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Threat Generation IssuesFollow

#1 Feb 12 2009 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts

I've just recently got back into leveling my druid and tanking mainly for guildies. I did Utgarde Keep last night and was surprised to be struggling to hold aggro.

My general rotation is pull with faire fire (feral) and then start up with a swipe or a mangle then a swipe to get a basic grip on multiple mobs. get a couple of lacerates on the main target, then throw in a few more swipes or tab between targets and get lacerates.

I'm generally pretty quick with the key and the mouse. so the whole process isn't very long.

Then I switch back to main target and go all which I found myself struggling to stay ahead of the threat. Granted, one of the people in our party was an 80 fury warrior (he had just respeced...he's usually my tank when I heal on my paladin). Him and the mage in our party were pulling about 900 dps...and there I was struggling to keep up. What's wrong here?

My general rotation is Mangle whenever its up, lacerate to 5, and then depending on situation go between lacerate, maul (if nough rage), and swipe.

This is the standard rotation I used in BC and it generally did the job...but last night I felt like I was back in BC. I remember tank threat being increased and easier to build but that wasn't the case. I have a tankadin in similar level gear at a similar level who doesn't have one issue at all with threat (Even against 80 enhancement shamans). And here my feral druid was struggling to keep threat on one target against a mere 900 dps.

Am I doing something wrong? Missing a talent somewhere? I was pretty thorough when I respeced. In fact I've respeced more than a few times trying to get it all just right.

My build is pretty much a hybrid tank/dps build. I'm leveling so I don't want to gimp my ability to kill stuff in cat while at the same time still having enough tanking talents to be a viable tank in instances on the way up.
#2 Feb 12 2009 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
861 posts
Could be a couple of things:

A) That 80 fury warrior (though how on earth is he only pulling 900 dps)?
B) The new WotLK move is spam swipe and maul with glyph of maul while tabbing around. That way you lay a maul on everyone and swipe spam keeps aggro while your dps uses its cool aoe abilities. Mangle and lacerate are generally reserved for single target. Maul and swipe can put out a lot of threat nowadays.
C) Out of ideas.
#3 Feb 12 2009 at 1:56 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Talents look fine for a leveling build. Not what I did but close enough. I was way bear heavy from the start.

Maul more and Swipe more. Lacerate to increase Maul damage. Replace PvP gear as its not very well suited for threat generation. Especially since its a caster version.

What glyphs you got? Maul glyph is hawt. Like I would take it out to dinner and try and seduce it hawt. Just don't tell Mangle I'm cheating on her.

Remember when in doubt about what attack to use Maul and Swipe is probably a good idea if there are two or more mobs.

If just one mob, your almost OOM go get more.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#4 Feb 12 2009 at 3:41 PM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
Talents look fine for a leveling build. Not what I did but close enough. I was way bear heavy from the start.

I don't use bear much while leveling. Mainly cat. So I only put what I felt was absolutely necessary to tank.

Maul more and Swipe more. Lacerate to increase Maul damage.

Back in BC I had read by many sources that maul was junk as far as threat. It was a skill you used for damage and only when you had 50+ rage. Was this changed in Lich King?

Replace PvP gear as its not very well suited for threat generation. Especially since its a caster version.

I'm only level 71. Its far better than the majority of the drops I'll find until a good 3 or 4 more levels. Its not really "caster" version. Its the feral merciless set. Which had a few of its ilevel points distributed into a few caster stats for pvp viability (although this was changed in Season 3). And actually in BC was far superior in threat generation than the cleft hoof set which lacked strength and agility.

What glyphs you got? Maul glyph is hawt. Like I would take it out to dinner and try and seduce it hawt. Just don't tell Mangle I'm cheating on her.

I believe I have glyph of shred and glyph of rip.

Remember when in doubt about what attack to use Maul and Swipe is probably a good idea if there are two or more mobs.

My problem for the most part was not AoE threat, but keeping threat on the single main target.

