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Is that Fair?Follow

#1 Feb 16 2009 at 4:05 PM Rating: Default

Tell me,whats is Your opinion about it.

I was raiding today with my guild.
We have DKP system.
One of the rules says that You can bid for every item exept a weapon and tier item-they cost always the same amount of DKP(Tier 3 DKP,weapon 6 DKP) and they are going to guild member with the biggest amount of DKP when ofc he/she will show interest for the item.
If somebody (he/she)show interest then(he/she) will pay automaticly DKP points and if nobody show the interest in weapon or tier item the rest of the guild mates can start bidding(ofc main spec first).
I respect the rules but......
How Melee Weapon can be treated as a weapon for a Hunter and be treated in the same way for him as for me?O_O
Webbed Death droped today and a Hunter show interest for it.
The hunter has more DKP then me and withawd bidding he could take a weapon.
I spoke to the GL after the raid but for him and the rest of the guys its ok.
Arghhhhh-according to Shadow Panter website the drop chance is 3%-probably I will never see it again and even if, some Hunter with greater amount of DKP can simply take it dont giving me a chance even to spent may DKP.
Im devastated:/

PS:Sorry for my English
#2 Feb 16 2009 at 6:54 PM Rating: Default
The DKP system is harsh but completly fair, I started raiding with new guild and got within the top 3 dps for Noth.
I lost the Sinners Bindings to a rogue who had higher dkp and was in full hateful gear, which was pretty annoying.

Just grind DKP and ninja the bow that drops from Kel. ;)
#3 Feb 16 2009 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
920 posts
Except Hateful Gear is PvP gear. So, no matter if it was annoying or not he needed the gear. Some people don't realize there is a difference between PvP gear and PvE gear.
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#4 Feb 16 2009 at 11:41 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
If the system is there...its there... you can't be "okay" with it and accept it as is then complain about it. If you don't like it raid with people who use another system.

Believe it or not the stats on a weapon are just as important to a hunter as a rogue. Just because they aren't physically hitting people with the item it doesn't take away from its usefulness.

Attack power, agility, crit, stamina, armor penetration, haste, etc, etc, etc all effect the hunters DPS just as it would effect a rogue. Get more of it...better performance.

Just because they use it as a stat stick rather than to poke people with it doesn't negate its sheer usefulness to a hunter.

The stats simply translate into their bow ranged weapon rather than the usage of their melee weapon(s).

Edited, Feb 17th 2009 2:41am by ekaterinodar
#5 Feb 17 2009 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
No, its not fair...I rogues have priority over stuff like this, just like hunters have priority over bows/guns. Sure they get an increase from it, but it gives a rogue WAY more of an increase than a hunter. In my opinion the hunter was being an ***.
#6 Feb 17 2009 at 12:31 AM Rating: Good
3,564 posts
Fair or not, it's a little silly to give a dagger to a Hunter over a Rogue. Hunters have a vastly superior choice of weapons compared to Rogues and while I can't recall the BiS weapon for Hunters, I'm pretty sure it isn't Webbed Death (which is BiS for all Rogue specs). Especially when they're only taking it as a filler weapon (the only reason I could ever think of any hunter taking any dagger period) compared to the Rogue who would never replace it until a new raid comes out.

That's part of what I dislike about DKP systems. You're likely to run into situations where people take items they don't really need, let alone want, but since they have the points for it they can take it away from someone who can get vastly superior use out of it. I've seen people take tier pieces and literally say before hand that they wouldn't actually use it, but they liked how it looked and yet they were still given the item because "they had the most points". And that's with every other person who could have bid on it seriously needing it.

But some people like DKP systems and can run them fairly, so more power to them. You just wont catch me taking part in one.
FFXI (Retired)
Naiya | Mithra | Windurst | Rank 10 | 1st Lieutenant | Ragnarok
WAR: 75 MNK: 75 SAM: 66
RotZ: O | CoP: O | ToAU: O | Apoch Nigh: O

Naiyah | B.Elf | 85 Rogue | Stormscale
Doubleday | B.Elf | 85 Paladin | Stormscale

#7 Feb 17 2009 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Most hunters use 2handers over daggers. The rogue really should have had preference.

If you didn't speak up about it though, it's your own stupid fault. Go raid with some more agreeable people.
#8 Feb 17 2009 at 6:23 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
It's fair in the overall concept, but they need to classify Weapons in a different way for certain classes.

