263 from memory.
2- If you can get your hands on a head piece with a meta gem it would help your DPS nicely.

Where I see the most issues is your spec. I went through a lot of threads on the Elitist Jerks forums when I changed for Balance, and with that info I made my spec, though it is partly based on the fact that my gear isn't so good. It will also change a bit depending on the Glyphs you have.

Imp MF: If you happen to have the MF Glyph, this one might be worth a look at. The additional crit chance isn't much since with the Glyph you take away most of the initial damage, but the crit will proc Nature's Grace and that's always nice.

Moonglow: Out of all the mana regen talents, this is probably one of the least powerful as it scales very poorly with gear (i.e. not at all). The order from memory is Omen > Intensity > Dreamstate > Moonglow. You have to put 1 point, but I'd suggest using the other 2 in Imp MF.

Nature's Splendor: A must if keeping your DoT's up is part of your rotation.

Imp FF: Sadly a must if you have no regular Shadow Priest, as you'll find that 3% Hit tough on your item budget. It'll be a drop in DPS too, but for the benefit of the whole raid it needs to be up (or Misery from a SP, ideally).

Even if you don't want to rely on IFF for the hitcap you should get it for the crit increase it gives you

The 3% crit you get from keeping it up does not compensate for the loss of DPS. It is simply something that somewhat compensates if you *have* to use Imp FF (i.e. no Shadow Priest)

Owlkin Frenzy: Again based on what I gathered from EJ, this talent is not quite worth it. Too unpredictable and not useful in all fights. Would be good for soloing and PvP mostly, and maybe if you can afford to drop most/all the regen talents you could pick this up. (I think I remember reading that not all AoE damage in boss fights can trigger this)

Force of Nature: If used well, this can increase your DPS pretty decently during some boss fights. Of course AoE hazards can render it nearly useless in some encounters, but since it scales with spellpower, it's a decent ability for a single point.

Omen of Clarity: A must-have for pretty much any spec now. The internal cooldown was removed and this can now constitute your biggest mana-saving talent, for a single point.

As for the rotation, I think it is still discussed and none has been proven superior in all situations. The only constant seems to be that it is best to use Wrath to proc the Starfire Eclipse.

Other than that...

While Eclipse is on cooldown, you can either spam Wrath or Starfire while reapplying your DoT's. It is usually advised to spam Starfire, but from my experience, if your crit rate and/or haste isn't very high, it can be best to just spam Wrath (which is what I do currently).

On DoT's and reapplying them (considering you have Imp IS): While trying to proc Eclipse and while Eclipse is on CD, always reapply your DoT's. Make sure to let them run out cause the last tick occurs when they disappear from your target. If you proc a Wrath Eclipse, it is usually worth it to reapply IS at pretty much any point during the Eclipse to benefit from the additional 3%. Don't reapply MF though. If you proc a Starfire Eclipse, it is usually not worth it to reapply MF at any time, just Starfire away. Obviously don't reapply IS either.

Other things worth noting: If you have a Shaman to Bloodlust/Heroism, make sure he warns a bit in advance before he uses it. If you have Force of Nature, get your trees out before he pops it as they will benefit from it. Also, during a Bloodlust, it is generally advised to spam Starfire. My suggestion about that would be to apply your DoT's before Bloodlust then spam Wrath quickly to proc Starfire Eclipse as Bloodlust begins and spam Starfire for the rest of the Bloodlust duration.

I hope this helps a bit. Of course it's not exactly cookie-cutter stuff so feel free to try some of that out and use what you feel is best and drop what does not suit you.

EDIT: Btw, to find out which rotation is best for your gear, I'd suggest trying them out on the dummies in the major cities. Get a stopwatch and just keep your rotation going for 2 or 3 minutes.

Edited, Feb 20th 2009 10:25am by Selverein
#8 Feb 20 2009 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
216 posts
Even if you don't want to rely on IFF for the hitcap you should get it for the crit increase it gives you

The 3% crit you get from keeping it up does not compensate for the loss of DPS. It is simply something that somewhat compensates if you *have* to use Imp FF (i.e. no Shadow Priest)

This is new to me, but if he has another moonkin casting FF then this argument is flawd (sp?) and the % crit is a passive buff that is very well worth the 3 points spend.
#9 Feb 20 2009 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
This is new to me, but if he has another moonkin casting FF then this argument is flawd (sp?) and the % crit is a passive buff that is very well worth the 3 points spend.

Flawed* :P

Ideally you don't want another Moonkin casting FF, you want a Shadow Priest talented for Misery.