A) That 80 fury warrior (though how on earth is he only pulling 900 dps)?

He's never played fury...ever...and was on the phone half the run.
#5 Feb 12 2009 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
Maul was never "junk". It has always been one of our highest threat attacks. The reason it is (was) sometimes avoided is that you lose the rage from a white attack as well as having to pay the rage cost of the maul, so it costs a lot of rage and could leave you rage starved. Now that we always seem to have plenty of rage, there is no reason not to spam it all the time.

#6 Feb 12 2009 at 4:13 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Threat is more based off of damage now.

They redid threat a great deal. Feral Instinct used to buff Swipe threat now just damage. Maul gets a 1.75 modifier off damage and a static boost. Other attacks work similar, Maul does a lot of damage.

Forgot the old merciless had SP. Been awhile since I had any of it around.

Single target you want your Lacerate stacks and Mangle, Maul as allowed by rage. Which is what your were doing.

Sidebar: Swipe eventually equals and then surpasses Lacerate but only after AP reaches 6250 AP. (Source )

I don't know why you would have an issue. Was it just the warrior or all the DPS? Maybe he was using Heroic Strike, it is a high threat attack as well. What did Omen out your TPS at if you can remember.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Feb 13 2009 at 5:28 AM Rating: Good
1,859 posts
I don't see much I can add to what was already said.

I believe I have glyph of shred and glyph of rip.

I would definitely suggest dropping Glyph of Shred in favor of Glyph of Maul, even for soloing. It'll be incredibly valuable for tanking but also when soloing if you find yourself having to go Bear and AoE some mods or kill an elite with adds, etc.

You may have already noticed, or will definitely notice once you get Savage Roar, that Prowling around and opening up with the good ol' Pounce -> Mangle -> Shred isn't really worth it anymore with its high Energy cost. Shred feels much more like a skill you use in group situations. (And mobs don't get stunned very often so the glyph isn't very appealing at all to me)
#8 Feb 13 2009 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
I'll give it another run tonight and pay attention to my TPS. I'll see if I can get some numbers. Maybe I was just slow or sloppy. I am quite out of practice tanking.

Also, I'll check out glyph of maul. Soloing I've found I don't even need to use rip. Things die too fast. So I was already considering replacing it. And I have found myself doing more AoE rounding up in bear (being a skinner its pretty nice in Borean and Howling). So I'll give it a go. I'd rather not have to do the stupid tab and lacerate thing anymore.

While soloing my rotation is

Pounce > Shred > Shred > (if clear casting shred again else) maim > Mangle > Shred

By the time I get to the end most mobs are dead. With the new maim its pretty easy to keep a mob stunned the majority of a fight.
#9 Feb 13 2009 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
ekaterinodar wrote:
And I have found myself doing more AoE rounding up in bear (being a skinner its pretty nice in Borean and Howling)

I actually did a large chunk of my leveling this way. Especially, since after I went to Shalozar which is also very skinner friendly. I also was an instance ***** while leveling. Really helps as you learn the layout of the dungeons. Not valid for you as you have an 80 but this was after Wrath dropped. Also running the instances gets you fairly geared and if done wisely you can be heroic ready the second you ding 80.

Not just barely ready but very ready.

While soloing in general my rotation is Swipe and Maul, repeat. Or if I am in cat form due to lower mob densities Feral Charge -> Rake -> SR -> Mangle spam -> SR right before the mob dies. The last SR is usually a 4CP one. Stuff dies fast. The initial FC is mainly due to me liking the animation. I mean its not like I yell at the mobs while I am flying through the air.

Anyone with KoJ and a more kitty build use meow Swipe to AoE grind? Meow Swipe is nuts.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#10 Feb 13 2009 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
Just a warning as well - make sure you have actually trained all the new ranks of your abilities!

Our guild MT last night found out she hadn't trained the last few ranks of abilities. I don't think she had visited the trainer since pre-WotLK and found out when she went to respec deeps to muck around in BG's for the night :) Threat hasn't even been an issue in any of our raids! Will be interesting to see if anybody notices the difference as she hasn't told anyone else I think!

