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New 80 Drood tankFollow

#1 Feb 09 2009 at 5:16 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Dinged 80 on Saturday.

Spent about 1500g and ran 3 Heroics so far.(Nexus, UK, and VH. No wipes, only 1 death. Damn shammy aggro ***** :P )


I know I'm Heroic Ready.

My guild likes to use Wow-heroes to get an idea of gear and it says I'm Naxx ready.

(I look at the site to compare gear/check out my guild more than anything else. IMO Skill > Gear. I did 2.6k dps in Naxx 10 in gear that was red for naxx and the guy who was green did 1.6k)

Anyway. Advice on build, gear, enchants, gems, etc.

I'm obviously working on gearing still, but just looking for comments.

EDIT: I'm at about 31k hp, 31.1k armor, 33% dodge in bear form self buffed atm.

Thanks ahead of time for any advice.

Edited, Feb 9th 2009 8:17am by Galenmoon
#2 Feb 09 2009 at 6:09 AM Rating: Good
256 posts
There is not much to add. You have pretty much the same spec as i do. I took 2 points from thick hide and put into shredding attacks, but keep your thick hide until you get some more armor.

Gear wise you seem pretty well setup for heroics. Check this thread for more info on what gear you should go for and where to get it. Some is from raids, but you can get quite a bit from heroics and badges.
#3 Feb 09 2009 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Pretty much what I figured. I'm working on picking up the idol from Venture Coins, and then it's all Heroics and Naxx for me.

Just making sure I'm on the right track :P
#4 Feb 09 2009 at 11:09 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Get your Venture Idol , use it for trash and keep Terror for single target.

Get them Trollwoven Shoulders . They rock and are very worth the gold.

Hang on to that chest till you get the T7 version. Whether by badge or drops.

VH and Oculus have your meta gem hats, the OC one is better by a bit. VH has a good staff to boot.

Run GunDrak till your legs drop. A nice threat/cat ring drops as well.

Ring comes from DtK , keep the JC one but throw in a Agi gem or exp/Sta or something like that if you really want the socket bonus. The DtK ring is one of the 2 best bear rings so that should be a focus, plus DtK isn't that hard. There are other rings you can get but JC has some nice stuff.

For feet rock Polar Boots or the AC exalted ones . You should make half an effort to get the whole polar set as your stam set, but that is secondary.

Make trinkets are the essence and the badge one . Commendation and beer fest one are fine for now.

Neck is a badge thing or a reg HoS run away.

Once you get some more gear stop gemming for pure stam. Go agi, hit/agi or exp/stam. Agility if the socket is meh and you have the gems for your meta. The orange or purple one if you need other colors.

Swipe and Maul are your bread and butter. Lacerate and Mangle are there to add threat and really make Maul destructive. That Venture Idol will give your AoE tanking a huge kick in the ***** I forget the link but the AP threshold for Swipe to overcome Lacerate as a threat generator on single targets is not that high. Lacerate is still keep at a 5 stack even when this happens single target but Swipe becomes the filler between Mangles and Lacerates to keep the stack up.

Build looks fine, I like the interrupt and therefore the reduced CD on Bash more than KotJ. But is a personal choice. The only thing I would recommend would be to go to 2/2 IMotW and 3/5 Furor especially if you don't always raid with another druid. The lack of a rage proc can be countered by powershifting till it does.

Gems to love are red , orange and purple . For your generic tank set. Sets for a specific goal are different and can't be generalized. This will change when this bad boy gets put in game. The meta for tanking druids is this one .

I typically chant for Agi everywhere except for feet. I want that chant and have to ask my chanter tonight if he finally learned the recipe. Chest +8/+10 all stats depending on how long you think your gonna have the piece for and your gold. SoH for shoulders, stam kits before that or Aldor /Scyer one. Head I like the AC one otherwise stam kit .

I need coffee and should really start to work. Good luck.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#5 Feb 09 2009 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Shoulders are next on my list. I have all the mats except the 6 Eternal Fires, which I'm gonna pick up tonight prolly. I picked up the H UK staff on my first heroic through there, so will keep running VH till I get the staff and Headpiece.

