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Paladin v. Warrior TanksFollow

#1 Feb 09 2009 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
9 posts
I was curious to the pros and cons of a warrior tank vs a pally tank. My main is an 80 resto druid and have healed both in VoA/Naxx/heroics. In the VoA and Naxx runs I've been on, its always been a pally tank. Also, in general I've had an easier time healing the pally tanks. The reason I'm asking is my next char to work on is a tank. I did the feral thing from 1-78 and I am resto at heart now. I have a 60 warrior and a 55 pally but dont know which to level to tank. I am curious about mitigation since both wear plate / use shields. Is the difference in the abilities and talents? Is the new Blessing of Sanctuary and Holy Shield(I think thats right, 8 charges 30%) make paladins better? Or is there an advantage I'm missing of warriors.

I'm mainly looking for info on damage mitigation/aviodance and holding threat. I've read the stickies and posts that I could find about each individual class but I was curious as to your opinions on the comparisions. Thanks in advance.


Assuming gear/stats and player skill between the two are identical or similar

Edited, Feb 9th 2009 1:04pm by Silvermarks
#2 Feb 09 2009 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
889 posts
I don't know a whole lot about Warrior tanks...

The main difference I've been noticing, is since no one wants to CC anything, Heroics are more difficult with Warrior tanks because their AoE threat is weaker than Paladins/DKs (haven't run with too many feral tanks, so idk about them).

In situations where waves of enemies are coming at the group, Consecrate and Death-and-Decay(and Pestilence/Bloodboil,etc) are vastly superior to Thunderclap (which also suffers if it isn't timed perfectly and misses a target, something you don't have to worry about with the Area DoT's other tanks get).

On the other hand, Tankadins can't put a 20% atk speed reduction onto a group of enemies, they can only apply it to 1 target at a time via Talent'd Judgment. Where as Warriors can Thunderclap and DK's can bounce Frost Fever onto multiple targets.

Tankadin mana will be less of an issue in 3.1, since they'll be able to refresh Divine Plea (although its not entirely clear how yet).

As far as shield blocking goes, (from what I understand) Paladins are the "more consistent" shield blockers now, and Warriors are the "spikes of 100% shield block chance" tanks now.

Edited, Feb 9th 2009 3:36pm by angryempath
#3 Feb 09 2009 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Tankadins seem to be the favored flavor of this expansion so far (which makes me happy since I am one...)

We have the most consistent mitigation, very good AoE threat, and very high effective health. A well played Prot Paladin backed by a well played healer are very tough to take down.

Warriors, DKs and even druids can have more HP than a Prot Paladin, but Prot Paladins are generally still harder to kill because our effective health is higher due to more consistent mitigation as well as other factors.

Any tank is going to be good if the tank is specced properly, has decent gear, and is played well. That being said, I am extremely pleased that I personally picked a Paladin to tank with.
#4 Feb 09 2009 at 5:59 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I have noticed while grouping on my alts that runs always seem to go smoother with a Paladin at the helm than a Warrior, for all the reasons mentioned above, and in addition to that, our frontloaded threat. Paladins can gain the necessary threat to hold mobs faster than other tanks can with our Avenger's Shield, and in today's game more than ever, DPS do not wait for the "Sunder rule" (insert other class' ability).

One other thing I love about being a Paladin tank is my ability to continue fighting "as a group" when I am the only person in the group left standing. I've lost count of how many times this expansion alone I have been in a group where sh!@ hit the fan, all the DPS and the healer have died, and I have continued to fight ultimately killing whatever boss we were on. A skilled Paladin tank who knows when to use each of his/her abilities, how to avoid the big attacks, etc.. can do some amazing things when left alone because of our bubbles and healing abilities. Paly tanking really is a lot of fun, especially when the unexpected happens.
#5 Feb 10 2009 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
A well played warrior can give a paladin a run for their money in the threat department. The primary difference between a warrior and a paladin is the nature of our mitigation. Paladins have very consistent mitigation. Warriors tend to be more spiky. While my paladin can block/parry/dodge every single attack that comes her way, a warrior can't. Their Holy Shield equivalent doesn't allow for an overlap. Warriors, on the other hand, can critically block (chance to critically block is based on their melee crit chance; successful critical block mitigates damage from that attack by double their block value.) That's what makes paladins easier to's easier to anticipate the damage we take. Warriors can tend to be all over the place.
#6 Feb 10 2009 at 3:56 AM Rating: Default
I dunno about you guys, but I MASSIVELY out-threat any other tank in my guild.
#7 Feb 10 2009 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
I've also never met a Warrior at my gear level who has within 300 no-proc Block Value (and for many it's as much as 500) as me. Overall, Critical Block + Shield Block will give them a higher average for how much they mitigate per block, but as mentioned -- we block EVERYTHING giving us a higher overall amount of damage blocked.