If I suddenly stop posting on the forums it will be because she found out about this post and she has killed me :) :) :)

Edited, Feb 14th 2009 1:01am by RareBeast
#11 Feb 15 2009 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
I think this is the issue.. warrior = 80, you = 71. His DPS should be pretty high, higher than that 900 and your TPS is going to be pretty low at 71. I'd just be glad for the DPS : )
#12 Feb 15 2009 at 1:09 PM Rating: Good
bsgnitro wrote:
I think this is the issue.. warrior = 80, you = 71. His DPS should be pretty high, higher than that 900 and your TPS is going to be pretty low at 71. I'd just be glad for the DPS : )

Something I'm rather surprised that nobody has caught on to...good dps reduce their dps so as not to pull threat, and warriors are an extremely difficult class to ride the threat line with. It's entirely possible that 900dps was the highest he could safely go without creating threat issues. I don't see it as a case of "lol 80 warrior can only do 900dps" so much as a case of "warrior was doing 900 dps because they had a level 71 tank."

That's not to say the OP was barely pushing 900tps, but a couple hundred tps is a safe margin. I know when I first showed up to Northrend in a mix of T5/badge epics, I was in the 1200-1400 single target tps range on my druid...which quickly ramped up as I geared up in Northrend through the 75-80 stretch. Feral druid single target tps often works out lower in Northrend than it did in TBC because more GCDs go to AoE threat generators which leaves Mangle, Lacerate, and frequently even Maul less room to function. When I was tanking on my druid, single target goodies were something I threw in after multiple swipes because I knew that if I focused too long on one/two targets, I was going to be left with targets on me in short order.

Keep in mind that in TBC, 2k single target tps was enough to get a raid group through BT. That's T6 geared and raid buffed. If the warrior was pushing 900 dps safely in a 5 man with a level 71 tank, I'd say that single target threat wasn't too huge an issue.

With your pally, yo throw a shield at the pull and that by itself gives you a pretty sweet threat lead right off the top. Mobs get to melee range and somewhere in your rotation, most paladin tanks will drop a Consecrate. The thing to remember with feral tanks now is that their Swipe can put up threat numbers more or less on par with a Consecrate, but you're using your yellow attacks to generate that threat. A pally uses 1 GCD to drop a Consecrate and for the next 8 seconds they're using the rest of their yellow attacks to build threat above and beyond the Consecrate threat. HotR, SoR, another Avenger's Shield in a long fight, Holy Wrath on undead pulls...all kinds of goodies you can throw in, many of which are 3 target attacks, and then when your Consecrate effect fades, you drop another one. Repeat. Mad threat generating goodness.

Meanwhile, the feral druid is busting his bawls just trying to get some single target high-threat moves in between Swipe spams. He's already fallen behind after your first HotR.

I loved tanking with my druid through TBC and I tanked every reg Northrend dungeon and several heroics with her before I set her aside of my pally. If you enjoy tanking with your druid, I would highly recommend you save her for all-guild runs where you can educate your guildies over time that you're still a highly viable tank, but you need them to be a bit more patient off the pulls.
#13 Feb 16 2009 at 4:09 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
As mentioned:

AOE: Swipe constantly, while mauling every time possible (which is pretty much all the time)

Single Target: Mangle when possible, Maul in between while making sure there is a bleed effect on the target (for Rend and Tear talent). If no other member is doing a bleed effect, make sure you lacerate every now and then.
#14 Feb 17 2009 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent
Maul does not share GCD with the other abilities.
So u can make massive thread while putting all other threat-abilities on the mob.

But yes. Pallies do nice initial-aggro.

#15 Feb 17 2009 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
druidserg wrote:
Maul does not share GCD with the other abilities.
So u can make massive thread while putting all other threat-abilities on the mob.

