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Not so new 80 Drood TankFollow

#1 Feb 18 2009 at 5:13 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
I know a few good druids on my server, but unfortunately a lot of them play horde, so for my constant need to be better, I come here again.


Picked up T7 Helm off Kel, Boots off AC Exalted, Ring from (H)Anub (stupid wasted parry), Badge Trinket, Badge Necklace(shoulda gotten Heritage last night but was saving need for the staff that of course didn't drop), Essence, Trollwoven shoulders and the Perspicacious Idol since I originally posted.

Have run (H) VH 12 times, no staff.
Have run (H) Gundrak 6 times, no pants.

Thus, still working on them.

Goals I have for myself right now are get 11 more points in enchanting fast so I can enchant my rings with the +24 stam. That way I can use mixed blue gems in my chestpiece to continue to meet my meta gem requirements.
Still going to keep running VH and Gun everyday for the staff and pants. Have Mongoose and the +55stam leg armor waiting for them >.<

By the beginning of next week I will hopefully have either the T7 chest or gloves, either from our weekend naxx run or from badges. Once I get my T7 gloves I'll switch enchant to agility.

Still need to find time to rep up with sons of Hodir. Haven't even finished the quests to open it yet. >.<

In the meantime I've been contemplating dropping skinning and picking up inscription. My shammy is my next 70 I'll level to 80 and he's an herbalist. Sounds like good synergy to me. :P

Soooo......Comments, advice, critique.

Thanks in advance

Edited, Feb 18th 2009 8:15am by Galenmoon
#2 Feb 18 2009 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
306 posts
You’re in good shape for the most part, you know what you want and are actively try to get them. Definitely get your chanting up to where you can do your rings. Don’t pass on Heritage next time, my guild has only seen Origin of Nightmares drop once and I got it, but the neck piece drops all the time.

Must be nice to be seeking gear......need to lvl an alt to 80.
#3 Feb 18 2009 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Not like it's a huge deal, but you are running VoA 10 and 25-man every week, right?

I managed to snag the Valorous pants from there, so I highly recommend it to everyone now :)
#4 Feb 18 2009 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Yeah I run VoA 10 and 25 as much as I can. The Alliance on my server fails at Wintergrasp, so I try and snag it when I can.

As far as Needing on Heritage, I would have, but my guild isn't currently running 25's, I jump in with another guild when they go, so my time is limited. I've only seen Heritage once so far, and was kinda caught off guard, so I didn't need roll, having been set on that staff.

Sounds good, just wanted to make sure I was on the right path still :P
#5 Feb 18 2009 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
My guild did a go at 25 man Naxx over the weekend. Imagine my joy when Origins of Nightmares drops. When I saw that I swear I started to drool lol. Thankfully the only people in the raid to roll on it was a Hunter and me. I won WOOT!!!! As soon as I can I'm slapping Mongoose on that puppy. When we run again I'll have to keep an eye out for Heritage.

Thanks for the info on the leggings dropping on VoA. Thats one area I need to improve in both my Tanks and DPS sets. I did get the T7.5 chest from there though.

#6 Feb 18 2009 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Galenmoon wrote:
Still need to find time to rep up with sons of Hodir. Haven't even finished the quests to open it yet. >.<

I opened them up over a month ago and still haven't hit Exalted. I suck at doing dailies.

If you have any Badges of Justice kicking around grab the Idol of Terror if you don't have it, I forgot if you said you did or not. You can probably solo H SP if need. If you did your flight quest you can bribe people with the promise of a potential mount drop and do H Seth. I have 2k gold to go until I get mine. If I actually had done my SSO dailies I would of had it months ago.

You should be tanking or at least running OS25 for the T7.5 gloves. Its really easy with no drakes up. One drake and higher is rough in a PuG, we almost had it last week but after the last wipe people were getting antsy so we just killed the drake. *sigh* Asides from the gloves the only other sexy bear gear is legs off 25+2D.