Both are excellent tanks, I wouldn't suggest basing your decision on the oppinions of us on the strengths/weaknesses of one versus those of the other. There was a time in vanilla where you honestly had to choose the BEST option for a particular role (and there always was an undisputed best then) and variation was only allowed so far as it brought a neccessary advantage. One hunter was ALL that was welcome in a 40 man raid, DPS was Rogues/Warlocks/Mages -- Shammies/Paladins/Priests/Druids were pigeonholed into healing in such proportions that their buffs were available to everyone who needed them and Warriors were THE tanks. It was a very open minded guild (or one that simply couldn't keep the manpower available to raid, which was pretty tough itself) that brought hybrid-DPS or a Hunter that was expected to DPS and not simply be a Tranq bot. You really DONT have to worry about who the best at something is now, there is no clear line anymore.
#8 Feb 11 2009 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
Seriously, level which ever one makes you happiest. Warrior and Paladin takes are incredibly similar in overall capabilities. Paladins have more extended survivability (we can take a longer, harder beating) while Warriors have more critical survivability (a larger box of ******* tools).

Personally, I play a pally because I hate the rage mechanic.
#9 Feb 11 2009 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
1,634 posts
Both are viable tanks.

Palys are considered the best AOE tanks
Warriors are considered teh best single target tanks

Some people have a misconception that Paly tanks are unable to tank raids. This is not true, but expect some people to question you.

Palys have more survivability solo. (I can solo more stuff than a similarly geared/skilled warrior) They also have more guild utility (Heal, DPS, Tank).

But, in the end - Pick the class you like to play. I have found Paly to be more fun, but there are Warriors who'd say the opposite.

*Why I picked Paly: My main is a mage. @ 70 I decided to finally lvl up cooking. Went to HH to go kill the birds just outside of the town for Buzzard bites. I was frost spec'd, ready to AOE. Man was it hard to AOE stuff. Even 10 lvls above - you get 10 mobs on you and you could die. Suddenly this jack@ss paladin runs in at 63, agros the entire flock, and procedes to slowly kill them all. Dude ended with full health and pretty full mana. (I'd be /oom). Decided then that paly was for me.

Edited, Feb 11th 2009 3:46pm by Borsuk
#10 Feb 11 2009 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Pally threat and stam scale slightly better with raid buffs as well. Pallys get 8% stam from Sacred Duty and another 6% from Combat Expertise while warr just get 6% from Vitality. And for every 10 stam a pally gets 3 sp(Touched by the Light) which is a coefficient in every offensive ability except white attacks.
#11 Feb 11 2009 at 6:19 PM Rating: Good
Borsuk wrote:
Both are viable tanks.

Palys are considered the best AOE tanks
Warriors are considered teh best single target tanks

Warriors are the "jack of all trades" tanks. They get a little bit of everything, but each of the other tanking classes has at least a bit of an edge in a specialized area. For paladins, it's AoE threat and effective health. For druids it's physical damage mitigation and single target threat. For DKs it's magic damage mitigation. (Those are all generalized examples...I'm sure if someone really wanted to they could pick all that apart based on situational shenanigans, but it's more to illustrate the point than define it).
#12 Feb 12 2009 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
428 posts
Warriors still tank? Cool. You wouldn't know it from my server. I'm about 100 hero emblems into my gearing process and I can't recall the last warrior I lifebloomed who wasn't swinging two 2H weapons. Can't really blame them, what with the sick numbers fur(r)y warriors are putting out these days.

In all seriousness, you just don't hear about people turning down a tank for a group b/c they aren't <pick a tanking class>, so it just doesn't matter much. Some healers are weird about DKs but that's mostly because so many players are still learning the proper way to handle DK tanking. Also, speaking just for myself, I can't keep track of what spec DKs are supposed to use for tanking. First it was frost, but now I hear that you can tank pretty effectively in any of the three trees. /shrug

Anyway, from my perspective as a healer, keeping a DK up feels alot like keeping a pally up, whereas (as noted above), warrior incoming dmg is a bit more spikey. HP jumps around a bit more. I don't think I've ever healed a feral tank. Huh, never really thought about that before...just feels wrong, a druid healer having never healed his own tank brethren...

edit: spellin'

Edited, Feb 12th 2009 12:57pm by AynLoD
#13 Feb 12 2009 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
I haven't seen a bear druid in months...
#14 Feb 12 2009 at 11:25 PM Rating: Default
Had a friend that was leveling Bear tank, around level 70 started to get fed up with renegade DPS classes in instances and had to switch to healer. Too many people were just dying before he could lock out threat on groups of multiples - hello Nexus and UK.