But yes. Pallies do nice initial-aggro.

I'm aware that Maul is a toggle on next white hit ability. And no, nothing else a druid does while swipe spamming constitutes "massive" threat, and that's the difficulty facing feral druids these days. Druid threat used to come from a Mangle + Lacerate rotation, with Maul thrown in to dump rage when available and swipe thrown in to maintain aggro through heals on larger pulls. Where other tanking classes will use pretty much the same rotation whether they're tanking multiple mobs or only one mob, a druid's rotation changes based on the scenario.

Maul used to be seen as only supplimentary threat...a little boost here and there when you could spare the rage because it wasn't such a huge difference in damage over white hits that it warranted attempting to use it in a standard rotation. When tanking large groups, rage returns from swipe crits renders rage pretty much a moot point. You're going to be at full rage almost all the time. What trigger happy AoE dps classes are not grasping is that a druid spamming Swipe with Maul thrown in in place of white hits is pretty much the equivalent of a warrior using only Thunderclap and Devastate, or a paladin using only Consecrate + HotR. Both classes have (and use) considerably more in their threat rotations because they don't have to keep spamming their AoE threat abilities every GCD to keep mobs on them through the hail of AoE.

The point is, two of a druid's primary threat attacks are hard to fit in a rotation implemented to hold threat on large groups through AoE. It's disturbing to come here and read that for a lot of feral druids, Mangle is not in their rotation and they view Lacerate as something used simply to apply a bleed effect. Those are two major, major druid threat attacks that are being almost entirely set aside because druids can't spare the GCD, and that's an awful shame.
#16 Feb 17 2009 at 8:54 AM Rating: Good
I know at least in my own case it's not a matter of undervaluing Lacerate so much as wanting to be sure I have enough rage for higher priority attacks. In an infinite rage situation I'd definitely be throwing Lacerate every GCD between Mangle cooldowns, but between Maul and Lacerate the rage drain adds up fast. I would much much rather make sure I always have rage for Maul and Mangle than continually throw Lacerates, because I've found that I generally maintain higher TPS even just with Mangle/Maul than I do when I toss Lacerates and then get spurts of rage starvation.
#17 Feb 17 2009 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
I know at least in my own case it's not a matter of undervaluing Lacerate so much as wanting to be sure I have enough rage for higher priority attacks. In an infinite rage situation I'd definitely be throwing Lacerate every GCD between Mangle cooldowns, but between Maul and Lacerate the rage drain adds up fast. I would much much rather make sure I always have rage for Maul and Mangle than continually throw Lacerates, because I've found that I generally maintain higher TPS even just with Mangle/Maul than I do when I toss Lacerates and then get spurts of rage starvation.

I agree...and I'm going to do something largely out of characcter for me and suggest that Blizzard would want to take a very close look at that. No other tanking class has to sacrifice attacks out of their rotation like that. Pallies would sometimes have to drop one GCD out of their rotation to re-seal every 2 mins, but that's an apples and oranges comparison that became moot with the change to seal duration from the last patch. DK have to make choices about which abilities to use based on availability of runes, but the abilities they have in a standard rotation don't leave them starved for options to generate threat. Warriors are still warriors and the reactive nature of many of their tanking abilities determines what they use next moreso than cruising through a standard rotation.

Pre-3.0, my standard rotation was Mangle -> Lacerate -> Lacerate -> Lacerate -> repeat. Replace a Lacerate with a swipe to hold threat on groups through heals and toss in a Maul if rage permitted. That was the standard rotation for most feral tanks, and it was the one that gave us the highest single target threat of any equally geared tanking class in the game. It's the playstyle that everyone has adopted in WotLK that threw that rotation out the window. Glyphed Maul made Maul more attractive, Berserk + Mangle is teh sex, and as far as I know the threat from Lacerate hasn't been reduced since TBC, but the nature of group play in WotLK shifts all of those to the back seat in favor of Swipe spam. Anyone who has ever tried to explain the difference between a pally tank and a druid tank to an overzealous AoE dps knows that it's a wasted effort. The glowy green target circle of doom > reason and strategy.
#18 Feb 17 2009 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Strawberry Swipe has been turned into a shotgun compared to chocolate Swipe.

