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SD and SotF changesFollow

#1 Feb 13 2009 at 1:07 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Ghostcrawler wrote:
Assume SotF would lose about half its current armor, putting it at 11/22/33% if I recall correctly and subject to additional testing.
(Source )

Just found the link. The thread goes on for a good 5 pages from there. Not sure if any of the, how you say better posters have responded. Also the EJ thread about changes ends with a reference to that post.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#2 Feb 13 2009 at 2:43 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Well, that was both an enlightening and painful read. The amount of people who when shown math and and obvious facts who repute them is amazing. At the same time the 3-5 people doing the bulk of the theory craft are doing a good job.

Here a few of the better posts. Ghost makes his post on page 15 so I would recommend starting there. Can't find the link to the antitank set and don't want to have to read through any more o-boards threads today.

This one and the next few have some good simulations of how the shield will work.

Has a few good ones here, showing a Patch type boss and Maexxna style with stuns.

The simulations are using an 'antitank' set which would become the new tank set. Has a greater emphasis on AP, crit, expertise, hit and haste than the current gear methodology. Hurray for more tank DPS and same mitigation.

Overall the change should be a slight buff in most situations. In general the change is minimal. Still not thrilled about learning block, just for flavor/lore reasons. The additional scalars will be a great help as otherwise we would have been shafted by DRs come Uldar.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#3 Feb 15 2009 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
What really worries me about all this is though is how it's gonna affect all those people who are currently NOT sitting all maxed out and waiting for new content. Seems like they'll be taking large hits - quite literally. Killing the off-tanks in the process even?

How is this going to work with the whole dual-spec idea? Are you going to be forced to create both cat and bear spec rather than doing a feral/resto or feral/balance just because you absolutely have to pick up all the mitigation talents in order to make up for the loss if all you want to do is the normal off-tanking as you'd do now by simply switching from cat to bear gear? I mean after all it's rather unlikely that they'll merge again what they so painfully split over the past 6 months or so.

That classes who can fill three completely different roles through their talent trees should be able to at least triple-spec rather than dual to have the same access to PvE and PvP like everybody else seems completely unnoticed. Makes me think that this whole dual-thing is just yet another way to pull another 10K out of player's pockets. FREE respecs would have solved the flexibility issue, right?

More gimmicks rather than fine-tuning content to current gear levels, that's what it pretty much looks like. Probably moving development resources to the mysterious "upcoming unannounced MMO"

I don't like this change at all, because it places the burden of fine-tuning on the players rather than the people who are getting paid for it. They're not opening possibilities, but creating necessities. Essentially we're back to the point of having to gear for and maintain defense, only that it's now wrapped up in some new (not even that) stats to look out for.
#4 Feb 15 2009 at 10:05 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
More gimmicks rather than fine-tuning content to current gear levels, that's what it pretty much looks like.

We will be looking for stats are are on the rogue leather we are using. Except now the hit, expertise, crit, haste and AP will help with mitigation.

Are you going to be forced to create both cat and bear spec rather than doing a feral/resto or feral/balance

Your bear and cat sets are all ready gemmed and chanted differently now with offensive stats in the mitigation mix more pices will be the same. Should create less gear bloat tbh.

I don't like this change at all, because it places the burden of fine-tuning on the players rather than the people who are getting paid for it.

I all ready fine tune my gear. You should as well.

Just to sum up the shields proc on crits and are based in strength on AP at a 25%AP to shield value ratio as it stands now. The change is a good change stat scaling wise. As all the stats I mentioned above will enhance he shields.

I can't say I like using a shield tho. I'm a bear not a warrior. But scaling off of offensive minded stats we have a lot of is definitely a good idea.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#5 Feb 16 2009 at 2:21 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
yeah, itll do wonders for pve, but itll bork pvp in a lot of ways for ferals. where straight pve gear and each time you crit (which even vs a high-res target is gonna be 30%+) you get a hefty bubble on top of LotP heal every 6s. killing bears is gonna be even more difficult now, and part of me likes that and part of me doesnt.
#6 Feb 16 2009 at 2:53 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
Both lore-wise and logic-wise this sounds aweful to me. Might be just me though...

#7 Feb 16 2009 at 3:52 AM Rating: Good
988 posts
Handing mitigation over to the RNG is just plain wrong. I'm having this with Divine Aegis on my Disc priest already. It's completely unpredictable, and you have absolutely no control over it. It results in shields coming up at times and on people who don't need them, and not coming up on those who do when you do.