And the 3% crit, while somewhat worth the 3 points (following the idea that 1 point should equal 1% DPS), is not worth the GCD for casting Imp FF, at least once you reach a point stats-wise which is low-ish from memory.

Also add the fact that: If you're the Moonkin "in charge" of keeping it up for the raid, you might have to skip a cast during an Eclipse just to renew Imp FF, or during Bloodlust, etc. That makes your DPS drop even more.

A Shadow Priest's Misery, on the other hand, will be applied automatically when he cast some of his damage spells and the talent gives him other self-benefits so it's win-win for everyone.

EDIT: Not saying this is a bad talent/spell. It may be crucial to your raid, in fact. But if you want to boost your personal DPS as much as possible, Imp FF is not the way to go.

Edited, Feb 20th 2009 11:05am by Selverein
#10 Feb 20 2009 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
253 posts
All very good points. Keep them coming!
I've been doing some Target Dummy practice. What I've noticed so far, is that the Wrath till eclipse rotation is definitely better than SF till eclipse rotation. Two things I'm still wondering about, are:
What to spam during internal CD of eclipse. Turn back to spamming wrath, or keep spamming SF until the CD is nearly done, than switch wrath, to proc Eclipse again.
Secondly, Idol of Shooting Star or Idol of Steadfast Renewal? It depends of course, on the above.
#11 Feb 20 2009 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Idol of the Shooting Star definitely, even if you were to spam Wrath during Eclipse CD's. By proc'ing Starfire Eclipses you acknowledge that most of your damage will come from Starfire, so might as well enhance it as much as possible.

As for which spell to spam during the cooldown, I'd say try both.

In my case, I find that Starfire non-crit does about 50% more damage while taking 100% longer to cast. I don't have a very high crit rate, nor haste rate so I can neither spam it fast or get it to crit very often which makes it feel like a poor spell to use on its own.

I am also kind of a distracted person during boss fights, focusing too much on one aspect, so spamming Wrath prevents me from triggering a Wrath Eclipse with a few too many Starfires after the Eclipse CD is up.
#12 Feb 20 2009 at 2:02 PM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
Ok, most everyone has said what I would tell you. But there are a few key things that haven't been mentioned.

Boomkin dps is a little more complicated than dot dot wrath wrath eclipse proc GG.

This is my armory, check my gear and also check my spec.

The main thing I will tell you now is this. Your spec is heavily dependant upon your raid comp. If you have a spriest, you may not need the imp FF. But if you do feel you are lacking in crit, take up imp FF regardless it will help with that extra 3% crit you're going to need.

Also, since I raid with 2 ret pallies and a spriest I have consant mana returns from all three characters allowing me to completely remove myself from mana regen talents except ooc. OOC procs are best used for things like Hurricane if you need to. Since you're starting Sarth1 you'll notice that hurricane becomes a little more of an issue.

Another thing. Use your starfire idol. It's been fixed. I personally don't have it, and the other raiding boomkin has it. I have more spell power than he does, but he has that idol and his max crits on SF push close to 15k, while mine only push close to 14k.

    And the most important thing I can tell you!
DO NOT under ANY circumstance clip your eclipse. When you rotate through your dots and casts. If moonfire drops mid eclipse proc, be it wrath or starfire, DON'T refresh the dots. Clipping your eclipse is the main factor in why boomkin suffer dps loss. I used to do this before I learned not too, and I would be sitting between 4-10 in the damage done on my meters. I learned not to clip and all of a sudden my dps rose by a decent amount, 200-300 dps.

And my one final thing. Glyph IS/MF/SF and get Nature's splendor in your talents. That single talent smooths out your rotations so much more than you would ever imagine.


The 3% increase in crit from IMP FF is not a decrease in dps. I used to think the same thing and then I actually tried it out. I've raided with it and with out it. The main thing is knowing when to replace it. I've always let it fall off because I'm not using it for the hit cap, before I have to refresh it. I've been using it entirely for that extra 3%. Almost every single boss pull ends up with you having to get from point A, to point B. In that time you've been given easy access to putting up dots and imp FF.

Also, another big reason as to why it's not a dps loss is because you've just increased your chance for wrath to crit allowing you quicker access to SF eclipse procs.

Almost everyone on the EJ boards has said that you want to take up imp FF.

One last thing. Curious go download the addon SquakandAwe. It's a timer for your eclipse and it will help tremendously with how you operate your rotations.