A melee weapon for hunters falls into the same category as a ranged weapon for rogues and warriors. They are used for stat boosts more than the tooltip DPS of the weapon. As such, the rules of regular gear should apply to hunters for melee weapons and rogues/warriors for ranged weapons.

Where, when a ranged weapon drops, the hunters get priority in costing 6 DKP, and the guildy with the highest DKP gets it. If no hunters show interest, then the warriors and rogues can bid on said item.

But that's just my opinion, you should talk to your GMs about this if you feel slighted. Don't be confrontational about it, be civil, talk to them with a clear understanding of why you are upset and why you think it should change.

If they change the rules on weapons, great. If not, don't get mad, just take it for what it is. Then decide if you want to continue on or with the guild or move on to another guild. Depending on if you can live with their decision or not.
#9 Feb 17 2009 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
I spoke to GM but for him everything is ok-that hunter raid alot and has the same rights for that weapon as I but because he has more DKP he can take a weapon automaticly.
Webbed death isint unique and that hunter can take the dagger again-and after him another hunter and because the drop rate is 3% I can spent all my life and dont get that weapon at all.
But the worst part of that is that my GM and few other ppl dont see the difference between a melee weapon for melee dps and range dps-for them is still a weapon even if a Hunter is going to use it only as a stats boost.
Ofc they understand that for rogue the dagger has bigger meaning but its still a weapon and the rules are good.

I think they dont care because such situation like this is not going to happen to them(alot of DKP or they are not melee or range dps).
And in their eyes Im an *** because the rules are very good so wtf- raid more(became a no-lifer)and wait for your turn(whole life probably).
#10 Feb 17 2009 at 7:38 AM Rating: Good
179 posts
That really sucks. But if those are the rules then thats that. I'm glad my guild uses loot concil, and there pretty fair about it. I got loot pretty early, sure I won't get everything I want right away, but I will get loot. We did have a hunter get that loot over a rogue once too though, they said it was a mistake afterwards, and would not do that again. There are so many other weapons that drop that hunters can use, no sence in taking one of the VERY FEW we rogues can use.
#11 Feb 17 2009 at 10:04 AM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
ekaterinodar wrote:
If the system is there...its there... you can't be "okay" with it and accept it as is then complain about it. If you don't like it raid with people who use another system.

Believe it or not the stats on a weapon are just as important to a hunter as a rogue. Just because they aren't physically hitting people with the item it doesn't take away from its usefulness.

Attack power, agility, crit, stamina, armor penetration, haste, etc, etc, etc all effect the hunters DPS just as it would effect a rogue. Get more of it...better performance.

Just because they use it as a stat stick rather than to poke people with it doesn't negate its sheer usefulness to a hunter.

The stats simply translate into their bow ranged weapon rather than the usage of their melee weapon(s).

I could turn around make the same argument for a rogue to take a bow or gun over a hunter. It's stupid. Rogues should take priority on melee weapons because they use the stats and the dps. Hunters should take priority on ranged weapons because they use the stats and the dps. It's not a fair weight system to place them on equal grounds between both classes.

Any raid leader, loot master, or group that doesn't understand this is a ******.
#12 Feb 17 2009 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I don't have much to add, but I just want to say

Rogues should take priority on melee weapons because they use the stats and the dps. Hunters should take priority on ranged weapons because they use the stats and the dps. It's not a fair weight system to place them on equal grounds between both classes.

Any raid leader, loot master, or group that doesn't understand this is a ******.

QFT. I completely agree with that.
#13 Feb 17 2009 at 11:17 AM Rating: Good
63 posts
You can look at this several ways.

Is this fair? From a complete rules-lawyering perspective, absolutely.

Is it in good taste, as it were? Probably not. This would be something a good guild should take to loot council. Is the hunter a major player, always at raid attendance, is the rogue a fly by nighter that has only been there once or twice? These things need to be considered. I will say in either case that I do think obvious preference should go to the rogue, but it would need to be considered.

However, for those people that say hunters should have an opportunity to roll on this equally for stats no contest, remember that you are agreeing then that you cannot ***** in the slightest if a rogue rolls you on Envoy of Mortality, which is technically the BiS stat item for rogues ranged.