Swipe damage: (AP * .063 + 108) * Naturalist bonus * feral instinct bonus * armor penalty * (1 + crit chance) * 4pT6 bonus
lacerate damage: (AP*.01+88)*Naturalist bonus * armor penalty * (1 + crit chance) * 2pt7 bonus
lacerate DOT damage: (AP*.01+64)*stack size * naturalist * mangle * 2pt7 bonus

Swipe DPS: swipe damage /1.5
lacerate DPS: lacerate damage / 1.5
lacerate DOT DPS: lacerate dot damage / 3.0

swipe TPS: swipe DPS * 29/14 * 1.5
lacerate TPS: 29/14*(lacerage damage+1031)/ (2* 1.5)
lacerate DOT TPS: lacerate DOT DPS * 29/14 / 2

Based on a 70% armor reduction from bosses, here are the results:

For AP 4735, crit 30%, no T6 and 2pT7 I get the following:
swipe TPS: 1095.2
lacerate TPS: 786.1
lacerate DOT TPS: 282.5
total lacerate TPS: 1076.045 (Source )

Lacerate while great is eventually eclipsed by Swipe for threat. I think around 6250ish AP Swipe always has better threat. (Source )
Keeping up a stack is always a good thing but Swipe spam is better than tBC Swipe.

I think many druids can get good snap aggro with Swipe especially if the mobs are reasonably near each other to start. Other wise it becomes a matter of corralling them using the rest of our tool kit so that we can begin Swipe spam.

Even the new H VH mob split on the elite packs is easy. Just FFF the single guy and charge into the other, he will follow. Resume Swipe, Maul and Mangle rotation. Throwing Lacerates in on random mobs while the pack is big to increase Maul damage.

Single target the rotation is more the standard Laceratex2 -> Mangle with FFF and Demo Roar as needed. If you get the buffs and/or gear to break the 6250 AP threshold then Lacerate is only needed to keep up the stack, with a higher concentrations to start as the stack needs to be built up first.

Maul if have the rage has been replaced with always Maul unless you're doing content you are over geared for and in that case either pull more or take off your pants.

Lacerate didn't get nerfed, Swipe got injected with steroids.

edit: spelin is gud

Edited, Feb 17th 2009 1:55pm by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#19 Feb 17 2009 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
Horsemouth wrote:
Strawberry Swipe has been turned into a shotgun compared to chocolate Swipe.

Swipe damage: (AP * .063 + 108) * Naturalist bonus * feral instinct bonus * armor penalty * (1 + crit chance) * 4pT6 bonus
lacerate damage: (AP*.01+88)*Naturalist bonus * armor penalty * (1 + crit chance) * 2pt7 bonus
lacerate DOT damage: (AP*.01+64)*stack size * naturalist * mangle * 2pt7 bonus

Swipe DPS: swipe damage /1.5
lacerate DPS: lacerate damage / 1.5
lacerate DOT DPS: lacerate dot damage / 3.0

swipe TPS: swipe DPS * 29/14 * 1.5
lacerate TPS: 29/14*(lacerage damage+1031)/ (2* 1.5)
lacerate DOT TPS: lacerate DOT DPS * 29/14 / 2

Based on a 70% armor reduction from bosses, here are the results:

For AP 4735, crit 30%, no T6 and 2pT7 I get the following:
swipe TPS: 1095.2
lacerate TPS: 786.1
lacerate DOT TPS: 282.5
total lacerate TPS: 1076.045 (Source )

Lacerate while great is eventually eclipsed by Swipe for threat. I think around 6250ish AP Swipe always has better threat. (Source )
Keeping up a stack is always a good thing but Swipe spam is better than tBC Swipe.