Edited, Feb 20th 2009 4:13pm by ArexLovesPie
#13 Feb 20 2009 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
216 posts
I tend to agree with what youy said Arex, but there is some theorycrafting going arond that depending on the amount of time left on eclipse it is still worth it to put IS or MF back up, though never both and only the one needed to buff the cast your eclipse procs. However, i will try to do a comparison next raid i do and see the differences.

#14 Feb 20 2009 at 3:35 PM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Almost everyone on the EJ boards has said that you want to take up imp FF.

Strangely I've read the complete opposite. And from the author of Squawk, too, but maybe it was an old post and I didn't notice.

I'll agree it's not a bad talent, casting it on the run when you can afford to and all that, but having to refresh it in fights like Patchwerk is definitely a pain. If your Shaman just popped Bloodlust you really wanna chain-cast Wrath to proc Eclipse faster than if you use a GCD to cast FF.

I'm not arguing against picking it up, it's just that if you intend/need to keep it up at all times it's definitely gonna be a DPS loss.

Edit to avoid double-post
I tend to agree with what youy said Arex, but there is some theorycrafting going arond that depending on the amount of time left on eclipse it is still worth it to put IS or MF back up, though never both and only the one needed to buff the cast your eclipse procs. However, i will try to do a comparison next raid i do and see the differences.

For a Wrath Eclipse, I've seen spreadsheets that basically indicate that as long as you can cast 2 Wraths or more, it is worth it to reapply IS. That might vary with numbers though. In any case you should be going for Starfire Eclipses so this is a bit moot.

And yes, it may be advisable to refresh MF even during a Starfire Eclipse, but you need to know your numbers damn well.


-You have 15 seconds during your Eclipse to cast as many Starfires as possible.
-From that you need to subtract a second or two based on your reaction time as chances are that you were already casting another Wrath when the previous one triggered the Eclipse.
-Now, considering your haste/cast time for Starfire, calculate how many spells you can cast during the Eclipse.
-If what is left over in time is enough to allow for a GCD for MF, it is then possible to refresh MF without losing DPS.

To make things more complicated, you need to figure out in advance how those numbers would change under Bloodlust/Heroism and if it would still be worth the GCD. That's why people will generally advise to just let your DoT's run out during Eclipses.

Edited, Feb 20th 2009 5:43pm by Selverein
#15 Feb 20 2009 at 3:37 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
definitely gonna be a DPS loss

For you yes, the raid no.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#16 Feb 20 2009 at 3:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,859 posts
definitely gonna be a DPS loss

For you yes, the raid no.

Indeed, that was my point as mentioned here. For personal DPS, Imp FF is most likely not gonna be an increase in DPS.

Edit: I tend to lack clarity. Lemme reword that to: "Imp FF being kept up all the time is not gonna be an increase in DPS".

Edited, Feb 20th 2009 5:47pm by Selverein
#17 Feb 20 2009 at 4:46 PM Rating: Good
158 posts
Well, I got the same DPS lack during raids. From what I've read here, and experienced from my guild raids, having 2 SPriests allows me to skip IFF. But..

is my spec good enough? Or it needs some adjustment there?

DaveDaDruid wrote:
but your gear priorities are Spellpower / Hit > Haste / Crit.
On this aspect, I, even if wrong, saw that Crit is almost as good as SP. But either way, I need training about these stats.

My armory link doesn't work, can't understand why. When possible, will link it here. (have to say though, that I'm not uber geared)

EDIT: this is me

Edited, Feb 22nd 2009 12:31am by dragonscale
#18 Feb 21 2009 at 1:53 AM Rating: Good
216 posts

Take a look at the earlier spec posted here. Some things can be moved around for better dps. Dreamstate can be taken out to get eclipse for instance..

I don't have the exact numbers, but after getting hitcapped i believe a minimum of 16/17 % crit (non moonkin) is needed And after that you should stack spellpower and haste. Haste is not to be underestimated for a moonkin! Of course at some point your crit will increase with upgrade aswell and that is not bad at all. Just dont focus solely on crit and forget haste.

Edited, Feb 21st 2009 11:04am by TinyTin
#19 Feb 21 2009 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
253 posts
Hey all! Rate ups for everyone for the great advice so far! Some really helpful pointers there. If you check my armory etc you'll notice some changes. Still debating the IFF with my classleader (also a Boomkin), who is the guy with the insanely high dps compared to me. But the rest of the talent suggestions are there.

ArexLovesPie wrote:

Another thing. Use your starfire idol. It's been fixed. I personally don't have it, and the other raiding boomkin has it. I have more spell power than he does, but he has that idol and his max crits on SF push close to 15k, while mine only push close to 14k.