The Venture Idol I'll have to do some work as I've never done any of the things needed to pick up the Coins.

Gundrak and DtK shouldn't be too bad because my guildies like running them for some reason.

Oculus will be the hard one since everyone hates the last boss, though not as bad as HoL.(I like it tbh, it's a coordination fight)

I gemmed for Stam up to 30k so I'd be ready for Naxx. I'll start switching stuff over as I can keep above that threshold. (Think that's a good point to stay above?)

Heroic AN shouldn't be too hard either for the trinket. ( Do you think I should use my first badges on the Trinket or the Neckpiece?)

I'm sticking with the Wyrmrest Arcanum on my headpiece due to the +30 stam in place of a +18 stam armor kit. Hopefully I'll be running so many heroics I can get AC rep up quick for both the Arcanum and the boots.

Thanks for the heads up on some of that stuff.

Works Overrated :P

Edited, Feb 9th 2009 2:57pm by Galenmoon
#6 Feb 09 2009 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Farm HoS for the neck there and spend badges on the trinket. It drops in reg so is very easy to farm for and the run is quick. I had it for a while and I got it from running the instance 3 times in a row.

Hopefully tier stuff drops for you in Naxx. That is a fine HP threshold and I understand you gemming for stam now, makes sense.

You should be running VoA 10 and 25 every week as well. That places is easy as pie. It is the biggest loot pinata to date. As the MT just tank him and stay out of the gas and rock shards, taunt boss when you come out the grab phase. As the OT taunt when the grab happens otherwise the same as MTing. Really simple fight. If he targets you with shards don't move as they follow the target, make sure DPS knows this if it causes a wipe.

Still pretending to work. :P

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Feb 09 2009 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
Thanks again.

I don't think I ever do much except "pretend" to work :p
#8 Feb 09 2009 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
7,732 posts
Me thinks I'm going to pretend to go home in a bit here and pretend to run Naxx.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#9 Feb 10 2009 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
I'd say farm Argent Crusade rep. Those boots are probably your biggest upgrade.

The UK belt is even better than the Trollwoven Girdle fwiw. Can't argue with Horsemouth's recommendations.

#10 Feb 10 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Yeah, I'm going to pick up the AC tabard tonight. I'm already halfway to revered.

Still working on the other pieces, didn't get a chance to farm eternal fires last night, and didn't get any new gear from the ones I'm working on. Unlucky for my tank set, but picked up 4 pieces for my resto offset.

I hate overzealous DPS in H VH. Assist off the tank for the love of everything!
#11 Feb 10 2009 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
861 posts
Galen, I'm guessing what you're seeing is the way the game has devolved. No one assists off tank anymore, no one ccs, no one does anything but pew-pew. People are used to the other three tank classes, whose aoe is in a circle rather than a cone and, particularly for pallies and dks, can basically drop their threat in front of the portals in VH. In fact, I almost always have to remind my group that my aoe is only in a cone, let me position everyone before opening up.
#12 Feb 10 2009 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
That is why I jump around like a crack head in game when I tank and need a beer to boot. Frantically, moving around blasting Swipe and Maul works good, it would be stressful but I have beer so its fun. :)

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#13 Feb 10 2009 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
Yeah, it's a crapshoot anymore. You have to Maul and Swipe your **** off to try and hold aggro while everyone attacks different mobs and AoE's.

I keybinded my marks to the F1-F8 keys, so next time through I'm gonna make certain they understand that I'll put a skull on my focus and they need to start there for single target and that I need a good 4-5 seconds before they can AoE everything down.

My biggest pet peeve is when those mobs split on that one portal and 2 go in each direction, that the DPS immediately starts opening up on the first two I grab before I even get a chance to grab the other two.

I guess as my gear progresses I'll have a much easier time holding threat with just Swipe + Maul spam, but just starting out with gearing, it's a little harder when going on these runs with DPS that is in Full heroic/Naxx gear.