I think many druids can get good snap aggro with Swipe especially if the mobs are reasonably near each other to start. Other wise it becomes a matter of corralling them using the rest of our tool kit so that we can begin Swipe spam.

Even the new H VH mob split on the elite packs is easy. Just FFF the single guy and charge into the other, he will follow. Resume Swipe, Maul and Mangle rotation. Throwing Lacerates in on random mobs while the pack is big to increase Maul damage.

Single target the rotation is more the standard Laceratex2 -> Mangle with FFF and Demo Roar as needed. If you get the buffs and/or gear to break the 6250 AP threshold then Lacerate is only needed to keep up the stack, with a higher concentrations to start as the stack needs to be built up first.

Maul if have the rage has been replaced with always Maul unless you're doing content you are over geared for and in that case either pull more or take off your pants.

Lacerate didn't get nerfed, Swipe got injected with steroids.

edit: spelin is gud

Edited, Feb 17th 2009 1:55pm by Horsemouth

oh lawd
#20 Feb 17 2009 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
Horsemouth wrote:

I think many druids can get good snap aggro with Swipe especially if the mobs are reasonably near each other to start. Other wise it becomes a matter of corralling them using the rest of our tool kit so that we can begin Swipe spam.

I wouldn't call even 1500tps good snap aggro. Good snap aggro is a 3k Avenger's Shield. Good snap aggro is a 2.5k HotR smack. Really good snap aggro is a 9-10k SotR crit. Good snap aggro is a Mangle (even better, a Mangle crit). I'd even take a mocking blow/death grip style attack over 1500 tps for snap aggro. 1500 tps (ie. zomfg nice AP Mr.DroodTank) is adequate to hold mobs through most AoE, but if the AoE has already started and you're starting to lose control, 1500tps is not going to cut it. The trouble doesn't seem to be with a druid's ability to generate has to do with the way in which druids generate threat relative to other classes that dps can't wrap their head around.

And I'm not approaching this from the point of view of trying to convince anyone that druids are poor tanks...not at all. When I was first learning about threat management as a dps, I was always told to wait until the tank had aggro, count to 5, and then go. Then, due to the enormously disproportionate number of warrior tanks relative to other tanking classes, it became wait until the third Sunder. Then it got even more refined to, "know what you are capable of, check Omen, and when the tank has a sufficient threat lead, start up the dps."

Lately, it has turned into, "The mobs are moving towards the tank! GOGOGOGOGO!" Out of all four tanking classes, druids are the least capable of responding to that sort of dps mentality. Ultimately, it's a problem with the dps, not the tank(s). The difficulty is that Blizzard would have to hugely revamp existing content to force dps out of that mentality. There's already talk of Ulduar being tuned to make that sort of attitude towards dps a glaring liability, but that doesn't do any good for people who stick primarily to 5-mans because they lack the guild/connections to be raiding second tier expansion content when it's released.

The difficulty I had as a druid tank in 5-mans was that I didn't have another tank next to me to compare my threat to. As I got into raids with my druid, my single target threat capability started to stand out, but it was also the least consistent threat out of the (at the time) two other tanking classes because expertise on feral tanking gear was non-existent.

I've spent the majority of my time in WotLK in a raiding guild, and the majority of my time in groups in raids with my pally. I get to see first hand on a regular basis what the other tanking classes are doing in terms of threat numbers and, to a lesser extent, survivability. If a druid has a threat lead on a single target, they'll have it for the duration of the fight. If I arrive to an AoE pull at the same time as a druid (or even a few seconds after), they might as well go kitty because all of their mob are belong to me. If it weren't for the shift to mass AoE style play that we've seen thus far, I'd say it was just the nature of a pally tank compared to a druid. Blizzard says they don't want to homogenize the tanking classes any more than they already have, which I think will ultimately hurt druids in anything short of advanced WotLK raids.