After reading this, I did some dummy testing, and not only does it seem fixed indeed, the results agree wholeheartedly with you there, so I decided to go with the starfire idol.

ArexLovesPie wrote:

    And the most important thing I can tell you!
DO NOT under ANY circumstance clip your eclipse. When you rotate through your dots and casts. If moonfire drops mid eclipse proc, be it wrath or starfire, DON'T refresh the dots. Clipping your eclipse is the main factor in why boomkin suffer dps loss. I used to do this before I learned not too, and I would be sitting between 4-10 in the damage done on my meters. I learned not to clip and all of a sudden my dps rose by a decent amount, 200-300 dps.

This is really really helpful, because clipping it for keeping dots up was exactly what I was doing. On tomorrows raid I'll try and see how much of a difference it makes.

ArexLovesPie wrote:

And my one final thing. Glyph IS/MF/SF and get Nature's splendor in your talents. That single talent smooths out your rotations so much more than you would ever imagine.

Already got those glyphs pretty much from the beginning. Took the talent when I changed my spec yesterday, and it makes rotations much easier, because of the prolonged dots!

ArexLovesPie wrote:

One last thing. Curious go download the addon SquakandAwe. It's a timer for your eclipse and it will help tremendously with how you operate your rotations.

Already have that addon, got it a couple of weeks ago, and can't imagine anyone getting much use out of Eclipse without it :)

Anyways, thanks again for the help! And any more discussion is encouraged, seeing that there wasn't a proper boomkin-raid thread here :)
#20 Feb 21 2009 at 10:33 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
At the moment I can't find the post on MMO champ that has ghostcrawler talking about IMP FF, but! The reason you take up imp FF is for that extra 3% because anyone, feral or balance, that has FF on the target you recieve the bonus for the 3%. The lack of dps comes from if you are the ONLY one casting imp FF on mobs at that time, and I still don't think that it really nerfs my dps if I'm the only one dropping it. If I can manage it, I'll be around for patchwerk and ask my buddy to record with WWS so I can post my dps and parse.

For myself I raid with another boomkin and him and i are able to switch off completely optimizing our dps by giving us 80 seconds between FF casts to waste a gcd on it.
#21 Feb 22 2009 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
but! The reason you take up imp FF is for that extra 3% because anyone, feral or balance, that has FF on the target you recieve the bonus for the 3%.

This is exactly what i said earlier. It sounds as if the OP has more than one moonkin or even feral druid in his raid group, which means one of them should be able to keep FF up, you decide amongst yourself who. I would prefer a feral to do it as they have room in their rotations for it, from what i hear. The reason at least one of you should cast FF (the spell, not IFF) is that it will increase raidwide melee dps and allow moonkins that have the talent (and dont need to cast FF) gain 3% crit.

The benefit to the raid is larger then the loss of dps to the FF caster (feral or moonkin).

Now the question changes. I have to read up on EJ what the concensus is. If we assume FF is up on the target without us having to cast it ourselves. We have no mana issues. Another druid casts IMotW. We take these builds, which one would yield the highest possible dps. (With supported trees, no IFF) (With unsupported trees, IFF) (Just for the hell of it, With Owlkin Frenzy, No IFF, Trees. Frenzy has been said not to be worth it in naxx, but perhaps Sath+3?)
#22 Feb 23 2009 at 5:46 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
Arex wrote:

Glyph IS/MF/SF

May I ask, is there no room in rotations for a glyphed Typhoon? Not worth it dps-wise?

Or is a glyphed IS with wrath/starfire/hurricane generally a better option?
#23 Feb 23 2009 at 6:41 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
I'd think it wouldn't be worth it DPS-wise, especially considering the cost for the spell. I'd keep it for AoE pulls and PvP, little more.
#24 Feb 23 2009 at 7:33 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
Yeah guess that would be it. But somehow when I read the Glyph of Insect Swarm (being a tank), I do not like to loose the hit penalty on the target...
#25 Feb 23 2009 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Typhoon has been shown to not really benefit dps if taken up in a rotation with or without the glyph. It is mainly a pvp oriented spell. Situational at best in PvE, e.g. Zombies getting close on that Grum (forgot the damn name) boss, during decimate.

And i can understand that that hit debuff is appealing and i would advice strugling groups to indeed not take up this glyph, but when it is clear you dont need the mitigation that much ...
#26 Feb 23 2009 at 8:07 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Yeah, while I was Moonkin our tanks were pretty well geared so it didn't matter so much and I took the IS Glyph.

If you're still in the progression phase, however, I would suggest getting the Innervate Glyph instead as it may benefit both yourself and the raid, rather than just yourself.
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