Don't buy the badge gloves unless you really have nothing else to spend them on. It is easy enough to get them from OS plus there is a solid chance of getting the 7.5 gloves. Also always try at least 1 drake up first even if it fails. It is way more fun.

OS and VoA 10 and 25 should be on everyone's weekly rotation, whether with guild if they are doing them or PuG. They are just to easy and fast. Plus they have decent loot.

edit: spelling and text crop

Edited, Feb 18th 2009 1:44pm by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Feb 19 2009 at 5:32 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Yeah, I have my Idol of terror. I tend to switch it in for boss fights, then back out to Perspicacious for trash since I'm just a maul + swipe spamming maniac.

My guild is finally starting OS 25 this week, we've been dropping 10 man pretty much since we all hit 80. I try to make the runs, but of course real life... >.<

It seems the only time alliance can win Wintergrasp on my server is when I'm not on, or they lose it just after I get on :(

AAaaanyway, I'm up to 13 days of VH - no staff.... and 7 days of Gundrak - no pants....

/sad bear
#8 Feb 19 2009 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Hey at least you have Gossamer that one took me two weeks of running H AN daily to get. :)

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#9 Feb 19 2009 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
That trinket and the enraged feral staff dropped both dropped on my first run through their respective instances.

That almost makes it more irritating that it's taking so long to get the others... I got pampered :P

Either way I can tank just about anything I have the time to get into, so it's not that big a deal, but every little bit helps.

The UK run that the staff dropped in, I had a level 80 mage, in level 80 blues doing 819 dps. I shoulda taken a screenshot.

It was Epic Fail
#10 Feb 19 2009 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
That almost makes it more irritating that it's taking so long to get the others... I got pampered :P

I feel your pain. It's been two weeks in a row, in full clears of Naxx 25 that no melee leather has dropped. None. I managed to get my 7.5 Chest token, but no actual melee leather drops. And like, only 3 or 4 caster leather. Tons of plate and mail though, some of which got DE'd, which is even more depressing...

I swear it's only cause I told my guild I was going back to Feral...
#11 Feb 19 2009 at 1:23 PM Rating: Good
In the spirit of self-improvement, I'll be 80 in about 8 bars, and am not really sure where heroic stats need to be to start tanking...I'm in my tank gear if anyone wants to take a peek. I know there are still some slots that desperately need improvement (neck, wrist, trinkets, probably feet), but I'm concerned that I'm going to end up more or less "overgearing" myself for the heroics and "wasting" my time in more normal dungeons when I could be getting much better loot/badges/rep from the heroic runs.

So if anyone has specific suggestions as far as ease of accessibility to get me to that point...I intend to start collecting the AH available stuff like trollwoven/polar gear and such, and I'm going to power my alchemy sooner rather than later for the tank and dps alchemists' stones, but any other suggestions are appreciated.

Edited, Feb 19th 2009 4:26pm by Norellicus
#12 Feb 19 2009 at 1:53 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Just get all the LW stuff you can and you will be fine.

Hit H UK first for wrists and a belt.

H DtK gives a sweeeet ring.

H Nexus has a nice tunic.

Here is the pre-raid list I made. It has stuff from non-heroics for all the slots. Getting the Trollwovens and replacing greens and level 70 stuff should be a priority, well BoT is fine.

Trollwovens, I can't mention them enough. They rock. You wont replace them for a long time.

Get that gear gemmed and chanted. Chant for agi. Gem for stam till you have some gear unless its a red socket then +16 Agi. Once you get better gear go for combo gems stam and exp/hit depending on your expertise level. You want the dodge cap but hitting the parry cap takes raid gear at high levels so until that is a possibility don't bother to go over the soft cap if you can help it, ie you want 6.5% reduction more is wasted till you can push 14%. The agi/hit gems are nice also.

Get the Trollwoven stuff made and enchanted. Extra belt socket with +16 Agi. The +55 Stam +22 Agi leg kit. Throw a +18 armor on the shoulders till you hit exalted with SoH.

Heck if you can't afford enchants at least put +18 Stam kit on all your gear.