I remember the threat curve back in the day with swipe only hitting 3 targets and no Maul Glyph. I was one of the few brave non pally tanks that would run Heroic Shattered Halls. Always a good way to impress possible recruits by using a druid tank in that place. :P

#14 Feb 10 2009 at 10:41 AM Rating: Default
84 posts

Get your Venture Idol , use it for trash and keep Terror for single target.

Get them Trollwoven Shoulders . They rock and are very worth the gold.

Hang on to that chest till you get the T7 version. Whether by badge or drops.

VH and Oculus have your meta gem hats, the OC one is better by a bit. VH has a good staff to boot...

a lot of that gear i use for kitty, do you think if i just got some tanking rings, necklace, claok, and trinkets i could tank a heroic?

my stats for bear are about 24k armor, 30% dodge, and 400 defense, and 23k health unbuffed.
im not to certain on the minimum stat requirements for heroics, but im geussing im not too far off? it would just be nice to be able to switch to bear when it is needed.

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 1:42pm by drewbeeone
#15 Feb 10 2009 at 10:57 AM Rating: Default

The stats you have look to be OK for starting heroics. You will have to adjust your spec to be effective as a tank. Specifically you should max out Thick Hide and Protector of the Pack. Primal Precision is suggested. And for the love of god, drop the points in Nurturing Instinct.

#16 Feb 10 2009 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
7,732 posts
drewbeeone wrote:
a lot of that gear i use for kitty, do you think if i just got some tanking rings, necklace, claok, and trinkets i could tank a heroic?

my stats for bear are about 24k armor, 30% dodge, and 400 defense, and 23k health unbuffed.
im not to certain on the minimum stat requirements for heroics, but im geussing im not too far off? it would just be nice to be able to switch to bear when it is needed.

The gear for cat and bear to large degree only varies by enchants and gems. Bears like agi and stam, cats like str, crit and AP. With both of them enjoying expertise and hit, cats more hit and bears more expertise.

You would need to be more geared than a bear spec'd druid as PotP, TH and NR help out a good deal. The rough minimums for heroics are ~30x3, if I recall. I totally can't remember what stats I had when I started heroics. I knew I was ready when I dinged but I planned out my gear from regulars in a very **** manner. When you know you are ready you probably are, if you have to ask try and run some regulars tanking or DPS heroics as you probably need some better tank gear.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#17 Feb 10 2009 at 6:25 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
Horse, ran Heroic AN tonight. First time in there on this toon on either regular or heroic. Tanked it. 1 wipe on final boss because 2 of our dps decided not to come down the ramp when I was pulling and got trapped outside.

Essence Dropped.

Talk about luck.

#18 Feb 10 2009 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
For the venture idol, it doesnt need work lol :P
especially at lvl 80 ><

theres 3 quests to get:
the 'kill 10 of other faction'
the 'throw bomb on 20 venture workers'
the 'kill leader of other faction
all on west or east side of venture bay depending on ur faction.

That will give u 30 coins in about 5 minutes
go to the lighthouse, if other faction controls it, AFK behind the lighthouse for 10 min
In the house east of lighthouse is ur vendor, gratz u just got a new idol :P

What i see alot of people forgetting, especially the people who championed as balance/resto:
Mind-Expanding Leggings
If you feel like u get hit to hard, get those over the chain gang ones, revered with kirin tor. ull lose some hp but the avoidance on it is nice

Edited, Feb 11th 2009 3:35am by Chamassa
#19 Feb 10 2009 at 10:43 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Grats Galenmoon. :) The first bunch of times I ran that o reg I kept forgetting the wall went up.

Chamassa, I rocked those legs till my Gored Hide Legguards from GD.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#20 Feb 11 2009 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
676 posts
Oh, and Drew, my stats when I went into my first heroic were 27.5k hp, 29k armor, 31% dodge.

I've picked up several pieces from heroics and put on a few enchants since.

I'm at about 33k hp, 31k armor and 33% dodge now.

18 more badges and I get my Valor Medal of the First War which will give me just over 2% dodge at 80...numnumnum dodge...