I personally have a guild that I love, and we are in support of the TEAM, not the individual loot greeds. I would pass the envoy if one of my hunters wanted it, and they would pass webbed death to me in a heartbeat with a smile on their face. That's what being in a good guild is all about.
#14 Feb 23 2009 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Wasn't there a thread about 10 ways to make a fail guild involving DKP. I don't agree with DKP and I don't see where it really is needed with WOW. IF you have to give people DKP to get them to raid they are not worth having. Every dungeon/raid pretty much has something for everybody. Even if there is no upgrades there is the emblems.

My biggest problem with DKP is if your new to a old guild you won't get loot unless nobody else wants it. My advice is find another guild. There are plenty of guilds that raid that doesn't require DKP.

#15 Feb 24 2009 at 1:22 AM Rating: Good
546 posts
fronglo wrote:
Wasn't there a thread about 10 ways to make a fail guild involving DKP. I don't agree with DKP and I don't see where it really is needed with WOW. IF you have to give people DKP to get them to raid they are not worth having. Every dungeon/raid pretty much has something for everybody. Even if there is no upgrades there is the emblems.

My biggest problem with DKP is if your new to a old guild you won't get loot unless nobody else wants it. My advice is find another guild. There are plenty of guilds that raid that doesn't require DKP.

To me its not the DKP thats the problem in this case so much as how its implemented. Having everything cost a fixed amount means that people with high DKP will just grab everything even minor upgrades. If you use a bidding system for everything then most likely the hunter would not have been willing to bid as high as the other rogues since its BiS for rogues and not that great for hunters.
#16 Feb 24 2009 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
fronglo wrote:
Wasn't there a thread about 10 ways to make a fail guild involving DKP. I don't agree with DKP and I don't see where it really is needed with WOW. IF you have to give people DKP to get them to raid they are not worth having. Every dungeon/raid pretty much has something for everybody. Even if there is no upgrades there is the emblems.

My biggest problem with DKP is if your new to a old guild you won't get loot unless nobody else wants it. My advice is find another guild. There are plenty of guilds that raid that doesn't require DKP.

There are hundreds, yes hundreds, of different DKP systems. They all vary, just like a druid can vary in its roles of tank, heals, and dps.

There are systems where even a new member to an old guild can obtain loot priority. It just varies on your DKP system, which should be built around what you want to achieve. They can be fair for everyone involved. They can also be biased towards certain members etc.

#17 Feb 24 2009 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
415 posts
New Hunter recruit joined situation. I am still using a Drake mounted Xbow from some heroic I got god knows when. Not a single ranged item has dropped for me in Naxx yet. I already passed Envoy of Mortality(BiS for me) to a regular hunter in guild. I am DKP leader and can grab whatever I choose. Should I let Hunter have the Weapon, Hunter will most likely go negative on our 1st raid from all the rotting ups he/she will get because Naxx been on farm for a while for us. What do you think?
#18 Feb 24 2009 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I really don't think there's a straight answer to that question. Is this someone you are going to be playing with a lot going forward?

Really, by all rights you could probably roll on it, you have tenure. I would probably pass it off to them myself though, mostly because I firmly believe that in this game you get back what you give in spades. What you lose out in a few dps for a while is made up in a reputation as a great person to run with. It's always worked for me.
#19 Feb 28 2009 at 6:12 AM Rating: Default
Maybe one option would have to off the hunter that had the leading dkp an offer to get the weapon, like say whisper him and said, ill pay you 3k gold if you pass on that dagger so i can use it, its best in slot for me and going to be a really significant upgrade. at that point, if the hunter still really wants the dagger and not the gold, then he should get it, being a dedicated raider in that guild. With 3k dangling in front of his eyes he might think that its only a minor stat upgrade, and leave it to the rogue.

3k isnt that much, can make it in a solid weekend of farming if you want the drop that bad
#20 Feb 28 2009 at 5:15 PM Rating: Good
3,564 posts
Paying someone 3k gold to pass you an item that should be yours (from a logical, completely reasonable standpoint) anyway is just silly. Spec should be just as important as points in situations like this to prevent people from being retarded.