Predictable mitigation means that I'd cast a Flash Heal, Greater Heal, or Penance, and the target of those would in turn take 2%/4%/6% depending on stack size of Grace.

Predictable avoidance means that my tanking DK will gain 10% parry the moment I burn through the blood runes.

Even if I was to meet the condition of that strange shield proc 50% of the time, it would still mean that I'd be having considerably less mitigation half of the time, right? So where the hell is the buff in all this?
#8 Feb 16 2009 at 11:01 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
its a buff in the sense that blizz wont have to really destroy stat gain conversions for druids at the next tier of gear. as it stands now, a lot of druids are approaching (or were before the armor change) armor caps, and were getting damn close to avoidance caps (soft cap that is). that runs two risks; one, if druids are already this high in terms of tanking power, it means there isnt much room to improve it with gear, and two, the few improvements that do happen will create a problem for later in terms of making the druid too strong.

this change essentially raises the "ceiling" of gear for druids in a lot of ways, allowing for actual improvement via better gear and further homogenizing gear usage between rogues and druids (which means less wasted drops).
#9 Feb 16 2009 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Yes, I can see how it might new create options for those hovering at the caps already. But I can't help but think that those who are not are being majorly screwed, all of a sudden having a bunch of new things to look out for.

This also comes at a time where feral druids aren't exactly popular to begin with, and everything that reduces the average druid's performance even more will make matters worse.

So far I have healed ONE bear in all my heroics, the reason I even remember being that the Spellflingers in Ahn'Kahet didn't get interrupted and I was faced with having to fill close to 20k health back into that furry beast each time.

Compared to all other tanking classes, druid tanks are lacking when it comes to AOE tanking. But so far they did have a ton of stamina and armor to point to, pretty much allowing them to say "Look, I might need a few extra secs to build threat, but I DO have the health and mitigation to handle this"

Now we'll be going to a system that's not only more complicated for the druid himself, but even more so for everybody else.

Granted, if that shield thing would come up reliably, if it was possible to obtain and maintain at ALL gear levels, and of course also mitigate spell damage (something where bears have been seriously lacking) it would be a step forward.

Overall though... Next time you're taking a bath rather than a a shower, have a close look at all the bubbles. There might just be an Ulduar raid hiding underneath.
#10 Feb 16 2009 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
I read the OP on Saturday and held off responding until today because I've fallen a bit behind on feral tank shenanigans, but I think the outcry against the changes represents a pretty narrow view. For reference, I'm basing my position on the assumption that SD will proc on any crit (white or yellow) which means that unless it has an internal cooldown, it will be up on almost every GCD for large trash pulls and will still be up frequently on smaller/single encounters (ie. bosses).

Basically, all this ability is doing is giving Blizzard more room to work T8/9 itemization without pushing druids over the armor cap and in exchange, druids are getting the equivalent of a shield block. The best geared warrior tank in our guild right now has about a 30% chance to block and his non-crit blocks are good to mitigate ~1500 damage. While the proposed change to SotF as it stands means that ferals aren't going to be enjoying the same mitigation vs. huge hits (ie. Patchwerk Hateful Strikes), they're going to fair much better against lower damage hits where the differences of flat mitigation % between a feral druid and a plate tank don't provide so much of an advantage. It's not a's a tradeoff.

I almost wish I were inclined to post some math illustrating the situations where this could be a benefit, but I know such math would be countered by math demonstrating where it would be a nerf. Such is the nature of a tradeoff: you gain something at the expense of something.

Unfortunately, if you're trying to work in a flat comparison between a feral druid and a protection warrior, a druid's crit % is typically higher than an equally geared protection warrior's block %. A feral druid's AP would put their damage absorbed probably on par with if not slightly higher than an equally geared protection warrior's block value. The main difference is that if the RNG works in a warrior's favor, he can block 5 consecutive attacks within the span of a GCD on a large pull, whereas a druid would be limited by their GCD. Again, it's a lot of situational number crunching that I'll happily leave to Blizzard. I think that given the nature of buffs handed to every tanking class and Blizzard's stated goal of ensuring no tank gets left behind, druids will benefit from the changes.
#11 Feb 16 2009 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
also another benefit of block for a warrior is when shield block is up. that alone functions as a physical "shield wall" in a lot of ways, albeit to a much lesser extent vs most bosses.
#12 Feb 16 2009 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
Quor wrote:
also another benefit of block for a warrior is when shield block is up. that alone functions as a physical "shield wall" in a lot of ways, albeit to a much lesser extent vs most bosses.