It really seems like these instances are just made to be Pulled 4 at a time, it seems rather unfair the difficulty this puts on Bear tanks. Then again, the same difficulties of all-hell-breaking-loose AoEs on many of the leveling-up dungeons in NR puts Paladin healers at a loss - yet once they hit 80 they become a beast of a MT Heal. Same can be said about bear tanks.

You really can put Bear Tanks to good use at 80, sure their mitigation ain't as good but there are MANY fights where Mitigation - especially Blocking - are next to worthless. In those situations, its all about keeping the damage incoming on 1 person so heals can be funneled to that one character. In that regard, as long as its a single target, a Druid can do fine. Doesn't hurt to have 40khp Raid buffed in 200 iLevel gear, either.

I wouldn't be surprised if they bring some oomph to Bear AoE Threat generation. Even warriors have it better than they ever had.

It'll probobly be like plant-hands reaching out of a green circle... So original Blizzard =P

#15 Feb 13 2009 at 12:15 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
It's really not so much AOE threat being hard for non-Paladin tanks to get, it's overzealous DPS starting in way too early. My opinion here, but I think too many people have become so accustomed to running with Paladin tanks that they forget other tanks need a couple seconds extra to get AOE threat. They just start blasting in right away without giving their tanks time to get aggro.

We have a bear tank in my guild that is very skilled. You'd think he was a Paladin the way he generates AOE threat. They really have been buffed in that department, and with the right skill can overcome pre-mature AOEing just as easily as a Paladin.

Those not quite as skilled as he is, it might be more difficult, and DPS still has the responsibility of watching their threat, making sure not to aggro off the tank. If that means waiting 3 seconds from when the tank engages, then damnit wait 3 seconds. Waiting to DPS till the tank has aggro is far better then pulling off the tank constantly and getting your *** handed to you on a silver platter.

Sorry, went slightly off my original intent, lol.
#16 Feb 13 2009 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
9 posts
I appreciate all of the input and have decided to go with a pally. I'll share some experiences as well as why I made this decision.

1) I copy/pasted this post to the warrior forums and their response was minimal. A total of three responses with one or two being play whatever you want. I feel that they didnt really answer my questions and if I needed help in the future the help/input I would get here would be greater. So thanks for that. Also the input here was very informative. It wasnt greatly biased towards pallys and provided information from every angle which was helpful.

2) Being a healer I know all about overzealous dps and casters who wont wait to AoE, mainly because I try to scramble to save them. Yes, I know I should let them die, but I generally dont feel like listening to them complain about dying so I try to keep them alive and just warn them that I wont heal them if they continue to pull aggro.

As to my experiences, there have been some interesting ones. I joined a group for heroic UP the other night with a pally tank. I usually armory the tanks when I get in a group so I can know what to expect. His health was around 2400 with defense of 520. I know he wasnt crit immune and his health seemed a little low but I decided to give it a try anyway. During the first few pulls I noticed him taking a lot of damage (i.e. I was throwing out regrowths/nourish to keep him alive, which isnt typical for me). I suddenly realize that he isnt using holy shield. For the first 15 minutes I never saw him cast it once. When I mention this to him in group, his reply is "Oh, I forgot I had that". This should have been my sign to leave. But I continuted anyway. He proceeds to use it once at the beginning of the next pull, and maybe once every 4-5 pulls. Needless to say there are deaths because he also throws consecration out maybe halfway through the fight and dps get aggro and either they die or I die from healing them. When I asked the difference between 10/30 min blessings(because I truely didnt know) it took someone else in the group to say the 30 min ones required regents. His reply(because he had been using the 10 min ones) was that he normally didnt symbol of kings....There was my second sign to leave. To keep this short, he also didnt realize he had Bless of Sanctury. We finished the instance and I made a note to never group with him again. How could he not have known talents and critical abilities...Anyway, sorry for the long story.

