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Patch 3.0.9 Rogue ChangesFollow

#1 Feb 09 2009 at 1:57 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
Yes ... I KNOW ... who knew about this patch, and it's dropping this week apparently.

Now onto the more serious news ... the buffs and nerfs, 2 of each. (all I'm saying is I'm glad I've gone combat again ... sorry Mut guys, I truly am)

Rogue (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)

* Mind Numbing Poison now reduces cast time by 30%, down from 60%.
* Mutilate damage will now do 20% increased damage against poisoned targets, down from 50%.

* Hunger for Blood (Assassination): Now increases damage 5% per stack, (up from 3%.)
* Slice and Dice: This ability now increases melee attack speed by 40%, up from 30%.

Edited, Feb 9th 2009 11:09am by robertlofthouse
#2 Feb 09 2009 at 3:36 AM Rating: Decent
4,639 posts
* Mutilate damage will now do 20% increased damage against poisoned targets, down from 50%.

Goodbye mutilate for pvp, hello shadowdance.
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#3 Feb 09 2009 at 4:10 AM Rating: Good
101 posts
Mind Numbing Poison now reduces cast time by 30%, down from 60%.
PvP nerf. Other classes got similiar nerfs too, like mage and his slow ability for example.

Mutilate damage will now do 20% increased damage against poisoned targets, down from 50%.
Big nerf to PvP and smaller one for PvE. Untill shadowdance will get it's own bar, mutilate/prep will remain PvP spec (I guess).

Hunger for Blood (Assassination): Now increases damage 5% per stack, (up from 3%.)
Nice PvE buff. +6% more, that is really nice.

Slice and Dice: This ability now increases melee attack speed by 40%, up from 30%.
Another nice buff for PvE builds.

Overall rogues will be nerfed in PvP and buffed in PvE.
#4 Feb 09 2009 at 5:00 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
Can a mutilate raider answer this ... how much of your total damage comes from Mutilate.

If it's, say, 20% of total damage, then this works out to being about a 4-5% nerf.

HfB replenishes that quite easily, and then adds a bit.

As for it being a PvP nerf, yup it is, but not unexpected - Blizz have said for a while that they will be nerfing Rogue PvP burst damage because it's too high.
#5 Feb 09 2009 at 5:30 AM Rating: Default
4,639 posts
As for it being a PvP nerf, yup it is, but not unexpected - Blizz have said for a while that they will be nerfing Rogue PvP burst damage because it's too high.

And mages instant casting pyroblast for 8k then instant casting fireblast for 5k is perfectly balanced burst damage

Well they're raising fire survivability, so I expect to see more of that soon.

They better nerf druids too, because i'm seeing a lot of 3.5k mangle - cat's, then 8~k ferocious bites.

Edited, Feb 9th 2009 8:36am by Zafire
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

#6 Feb 09 2009 at 6:00 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts
Zafire wrote:
As for it being a PvP nerf, yup it is, but not unexpected - Blizz have said for a while that they will be nerfing Rogue PvP burst damage because it's too high.

And mages instant casting pyroblast for 8k then instant casting fireblast for 5k is perfectly balanced burst damage

Well they're raising fire survivability, so I expect to see more of that soon.

They better nerf druids too, because i'm seeing a lot of 3.5k mangle - cat's, then 8~k ferocious bites.

1) I didn't say it was a good/deserved nerf, I said it was expected. Heck, I don't PvP, and I knew it was coming ... so should you have. (**)
2) Arcane has received a similar burst nerf -> Arcane Power and Pyroblast now share a cooldown - meaning instant, massive damage pyros are not going to be commonplace anymore, while Arcane Power now only increases damage by 10%, not 25%. You've pretty much seen the last of Arcane Powered instant Pyros up your Pattoot.
3) Ferocious bite got the same nerf the warrior's execute got ... can only make use of a maximum of 30 energy, meaning it's burst has pretty much been cut in half.

(**) - so in light of these other PvP nerfs for other classes, it's probably an ok nerf - simply because the other burst classes got the same treatment.