My buddy is an inscriptionist/herbalist. He's been pumping out Nobles cards like no other, so I'm trying to work out a drug deal to pick up this for situations where more avoidance would be nice compared to HP with the essence...Darkmoon Card: Greatness

I think I'm drooling....

EDIT: When I equipped that Essence(+111 stam) over my Brewfest(+45 stam) I was still in bear HP went up 1,732. My Shammy healer did a little dance. It was priceless.

Edited, Feb 11th 2009 7:34am by Galenmoon
#21 Feb 11 2009 at 5:53 AM Rating: Good
Galenmoon wrote:
I keybinded my marks to the F1-F8 keys, so next time through I'm gonna make certain they understand that I'll put a skull on my focus and they need to start there for single target and that I need a good 4-5 seconds before they can AoE everything down.

That is freaking brilliant, I've been mulling over what keys to bind raid markers to for the longest time...thanks for the inspiration :D
#22 Feb 11 2009 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
676 posts
Overlord Norellicus wrote:

That is freaking brilliant, I've been mulling over what keys to bind raid markers to for the longest time...thanks for the inspiration :D

Yeah, I'd tried a few variations and this seems to work great because they are out of the way, so I don't hit them on accident, they are easy to remember (normally groups are 4 or less).

Mine ended up being in order from F1-F8
Skull, X, Star, Triangle (the normal amount of mobs so I can just go down the row)

Condom (Usually put on the guy acting a fool)
Square (Hunter Trap/Rogue Sap/Druid Hibernate/Pally Repent)
Moon (Sheep)

Back to the OP discussion, does anyone have an opinion on the rankings of Enraged Feral Staff versus Staff of Trickery?

Pretty much everything I have seen has ranked the Enraged above Trickery.

Here is a Enraged vs Trickery Comparison


EDIT: You're welcome Norellicus. :P

Edited, Feb 11th 2009 9:59am by Galenmoon
#23 Feb 11 2009 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
I don't think you can link the Compare module.

Overall I think the staffs are comparable. Of course, you always want more armor at first because mitigation is super important, so that extra 700 armor is gonna help.

You lose 11 Agi, so around 0.25% dodge. And 16 Stam, which is a hit, but it can be compensated for. The biggest stat loss is from AP and FAP which totals for 315. As a Bear tank, damage is threat, but in this case you should worry more about mitigation, even if you have to tell your DPS to hold back a bit and watch the meters. (Though that shouldn't be an issue even with the loss of AP)

You should probably just run the two Heroics and use whichever staff drops first. :P

Edited, Feb 11th 2009 9:27am by Selverein
#24 Feb 11 2009 at 7:42 AM Rating: Good
You can link the compare module, you just have to use the link IN the module rather than copy/paste the address bar, much like linking talent builds.

I believe this is the comparison Galenmoon was trying to make.
#25 Feb 11 2009 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
676 posts
You got it Norel, strange because when I right clicked and opened in new window in Foxfire, the link I put worked, but when I tried it with IE, it didn't.

Anyway, I already have the Enraged Feral Staff. I've been running VH for the Staff of Trickery.

Just looking to see what everyone thought of the comparison.

They are very close, I assume more physical encounters, Enraged would help more due to the extra Armor up to a certain point, but then you have the offset of having more HP and Dodge from Trickery.

Obviously Trickery wins hands down when it comes to threat generation.

Based off ToskksBear Time to Live Calculator:

When looked at in General:

Enraged = 1.7861
Trickery = 1.7433

When looked at with Avoidance Only:

Trickery = 0.4983
Enraged = 0.4367

Edited, Feb 11th 2009 12:20pm by Galenmoon
#26 Feb 11 2009 at 10:21 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
If the rest of your gear is barely heroic ready I would use it as the Enraged Staff drops in a super easy heroic.

I rocked Trickery the second I got it but had gotten a decent amount of other gear first. The Trickery staff wins on everything but armor. Once that slight bump in armor isn't needed you probably have gotten the trickery staff to drop.

Plus DPS can pump out big numbers, hasn't been an issue yet but I like a big threat lead to keep it that way.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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