On a positive note, I get another group for heroic UK the next day with a pally with similar hp/stats. I am wary at this point but they mentioned they were a guild group and their healer had fallen asleep at the keyboard. I told them of my experiences with the paladin from the day before and we all got a good laugh out of it. While maybe not geared that great, the pally knew what he was doing and the instance went smoothly. It just went to show that I'm glad that I didnt make a decision on a class based on the stupidity of one person.

Anyway, I'm moving right along with my pally and maybe you'll hear from me soon. On a side note, I have two accounts and my druid is on one while my pally is on the other. Would grinding with my druid there to heal for constant kills be faster leveling? I was thinking maybe constantly grinding elites would be good exp or a place with mobs near or above my level with a fast respawn and a large number of mobs so I wouldnt have to run all over to find them. The undead castle/ruin thing comes to mind in hellfire. The outer ridge where the undead are posted every 15 yards or so with a fast respawn. Anyway, if anyone has any place in the mid 50's all the way up to 80 that would be good for that kind of thing please share.

Korosha, 80 Resto Druid
Silvermark, 80 Demo Lock
Xeath, 70 Unholy Death Knight
#17 Feb 14 2009 at 1:17 AM Rating: Decent
well i play a warrior tank and i love it. the thing i love most about it is that there is no set rotation when tanking, infact all there really is is that you should keep SS on CD and revenge on CD, but with sword and board your revenges and devs have a chance to refresh the CD on your SS, so you are never bored, always looking for something. granted this could be the exact same for pallies idk cuz ive never played one. but like i say i just like how there are so many buttons for me to press as a warrior tank (tclap,shockwave,SS,revenge,dev,HS,cleeve,demoshout(sometimes),taunt,oh$hit buttons etc)

this is also why i dont like to dps, rotations get old, knowing that you are what is keeping the raid alive doesnt ;)
#18 Feb 14 2009 at 8:13 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Maulgak wrote:
We have a bear tank in my guild that is very skilled. You'd think he was a Paladin the way he generates AOE threat. They really have been buffed in that department, and with the right skill can overcome pre-mature AOEing just as easily as a Paladin.

I have yet to have to ask DPS to slow done at the start of AoE pulls. Swipe and glyphed Maul are very high AoE threat. Have to position mobs though.

Rarity of bear druids is based on huge DPS buffs to cat and moonkin.

They are slowly smearing out the various tank strengths as well. Pick a tank based on the mechanics you prefer using as Mindel stated. Not on which is better, they all can tank if the player can play.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#19 Feb 14 2009 at 10:25 PM Rating: Default
1,150 posts
You were asking for places to level your pally.
The forge camps in Nagrand are full of single elites and groups of non elites if that is your sort of thing. The ogres in Nagrand are also great for grinding if you have the place to yourself, fast respawn and quick kills.
But that is just my 2 cents, I was grinding those ogres for a long time today (got me a Talbuk now) and I thought they would be a great location for gaining exp.
#20 Feb 15 2009 at 3:25 AM Rating: Decent
They are slowly smearing out the various tank strengths as well. Pick a tank based on the mechanics you prefer using as Mindel stated. Not on which is better, they all can tank if the player can play.

i hear ya there my main was prot pally to 70 but then we got too many so rolled a druid to go boomkin only to end up bear for raids lol. but the one thing i wish duids did have was an attack to hit all around them not just a frontal 180. maybe on a 30+sec cool down. i know i hate spider wing in naxx if it wasnt for them yanking you all around and my dps aoeing from start i could tank them all np in 25 man but being yanked before i could get a swipe off really hurts. atm lvling up my pally some. think after that gonna lvl my warrior as prot he's only 48.
#21 Feb 16 2009 at 1:26 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I wouldn't have thought those yanking spiders would be an issue for a bear (or warrior for that matter) since you can charge right to them and then start Swiping. They always ***** me over though should I not time my Consecration right. I try to wait for after the "web pull" thing, but sometimes they don't pull me right away, and other times not at all.

That's always been one thing I envied about rage tanks was their ability to charge, but at the same time I don't want it cause that would just be more class homogenization, and I think we have enough of that already.

EDIT: couple typos.

Edited, Feb 16th 2009 1:28am by Maulgak
#22 Feb 16 2009 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
1,004 posts
Not to mention it would be hard to implement a charge for us without vastly overpowering us.

Our abilities are designed in a way that allows for us to take advantage of the fact that we can start spamming everything at the very start of a fight. Without a charge this is neccessary sometimes in order to get control (for a very simple example, look at the recent change to Violet Hold, the Dragonflight Squad that spawns on the upper-left terrace and splits up. Being able to frontload on both groups without having to engage in combat and build up rage is our advantage -- charging is theirs).