There was also a nerf across the board to all effects that reduced casting speed: - Rogues, 'Locks, Mages are negatively affected here .. casters are positively affected ...
#7 Feb 09 2009 at 6:14 AM Rating: Good
101 posts
robertlofthouse wrote:
Can a mutilate raider answer this ... how much of your total damage comes from Mutilate.

If it's, say, 20% of total damage, then this works out to being about a 4-5% nerf.

I just did OS heroic and at Sartharion my mutilate was 23,7% of all damage. Tank wasn't great, but still even 25-26% is not that much. HfB and SnD buffs will make mutilate build stronger in PvE. 34,6% was my auto-attack damage and with SnD change it will be more (I don't count IP, DP procs, just white auto-attacks here).

Again: PvE = buff, PvP = nerf.
#8 Feb 09 2009 at 6:41 AM Rating: Decent
* Mutilate damage will now do 20% increased damage against poisoned targets, down from 50%.

At first I almost cried, then I saw the SnD and HfB buffs.
Very likely to give an overall higher damage output in pve, providing you don't let them drop.

#9 Feb 09 2009 at 8:05 AM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
Mutilate nerf sucks.
#10 Feb 09 2009 at 10:31 AM Rating: Default
108 posts
I'm wondering if the loss of Muti burstiness will negatively affect those of us who are still leveling. I'm at 74 and the Muti burst is what typically kills mobs before my Kidney shot has even worn off. While I wholeheartedly agree that this is a buff for raiding rogues, it may not be so great for levelers.

#11 Feb 09 2009 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Vvillain wrote:
I'm wondering if the loss of Muti burstiness will negatively affect those of us who are still leveling. I'm at 74 and the Muti burst is what typically kills mobs before my Kidney shot has even worn off. While I wholeheartedly agree that this is a buff for raiding rogues, it may not be so great for levelers.


It's leveling. Don't worry about it. Leveling will practically never be nerfed, at least as far as class changes.
#12 Feb 09 2009 at 11:48 AM Rating: Default
108 posts
While I agree to some extent, I can tell you that I switched quickly to combat about a week ago because I picked up some nice fist weapons. Killing mobs with a deep combat spec was easily 30% more difficult over Muti. Mind you, when I had evasion, Killing spree, AR, S&D, and blade flurry up, the DPS was AMAZING. I was easily able to down a 75 elite at level 74. I don't think that would have been possible with Muti. But we all know those abilities aren't there all of the time.

IMO, for single mob DPS nothing beats leveling with a muti/remorseless build. Since the fights last less than 10 seconds, I believe the bonus reduction from 50% to 20% will be huge for levelers, since IMO it is the mutilates that kill the mobs much more so than the white damage.

Keep in mind most levelers don't take/don't bother with HFB, so the buff there is meaningless.

I hope I'm wrong. I really like the muti spec, but it seemed like for short bursty fights (leveling/PVP) it is getting hit with the nerf bat hard.
#13 Feb 09 2009 at 11:50 AM Rating: Default
19,369 posts
Vvillain wrote:
While I agree to some extent, I can tell you that I switched quickly to combat about a week ago because I picked up some nice fist weapons. Killing mobs with a deep combat spec was easily 30% more difficult over Muti. Mind you, when I had evasion, Killing spree, AR, S&D, and blade flurry up, the DPS was AMAZING. I was easily able to down a 75 elite at level 74. I don't think that would have been possible with Muti. But we all know those abilities aren't there all of the time.

IMO, for single mob DPS nothing beats leveling with a muti/remorseless build. Since the fights last less than 10 seconds, I believe the bonus reduction from 50% to 20% will be huge for levelers, since IMO it is the mutilates that kill the mobs much more so than the white damage.

Keep in mind most levelers don't take/don't bother with HFB, so the buff there is meaningless.

I hope I'm wrong. I really like the muti spec, but it seemed like for short bursty fights (leveling/PVP) it is getting hit with the nerf bat hard.