Throw the goose on your weapon. Well wait a day or 2 incase one dropd is H UK or H VH. Starting out the UK one is better because of armor. After you get better gear the armor becomes less important and you will want the stam and more importantly the agi and AP.

If you have Wintergrasp marks get the head and then if have leftovers the boots. Either way you want a head with a meta. H VH and H OC have them as well.

I'm rambling and going to stop.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#13 Feb 19 2009 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
Good to know, thanks. Wasn't sure if all the LW stuff was acceptable as a starting point or not.

With any luck they're not outrageous on my server, I have some 3k to spend so should be able to deck out pretty easily.
#14 Feb 19 2009 at 5:21 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
The Trollwoven shoulders are insanely good. The belt is nice to pair with one in H UK to give you options. The Polar stuff is good to start but should be replaced as it is a very 1 dimensional stamina based set. The Nerubhide cloak is also very good.

The Trollwoven stuff and Nerubhide cloak are extremely well itemized for feral tanking. Not a single wasted stat or iffy stats at all. Just pure tanky goodness.

They beat out higher iLevel stuff in many cases. All feral druids should have them til they get better in 25 man raids or you want to change up stats due to DRs.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#15 Feb 19 2009 at 5:50 PM Rating: Good
Yeah I knew the polar wasn't something long-term, just wasn't sure if it would even cut it as a starting point really. Also had plans for a Durable Nerubhide Cape but those are more expensive, so that'll probably be a little further down the road.
#16 Feb 19 2009 at 8:31 PM Rating: Good
Probably even better than the stam on the Polar set is the fact that it has an iLvl equivalent to 25man gear. Which means its armor is MUCH higher than anything else you can get outside of raids. And really, put Agi gems in the Polar stuff and it isn't so bad all-round gear. Certainly it will be replaced in raids, but it is pretty good stuff!

#17 Feb 20 2009 at 4:40 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Update..... 14 days in VH - no staff
7 days in Gundrak - no pants

>.< ***** you Blizzard

Edited, Feb 20th 2009 7:42am by Galenmoon
#18 Feb 20 2009 at 5:04 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
Prior to being able to get the Durable Nerubhide Cape theres a cloak you can get from Wyrmrest rep when your Honored (I think) that a good alternative.

Is the Trollwoven Belt better than Polar Cord? Rawr seem to indicate the Polar Cord is better. I need to get into H AN and get that trinket and into H DtK for the ring.

I'm using all three of the Polar set because Rawr indicates they are good. I also use them when I DPS on Saphrion in Naxx for the FR. It lowers my DPS but my 10 man group has one shotted it everytime we get to him (excepted the first time we tried before using the FR gear).
#19 Feb 20 2009 at 5:33 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
Is the Trollwoven Belt better than Polar Cord? Rawr seem to indicate the Polar Cord is better.
I'm using all three of the Polar set because Rawr indicates they are good.

Don't blindly trust Rawr/Emmerald. They both put the Polar stuff way higher than some, imo, much better items because they are simply based on a point-per-stat system that puts Stam way ahead of any other stat.

If you ask me that's pretty short-sighted because even if you have 50k health, and some low 20ish% Dodge and no Expertise you're gonna make your healers cry. Stam is mostly good as a "How long can I go without healing" stat, which is very important indeed but once you reach a certain threshold you should start looking for different stats for both mitigation and TPS.

But yeah, the listings work in such a way that items are rated individually, without regards to the sort of stats you should be aiming for. Similarly, Hit Rating for DPS would be put on top of nearly everything but once you're hit-capped it'd be useless to shoot for more pieces that have Hit Rating on them. Same principle here.

Edited, Feb 20th 2009 7:43am by Selverein
#20 Feb 20 2009 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
Don't blindly trust Rawr/Emmerald. They both put the Polar stuff way higher than some, imo, much better items because they are simply based on a point-per-stat system that puts Stam way ahead of any other stat.