Charges don't really fit the persona of the character either. Warriors are immensely skilled combatants but far more agile, random, and undisciplined. Much like a pre-dark age Greek soldier as depicted by people like Homer. Individual heroes. We're much closer related to the post-dark age Hoplites. Immensely disciplined (but pitifully agile) and immovable beacons of raw force.

Too much thought? /agree -- Blizzard has been known to says "damn the persona of a character class" in the past. Still, I can do without a charge :D
#23 Feb 17 2009 at 5:20 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Oh, I agree 100%. I wouldn't want to trade our advantages of not needing a charge to get a charge, ever. It's just those occasions where the Druid charges in, the DPS warriors charge in, the pets charge in, and I'm still running behind them yelling, "I'M A COMIN! DON'T AOE YET!!" lol

Ok, it's not really that bad, just that I "feel" that bad being to the target after some of the DPS, lol.

I get that way on my Enhancement Shaman too, "Wait for me guys, I wanna kick some *** too!"
#24 Feb 17 2009 at 5:28 AM Rating: Default
charge in to get yanked part way there or swipe not hit all of them around them since there is a range and some of the pulls they are spread out. i've yet to try it on 10- man was just 25 man where no one single targeted and heals started right away and while i was trying to gather them all up lost random ones to random dps. but eh it's not supose to be 1 tankable lol. some times back peddling gets annoying like the mass stunns where your trying to back up and bam mobs get stunned so now swipe only hitting ones you backed up to. i'm just waiting to see how they change our armor again.
#25 Feb 17 2009 at 7:39 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Our abilities are designed in a way that allows for us to take advantage of the fact that we can start spamming everything at the very start of a fight. Without a charge this is neccessary sometimes in order to get control (for a very simple example, look at the recent change to Violet Hold, the Dragonflight Squad that spawns on the upper-left terrace and splits up. Being able to frontload on both groups without having to engage in combat and build up rage is our advantage -- charging is theirs).

This has been a real problem. If the DPS DON'T give you a minute to do it - There TENDs to be one group of 2 and one group of 1 or two...

Generally I'm throwing a shield at the Definate group of 2, then turning my back and running to the other group (Might be 1 or two mobs). I use the new taunt on one and try to hit them with HoR quickly. By then the group I shielded is close enough - I will Consecrate.

However - while this has added only minor changes for me - it's a MAJOR change for our DPS. They just need to hold the heck back. It's amazing how they don't understand and the minor adjustment to mob tracking really creates a different feel... I guess this is what it's like for Warrior tanks all the time.

On heroics - I generally Throw Shield, When mobs are in range I HoR, Then Judge, then consecrate (Or something very similar) but the combo of Shield and HoR can stack about 8k plus threat pretty easy... I basically START with a major threat advantage.
#26 Feb 17 2009 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
713 posts
Borsuk wrote:
Our abilities are designed in a way that allows for us to take advantage of the fact that we can start spamming everything at the very start of a fight. Without a charge this is neccessary sometimes in order to get control (for a very simple example, look at the recent change to Violet Hold, the Dragonflight Squad that spawns on the upper-left terrace and splits up. Being able to frontload on both groups without having to engage in combat and build up rage is our advantage -- charging is theirs).

This has been a real problem. If the DPS DON'T give you a minute to do it - There TENDs to be one group of 2 and one group of 1 or two...

Generally I'm throwing a shield at the Definate group of 2, then turning my back and running to the other group (Might be 1 or two mobs). I use the new taunt on one and try to hit them with HoR quickly. By then the group I shielded is close enough - I will Consecrate.

However - while this has added only minor changes for me - it's a MAJOR change for our DPS. They just need to hold the heck back. It's amazing how they don't understand and the minor adjustment to mob tracking really creates a different feel... I guess this is what it's like for Warrior tanks all the time.

On heroics - I generally Throw Shield, When mobs are in range I HoR, Then Judge, then consecrate (Or something very similar) but the combo of Shield and HoR can stack about 8k plus threat pretty easy... I basically START with a major threat advantage.

When I tank heroic Violet hold and that portal opens up I will wait up on the left stairs until the mobs spawn drop a consecrate then head off to Avenger's Shield the other two. Otherwise you can just wait at the stairs in front of the door with your party for both groups to link back up. As long as the dps wait and are behind you there shouldn't be a problem.

Edited, Feb 17th 2009 3:50pm by arthoriuss
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