Edited, Feb 17th 2009 1:11pm by AureliusSir
#21 Feb 17 2009 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
199 posts
I respond here as Feral DPS. I have tanked a few times so I understand some of what is being said. My opinion is that DPS has to learn to hold back. Thats part of being DPS, pushing your damage output to the brink without going over. Any idiot can spam their maximum damage spells. A good DPS should know when to focus fire and when to AoE. If you go over and pull aggros then you suck as s DPS. If you die or wipe the group maybe you'll learn to back off. If not you won't be running too many instances/raids.

When we bring new people into a instance or a raid run we alway tell them to hold back a few seconds to give the tanks time. The few times I tanked I always told the other players I needed extra time because I'm not as experienced as a tank. Most of the time they would listen. The times I had the most trouble was when I pugged. I now will not tank in a pug because of that.

#22 Feb 17 2009 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Meanwhile, the feral druid is busting his bawls just trying to get some single target high-threat moves in between Swipe spams. He's already fallen behind after your first HotR.

After being horrifically under-geared when I first hit Northrend and failing at tanking UK I went away, levelled, got some better gear and better ideas and tried again last night... did so much better and even coped with a damn DPS DK repeatedly stealing my pulls with death grip... Overall had a great time.

Interestingly two of the three pallys in the group mentioned they had bear tanks and said although they had enjoyed being bears, once they made their prot pallys they could never go back and pally tanking was "way more fun".

I've looked at the prot pally stickies and to be honest it doesn't look like they have much to do while tanking - but I could be wrong. By comparison I never have a spare GCD on my druid and I'm always pressing buttons.

Didn't get a chance to ask those pally's during the run (bit busy haha) but why would they feel this way? Is prot pally tanking ezy mode, is bear tanking too frustrating at heroic/raid level, or is pally tanking genuinely more fun?

edit: or is it just that pally tanking was probably more their flavour? :)

Edited, Feb 17th 2009 8:27pm by apothik
#23 Feb 17 2009 at 6:06 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Bear tanking is easy if you know what you are doing.

I am not sure what you mean by spare GCDs. I do some thing every GCD. I mean even with a huge threat lead you should still be DPSing, FFFing stuff, dropping Demo Roar or hitting a cooldown to decrease incoming damage. Very few classes actually have spare GCDs. When they do have spares it is usually because they are pooling or conserving a resource.

Maybe you mean when I get a drink in combat? Is that using a spare GCD?

edit: or is it just that pally tanking was probably more their flavour? :)

Reply to edit. Could be a flavor thing. Some people don't like the rage mechanic. Some have a better feel for a certain tanking style. Try them all out, either one will feel right or if not maybe tanking isn't the right job for you.

Edited, Feb 17th 2009 9:08pm by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#24 Feb 17 2009 at 10:54 PM Rating: Good
Heh, the other night on 10man Patch I was Hateful tank and I was right on the MT's threat and we had a significant lead over DPS, so I announced i'd BRB and went and got myslef another scotch. Came back and was still well ahead, popped beserk and caught back up to the MT :)

After all, you can't expect me to tank without a drink!

#25 Feb 18 2009 at 12:32 AM Rating: Good
apothik wrote:
Meanwhile, the feral druid is busting his bawls just trying to get some single target high-threat moves in between Swipe spams. He's already fallen behind after your first HotR.

After being horrifically under-geared when I first hit Northrend and failing at tanking UK I went away, levelled, got some better gear and better ideas and tried again last night... did so much better and even coped with a damn DPS DK repeatedly stealing my pulls with death grip... Overall had a great time.

Interestingly two of the three pallys in the group mentioned they had bear tanks and said although they had enjoyed being bears, once they made their prot pallys they could never go back and pally tanking was "way more fun".

I've looked at the prot pally stickies and to be honest it doesn't look like they have much to do while tanking - but I could be wrong. By comparison I never have a spare GCD on my druid and I'm always pressing buttons.