You're doing it wrong.
#14 Feb 09 2009 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
108 posts
Can you be a little more specific please?
#15 Feb 09 2009 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
19,369 posts
Vvillain wrote:
Can you be a little more specific please?

Post your weapons, armory and combat spec and rotation.
#16 Feb 09 2009 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
114 posts
Vvillain wrote:
Can you be a little more specific please?

Buffs/Nerfs to classes hardly matter when you look at it from a soloing/leveling perspective. Yes, your damage might go down a little bit, but what difference does it make whether your enemy dies in 10 or 11 seconds ? The order in which you get certain skills and at which items become available has probably more impact on your leveling than the question of whether your mutilate does slightly less damage or not.

I really wouldn't worry about it if I were you, because you'll be at level cap fast enough anyway.

As for the changes themselves I'm slowly getting sick of class changes due to pvp whining, but at least this time it seems like they managed to pull of a PVP nerf without negative effects on PVE damage (which they agreed is too low for rogues anyway).
#17 Feb 09 2009 at 5:54 PM Rating: Default
108 posts
Here is my armory with my current mutilate build. Keep in mind because of my bad back I'm a very casual player, and hence, only at level 74 (I only play 2 nights per week).

Here was my combat spec:

And with my combat spec I was using these weps:

Main Hand:

Off Hand:

I apologize, the forum linking system just doesn't seem to want to work for me.

Rotations? For Leveling? OK, if you insist....

Mutilate: CS>>>Mut>>>>KS>>>Mut>>>>Evis>>>>Dead
Combat: CS>>>>SS>>>SS>>>KS>>>S&D>>>SS>>>SS>>>SS>>>>Evis>>>Hope Mob is dead. It felt like Combat was taking about 30% more time to kill the same level mob as Muti.

Edited, Feb 9th 2009 9:40pm by Vvillain
#18 Feb 09 2009 at 9:19 PM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
robertlofthouse wrote:
* Mutilate damage will now do 20% increased damage against poisoned targets, down from 50%.
* Slice and Dice: This ability now increases melee attack speed by 40%, up from 30%.

This combination of changes makes me think that the new optimal Mutilate raid spec will be 51/15/5. Any thoughts?

Edited for clarity.

Edited, Feb 9th 2009 11:19pm by Demea
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#19 Feb 10 2009 at 4:46 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
This combination of changes makes me think that the new optimal Mutilate raid spec will be 51/15/5. Any thoughts?

I don't know... I'm not sure the loss of Opportunity is enough to be replaced with 2 more points in CQC. At least based on my spec Build

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 4:49am by DrgnFlyDrft
#20 Feb 10 2009 at 5:18 AM Rating: Default
3,909 posts
Vvillain wrote:
I'm wondering if the loss of Muti burstiness will negatively affect those of us who are still leveling. I'm at 74 and the Muti burst is what typically kills mobs before my Kidney shot has even worn off. While I wholeheartedly agree that this is a buff for raiding rogues, it may not be so great for levelers

I don't see why you even need to use Kidney Shot. I just went CS, mut, eviscerate, mut. Dead. Actually, they were usually dead after the eviscerate. It's not like we need to be behind them any more, which was the reason we used KS in the first place. Your weapons must suck.

And why the hell do you care about your damage while leveling? Leveling is fcking easy. People only start caring about DPS when they start raiding. That's when these nerfs start to take effect. You don't even notice that sh*t when you're level 75.

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 8:20am by zepoodle
#21 Feb 10 2009 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
108 posts

Are you serious? Do us all a favor, think before you start typing like a 12 year old ******.

Your weapons must suck.

Did you look at my weps? Did you look at my specs? They don't suck for a leveling rogue. KS is used because my mutilates hit as hard as my eviscerates. Why mutilate and risk taking damage when I can KS, then mutilate for more damage then a typical 4-5 point eviscerate?

A KS keeps me from taking damage. Why stop to bandage/eat if you don't have to?

And don't give me crap about "the only thing that matters is raiding". Any leveling/PVP'ing rogue will tell you to kiss his *** when you make comments like that.