What's silly is I get the feeling that people who would readily give a Hunter a dagger over a Rogue just because "he has more points" would probably pitch a fit if a Rogue tried to take a bow or gun over a Hunter.
FFXI (Retired)
Naiya | Mithra | Windurst | Rank 10 | 1st Lieutenant | Ragnarok
WAR: 75 MNK: 75 SAM: 66
RotZ: O | CoP: O | ToAU: O | Apoch Nigh: O

Naiyah | B.Elf | 85 Rogue | Stormscale
Doubleday | B.Elf | 85 Paladin | Stormscale

#21 Mar 01 2009 at 2:33 AM Rating: Default
Yeah i think in the name of guild progression the dagger should have gone to the rogue, the group as a whole would get more of a buff by giving the rogue the dagger as opposed to the hunter, but in this case, good sense wasnt prevailing, the hunter was always gonna take the dagger in this situation, thats why i suggested the monetary "bribe" to pass it to the rogue
#22 Mar 01 2009 at 8:31 AM Rating: Default
876 posts
I think this is a big issue, loot systems that the guild doesn't okay. I mean if you are in a guild you should, for the most part, be interested in progression as a whole. Especially in a 25-man group where you will more than likely have a static core player base.

If you are in a guild where you do not agree with the loot system for a legit reason, talk to your guild leader. If he shrugs it off and says STFU then you need to think about applying elsewhere.

Ideally loot issues should never cause drama, ideally. However they do, the difference between big trouble drama and a little bit of but hurt makes or breaks a guild. I mean if I and another rogue in the group roll on dawnwalkers lets say. If he wins the roll but I have a blue in slot then the "right" thing to do would be to pass. I mean it kinda sucks for that rogue, but overall it helps us on a guild level to raise our DPS.

You will always run into loot whores, you just need to shrug them off and know that you are trying to help the guild on a whole. That I believe is the fairest things can get in a guild loot system.

And as a little QQ, I really dislike DKP. Seems like an awful way to run a loot system in a guild, especially with loot pinata bosses atm. I suggest a roll based system with blues over epics and class divided gear. Sure a hunter can wear leather but is that item actually right for him, or is it a rogue item. We just split all the items up recently and it has helped tremendously because our RL can call out class/spec instead of just the item name. We then know who can roll and who has to wait for a pass to offspec.
#23 Mar 01 2009 at 9:22 AM Rating: Good

And as a little QQ, I really dislike DKP. Seems like an awful way to run a loot system in a guild, especially with loot pinata bosses atm. I suggest a roll based system with blues over epics and class divided gear.

I wish I still had premium so I could do the "LOLOLOLOLO" smiley, but you'll just have to imagine it.
#24 Mar 01 2009 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good
3,564 posts
RPZip wrote:

And as a little QQ, I really dislike DKP. Seems like an awful way to run a loot system in a guild, especially with loot pinata bosses atm. I suggest a roll based system with blues over epics and class divided gear.

I wish I still had premium so I could do the "LOLOLOLOLO" smiley, but you'll just have to imagine it.

Like this?

Smiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lolSmiley: lol


DKP systems aren't bad by intent. They just start to suck when the system doesn't differentiate between things like main-spec, off-spec, and class. If a dagger drops you shouldn't immediately give it to a Hunter. If a gun drops, you shouldn't immediately give it to a Rogue or Warrior. If a tanking sword drops, you shouldn't just hand it to a Rogue because he likes the DPS on it and he happens to have the most points. The list goes on and on. I wouldn't stay in a Guild that flat out left it to points because that suggests the leadership is a little too lazy to put effort into distributing loot and it's only a matter of time before you run in to real drama.

My Guild personally does a roll-based system. In 10-man it's one loot per boss and 1 tier token per run. In 25-man it's two epics per run and one tier per run, off-spec rolls being unlimited. Main-spec roll > Off-spec roll > DE for Guild bank.

I'm also biased towards points because back when I played FFXI I was the officer in charge of keeping track of Dynamis points, and the zones supported 32-64 people... you can imagine how fun that was to keep track of who was in the zone, when each person earned a new point, and keeping track of item bids all at the same time while usually acting as main-assist for kill order. Good times, man...
FFXI (Retired)
Naiya | Mithra | Windurst | Rank 10 | 1st Lieutenant | Ragnarok
WAR: 75 MNK: 75 SAM: 66
RotZ: O | CoP: O | ToAU: O | Apoch Nigh: O

Naiyah | B.Elf | 85 Rogue | Stormscale
Doubleday | B.Elf | 85 Paladin | Stormscale

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