Didn't get a chance to ask those pally's during the run (bit busy haha) but why would they feel this way? Is prot pally tanking ezy mode, is bear tanking too frustrating at heroic/raid level, or is pally tanking genuinely more fun?

edit: or is it just that pally tanking was probably more their flavour? :)

Prot pallies have more threat attacks. They have Judgement, Hammer of the Righteous, Shield of Righteousness, Consecrate, Avenger's Shield, Exorcism (currently only vs. Undead...slated for change with 3.1), Holy Wrath (only vs. Undead), 2 taunts, and every 8-10 seconds we're refreshing Holy Shield (think mitigation + Thorns on crack). We can also cleanse, bubble other group members, and we have our own variety of ******* buttons from 50% DR to Lay on Hands. Druid tanks tend to rotate between the same 2-4 threat attacks, and for me that gets awfully dull after a while. One thing that I really miss from my druid tanking days that I can't do with my pally is charging after a runner. Nothing sends a louder message to a group that their tank is competent and on the ball like a bear doing a snap 180 and busting off a Charge -> Growl -> Mangle sequence to nab a stray a split second before it ganks a clothie >:D

Pallies by their very nature have an easier time with multi-mob tanking. If all I ever had to worry about on my druid was myself and a healer, I would say that's it's no harder to tank groups with a druid than it is with a pally, but the dps tend to botch things royally. Personally, I like pally tanking because it's more visually entertaining. Pally tanks are pretty flashy, from thrown shields to consecrates to little hammers bouncing between targets from HotR, I find it fun to watch. After I while, druid tanking got stale for me, and the transition from TBC style group play to WotLK just put the final nail in the coffin. The only thing keeping me from going resto on my druid and going into the occasional dungeon/farm raid is that she's my skinning/leatherworking alt and I'm not sure how well a resto druid could farm beasts to skin.

I've done some tanking with my DK and while there's more variety than with a druid, managing runes can be tedious at times. I spent some time grinding xp mobs as a prot warrior (level 60) and found the reactive nature of warrior tanking to be interesting, but still not on par with a pally in terms of entertainment value. It's all highly subjective. I originally leveled my druid to tank but the appeal of having access to the hybrid nature of the class is what had me go that route instead of with another tank class. I had a really hard time earning the respect of overgeared guildies who were used to running with full T5/IoQD badge tanks in Zul'Aman not grasping the reality that at the time, two parried Mangles in a row (which happened with disturbing regularity) meant that they actually had to watch Omen and not just mash keys. Enter WotLK style play and while I still have a ton of respect for good druid tanks, it's not my #1 choice for a tanking class.
#26 Feb 18 2009 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Bear tanking is easy if you know what you are doing.

I am not sure what you mean by spare GCDs. I do some thing every GCD. I mean even with a huge threat lead you should still be DPSing, FFFing stuff, dropping Demo Roar or hitting a cooldown to decrease incoming damage. Very few classes actually have spare GCDs. When they do have spares it is usually because they are pooling or conserving a resource.


Reply to edit. Could be a flavor thing. Some people don't like the rage mechanic. Some have a better feel for a certain tanking style. Try them all out, either one will feel right or if not maybe tanking isn't the right job for you.

I probably didn't explain myself clearly... I meant I'm always constantly hitting buttons to do something when I'm bear tanking, as you mention trying to weave demo roar, growling, FFF, mangle etc in between my mauls and swipes. Its frenetic and I love it. :)

I usually ended up healing 5mans in vanilla and TBC so only recently getting some good time as a tank, am enjoying it and (as of recently) getting complimented on it.

I just have this impression (right or wrong) that even though pally tanks have all of these extra abilities like aurelius mentions, if things are going well they actually use less keystrokes than us bears... if you get what I mean.

I was just intrigued that two random other players, who were more experienced at end-game content than I was, had both walked away from bears in favour of pallys. And on my server anyway, while I have been levelling I can count on one hand the number of bear tanks I've grouped with in instances. So I was getting a little concerned. :)

Edited, Feb 18th 2009 7:27pm by apothik
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