Emmerald's list is certainly how you describe, but Rawr definitely isn't (although I agree to never trust them blindly Smiley: smile). The value of stam in Rawr will change based on your other stats and Rawr also now includes a "soft-cap" for stam (which you can customise) after which the value of stam is greatly reduced. With the default value for the softcap, my health doesn't get much over 40k and the polar gear is rated lower down the list than many other items.

Emmerald's list is based on certain stats and if yours vary much from those base stats the it will be more inaccurate. Many people also feel that it overvalues stam and Emmerald is looking at introducing a soft-cap type ranking as well (although real-life seems to be getting in the way of WOW at the moment) :)

Lastar, if Rawr is rating them very highly, then it could be one of a few things - your stam in your current gear is a bit low, or perhaps you haven't selected all your raid-buffs or talents in Rawr. If you don't have Kings or Fort selected, then stam will be rated much higher and therefore so will the polar gear.
#21 Feb 20 2009 at 3:46 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
How can I make RAWR not consider gems that aren't in the game?

Like all the agi/stam ones and most of the epics.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#22 Feb 22 2009 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
On the drop down list, there is one called "gems" - you can click the diamond next to the gems you want it to consider (If you are using the optimiser).

If you are not using the optimiser, then you can set "default gems" from from the option in the tools menu. For my kitty gear for example, I make 2 default gemmings: -

1) All Str gems
2) Str, Str/Hit, Str/Stam

Then select the "delete non-listed gemmings and it deletes all other versions of those items in the DB and you will be left with just 2 copies of each gemmed item with those that you use. There are a few bugs though and it is better to set you default gemmings then load your character as it doesn't seem to like doing this if you are currently wearing gear that doesn't conform to those default gemmings.

***** I just checked, and there is a new BETA version of RAWR up which includes their new gemming system which is supoposed to be a LOT more user friendly. Guess I won't be getting much work done today while I check it out :)

#23 Feb 23 2009 at 5:08 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Got ma Staff!

No pants though... >.<

Mmmmm... Staff + no pants.... Bad drood...
#24 Feb 23 2009 at 5:40 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
Currently I'm sitting at around 32k HP, 30K Armor and 30% dodge unbuffed as a Bear. My spec also leans more towards DPS then tanking. This is with the three Polar gear pieces. I logged out in my DPS gear so looking at the armory won't help. I know I need to get the Keystone ring, and I was lucky to pick up Defender's Code last night in 25 man Naxx. I have leatherworking so I'll make myself the Trollwoven Girdle and see what it does for me.

I know I need to practice tanking more so I plan on running a couple Heroics a week (with my DPS spec) to get the rotation and threat generation to the point I have my DPS rotation.
#25 Feb 23 2009 at 6:15 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Your health is good, Mine is sitting at 32k self buffed now as well.
Your armor is a little lower than mine. I'm just over 32k with Staff of Trickery and 33k with Enraged Feral Staff.
Your Dodge is low, that's probably because of the Polar Pieces. I'm sitting at 36ish% (I didn't look before logging off, but I know it's in the 35.5-36.75 range. The new staff bumped it up a little)

The better the gear you get, the less you'll have to gem for stam and the more you can push to up that dodge.

There's two sides to push for, Max stam set and max avoidance set.

As far as the trinkets, Defender's Code was great before they nerfed our armor, now it's Eh.

I'd go for the Essance of Gossamer from the first boss in Heroic AN and the dodge trinket from Emblems. The added stam and avoidance is a pretty sweet combo.

Log out in your tank gear! You can check my sig for my current tank gear.

#26 Feb 23 2009 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
199 posts
I have the emblem trinket;witem=40683. I've though about making the run for the H AN trinket, now that I look at it again I'll move that to the top of the list. My tank gear still has blues in the legs and helm socket so I'm sure my numbers would go up when I can get epics there.

As my guild wants me to run raids as kitty that has taken priority gear wise. I'm also trying to keep up a heal set and I've started picking up Boomkin pieces too. Needless to say my bank slots are almost full. :)
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