I agree. From the point of view of trying to create a comparison between the two, the uptime on shield block makes it very difficult. 10 seconds out of every 40 is significant and consistent in its own way, but also creates situational conditions on its effectiveness. The best way to work out the benefits of SD would be to base comparisons on effective health, but even that is subjective. The addon that I use for tracking effective health offers two values based on different unmitigated hit sizes (2k and 10k if I'm not mistaken). It's easier to work out for shield wearing tanks because the mitigation from block functions regardless of how many mobs are attacking you or, more simply, how often you're being hit every 1.5 seconds.

There's no doubt in my mind that there will be situations where having HP equivalent to 25% of your AP mitigated every 1.5 seconds would be superior even after the armor reduction than just a flat reduction based on current armor. There's also no doubt in my mind that there will be a threshold after which the DR from SD will be inferior to what ferals currently have based on the assumption that a druid isn't at the armor cap. For druids maxed out in T9 content, it's a no brainer that SD will have clear advantages in almost every situation.
#13 Feb 17 2009 at 6:14 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Plus the changes will give us an excuse to have more AP which means more DPS which means more threat.

Also the shield should work on magical damage. Which normal armor has no affect on.

So I will mitigate more magic damage and do more damage. All while still mitigating the same damage on most fights and possibly more on some. Plus it gives us more scalars that we all ready have on our gear thus reducing your fight with DRs all while upping my threat and DPS.

Still not happy with learning block but I do like the end result so far. Maybe if they called it something else I would like it more.

Like make it a growth thing and I get bigger while the proc is up. That would be cooler and more lore appropriate.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#14 Feb 18 2009 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
I only see positive sides to this :)
Im having a VERY hard time getting pure tankgear, cause alot of the agi/stam gear i have gives more avoidance as it is. What i like most about this, is that the insane ammounts of AP and crit u pick up with the WOTLK items for ferals basicly gets a use.

I dont get why people QQ about the tanks who arent max geared yet.
If you compare druids to (after Gargoyle) all but DK tanks, we are having ONE hell of an easy time. I was litterally geared for heroics in under a week after ding 80. Considering im Balance mainspec that is just stupid, it took my Dk weeks.
All you will need to do is actually GET lvl 78+ gear to tank heroics, OMG we are screwed...

Also, i dont see how a druid is a bad aoe tank AT ALL. its easier then anything but paladin to maintain multitarget treat. If your having trouble i advice you to make sure u have the maul glyph and try the following rotation:
Maul (wait for swing) - tab - Maul - tab
with Swipe every global CD.. i can tell you, my frost dk has more trouble :)
#15 Feb 18 2009 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
I was litterally geared for heroics in under a week after ding 80. Considering im Balance mainspec that is just stupid, it took my Dk weeks.

It takes little to no effort to start farming heroics as tree or moonkin until you have absolutely all feral pieces you could possibly think of. I daresay that the vast majority of those few feral druids left has done it that way. I think it's wrong and shouldn't have to be like that.

Also, i dont see how a druid is a bad aoe tank AT ALL. its easier then anything but paladin to maintain multitarget treat.

A class that builds threat in a cone rather than a circle is currently at a big disadvantage. DKs and pallies do the circle thing, warriors are somewhere in between, and druids are limited to a cone in front of them. With bears being almost extinct, you can't even blame DPS for not knowing or remembering how to deal with a druid tank.

Acceptance of bears is almost as low as it used to be before TBC. Ask around anywhere but the druid section of this board or any other, and you'll hear the same thing.

#16 Feb 18 2009 at 11:13 AM Rating: Good
355 posts
I don't really have a problem with my aoe only being a frontal cone. It is quite easy to take a few steps back so the mobs are all in front of you. The thing that pisses me off is the fact that when you have everything *EXACTLY* where you want it, they do that damned maneuver where they spread out in a circle around you, so one or two of them are out of your arc and you need to reposition again. Why the hell do we need mobs to path behind us when there are more than 5 of them? I think I can say that nobody cares if things bunch up on each other.
#17 Feb 18 2009 at 11:35 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Sometimes if the mob is out of Swipe range but also not getting hit by DPS I will leave it where it is and just FFF it when the CD is up. Usually enough to keep aggro off the healer as long as I have the rest of the mobs.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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