Edited, Feb 10th 2009 11:53am by Vvillain
#22 Feb 10 2009 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
Vvillain wrote:
Here is my armory with my current mutilate build. Keep in mind because of my bad back I'm a very casual player, and hence, only at level 74 (I only play 2 nights per week).

Here was my combat spec:

And with my combat spec I was using these weps:

Main Hand:

Off Hand:

I apologize, the forum linking system just doesn't seem to want to work for me.

Rotations? For Leveling? OK, if you insist....

Mutilate: CS>>>Mut>>>>KS>>>Mut>>>>Evis>>>>Dead
Combat: CS>>>>SS>>>SS>>>KS>>>S&D>>>SS>>>SS>>>SS>>>>Evis>>>Hope Mob is dead. It felt like Combat was taking about 30% more time to kill the same level mob as Muti.

Edited, Feb 9th 2009 9:40pm by Vvillain


I don't know why you're taking so long to pop SnD. Also make sure you have wound poison up on both your weapons. That offhand fist is ok, but I'd probably get a quicker dagger instead. That mainhand is pretty meh for a rogue. Your hit rating sucks too.

My average combat time per mob is like 4 seconds. 30% more time? That's like 1 extra second. The cooldown abilities have low CDS. Which means they're up pretty often. And it's like having an ****** every 2-3 minutes.

Combat is the faster leveling build. If not then you're doing it wrong.

#23 Feb 10 2009 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
3,451 posts
Agreed, for PvP it does suck. :(
#24 Feb 10 2009 at 10:39 AM Rating: Default
108 posts

I don't know why you're taking so long to pop SnD

Well I suppose my thought process was not to blow 2 cps on S&D (which is way overkill especially with imp S&D) when they would be put to better use for a longer KS. Assuming Ruthlessness doesn't proc after the S&D, your talking about a 2 point KS in the rotation you quoted above......which doesn't seem like much.

Meh.....I'll give it a try. Especially with the improvements to S&D it is probably worth popping sooner.

Yeah hit rating is low because I initially broke this toon off my main account at level 60 to give to my wife to play (BC had just been released). She decided to quit playing after a month, so it just sat there at level 64 for over a year. In the meantime I quit wow, and got rid of my main account. Honestly though, the hit gear on my main rogue was no better, but that was because he was in s2/s3 gear, and was only used for PVP.

When I decided to come back I just decided to level my wife's orphaned rogue instead of starting a new one at level 1. My point is, I just solo'd the rogue to where it is now. Skipped the Outland dungeons because no one was running them and my current gear is ungemmable, and certainly not worth enchanting. My hit is going to have to stay where it is for a while.
#25 Feb 10 2009 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Honestly, I found any gear with decent hit rating to be slim to nil levelling from 70-80. Mid 70s, when I started finding gear that I couldn't reconcile not taking as upgrades from my old raiding purples, almost nothing had hit on it. My hit rating was atrocious until after a few weeks of Naxx 10s.

Now, little by little I'm starting to be able to gem some agi because I'm over poison cap, but it's only been recently.
#26 Feb 11 2009 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
4,639 posts
I'm surprised, I notice absolutely NO difference on cloth and leather classes. I notice a subtle difference on mail classes (Hunters, shamans), and I REALLY notice it on plate and bear druids. In all it's not as bad as I thought. I can still burn a rogue down with 18k hp before a stunlocks over.

I usually just bleed/dismantle warriors to death, so it doesn't really bother me much there. I guess ferals, DK's and Paladins are out of the question now.

Edited, Feb 11th 2009 3:16am by Zafire
Hume male, Zafire, Server: Sylph
50DNC, 50SMN, 50BRD, 50SAM, 50DRG, 50WHM, 52THF, 52COR, 52MNK, 58BST, 60WAR, 67PLD, 69PUP, 75RNG, 75SCH, 75BLM, 80NIN, 80DRK, 85BLU, 85RDM
Retired since February 2011.
All SJ's capped for LVL99!

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